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Skel word parts/abv

Unit 2 Med Term word parts and abbreviations

brachi/o arm
burs/o bursa (sac of fluid near a joint)
carp/o wrist
cervic/o neck; cervix
chir/o hand
chondr/o cartilage
cost/o rib
crani/o skull
kyph/o humpback
lord/o curve; swayback
lumb/o loin
lux/o slide
myel/o bone marrow; spinal cord
narc/o sleep; stupor; numbness
tars/o ankle
acr/o extremities
ankyl/o crooked; bent; stiff; fused
arthr/o joint
orth/o straight
oste/o bone
ped/o foot; child
pyret/o fever
rachi/o spine; vertebrae
rheumat/o watery flow
sacr/o sacrum
sarc/o flesh
scoli/o crooked; bent
spondyl/o vertebrae; backbone
ster/o solid structure; steroid
synovi/o joint lube
ten/o, tendin/o, tendon/o tendon
-ation process; contidtion
-centisis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-desis to bind; tie
-ectomy surgical removal
-itis inflammation
-malacia softening
-oid like; resembling
-oma tumor; mass
-osis abnormal condition
-penia deficiancy
-plasty surgical repair
-porosis abnormal condition of small holes
-scope instrument used to view
-scopy visual examination using a scope
-tomy incision
meta- change; beyond
non- not
syn- together
ATT PHYS attending physician
BP blood pressure
CRIF closed reduction and internal fixation
DJD degenerative joint disease
GI gastrointestinal
L left
LBP lower back pain
LS lumbosacral
L5-S1 lumbar vertebra 5 to sacral vertebra 1
mg milligram
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
NSAID nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drug
ORIF open reduction and internal fixation
PO, p.o. by mouth (from the Latin per os)
PRN as needed (from the Latin pro re nata)
Q4H every four hours (from the Latin quaque quarta hora)
R right
RA rheumatoid arthritis
RF rheumatoid factor
Created by: SiriP
Popular Medical sets




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