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Chapter 5
Term | Definition |
ROOTS cerebr/o, encephal/o | brain cerebropathy, cerebrospinal, encephalitis |
ROOT cerebell/o | cerebellum cerebellar, cerebellitis |
ROOT lob/o | lobe lobotomy, lobectomy |
ROOT cephal/o | head microcephaly, macrocephaly |
ROOT crani/o | head, skull craniometer, cranimalacla |
ROOTS mening/o, meningl/o | meninges (membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord) meningitis, meningopathy |
ROOT dur/o | dura (tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord) epidural, subdural hematoma |
Root nene/o | nerve neuralgla, neuropathy |
ROOT gangli/o | nerve bundle ganglion, ganglitis |
ROOT myel/o | spinal cord, bone marrow myelitis, myelodysplasia |
ROOT esthes!/o | feeling, sensation anesthesla, hyperesthesla |
ROOT phas/o | speech aphasia |
ROOTS somn/o, somn/I, hypn/o | sleep somnography, Insomnia, hypnosis Someone who walks whlle sleeping Is experiencing somnambulation, which comes from the words somno (sleep) + ambulo (Walk) |
ROOTS phren/o, psych/o | mind phrenetic, psychology |
ROOT gnosi/o | know agnosla, diagnosis, prognosis |
SUFFIX -mania | excessive desire pyromanla, kleptomania |
SUFFIX: -phobia | excessive fear or sensitivity photophobla, hydrophobia |
SUFFIX: -plegia | paralysis quadriplegia |
SUFFIX: -paresis | slight or partial paralysis hemiparesis |
ROOT: ton/o | muscle tone, tension, pressure dystonia, tonograph |
ROOT: tax/o | arrangement, order, coordination ataxla, hypotaxia |
SUFFIX: -asthenla | weakness myasthenla, phonasthenla |
ah-FAY-zhah | aphasia a /phas /ia not / speaking / condition inability to speak |
ah-TAK-see-ah | ataxia a / taxia no / coordination lack of coordination |
KAT-ah-TOHN-la | catatonia cata /ton /ia down / muscle / tone condition characterized by reduced muscle tone |
deh-LEER-ee-um | delirium from Latin, for "to plow outside the furrow"; perhaps translates to "go off the tracks “ brief loss of mental function |
da-MEN-chah | dementia de /ment / ia down / mind / condition loss/decline in mental function |
DIS-kih-NEE-zhah | dyskinesia dys / kinesia bad / movement difficulty moving |
dis-LEK-see-ah | dyslexla dys / lex /ia bad / reading / condition difficulty reading |
dis-FAY-zhah | dysphasia dys / phas /ia bad / speaking / condition difficulty speaking |
dis-TOH-nee-ah | dystonia dys / ton /ia bad / muscle tone / condition condition characterized by involuntary muscle movements |
in-SOM-nee-ah | insomnia in / somn /ia not / sleeping / condition inability to sleep |
MAI-AWK-loh-nus | myoclonus myo / clonus muscle / turmoil muscle twitching |
MAl-oh-spazm | myospasm myo / spasm muscle / involuntary contraction Involuntary muscle contraction |
NUR-as-THEE-nee-ah | neurasthenla neur / asthenia nerve /weakness nerve weakness |
sawm-NAM-byoo-lizm | somnambulism somn / ambul / ism sleep / walk / condition sleep walking |
SING-koh-pee | syncope from Greek, for "contraction" or "cut off" fainting; losing consciousness due to temporary loss of blood flow to brain |
sef-ah-LAL-Jee-ah | cephalalgla cephal / algia head /pain head pain |
SEF-ah-loh-DIN-ee-ah | cephalodynia cephalo / dynia head / pain head pain |
in-SEF-al-AL-jee-ah | encephalalgia encephal / algia brain / pain |
noo-RAL-jee-ah | neuralgia neur / algia nerve / pain nerve pain |
NUH-roh-DIN-ee-ah | neurodynia neuro / dynia nerve / pain nerve pain |
hem-ee-par-EE-sis | hemiparesis hemi / paresis half / partial paralysis partial paralysis on half the body |
hem-ee-PLEE-jee-ah | hemiplegia hemi / plegia half / paralysis paralysis on half the body |
mawn-oh-pah-REE-sis | monoparesis mono / paresis one / partial paralysis partial paralysis of one limb |
mawn-oh-PLEE-jee-ah | monoplegia mono / plegia one / paralysis paralysis of one limb |
pah-RAL-ih-sis | paralysis from Greek, for "to disable" complete loss of sensation and motor function |
puh-REE-sis | paresis from Greek, for "to let go" partial paralysis characterized by varying degrees of sensation and motor function |
kaw-SAL-lee-ah | causalgla caus / algia burn / pain painful sensation of burning |
DIS-es-THEE-zhah | dysesthesia dys / esthesia bad / sensation bad feeling |
HAI-per-es-THEE-zhah | hyperesthesia hyper / esthesia over / sensation Increased sensation |
PAR-es-THEE-zhah | paresthesla par / esthesia beside / sensation abnormal sensation (usually numbness or tingling in the skin) |
SOO-des-THEE-zhah | pseudesthesia pseud / esthesia false / sensation false sensation |
SIN-es-THEE-zhah | synesthesia syn /esthesia together / sensation condition where one sensation is experienced as another |
AK-roh-FOH-bee-ah | acrophobia acro / phobia heights / excessive fear fear of heights |
ah-GOR-ah-FOH-bee-ah | agoraphobia agora / phobia marketplace / excessive fear fear of outdoor spaces |
HAI-droh-FOH-bee-ah | hydrophobia hydro / phobia water excessive fear fear of water |
KLEP-toh-MAY-nee-ah | kleptomania klepto / mania theft / excessive desire desire to steal |
FOH-toh-FOH-bee-ah | photophobia photo / phobia light / excessive sensitivity excessive sensitivity to light |
PAI-roh-MAY-nee-ah | pyromania pyro / mania fire / excessive desire desire to set fire |
eh-LEK-troh-en-SEF-ah-LAWG-rah-fee | electroencephalography (EEG) electro / encephalo / graphy electricity / brain / writing procedure procedure used to examine the electrical activity of the brain |
LUM-bar PUNK-chir | lumbar puncture (LP) lumb / ar lower back / pertaining to puncture inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine in order to collect spinal fluid, commonly called a spinal tap |
seh-REE-bral AN-Jee-AWG-rah-fee | cerebral anglography cerebr / al angio / graphy brain pertaining to vessel / writing procedure procedure used to examine blood vessels in the brain |
mag-NET-Ik REZ-oh-nants AN-Jee-AWG-rah-fee | magnetic resonance anglography (MRA) angio / graphy vessel / writing procedure procedure used to examine blood vessels |
MAl-eh-loh-gram | myelogram myelo /gram spinal cord / record image of the spinal cord, usually done using x-ray |
PAWZ-ih-trawn ee-MISH-un toh-MAWG-rah-fee | positron emission tomography (PET) scan e / mission tomo / graphy out / send cut / writing procedure an imaging procedure that uses radiation (positrons) to produce cross sections of the brain |
tranz-KRAY-nee-al DAWP-|er soh-NAWG-rah-fee | transcranial Doppler sonography trans / cranial Doppler sono / graphy through / skull Doppler sound / writing procedure an imaging technique that produces an image of the brain using sound waves sent through the skull |
SER-eh-bel-Al-tis | cerebellitis cerebell / itis cerebellum / inflammation inflammation of the cerebellum |
seh-REE-bral A-troh-fee | cerebral atrophy cerebral / al a / trophy brain / pertaining to no / nourishment wasting away of brain tissue |
doo-RAl-tis | duritis dur / itis dura / inflammation inflammation of the dura |
en-SEF-ah-loh-SEEL | encephalocele encephalo / cele brain / hernia hernia of the brain (normally through a defect in the skull) |
HEE-mah-TOH-mah | hematoma hemat / oma blood / tumor a tumorlike mass made up of blood |
KRAY-nee-al HEE-mah-TOH-mah | cranial hematoma crani / al hemat / oma skull / pertaining to blood / tumor a hematoma beneath the skull |
EP-ih-DIR-al HEE-mah-TOH-mah | epidural hematoma epi / dur / al hemat / oma upon / dura / pertaining to blood tumor a hematoma located on top of the dura |
IN-trah-se-REE-bral HEE-mah-TOH-mah | Intracerebral hematoma intra / cerebr / al hemat / oma inside / brain pertaining to blood / tumor a hematoma located inside the brain |
sub-DIR-al HEE-mah-TOH-mah | subdural hematoma sub / dur / al hemat / oma beneath / dura / pertaining to blood / tumor a hematoma located beneath the dura |
MAK-roh-SEF-ah-lee | macrocephaly macro / cephal / y large / head / condition abnormally large head |
MAI-kroh-SEF-ah-lee | microcephaly micro / cephal / y small / head / condition abnormally small head |
men-IN-goh-seel | meningocele meningo / cele meninges / hernia a hernia of the meninges |
MAl-eh-loh-seel | myelocele myelo / cele spinal cord / hernia a hernia of the spinal cord |
MAl-eh-loh-mah-LAY-shee-ah | myelomalacia myelo / malacia spinal cord / softening abnormal softening of the spinal cord |
MAl-eh-loh-men-IN-goh-seel | myelomeningocele myelo / meningo / cele spinal cord / meninges / hernia a hernia of the spinal cord and meninges |
noo-RAl-tis | neuritis neur / itis nerve / inflammation nerve inflammation |
nir-OH-mah | neuroma neur / oma nerve / tumor a nerve tumor |
NOO-roh-skleh-ROH-sis | neurosclerosis neuro / scler / osis nerve / hardening / condition hardening of nerves |
PAWL-ee-noo-RAIT-is | polyneuritis poly / neur / itis many / nerve / inflammation inflammation of multiple nerves |
AG-noh-zhah | agnosla a / gnos /ia not / knowledge / condition inability to comprehend |
AP-ah-thee | apathy a / path /y no / suffering / condition lack of emotion |
HAI-per-kih-NEE-shah | hyperkinesia hyper / kinesia over / movement increase in muscle movement or activity |
NIR-as-THEE-nee-ah | neurasthenia neur / asthenia nerve / weakness nerve weakness |
NIR-oh-glai-koh-PEE-nee-ah | neuroglycopenla neuro / glyco / penia nerve / sugar / deficiency deficiency of sugar that interferes with normal brain activity |
nis-TAG-mus | nystagmus from Greek, for "to nod” involuntary back and forth eye movements |
PRAWS-oh-pag-NOH-see-ah | prosopagnosla prosop / a / gnos / ia face /no / knowledge / condition inability to recognize faces |
AN-es-THEE-zee-AWL-ah-jist | anesthesiologist an / esthesio / logist no / sensation / specialist doctor who specializes in anesthesiology |
AF-eh-rent nirv | afferent nerve af / ferent nerve toward / carry a nerve that carries impulses toward the central nervous system |
EF-eh-rent niry | efferent nerve ef / ferent nerve away / carry a nerve that carries impulses away from the central nervous system |
NIR-oh-JIN-ik | neurogenic neuro / gen / ic nerve / creation / pertaining to originating from/created by nerves |
sal-KAl-ah-trist | psychiatrist psych / iatrist mind / specialist doctor who specializes in the treatment of the mind |
sai-KAl-ah-tree | psychiatry psych / iatry mind / specialty branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of the mind |
sai-koh-JIN-ik | psychogenic psycho / gen / ic mind / creation / pertaining to originating in/created by the mind |
sal-KAWL-ah-jist | psychologist psycho / logist mind / specialist doctor who specializes in the study of the mind |
sai-KAWL-ah-jee | psychology psycho / logy mind / study branch of medicine that focuses on the study of the mind |
SAI-koh-soh-MAT-ik | psychosomatic psycho / somat / ic mind /body pertaining to pertaining to the relationship between the body and the mind |
ID-ee-oh-PATH-Ik | Idiopathic idio / path / ic private / disease / pertaining to having no known cause or origin |
IN-ter-IK-tal | interictal inter /ictal between seizure time between seizures |
post-IK-tal | postictal post / ictal after / seizure time after a seizure |
pree-IK-tal | prelctal pre / ictal before I seizure time before a selzure |
TAWN-Ik | tonic ton / ic muscle / pertaining to pertaining to muscle tone (normally weak or unresponsive |
CLOH-nis | clonus from Greek, for "violent" muscle spasm or twitching |
TAWN-ik CLAWN-ik SEE-zhir | tonic-clonic seizure ton / ic. clon / ic muscle / pertaining to spasm / pertaining to a seizure characterized by both a tonic and a clonic phase |
SER-eh-broh-VAS-kyoo-lar AK-sih-dent | cerebrovascular accident (CA) cerebro / vascul / ar brain / blood vessel /pertaining to an accident involving the blood vessels of the brain |
STROHK | stroke stroke loss of brain function caused by interruption of blood flow/supply to the brain |
HEM-oh-RA-ilk STROHK | hemorrhagic stroke hemo / rrhag /ic blood / excessive bleeding / pertaining to a stroke where the blood loss is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel |
ihs-KEE-mik STROHK | Ischemic stroke isch /em / ic hold back / blood / pertaining to a stroke where the blood loss is caused by a blockage |
TRAN-zee-ent Ih-SKEE-mik ah-TAK | translent Ischemic attack (TIA) trans /ient isch /em / ic across / go hold back / blood / pertaining to a "mini-stroke" caused by the blockage of a blood vessel, which resolves (goes away) within 24 hours |
SER-eh-broh-VAS-kyoo-lar dih-ZEEZ | cerebrovascular disease cerebro / vascul / ar brain / ar / blood vessel / pertaining to a disease of the blood vessels of the brain |
SER-eh-bral AN-yoo-rizm | cerebral aneurysm cerebr / al an / eury / sm brain / pertaining to out / wide / condition the widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain |
SER-eh-bral ar-TER-ee-oh-skleh-ROH-sis | cerebral arteriosclerosis cerebr / al arterio / scler osis brain / pertaining to altery / hardening / condition the hardening of an artery in the brain |
SER-eh-bral ATH-eh-roh-skleh-ROH-sis | cerebral atherosclerosis cerebr / al athero / scler /osis brain / pertaining to fatty / hardening / condition the hardening of an artery in the brain caused by the buildup of fatty plaque |
SER-eh-bral EM-boh-lizm | cerebral embolism cerebr / al embol / ism brain / pertaining to stopper / condition the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a foreign object (embolus) such as fat or bacteria |
SER-eh-bral throm-BOH-sis | cerebral thrombosis cerebr / al thromb / osis brain / pertaining to clot osis / condition the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a blood clot |
KRAY-nee-oh-mah-LAY-shee-ah | cranlomalacia cranio / malacia skull / softening abnormal softening of the skull |
KRAY-nee-oh-skleh-ROH-sis | craniosclerosis cranio / scler / osis skull / hardening / condition abnormal hardening of the skull |
KRAY-nee-oh-steh-NOH-sis | cranlostenosis cranio / sten / osis skull / narrow / condition abnormal narrowing of the skull |
KRAY-nee-oh-SIN-aws-TOH-sis | cranlosynostosis cranio / syn ost / osis skull / together / bone / condition premature fusing of the skull bones |
HAI-droh-SEF-ah-lee | hydrocephaly hydro / cephal / y water / head / condition abnormal accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain |
ASS-troh-sai-TOH-mah | astrocytoma astro / cyt / oma star / cell / tumor a tumor arising from astrocyte glial cells |
GANG-lee-OH-mah | ganglioma gangli / oma ganglion / tumor ganglion tumor |
GLEE-oh-blas-TOH-mah | glio / blast / oma glue / sprout / tumor a brain tumor arising from glioblast cells |
men-IH-jee-OH-mah | meningloma meningi / oma meninges / tumor tumor of the meninges |
SER-eh-bel-Al-tis | cerebellitis cerebell / itis cerebellum / inflammation inflammation of the cerebellum |
SER-eh-bro-MEN-in-JAI-tis | cerebromeningitis cerebro / mening / itis brain / meninges / inflammation inflammation of the brain and meninges |
in-SEF-ah-LAI-tis | encephalitis encephal/ itis brain / inflammation inflammation of the brain |
in-SEF-ah-loh-MAl-el-AlT-is | encephalomyelitis encephalo / myel / itis brain / spinal cord / inflammation inflammation of the brain and spinal cord |
in-SEF-ah-loh-MAl-eh-loh-noo-RAWP-ah-thee | encephalomyeloneuropathy encephalo / myelo / neuro / pathy brain / spinal cord / nerve / disease disease of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves |
en-SEF-ah-LAWP-ah-thee | encephalopathy encephalo / pathy brain / disease disease of the brain |
in-SEF-ah-loh-pal-OH-sis | encephalopyosis encephalo / py / osis brain / pus / condition a pus-filled abscess in the brain |
GANG-glee-Al-tis | gangllitis gangli / itis ganglion / inflammation inflammation of a ganglion |
IN-trah-SER-eh-bral HEM-oh-raj | Intracerebral hemorrhage intra / cerebr / al hemo / rrhage inside / brain / pertaining to blood / excessive bleeding excessive bleeding inside the brain |
men-in-GAWP-ah-thee | meningopathy meningo / pathy meninges / disease disease of the meninges |
men-en-JAIT-is | meningitis mening /itis meninges / inflammation inflammation of the meninges |
meh-NIN-goh-in-SEF-ah-LAl-tis | meningoencephalltis meningo / encephal / itis meninges / brain / inflammation inflammation of the meninges and brain |
mal-eh-LAIT-Is | myelitis myel /itis spinal cord / inflammation inflammation of the spinal cord |
MAl-el-oh-dis-PLAY-zee-ah | myelodysplasla myelo /dys /plas /ia spinal cord / bad / formation / condition defective formation of the spinal cord |
MAl-e-LAWP-ah-thee | myelopathy myelo / pathy spinal cord / disease disease of the joint associated with nerves |
NOO-roh-in-SEF-ah-loh-MAI-eh-LAWP-ah-thee | neuroencephalomyelopathy neuro / encephalo / myelo / pathy nerve / brain / spinal cord / disease disease of the nerves, brain, and spinal cord |
noo-RAWP-ah-thee | neuropathy neuro / pathy nerve / disease disease of the nervous system |
POH-lee-oh-MAI-eh-LAIT-is | poliomyelitis polio / myel / itis gray / spinal cord / inflammation inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord |
PAWL-ee-noo-RAWP-ah-thee | polyneuropathy poly / neuro / pathy many / nerve / disease disease affecting multiple nerves |
a-MAl-aw-TROH-fik LAT-er-al skleh-ROH-sis | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) a /myo / troph /ic lateral scler /osis not / muscle / nourishment /pertaining to side hardening / condition degenerative disease central nervous loss muscle control,hardening (sclerosis)(lateral)spine loss tissue |
AN-oh-REK-se-ah | anorexia an / orex / ia no / appetite / condition an eating disorder characterized by the patient's restricting food or refusing to eat |
AW-tizm | autism aut / ism self / condition a psychiatric disorder characterized by difficulties in social communication and interaction, as well as repetitive and/or restrictive patterns of behavior or interests. |
boo-LEE-mee-ah | bullmla bu /lim /ia ox /hunger / condition an eating disorder characterized by overeating and usually followed by forced purging or getting rid of food (e.g., forced vomiting. |
SER-ah-bril PAL-zee | cerebral palsy cerebr / al palsy brain / pertaining to paralysis paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement |
dis-FOR-ee-ah | dysphorla dys / phor / ia bad / carry / condition a negative emotional state |
EP-ih-LEP-see | epllepsy epi / lepsy upon / seize a disease marked by seizures |
yoo-FOR-ee-ah | euphoria eu / phor / ia good / carry / condition a positive emotional state |
HAI-poh-MAY-nee-ah | hypomania hypo / mania under / excessive anger a mental state just below mania |
MAN-ik de-PRESH-un | manic depression (bipolar disorder manic depression excitement depression a psychiatric disorder characterized by alternating bouts of excitement and depression |
mai-as-THEH-nee-ah | myasthenla my / asthenia muscle / weakness muscle weakness |
NAR-coh-LEP-see | narcolepsy narco / lepsy sleep / seize a disease characterized by sudden, uncontrolled sleepiness |
sal-KAWP-ah-thee | psychopathy psycho / pathy mind / disease a mental illness |
SKIT-zoh-FREH-nee-ah | schizophrenia schizo / phren / ia divide / mind / condition a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered speech |
noor-OH-sis | neurosis neur / osis nerve / condition a nerve condition |
sai-KOH-sis | psychosis psych / osis mind / condition a mind condition |
an-es-THET-Ik | anesthetic an / esthetic not / sensation a drug that causes loss of sensation |
JEH-nir-al an-es-THET-Ik | general anesthetic anesthetic that causes complete loss of consciousness |
LOH-kal an-es-THET-Ik | local anesthetic anesthetic that does not affect consciousness |
REE-joh-nal an-es-THET-ik | regional anesthetic anesthetic that is injected into a nerve causing loss of sensation over a particular area |
TAWP-ih-kal an-es-THET-ik | topical anesthetic local anesthesia applied to the surface of the area to be anesthetized |
EP-ih-DOOR-al an-es-THET-ik | epidural anesthetic epi / dur / al upon / dura anesthetic applied in the dural region of the spinal cord |
AN-al-JEE-zik | analgesic an / alge / sic not / pain / agent a drug that relieves pain |
ANT-ee-kon-VUL-sant | anticonvulsant anti /convuls /ant against / convulsion / agent a drug that opposes convulsions |
ANT-ih-deh-pres-ant | antidepressant anti / depress / ant against / depression / agent a drug that opposes depression |
ANT-Ih-SAI-KOT-ik | antipsychotic anti / psycho / tic against / psychosis / agent a drug that opposes psychoses |
ANG-zee-oh-LIT-ik | anxiolytic anxio / lytic anxiety / breakdown agent a drug that lessens anxiety |
hip-NAWT-ik | hypnotic hypno / tic sleep /agent a drug that aids sleep |
NOO-roh-FAR-mah-KAWL-oh-jee | neuropharmacology neuro / pharmaco / logy nerve / drug / study the study of the effects of drugs on the nervous system |
SAI-koh-FAR-mah-KAWL-oh-jee | psychopharmacology psycho / pharmaco / logy mind / drug / study the study of the effects of drugs on mental processes |
SAI-koh-TROHP-ik | psychotropic psycho / trop / ic mind /turn / agent drugs that are able to turn the mind |
THRAWM-boh-LIT-ik | thrombolytic thrombo / lytic clot / breakdown agent a drug that dissolves clots |
SER-eh-BRAWT-oh-mee | cerebrotomy cerebro / tomy brain / incision Incision into the brain |
KEE-moh-THER-ah-pee | chemotherapy chemo / therapy chemical / treatment treatment using chemicals |
KRAY-nee-EK-toh-mee | craniectomy crani / ectomy skull / removal removal of a piece of the skull |
KRAY-nee-AWT-oh-mee | craniotomy cranio / tomy skull / incision incision into the skull |
END-ar-ter-EK-toh-mee | endarterectomy end / arter / ectomy inside / artery / removal removal of the inside of an artery |
EN-doh-VAS-kyoo-lar NIR-oh-SIR-jeh-ree | endovascular neurosurgery endo / vascul / ar neuro / surgery inside / vessel / pertaining to nerve / surgery surgery on the nervous system performed by entering the body through blood vessels |
loh-BEK-toh-mee | lobectomy lob / ectomy lobe / removal removal of a lobe |
loh-BAWT-oh-mee | lobotomy lobo / tomy lobe / incision incision into a lobe |
noo-REK-toh-mee | neurectomy neur / ectomy nerve / removal removal of a nerve |
noo-RAWL-ih-sis | neurolysis neuro /lysis nerve / loose destruction of nerve tissue |
NOO-roh-PLAS-tee | neuroplasty neuro / plasty nerve / reconstruction reconstruction of a nerve |
noo-ROR-ah-fee | neurorrhaphy neuro / rrhaphy nerve / suture suturing of a nerve (often the severed ends of a nerve) |
noo-RAWT-oh-mee | neurotomy neuro / tomy nerve / incision incision into a nerve |
ADHD | attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder |
ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) |
CNS | central nervous system |
СР | cerebral palsy |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident |
EEG | electroencephalogram |
EMG | electromyogram |
ICP | intracranial pressure |
LOC | level of consciousness |
LP | lumbar puncture |
MRA | magnetic resonance angiography |
MS | multiple sclerosis |
OCD | obsessive compulsive disorder |
PET | positron emission tomography |
PNS | peripheral nervous system |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
-asthenia | weakness |
cephal/o | head |
cerebell/o | cerebellum |
cerebr/o | brain |
crani/o | head, skull |
dur/o | tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord |
encephal/o | brain |
esthesi/o | feeling, sensation |
gangli/o | nerve bundle |
gnosi/o | know |
hypn/o | sleep |
lob/o | lobe |
mania | excessive desire |
mening/o, meningi/o | meninges; membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord |
myel/o | spinal cord, bone marrow |
neur/o | nerve |
-paresis | slight or partial paralysis |
phas/o | speech |
-phobia | excessive fear |
phren/o | mind |
-plegia | paralysis |
psych/o | mind |
somn/o, somn/I | sleep |
tax/o | arrangement, order coordination |
ton/o | muscle tone, tension |
acrophobla | fear of heights |
afferent nerve | a nerve that carries impulses toward the central nervous system |
agnosla | inability to comprehend |
agoraphobla | fear of outdoor spaces |
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) | a degenerative disease of the central nervous system, causing loss of muscle control; also known as Lou Gehrig's disease |
analgesic | a drug that relieves pain |
anesthesiologist | doctor who specializes in anesthesiology |
anesthetic | a drug that causes loss of sensation |
anorexia | an eating disorder characterized by the patient's restricting food or refusing to eat |
anticonvulsant | a drug that opposes convulsions |
antidepressant | a drug that opposes depression |
antipsychotic | a drug that opposes psychosis |
anxiolytic | a drug that lessens anxiety |
apathy | lack of emotion |
aphasia | inability to speak |
astrocytoma | a tumor arising from astrocyte glial cell |
ataxia | lack of coordination |
autism | a psychiatric disorder characterized by difficulties in social communication and interaction, as well as repetitive and/or restrictive patterns of behavior or interests |
bulimia | an eating disorder characterized by overeating and usually followed by purging or getting rid of the food (e.g., forced vomiting) |
catatonia | condition characterized by reduced muscle tone |
causalgla | painful sensation of burning |
cephalalgia | head pain |
cephalodynia | head pain |
cerebellitis | inflammation of the cerebellum |
cerebral aneurysm | the widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain |
cerebral angiography | procedure used to examine blood vessels in the brain |
cerebral arteriosclerosis | the hardening of an artery in the brain |
cerebral atherosclerosis | the hardening of an artery in the brain caused by the buildup of fatty plaque |
cerebral atrophy | wasting away of brain tissue |
cerebral embolism | the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a foreign object (embolus) such as fat or bacteria |
cerebral palsy | paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement |
cerebral thrombosis | the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a clot |
cerebromeningitis | inflammation of the brain and meninges |
cerebrotomy | incision into the brain |
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) | an accident involving the blood vessels of the brain |
cerebrovascular disease | a disease of the blood vessels of the brain |
chemotherapy | treatment using chemicals |
clonus | muscle spasm or twitching |
cranial hematoma | a hematoma beneath the skull |
craniectomy | removal of a plece of the skull |
craniomalacia | abnormal softening of the skull |
craniosclerosis | abnormal hardening of the skull |
craniostenosis | abnormal narrowing of the skull |
craniosynostosis | the premature fusing of the skull bones |
craniotomy | incision into the skull |
delirium | brief loss of mental function |
dementia | loss/decline in mental function |
duritis | Inflammation of the dura |
dysesthesla | bad feeling |
dyskinesia | difficulty moving |
dyslexia | difficulty reading |
dysphasia | difficulty speaking |
dysphorla | a negative emotional state |
dystonia | condition characterized by involuntary muscle movements |
echoencephalography | procedure used to examine the brain using sound waves |
efferent nerve | a nerve that carries impulses away from the central nervous system |
electroencephalography (EEG) | procedure used to examine the electrical activity of the brain |
encephalalgia | brain pain |
encephalitis | Inflammation of the brain |
encephalocele | hernia of the brain (normally through a defect in the skull) |
encephalography | procedure for studying the brain |
encephalomyelitis | inflammation of the brain and spinal cord |
encephalomyeloneuropathy | disease of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves |
encephalopathy | disease of the brain |
encephalopyosis | a pus-filled abscess in the brain |
endarterectomy | removal of the inside of an artery |
endovascular neurosurgery | surgery on the nervous system performed by entering the body through blood vessels |
epidural anesthetic | anesthetic applied in the dural region of the spinal cord |
epidural hematoma | a hematoma located on top of the dura |
epilepsy | a disease marked by seizures |
euphoria | a positive emotional state |
gangliltis | inflammation of the ganglion |
ganglioma | ganglion tumor |
general anesthetic | anesthetic that causes complete loss of consciousness |
glioblastoma | a brain tumor arising from glioblast cells |
hematoma | a tumorlike mass made up of blood |
hemiparesis | partial paralysis on half of the body |
hemiplegia | paralysis on half the body |
hemorrhagic stroke | a stroke where blood loss is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel |
hydrocephaly | abnormal accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain |
hydrophobia | fear of water |
hyperesthesia | increased sensation |
hyperkinesia | increase in muscle movement or activity |
hypnotic | a drug that aids sleep |
hypomania | a mental state just below mania |
idiopathic | having no known cause or origin |
Insomnia | inability to sleep |
interictal | time between seizures |
intracerebral hematoma | a hematoma located inside the brain |
Intracerebral hemorrhage | excessive bleeding inside the brain |
Ischemic stroke | a stroke where blood loss is caused by a blockage |
kleptomania | desire to steal |
lobectomy | removal of a lobe |
lobotomy | incision into a lobe |
local anesthetic | any anesthetic that does not affect consciousness |
lumbar puncture (LP) | inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine in order to collect spinal fluid |
macrocephaly | abnormally large head |
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) | procedure used to examine blood vessels |
manic depression (bipolar disorder) | a psychiatric disorder characterized by alternating bouts of excitement and depression |
meningioma | tumor of the meninges |
meningitis | inflammation of the meninges |
meningocele | a hernia of the meninges |
meningoencephalitis | inflammation of the meninges and brain |
meningopathy | disease of the meninges |
paralysis | complete loss of sensation and motor function |
paresis | partial paralysis characterized by varying degrees of sensation and motor function |
paresthesia | abnormal sensation (usually numbness or tingling in the skin) |
photophobia | excessive sensitivity to light |
poliomyelitis | Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord |
polyneuritis | Inflammation of multiple nerves |
polyneuropathy | disease affecting multiple nerves |
positron emission tomography (PET) scan | an Imaging procedure that uses radiation (positrons) to produce cross sections of the brain |
postictal | time after a selzure |
preictal | time before a selzure |
prosopagnosia | Inability to recognize faces |
pseudoesthesia | false sensation |
psychlatrist | doctor who specializes in treatment of the mind |
psychiatry | branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of the mind |
psychogenic | originating in/created by the mind |
psychologist | doctor who specializes in the study of the mind |
psychology | branch of medicine that focuses on the study of the mind |
psychopathy | a mental illness |
psychopharmacology | the study of the effects of drugs on mental processes |
psychosis | a mind condition (involves some sort of break with reality interfering with rational thought or daily functioning) |
psychosomatic | pertaining to the relationship between the body and the mind |
psychotropic | drugs that are able to turn the mind |
pyromania | desire to set fires |
regional anesthesia | anesthetic that is injected into a nerve, causing loss of sensation over a particular area |
schizophrenia | a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered speech |
somnambulism | sleep walking |
stroke | loss of brain function caused by interruption of blood flow/supply to the brain |
subdural hematoma | a hematoma located beneath the dura |
syncope | fainting; losing consclousness due to temporary loss of blood flow to the brain |
synesthesla | condition where one sensation Is experienced as another |
thrombolytic | a drug that dissolves clots |
tonic | pertaining to muscle tone (normally weak or unresponsive) |
tonic-clonic seizure | a seizure characterized by both a tonic and a clonic phase |
topical anesthetic | local anesthesia applied to the surface of the area to be anesthetized |
transcranial Doppler sonography | an imaging technique that produces an image of the brain using sound waves sent through the skull |
transient ischemic attack (TIA) | a mini-stroke caused by the blockage of a blood vessel that resolves (goes away) within 24 hours |
(Root) -asthenia | myasthenia neurasthenia |
(Root) cephal/o | cephalalgia cephalodynia hydrocephaly macrocephaly microcephaly |
(Root) cerebell/o | cerebellitis |
(Root) cerebr/o | cerebral aneurysm cerebral angiography cerebral arteriosclerosis cerebral atherosclerosis cerebral embolism cerebral palsy cerebral thrombosis |
(Root) cerebr/o | cerebromeningitis cerebrotomy cerebrovascular accident cerebrovascular disease Intracerebral hematoma intracerebral hemorrhage |
(Root) crani/o | cranial hematoma craniectomy craniomalacia craniosclerosis craniostenosis craniosynostosis craniotomy transcranial Doppler sonography |
(Root) dur/o | duritis epidural anesthetic epidural hematoma subdural hematoma |
(Root) encephal/o | echoencephalography electroencephalography encephalalgia encephalitis encephalocele encephalography encephalomyelitis pencephalomyeloneuropathy encephalopathy encephalopyosis meningoencephalitis neuroencephalomyelopathy |
(Root) esthesi/o | anesthesiologist anesthetic dysesthesia epidural anesthetic general anesthetic hyperesthesia local anesthetic parasthesia pseudesthesia regional anesthetic synesthesia topical anesthetic |
(Root) gangll/o | gangllitis ganglioma |
(Root) gnosi/o | agnosia atopognosis prosopagnosia |
(Root) hypn/o | hypnotic |
(Root) kinesi/o | hyperkinesia dyskinesia |
(Root) lob/o | lobectomy lobotomy |
(Root) -mania | hypomania kleptomania manic depression (bipolar disorder) pyromania |
(Root) mening/o, meningi/o | cerebromeningitis meningioma meningitis meningocele meningoencephalitis meningopathy myelomeningocele |
(Root) myel/o | encephalomyelitis encephalomyeloneuropathy myelitis myelocele myelodysplasia myelogram myelomalacia myelomeningocele myelopathy neuroencephalomyelopathy poliomyelitis |
(Root) neur/o | encephalomyeloneuropathy endovascular neurosurgery neuralgia neurasthenia neurectomy neuritis neuroarthropathy neurodynia neuroencephalomyelopathy neurogenic neuroglypenla neurolysis neuroma neuropathy neuropharmacology neuroplasty neurorrhaphy |
(Root) neur/o | neuroencephalomyelopathy neurogenic neuroglypenla neurolysis neuroma neuropathy neuropharmacology neuroplasty neurorrhaphy neurosclerosis neurosis neurotomy polyneuritis polyneuropathy |
(Root) -paresis | hemiparesis monoparesis |
(Root) phas/o | aphasia dysphasia |
-asthenia | weakness |
cephal/o | head |
cerebell/o | cerebellum |
cerebr/o | brain |
crani/o | head, skull |
dur/o | tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord |
encephal/o | brain |
esthesi/o | feeling, sensation |
gangli/o | nerve bundle |
gnosi/o | know |
hypn/o | sleep |
lob/o | lobe |
-mania | excessive desire |
mening/o, meningi/o | meninges; membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord |
myel/o | spinal cord, bone marrow |
neur/o | nerve |
-paresis | slight or partial paralysis |
phas/o | speech |
-phobia | excessive fear |
phren/o | mind |
-plegia | paralysis |
psych/o | mind |
somn/o, somn/I | sleep |
tax/o | arrangement, order, coordination |
ton/o | muscle tone, tension |