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Chapter 5

ROOTS cerebr/o, encephal/o brain cerebropathy, cerebrospinal, encephalitis
ROOT cerebell/o cerebellum cerebellar, cerebellitis
ROOT lob/o lobe lobotomy, lobectomy
ROOT cephal/o head microcephaly, macrocephaly
ROOT crani/o head, skull craniometer, cranimalacla
ROOTS mening/o, meningl/o meninges (membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord) meningitis, meningopathy
ROOT dur/o dura (tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord) epidural, subdural hematoma
Root nene/o nerve neuralgla, neuropathy
ROOT gangli/o nerve bundle ganglion, ganglitis
ROOT myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow myelitis, myelodysplasia
ROOT esthes!/o feeling, sensation anesthesla, hyperesthesla
ROOT phas/o speech aphasia
ROOTS somn/o, somn/I, hypn/o sleep somnography, Insomnia, hypnosis Someone who walks whlle sleeping Is experiencing somnambulation, which comes from the words somno (sleep) + ambulo (Walk)
ROOTS phren/o, psych/o mind phrenetic, psychology
ROOT gnosi/o know agnosla, diagnosis, prognosis
SUFFIX -mania excessive desire pyromanla, kleptomania
SUFFIX: -phobia excessive fear or sensitivity photophobla, hydrophobia
SUFFIX: -plegia paralysis quadriplegia
SUFFIX: -paresis slight or partial paralysis hemiparesis
ROOT: ton/o muscle tone, tension, pressure dystonia, tonograph
ROOT: tax/o arrangement, order, coordination ataxla, hypotaxia
SUFFIX: -asthenla weakness myasthenla, phonasthenla
ah-FAY-zhah aphasia a /phas /ia not / speaking / condition inability to speak
ah-TAK-see-ah ataxia a / taxia no / coordination lack of coordination
KAT-ah-TOHN-la catatonia cata /ton /ia down / muscle / tone condition characterized by reduced muscle tone
deh-LEER-ee-um delirium from Latin, for "to plow outside the furrow"; perhaps translates to "go off the tracks “ brief loss of mental function
da-MEN-chah dementia de /ment / ia down / mind / condition loss/decline in mental function
DIS-kih-NEE-zhah dyskinesia dys / kinesia bad / movement difficulty moving
dis-LEK-see-ah dyslexla dys / lex /ia bad / reading / condition difficulty reading
dis-FAY-zhah dysphasia dys / phas /ia bad / speaking / condition difficulty speaking
dis-TOH-nee-ah dystonia dys / ton /ia bad / muscle tone / condition condition characterized by involuntary muscle movements
in-SOM-nee-ah insomnia in / somn /ia not / sleeping / condition inability to sleep
MAI-AWK-loh-nus myoclonus myo / clonus muscle / turmoil muscle twitching
MAl-oh-spazm myospasm myo / spasm muscle / involuntary contraction Involuntary muscle contraction
NUR-as-THEE-nee-ah neurasthenla neur / asthenia nerve /weakness nerve weakness
sawm-NAM-byoo-lizm somnambulism somn / ambul / ism sleep / walk / condition sleep walking
SING-koh-pee syncope from Greek, for "contraction" or "cut off" fainting; losing consciousness due to temporary loss of blood flow to brain
sef-ah-LAL-Jee-ah cephalalgla cephal / algia head /pain head pain
SEF-ah-loh-DIN-ee-ah cephalodynia cephalo / dynia head / pain head pain
in-SEF-al-AL-jee-ah encephalalgia encephal / algia brain / pain
noo-RAL-jee-ah neuralgia neur / algia nerve / pain nerve pain
NUH-roh-DIN-ee-ah neurodynia neuro / dynia nerve / pain nerve pain
hem-ee-par-EE-sis hemiparesis hemi / paresis half / partial paralysis partial paralysis on half the body
hem-ee-PLEE-jee-ah hemiplegia hemi / plegia half / paralysis paralysis on half the body
mawn-oh-pah-REE-sis monoparesis mono / paresis one / partial paralysis partial paralysis of one limb
mawn-oh-PLEE-jee-ah monoplegia mono / plegia one / paralysis paralysis of one limb
pah-RAL-ih-sis paralysis from Greek, for "to disable" complete loss of sensation and motor function
puh-REE-sis paresis from Greek, for "to let go" partial paralysis characterized by varying degrees of sensation and motor function
kaw-SAL-lee-ah causalgla caus / algia burn / pain painful sensation of burning
DIS-es-THEE-zhah dysesthesia dys / esthesia bad / sensation bad feeling
HAI-per-es-THEE-zhah hyperesthesia hyper / esthesia over / sensation Increased sensation
PAR-es-THEE-zhah paresthesla par / esthesia beside / sensation abnormal sensation (usually numbness or tingling in the skin)
SOO-des-THEE-zhah pseudesthesia pseud / esthesia false / sensation false sensation
SIN-es-THEE-zhah synesthesia syn /esthesia together / sensation condition where one sensation is experienced as another
AK-roh-FOH-bee-ah acrophobia acro / phobia heights / excessive fear fear of heights
ah-GOR-ah-FOH-bee-ah agoraphobia agora / phobia marketplace / excessive fear fear of outdoor spaces
HAI-droh-FOH-bee-ah hydrophobia hydro / phobia water excessive fear fear of water
KLEP-toh-MAY-nee-ah kleptomania klepto / mania theft / excessive desire desire to steal
FOH-toh-FOH-bee-ah photophobia photo / phobia light / excessive sensitivity excessive sensitivity to light
PAI-roh-MAY-nee-ah pyromania pyro / mania fire / excessive desire desire to set fire
eh-LEK-troh-en-SEF-ah-LAWG-rah-fee electroencephalography (EEG) electro / encephalo / graphy electricity / brain / writing procedure procedure used to examine the electrical activity of the brain
LUM-bar PUNK-chir lumbar puncture (LP) lumb / ar lower back / pertaining to puncture inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine in order to collect spinal fluid, commonly called a spinal tap
seh-REE-bral AN-Jee-AWG-rah-fee cerebral anglography cerebr / al angio / graphy brain pertaining to vessel / writing procedure procedure used to examine blood vessels in the brain
mag-NET-Ik REZ-oh-nants AN-Jee-AWG-rah-fee magnetic resonance anglography (MRA) angio / graphy vessel / writing procedure procedure used to examine blood vessels
MAl-eh-loh-gram myelogram myelo /gram spinal cord / record image of the spinal cord, usually done using x-ray
PAWZ-ih-trawn ee-MISH-un toh-MAWG-rah-fee positron emission tomography (PET) scan e / mission tomo / graphy out / send cut / writing procedure an imaging procedure that uses radiation (positrons) to produce cross sections of the brain
tranz-KRAY-nee-al DAWP-|er soh-NAWG-rah-fee transcranial Doppler sonography trans / cranial Doppler sono / graphy through / skull Doppler sound / writing procedure an imaging technique that produces an image of the brain using sound waves sent through the skull
SER-eh-bel-Al-tis cerebellitis cerebell / itis cerebellum / inflammation inflammation of the cerebellum
seh-REE-bral A-troh-fee cerebral atrophy cerebral / al a / trophy brain / pertaining to no / nourishment wasting away of brain tissue
doo-RAl-tis duritis dur / itis dura / inflammation inflammation of the dura
en-SEF-ah-loh-SEEL encephalocele encephalo / cele brain / hernia hernia of the brain (normally through a defect in the skull)
HEE-mah-TOH-mah hematoma hemat / oma blood / tumor a tumorlike mass made up of blood
KRAY-nee-al HEE-mah-TOH-mah cranial hematoma crani / al hemat / oma skull / pertaining to blood / tumor a hematoma beneath the skull
EP-ih-DIR-al HEE-mah-TOH-mah epidural hematoma epi / dur / al hemat / oma upon / dura / pertaining to blood tumor a hematoma located on top of the dura
IN-trah-se-REE-bral HEE-mah-TOH-mah Intracerebral hematoma intra / cerebr / al hemat / oma inside / brain pertaining to blood / tumor a hematoma located inside the brain
sub-DIR-al HEE-mah-TOH-mah subdural hematoma sub / dur / al hemat / oma beneath / dura / pertaining to blood / tumor a hematoma located beneath the dura
MAK-roh-SEF-ah-lee macrocephaly macro / cephal / y large / head / condition abnormally large head
MAI-kroh-SEF-ah-lee microcephaly micro / cephal / y small / head / condition abnormally small head
men-IN-goh-seel meningocele meningo / cele meninges / hernia a hernia of the meninges
MAl-eh-loh-seel myelocele myelo / cele spinal cord / hernia a hernia of the spinal cord
MAl-eh-loh-mah-LAY-shee-ah myelomalacia myelo / malacia spinal cord / softening abnormal softening of the spinal cord
MAl-eh-loh-men-IN-goh-seel myelomeningocele myelo / meningo / cele spinal cord / meninges / hernia a hernia of the spinal cord and meninges
noo-RAl-tis neuritis neur / itis nerve / inflammation nerve inflammation
nir-OH-mah neuroma neur / oma nerve / tumor a nerve tumor
NOO-roh-skleh-ROH-sis neurosclerosis neuro / scler / osis nerve / hardening / condition hardening of nerves
PAWL-ee-noo-RAIT-is polyneuritis poly / neur / itis many / nerve / inflammation inflammation of multiple nerves
AG-noh-zhah agnosla a / gnos /ia not / knowledge / condition inability to comprehend
AP-ah-thee apathy a / path /y no / suffering / condition lack of emotion
HAI-per-kih-NEE-shah hyperkinesia hyper / kinesia over / movement increase in muscle movement or activity
NIR-as-THEE-nee-ah neurasthenia neur / asthenia nerve / weakness nerve weakness
NIR-oh-glai-koh-PEE-nee-ah neuroglycopenla neuro / glyco / penia nerve / sugar / deficiency deficiency of sugar that interferes with normal brain activity
nis-TAG-mus nystagmus from Greek, for "to nod” involuntary back and forth eye movements
PRAWS-oh-pag-NOH-see-ah prosopagnosla prosop / a / gnos / ia face /no / knowledge / condition inability to recognize faces
AN-es-THEE-zee-AWL-ah-jist anesthesiologist an / esthesio / logist no / sensation / specialist doctor who specializes in anesthesiology
AF-eh-rent nirv afferent nerve af / ferent nerve toward / carry a nerve that carries impulses toward the central nervous system
EF-eh-rent niry efferent nerve ef / ferent nerve away / carry a nerve that carries impulses away from the central nervous system
NIR-oh-JIN-ik neurogenic neuro / gen / ic nerve / creation / pertaining to originating from/created by nerves
sal-KAl-ah-trist psychiatrist psych / iatrist mind / specialist doctor who specializes in the treatment of the mind
sai-KAl-ah-tree psychiatry psych / iatry mind / specialty branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of the mind
sai-koh-JIN-ik psychogenic psycho / gen / ic mind / creation / pertaining to originating in/created by the mind
sal-KAWL-ah-jist psychologist psycho / logist mind / specialist doctor who specializes in the study of the mind
sai-KAWL-ah-jee psychology psycho / logy mind / study branch of medicine that focuses on the study of the mind
SAI-koh-soh-MAT-ik psychosomatic psycho / somat / ic mind /body pertaining to pertaining to the relationship between the body and the mind
ID-ee-oh-PATH-Ik Idiopathic idio / path / ic private / disease / pertaining to having no known cause or origin
IN-ter-IK-tal interictal inter /ictal between seizure time between seizures
post-IK-tal postictal post / ictal after / seizure time after a seizure
pree-IK-tal prelctal pre / ictal before I seizure time before a selzure
TAWN-Ik tonic ton / ic muscle / pertaining to pertaining to muscle tone (normally weak or unresponsive
CLOH-nis clonus from Greek, for "violent" muscle spasm or twitching
TAWN-ik CLAWN-ik SEE-zhir tonic-clonic seizure ton / ic. clon / ic muscle / pertaining to spasm / pertaining to a seizure characterized by both a tonic and a clonic phase
SER-eh-broh-VAS-kyoo-lar AK-sih-dent cerebrovascular accident (CA) cerebro / vascul / ar brain / blood vessel /pertaining to an accident involving the blood vessels of the brain
STROHK stroke stroke loss of brain function caused by interruption of blood flow/supply to the brain
HEM-oh-RA-ilk STROHK hemorrhagic stroke hemo / rrhag /ic blood / excessive bleeding / pertaining to a stroke where the blood loss is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel
ihs-KEE-mik STROHK Ischemic stroke isch /em / ic hold back / blood / pertaining to a stroke where the blood loss is caused by a blockage
TRAN-zee-ent Ih-SKEE-mik ah-TAK translent Ischemic attack (TIA) trans /ient isch /em / ic across / go hold back / blood / pertaining to a "mini-stroke" caused by the blockage of a blood vessel, which resolves (goes away) within 24 hours
SER-eh-broh-VAS-kyoo-lar dih-ZEEZ cerebrovascular disease cerebro / vascul / ar brain / ar / blood vessel / pertaining to a disease of the blood vessels of the brain
SER-eh-bral AN-yoo-rizm cerebral aneurysm cerebr / al an / eury / sm brain / pertaining to out / wide / condition the widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain
SER-eh-bral ar-TER-ee-oh-skleh-ROH-sis cerebral arteriosclerosis cerebr / al arterio / scler osis brain / pertaining to altery / hardening / condition the hardening of an artery in the brain
SER-eh-bral ATH-eh-roh-skleh-ROH-sis cerebral atherosclerosis cerebr / al athero / scler /osis brain / pertaining to fatty / hardening / condition the hardening of an artery in the brain caused by the buildup of fatty plaque
SER-eh-bral EM-boh-lizm cerebral embolism cerebr / al embol / ism brain / pertaining to stopper / condition the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a foreign object (embolus) such as fat or bacteria
SER-eh-bral throm-BOH-sis cerebral thrombosis cerebr / al thromb / osis brain / pertaining to clot osis / condition the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a blood clot
KRAY-nee-oh-mah-LAY-shee-ah cranlomalacia cranio / malacia skull / softening abnormal softening of the skull
KRAY-nee-oh-skleh-ROH-sis craniosclerosis cranio / scler / osis skull / hardening / condition abnormal hardening of the skull
KRAY-nee-oh-steh-NOH-sis cranlostenosis cranio / sten / osis skull / narrow / condition abnormal narrowing of the skull
KRAY-nee-oh-SIN-aws-TOH-sis cranlosynostosis cranio / syn ost / osis skull / together / bone / condition premature fusing of the skull bones
HAI-droh-SEF-ah-lee hydrocephaly hydro / cephal / y water / head / condition abnormal accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain
ASS-troh-sai-TOH-mah astrocytoma astro / cyt / oma star / cell / tumor a tumor arising from astrocyte glial cells
GANG-lee-OH-mah ganglioma gangli / oma ganglion / tumor ganglion tumor
GLEE-oh-blas-TOH-mah glio / blast / oma glue / sprout / tumor a brain tumor arising from glioblast cells
men-IH-jee-OH-mah meningloma meningi / oma meninges / tumor tumor of the meninges
SER-eh-bel-Al-tis cerebellitis cerebell / itis cerebellum / inflammation inflammation of the cerebellum
SER-eh-bro-MEN-in-JAI-tis cerebromeningitis cerebro / mening / itis brain / meninges / inflammation inflammation of the brain and meninges
in-SEF-ah-LAI-tis encephalitis encephal/ itis brain / inflammation inflammation of the brain
in-SEF-ah-loh-MAl-el-AlT-is encephalomyelitis encephalo / myel / itis brain / spinal cord / inflammation inflammation of the brain and spinal cord
in-SEF-ah-loh-MAl-eh-loh-noo-RAWP-ah-thee encephalomyeloneuropathy encephalo / myelo / neuro / pathy brain / spinal cord / nerve / disease disease of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
en-SEF-ah-LAWP-ah-thee encephalopathy encephalo / pathy brain / disease disease of the brain
in-SEF-ah-loh-pal-OH-sis encephalopyosis encephalo / py / osis brain / pus / condition a pus-filled abscess in the brain
GANG-glee-Al-tis gangllitis gangli / itis ganglion / inflammation inflammation of a ganglion
IN-trah-SER-eh-bral HEM-oh-raj Intracerebral hemorrhage intra / cerebr / al hemo / rrhage inside / brain / pertaining to blood / excessive bleeding excessive bleeding inside the brain
men-in-GAWP-ah-thee meningopathy meningo / pathy meninges / disease disease of the meninges
men-en-JAIT-is meningitis mening /itis meninges / inflammation inflammation of the meninges
meh-NIN-goh-in-SEF-ah-LAl-tis meningoencephalltis meningo / encephal / itis meninges / brain / inflammation inflammation of the meninges and brain
mal-eh-LAIT-Is myelitis myel /itis spinal cord / inflammation inflammation of the spinal cord
MAl-el-oh-dis-PLAY-zee-ah myelodysplasla myelo /dys /plas /ia spinal cord / bad / formation / condition defective formation of the spinal cord
MAl-e-LAWP-ah-thee myelopathy myelo / pathy spinal cord / disease disease of the joint associated with nerves
NOO-roh-in-SEF-ah-loh-MAI-eh-LAWP-ah-thee neuroencephalomyelopathy neuro / encephalo / myelo / pathy nerve / brain / spinal cord / disease disease of the nerves, brain, and spinal cord
noo-RAWP-ah-thee neuropathy neuro / pathy nerve / disease disease of the nervous system
POH-lee-oh-MAI-eh-LAIT-is poliomyelitis polio / myel / itis gray / spinal cord / inflammation inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
PAWL-ee-noo-RAWP-ah-thee polyneuropathy poly / neuro / pathy many / nerve / disease disease affecting multiple nerves
a-MAl-aw-TROH-fik LAT-er-al skleh-ROH-sis amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) a /myo / troph /ic lateral scler /osis not / muscle / nourishment /pertaining to side hardening / condition degenerative disease central nervous loss muscle control,hardening (sclerosis)(lateral)spine loss tissue
AN-oh-REK-se-ah anorexia an / orex / ia no / appetite / condition an eating disorder characterized by the patient's restricting food or refusing to eat
AW-tizm autism aut / ism self / condition a psychiatric disorder characterized by difficulties in social communication and interaction, as well as repetitive and/or restrictive patterns of behavior or interests.
boo-LEE-mee-ah bullmla bu /lim /ia ox /hunger / condition an eating disorder characterized by overeating and usually followed by forced purging or getting rid of food (e.g., forced vomiting.
SER-ah-bril PAL-zee cerebral palsy cerebr / al palsy brain / pertaining to paralysis paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement
dis-FOR-ee-ah dysphorla dys / phor / ia bad / carry / condition a negative emotional state
EP-ih-LEP-see epllepsy epi / lepsy upon / seize a disease marked by seizures
yoo-FOR-ee-ah euphoria eu / phor / ia good / carry / condition a positive emotional state
HAI-poh-MAY-nee-ah hypomania hypo / mania under / excessive anger a mental state just below mania
MAN-ik de-PRESH-un manic depression (bipolar disorder manic depression excitement depression a psychiatric disorder characterized by alternating bouts of excitement and depression
mai-as-THEH-nee-ah myasthenla my / asthenia muscle / weakness muscle weakness
NAR-coh-LEP-see narcolepsy narco / lepsy sleep / seize a disease characterized by sudden, uncontrolled sleepiness
sal-KAWP-ah-thee psychopathy psycho / pathy mind / disease a mental illness
SKIT-zoh-FREH-nee-ah schizophrenia schizo / phren / ia divide / mind / condition a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered speech
noor-OH-sis neurosis neur / osis nerve / condition a nerve condition
sai-KOH-sis psychosis psych / osis mind / condition a mind condition
an-es-THET-Ik anesthetic an / esthetic not / sensation a drug that causes loss of sensation
JEH-nir-al an-es-THET-Ik general anesthetic anesthetic that causes complete loss of consciousness
LOH-kal an-es-THET-Ik local anesthetic anesthetic that does not affect consciousness
REE-joh-nal an-es-THET-ik regional anesthetic anesthetic that is injected into a nerve causing loss of sensation over a particular area
TAWP-ih-kal an-es-THET-ik topical anesthetic local anesthesia applied to the surface of the area to be anesthetized
EP-ih-DOOR-al an-es-THET-ik epidural anesthetic epi / dur / al upon / dura anesthetic applied in the dural region of the spinal cord
AN-al-JEE-zik analgesic an / alge / sic not / pain / agent a drug that relieves pain
ANT-ee-kon-VUL-sant anticonvulsant anti /convuls /ant against / convulsion / agent a drug that opposes convulsions
ANT-ih-deh-pres-ant antidepressant anti / depress / ant against / depression / agent a drug that opposes depression
ANT-Ih-SAI-KOT-ik antipsychotic anti / psycho / tic against / psychosis / agent a drug that opposes psychoses
ANG-zee-oh-LIT-ik anxiolytic anxio / lytic anxiety / breakdown agent a drug that lessens anxiety
hip-NAWT-ik hypnotic hypno / tic sleep /agent a drug that aids sleep
NOO-roh-FAR-mah-KAWL-oh-jee neuropharmacology neuro / pharmaco / logy nerve / drug / study the study of the effects of drugs on the nervous system
SAI-koh-FAR-mah-KAWL-oh-jee psychopharmacology psycho / pharmaco / logy mind / drug / study the study of the effects of drugs on mental processes
SAI-koh-TROHP-ik psychotropic psycho / trop / ic mind /turn / agent drugs that are able to turn the mind
THRAWM-boh-LIT-ik thrombolytic thrombo / lytic clot / breakdown agent a drug that dissolves clots
SER-eh-BRAWT-oh-mee cerebrotomy cerebro / tomy brain / incision Incision into the brain
KEE-moh-THER-ah-pee chemotherapy chemo / therapy chemical / treatment treatment using chemicals
KRAY-nee-EK-toh-mee craniectomy crani / ectomy skull / removal removal of a piece of the skull
KRAY-nee-AWT-oh-mee craniotomy cranio / tomy skull / incision incision into the skull
END-ar-ter-EK-toh-mee endarterectomy end / arter / ectomy inside / artery / removal removal of the inside of an artery
EN-doh-VAS-kyoo-lar NIR-oh-SIR-jeh-ree endovascular neurosurgery endo / vascul / ar neuro / surgery inside / vessel / pertaining to nerve / surgery surgery on the nervous system performed by entering the body through blood vessels
loh-BEK-toh-mee lobectomy lob / ectomy lobe / removal removal of a lobe
loh-BAWT-oh-mee lobotomy lobo / tomy lobe / incision incision into a lobe
noo-REK-toh-mee neurectomy neur / ectomy nerve / removal removal of a nerve
noo-RAWL-ih-sis neurolysis neuro /lysis nerve / loose destruction of nerve tissue
NOO-roh-PLAS-tee neuroplasty neuro / plasty nerve / reconstruction reconstruction of a nerve
noo-ROR-ah-fee neurorrhaphy neuro / rrhaphy nerve / suture suturing of a nerve (often the severed ends of a nerve)
noo-RAWT-oh-mee neurotomy neuro / tomy nerve / incision incision into a nerve
ADHD attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease)
CNS central nervous system
СР cerebral palsy
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CVA cerebrovascular accident
EEG electroencephalogram
EMG electromyogram
ICP intracranial pressure
LOC level of consciousness
LP lumbar puncture
MRA magnetic resonance angiography
MS multiple sclerosis
OCD obsessive compulsive disorder
PET positron emission tomography
PNS peripheral nervous system
TIA transient ischemic attack
-asthenia weakness
cephal/o head
cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o brain
crani/o head, skull
dur/o tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord
encephal/o brain
esthesi/o feeling, sensation
gangli/o nerve bundle
gnosi/o know
hypn/o sleep
lob/o lobe
mania excessive desire
mening/o, meningi/o meninges; membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord
myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow
neur/o nerve
-paresis slight or partial paralysis
phas/o speech
-phobia excessive fear
phren/o mind
-plegia paralysis
psych/o mind
somn/o, somn/I sleep
tax/o arrangement, order coordination
ton/o muscle tone, tension
acrophobla fear of heights
afferent nerve a nerve that carries impulses toward the central nervous system
agnosla inability to comprehend
agoraphobla fear of outdoor spaces
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) a degenerative disease of the central nervous system, causing loss of muscle control; also known as Lou Gehrig's disease
analgesic a drug that relieves pain
anesthesiologist doctor who specializes in anesthesiology
anesthetic a drug that causes loss of sensation
anorexia an eating disorder characterized by the patient's restricting food or refusing to eat
anticonvulsant a drug that opposes convulsions
antidepressant a drug that opposes depression
antipsychotic a drug that opposes psychosis
anxiolytic a drug that lessens anxiety
apathy lack of emotion
aphasia inability to speak
astrocytoma a tumor arising from astrocyte glial cell
ataxia lack of coordination
autism a psychiatric disorder characterized by difficulties in social communication and interaction, as well as repetitive and/or restrictive patterns of behavior or interests
bulimia an eating disorder characterized by overeating and usually followed by purging or getting rid of the food (e.g., forced vomiting)
catatonia condition characterized by reduced muscle tone
causalgla painful sensation of burning
cephalalgia head pain
cephalodynia head pain
cerebellitis inflammation of the cerebellum
cerebral aneurysm the widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain
cerebral angiography procedure used to examine blood vessels in the brain
cerebral arteriosclerosis the hardening of an artery in the brain
cerebral atherosclerosis the hardening of an artery in the brain caused by the buildup of fatty plaque
cerebral atrophy wasting away of brain tissue
cerebral embolism the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a foreign object (embolus) such as fat or bacteria
cerebral palsy paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement
cerebral thrombosis the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a clot
cerebromeningitis inflammation of the brain and meninges
cerebrotomy incision into the brain
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) an accident involving the blood vessels of the brain
cerebrovascular disease a disease of the blood vessels of the brain
chemotherapy treatment using chemicals
clonus muscle spasm or twitching
cranial hematoma a hematoma beneath the skull
craniectomy removal of a plece of the skull
craniomalacia abnormal softening of the skull
craniosclerosis abnormal hardening of the skull
craniostenosis abnormal narrowing of the skull
craniosynostosis the premature fusing of the skull bones
craniotomy incision into the skull
delirium brief loss of mental function
dementia loss/decline in mental function
duritis Inflammation of the dura
dysesthesla bad feeling
dyskinesia difficulty moving
dyslexia difficulty reading
dysphasia difficulty speaking
dysphorla a negative emotional state
dystonia condition characterized by involuntary muscle movements
echoencephalography procedure used to examine the brain using sound waves
efferent nerve a nerve that carries impulses away from the central nervous system
electroencephalography (EEG) procedure used to examine the electrical activity of the brain
encephalalgia brain pain
encephalitis Inflammation of the brain
encephalocele hernia of the brain (normally through a defect in the skull)
encephalography procedure for studying the brain
encephalomyelitis inflammation of the brain and spinal cord
encephalomyeloneuropathy disease of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
encephalopathy disease of the brain
encephalopyosis a pus-filled abscess in the brain
endarterectomy removal of the inside of an artery
endovascular neurosurgery surgery on the nervous system performed by entering the body through blood vessels
epidural anesthetic anesthetic applied in the dural region of the spinal cord
epidural hematoma a hematoma located on top of the dura
epilepsy a disease marked by seizures
euphoria a positive emotional state
gangliltis inflammation of the ganglion
ganglioma ganglion tumor
general anesthetic anesthetic that causes complete loss of consciousness
glioblastoma a brain tumor arising from glioblast cells
hematoma a tumorlike mass made up of blood
hemiparesis partial paralysis on half of the body
hemiplegia paralysis on half the body
hemorrhagic stroke a stroke where blood loss is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel
hydrocephaly abnormal accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain
hydrophobia fear of water
hyperesthesia increased sensation
hyperkinesia increase in muscle movement or activity
hypnotic a drug that aids sleep
hypomania a mental state just below mania
idiopathic having no known cause or origin
Insomnia inability to sleep
interictal time between seizures
intracerebral hematoma a hematoma located inside the brain
Intracerebral hemorrhage excessive bleeding inside the brain
Ischemic stroke a stroke where blood loss is caused by a blockage
kleptomania desire to steal
lobectomy removal of a lobe
lobotomy incision into a lobe
local anesthetic any anesthetic that does not affect consciousness
lumbar puncture (LP) inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine in order to collect spinal fluid
macrocephaly abnormally large head
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) procedure used to examine blood vessels
manic depression (bipolar disorder) a psychiatric disorder characterized by alternating bouts of excitement and depression
meningioma tumor of the meninges
meningitis inflammation of the meninges
meningocele a hernia of the meninges
meningoencephalitis inflammation of the meninges and brain
meningopathy disease of the meninges
paralysis complete loss of sensation and motor function
paresis partial paralysis characterized by varying degrees of sensation and motor function
paresthesia abnormal sensation (usually numbness or tingling in the skin)
photophobia excessive sensitivity to light
poliomyelitis Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
polyneuritis Inflammation of multiple nerves
polyneuropathy disease affecting multiple nerves
positron emission tomography (PET) scan an Imaging procedure that uses radiation (positrons) to produce cross sections of the brain
postictal time after a selzure
preictal time before a selzure
prosopagnosia Inability to recognize faces
pseudoesthesia false sensation
psychlatrist doctor who specializes in treatment of the mind
psychiatry branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of the mind
psychogenic originating in/created by the mind
psychologist doctor who specializes in the study of the mind
psychology branch of medicine that focuses on the study of the mind
psychopathy a mental illness
psychopharmacology the study of the effects of drugs on mental processes
psychosis a mind condition (involves some sort of break with reality interfering with rational thought or daily functioning)
psychosomatic pertaining to the relationship between the body and the mind
psychotropic drugs that are able to turn the mind
pyromania desire to set fires
regional anesthesia anesthetic that is injected into a nerve, causing loss of sensation over a particular area
schizophrenia a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered speech
somnambulism sleep walking
stroke loss of brain function caused by interruption of blood flow/supply to the brain
subdural hematoma a hematoma located beneath the dura
syncope fainting; losing consclousness due to temporary loss of blood flow to the brain
synesthesla condition where one sensation Is experienced as another
thrombolytic a drug that dissolves clots
tonic pertaining to muscle tone (normally weak or unresponsive)
tonic-clonic seizure a seizure characterized by both a tonic and a clonic phase
topical anesthetic local anesthesia applied to the surface of the area to be anesthetized
transcranial Doppler sonography an imaging technique that produces an image of the brain using sound waves sent through the skull
transient ischemic attack (TIA) a mini-stroke caused by the blockage of a blood vessel that resolves (goes away) within 24 hours
(Root) -asthenia myasthenia neurasthenia
(Root) cephal/o cephalalgia cephalodynia hydrocephaly macrocephaly microcephaly
(Root) cerebell/o cerebellitis
(Root) cerebr/o cerebral aneurysm cerebral angiography cerebral arteriosclerosis cerebral atherosclerosis cerebral embolism cerebral palsy cerebral thrombosis
(Root) cerebr/o cerebromeningitis cerebrotomy cerebrovascular accident cerebrovascular disease Intracerebral hematoma intracerebral hemorrhage
(Root) crani/o cranial hematoma craniectomy craniomalacia craniosclerosis craniostenosis craniosynostosis craniotomy transcranial Doppler sonography
(Root) dur/o duritis epidural anesthetic epidural hematoma subdural hematoma
(Root) encephal/o echoencephalography electroencephalography encephalalgia encephalitis encephalocele encephalography encephalomyelitis pencephalomyeloneuropathy encephalopathy encephalopyosis meningoencephalitis neuroencephalomyelopathy
(Root) esthesi/o anesthesiologist anesthetic dysesthesia epidural anesthetic general anesthetic hyperesthesia local anesthetic parasthesia pseudesthesia regional anesthetic synesthesia topical anesthetic
(Root) gangll/o gangllitis ganglioma
(Root) gnosi/o agnosia atopognosis prosopagnosia
(Root) hypn/o hypnotic
(Root) kinesi/o hyperkinesia dyskinesia
(Root) lob/o lobectomy lobotomy
(Root) -mania hypomania kleptomania manic depression (bipolar disorder) pyromania
(Root) mening/o, meningi/o cerebromeningitis meningioma meningitis meningocele meningoencephalitis meningopathy myelomeningocele
(Root) myel/o encephalomyelitis encephalomyeloneuropathy myelitis myelocele myelodysplasia myelogram myelomalacia myelomeningocele myelopathy neuroencephalomyelopathy poliomyelitis
(Root) neur/o encephalomyeloneuropathy endovascular neurosurgery neuralgia neurasthenia neurectomy neuritis neuroarthropathy neurodynia neuroencephalomyelopathy neurogenic neuroglypenla neurolysis neuroma neuropathy neuropharmacology neuroplasty neurorrhaphy
(Root) neur/o neuroencephalomyelopathy neurogenic neuroglypenla neurolysis neuroma neuropathy neuropharmacology neuroplasty neurorrhaphy neurosclerosis neurosis neurotomy polyneuritis polyneuropathy
(Root) -paresis hemiparesis monoparesis
(Root) phas/o aphasia dysphasia
-asthenia weakness
cephal/o head
cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o brain
crani/o head, skull
dur/o tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord
encephal/o brain
esthesi/o feeling, sensation
gangli/o nerve bundle
gnosi/o know
hypn/o sleep
lob/o lobe
-mania excessive desire
mening/o, meningi/o meninges; membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord
myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow
neur/o nerve
-paresis slight or partial paralysis
phas/o speech
-phobia excessive fear
phren/o mind
-plegia paralysis
psych/o mind
somn/o, somn/I sleep
tax/o arrangement, order, coordination
ton/o muscle tone, tension
Created by: Kimshi
Popular Medical sets




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