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Chapter 7
Term | Definition |
ROOT: aden/o | gland adenoma, adenopathy This root refers to any gland |
ROOTS: adren/o, adrenal/o | adrenal gland adrenarche, adrenalitis The name adrenal describes where this gland Is located in the body |
ROOT: cortic/o | outer surface corticotropic, adrenocorticohyperplasla |
ROOT: gonad/o | gonads (sex organs) gonadopathy, gonadogenesis |
ROOT: pancreat/o | pancreas pancreatitis, pancreatolith |
ROOTS: pituitar/o, hypophys/o | pituitary gland hyperpitultarism, hypophysitis |
ROOT: thym/o | thymus thymoma, thymectomy |
ROOTS: thyr/o, thyrold/o | thyroid tvrotoxin, thyroldectomy |
ROOTS: gluc/o, glucos/o, glyc/o | sugar glucocorticold, glucosuria, hypoglycemla |
ROOT: crin/o | to secrete endocrine, exocrine |
ROOT: hormon/o | hormone hormonopoesis |
ROOT: ket/o | ketone body ketosis, ketogenic |
SUFFIX: -tropin | stimulating hormone thyrotropin, gonadotropin |
SUFFIX: -emla | blood condition glycemla, calcemla |
SUFFIX: -uria | urine condition polyuria |
AD-en-AL-jah | adenalgia aden / algia gland / pain pain in a gland |
a-DREE-nal VIR-il-izm | adrenal virilism adrenal viril / ism adrenal man / condition development of male secondary sexual characteristics caused by excessive secretion of the adrenal gland. |
AD-re-NAR-kee | adrenarche adren / arche adrenal / beginning beginning of adrenal secretion (at puberty) |
HIR-soo-tizm | hirsutism from Latin, for "shaggy“ excessive growth of facial and body hair in women |
ah-MEN-oh-REE-ah | amenorrhea a / meno / rrhea no / menstrual / flow lack of menstrual flow |
GAI-neh-koh-MAS-tee-ah | gynecomastia gyneco / mast /ia woman / breast / condition development of breast tissue in males |
HAI-per-GOH-nad-izm | hypergonadism hyper / gonad /ism over / gonad / condition condition in which there is excessive secretion of the sex glands |
HAl-poh-GOH-nad-izm | hypogonadism hypo / gonad / ism under / gonad / condition condition in which there is undersecretion of the sex glands |
men-AR-kee | menarche men / arche menstrual / beginning beginning or first menstruation |
thee-LAR-kee | thelarche thel / arche breast / beginning beginning of breast development |
HAI-poh-glai-SEE-mik | hypoglycemic hypo / glyc /em / ic under / sugar / blood / pertaining to pertaining to low blood sugar |
PAN-kree-ah-TAL-jee-ah | pancreatalgia pancreat / algia pancreas / pain pain in the pancreas |
PAWL-ee-DIP-see-ah | polydipsla poly / dips / ia excessive / thirst / condition excessive thirst |
PAWL-ee-FAY-jee-ah | polyphagia poly / phag / ia excessive / eat / condition excessive eating |
PAWL-ee-YOOR-ee-ah | polyuria poly / uria excessive / urine condition excessive urination |
AK-roh-MEG-ah-lee | acromegaly acro / megaly extremities / abnormal enlargement abnormal enlargement of the extremities |
gah-LAK-toh-REE-ah | galactorrhea galacto / rrhea milk / discharge discharge of milk |
pih-TOO-ih-TER-ee DWAR-fizm | pituitary dwarfism pituitary dwarfism abnormally short height caused by undersecretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland |
pih-TOO-ih-TER-ee jai-GAN-tizm | pitultary gigantism pituitary gigantism abnormally tall height caused by oversecretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland |
EKS-of-THAL-mohs | exophthalmos ex / ophthalmos protrusion of the eyes out of the eye socket |
GOYT-er | goiter from Latin, for "gutter" (meaning "throat“) swollen thyrold gland |
THAI-roh-seel | thyrocele thyro / cele thyroid / tumor another name for goiter |
THAI-roh-MEG-ah-lee | thyromegaly thyro / megaly thyroid / enlargement enlargement of the thyroid |
THAI-rop-TOH-sis | thyroptosis thyro / ptosis thyroid / drooping condition downward displacement (drooping) of the thryoid |
AS-ih-DEE-mee-ah | acidemia acid / emia acid / blood condition abnormal acidity of the blood |
AL-kah-LEE-mee-ah | alkalemia alkal / emia alkali / blood condition abnormal alkalinity (opposite of acidity) of the blood |
KAL-sih-YOO-ree-ah | calciuria calci / uria calcium / urine condition calcium in the urine |
KLOH-ree-mee-ah | chloremia chlor / emia chloride / blood condition increased chloride in the blood |
YOO-glai-SEE-mee-ah | euglycemla eu / glyc / emia good / sugar / blood condition good blood sugar |
GLOO-koh-SOO-ree-ah | glucosuria glucos / uria sugar / urine condition sugar in the urine |
HAl-per-kal-SEE-mee-ah | hypercalcemla hyper / calc / emia over / calcium / blood condition excessive calcium in the blood |
HAI-per-koh-LES-ter-awl-EE-mee-ah | hypercholesterolemla hyper / cholesterol / emia excessive / cholesterol / blood condition excessive cholesterol in the blood |
HAl-per-glai-SEE-mee-ah | hyperglycemia hyper /glyc / emia excessive / sugar / blood condition high blood sugar |
HAl-per-kah-LEE-mee-ah | hyperkalemia hyper / kal. /emia over / potassium / blood condition excessive potassium in the blood |
HAI-per-LIP-ih-DEE-mee-ah | hyperlipidemia hyper / lipid / emia excessive / fat / blood condition excessive fat in the blood |
HAI-per-nah-TREE-mee-ah | hypernatremla hyper / natr /emia excessive / sodium / blood condition excessive sodium in the blood |
HAI-per-FAWS-fay-TEE-mee-ah | hyperphosphatemla hyper / phosphat / emia excessive / phosphate / blood condition excessive phosphate in the blood |
HAI-poh-glai-SEE-mee-ah | hypoglycemia hypo / glyc / emia under / sugar / blood condition low blood sugar |
KEET-oh-NUR-ee-ah | ketonuria keton / uria ketone / urine condition ketone bodies in the urine |
PAWL-ee-YUR-ee-ah | polyuria poly / uria excessive / urine condition excessive urination |
yoo-REE-mee-ah | uremia ur /emia urine / blood condition presence of urinary waste in the blood |
ah-DREN-ah-lin | adrenaline ad / renal / ine on / kidney / chemical hormone secreted by the adrenal gland |
EP-ih-NEF-rin | epinephrine epi / nephr / ine upon / kidney / chemical hormone secreted by the adrenal gland |
ah-DREH-noh-KOR-tih-koh-TROH-pik HOR-mohn | adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) adreno / cortico / trop / ic adrenal / cortex / stimulating / pertaining to hormone secreted by the pitultary gland that stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland |
KOR-tih-koh-TROH-pin | corticotropin cortico / tropin cortex / stimulating shorter name for adrenocorticotropic hormone |
GLOO-kah-gawn | glucagon gluc / agon sugar / lead hormone secreted by the pancreas that stimulates the liver to Increase blood sugar levels |
GLOO-koh-KORT-Ih-koyd | glucocorticold gluco / cortic / oid sugar / cortex / resembling hormone produced by the adrenal cortex with a role in carbohydrate metabolism |
goh-NAD-oh-TROH-pin | gonadotropin gonado / tropin gonad / stimulating hormone that stimulates the gonads |
IN-suh-lin | insulin insul / in island / chemical hormone secreted by the pancreas that controls the metabolism and uptake of sugar and fats |
THAI-roh-TROH-pin | thyrotropin thyro / tropin thyroid / stimulating hormone that stimulates the thyroid |
AD-en-oh-MEG-ah-lee | adenomegaly adeno / megaly gland / enlargement abnormal enlargement of a gland |
ah-DREN-oh-MEG-ah-lee | adrenomegaly adreno / megaly adrenal / enlargement abnormal enlargement of the adrenal gland |
YOO-thai-royd | euthyroid eu / thyroid good / thyroid normal functioning thyroid |
GLOO-koh-NEE-oh-JIN-eh-sis | gluconeogenesis gluco / neo / genesis sugar / new / formation formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources |
glai-KAWL-Ih-sis | glycolysis glyco / lysis sugar / loosen breakdown of sugar |
GLAI-koh-PEE-nee-ah | glycopenla glyco / penia sugar / deficiency deficiency of sugar |
goh-NAD-oh-JIN-eh-sis | gonadogenesis gonado / genesis gonad / formation creation/development of gonads |
meh-TAB-oh-LIZM | metabolism meta / bol / ism over / throw / condition breakdown of matter into energy |
EN-doh-krin | endocrine endo / crine inside / secretion to secrete internally (le., into the bloodstream) |
EN-doh-krih-NAWL-oh-jist | endocrinologist endo / crino /logist inside / secretion / specialist specialist in internal secretions |
EKS-oh-krin | exocrine exo / crine outside / secretion to secrete externally (through ducts to the surface of an organ, le., sweat glands and salivary glands) |
glai-SEE-mik IN-deks | glycemic Index glyc / em / ic sugar / blood / pertaining to ranking of food based on the way it affects sugar levels in the blood |
KEET-oh-JIN-eh-sis | ketogenesis keto / genesis ketone / creation creation of ketone bodies |
THAI-roid FUNK-shun TESTS | thyroid function tests thyroid function tests tests performed to evaluate the function of the thyroid |
koh-LAN-lee-oh-PANG-kree-ah-TAWG-rah-fee | chol / angio / pancreato / graphy bile / vessel / pancreas / writing procedure procedure used to examine the bile ducts and pancreas |
EN-doh-SKAWP-ik REH-troh-GRAYD | endoscopic retrograde endo / scop /ic retro /grade inside / looking / pertaining to backward / step procedure used to examine the bile ducts and pancreas in which an endoscope is passed backward from the digestive tract into the bile duct |
koh-LAN-jee-oh-PANG-kree-ah-TAWG-rah-fee | cholanglopancreatography chol / angio / pancreato / graphy bile / vessel / pancreas / writing procedure procedure used to examine the bile ducts and pancreas in which an endoscope is passed backward from the digestive tract into the bile duct |
AD-eh-NAIT-is | adenitis aden / itis gland / inflammation inflammation of a gland |
AD-en-AWP-ah-thee | adenopathy adeno / pathy gland / disease gland disease |
AD-eh-NOH-sis | adenosis aden / osis gland / condition gland condition |
dis-MET-ah-BAWL-ik SIN-drohm | dysmetabolic syndrome dys / metabolic syn / drome bad / metabolism together / running combination of medical disorders associated with faulty metabolism |
kee-TOH-sis | ketosis ket /osis ketone body / condition condition characterized by elevated levels of ketone bodies in the blood |
PAWL-ee-AD-en-AWP-ah-thee | polyadenopathy poly / adeno / pathy many / gland / disease disease involving many glands |
ah-DREE-nal IN-suh-FISH-en-see | adrenal Insufficiency adrenal in / sufficiency adrenal not / adequate condition in which the adrenal glands underproduce necessary hormones |
ah-DREE-nah-LAI-tis | adrenalitis adrenal / itis adrenal / inflammation inflammation of the adrenal gland |
ah-DREE-noh-KORT-Ih-kalIN-suh-FISH-en-see | adrenocortical Insufficiency adreno / cortic / al in / sufficiency adrenal / cortex / pertaining to not / adequate condition in which the adrenal cortex underproduces necessary hormones |
ah-DREE-noh-KORT-Ih-koh-HAI-per-PLAY-zhah | adrenocorticohyperplasia adreno / cortico / hyper / plasia adrenal cortex / over / formation overdevelopment of the cortex of the adrenal gland |
kon-JEN-ih-tal ah-DREE-nal HAl-per-PLAY-zhah | congenital adrenal hyperplasia con / genit / al adrenal hyper / plasia over / formation with / birth / pertaining to adrena genetic disease in which the adrenal gland is overdeveloped, a deficiency of certain hormones and an overproduction of others |
DAI-ah-BEET-eez MEL-Ih-tis | diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus pass through honey metabolic disease characterized by excessive urination and hyperglycemia |
DAI-ah-BET-ik KEET-oh-ASS-ih-DOH-sis | diabetic ketoacidosis diabet / ic keto / acid / osis diabetes / pertaining to ketone / acid / condition acidity of the blood caused by the presence of ketone bodies produced when the body is unable to burn sugar; thus, it must burn fat for energy |
PANG-kree-at-ik SOO-doh-sist | pancreatic pseudocyst pancreat / ic pseudo / cyst pancreas / pertaining to false / cyst abnormally expanded area in the pancreas resembling a cyst |
PANG-kree-ah-TAIT-is | pancreatitis pancreat / itis pancreas / inflammation inflammation of the pancreas |
PAN-kree-AT-oh-lith | pancreatolith pancreato / lith pancreas /stone stone in the pancreas |
PAN-kree-ah-toh-lih-THAI-ah-sis | pancreatolithiasis pancreato / lith / iasis pancreas / stone / presence presence of a stone in the pancreas |
HAI-per-pih-TOO-ih-tar-IZM | hyperpituitarism hyper / pituitar /ism over / pituitary / condition overfunctioning of the pituitary gland |
hal-PAWF-Ih-SAl-tis | hypophysitis hypophys / itis pituitary / inflammation inflammation of the pituitary gland |
HAl-poh-pih-TOO-ih-tar-IZM | hypopitultarism hypo / pituitar / ism under / pituitary / condition condition caused by the undersecretion of the pituitary gland |
PAN-HAI-poh-pih-TOO-ih-tar-IZM | panhypopitultarism pan / hypo / pituitar / ism all / under / pituitary / condition defective or absent function of the entire pituitary gland |
pih-TOO-ih-TEH-ree in-FARK-shun | pitultary infarction pituitary in / farc / tion pituitary in / stuff / condition death of the pituitary gland |
HAl-per-PAR-ah-THAl-roid-IZM | hyperparathyroidism hyper / para / thyroid / ism over / beside / thyroid / condition overproduction by the parathyroid glands |
HAl-per-THAl-roid-IZM | hyperthyroidism hyper / thyroid / ism over / thyroid / condition overproduction by the thyroid |
HAI-poh-PAR-ah-THAI-roid-IZM | hypoparathyroidism hypo / para / thyroid / ism under / beside / thyroid / condition underproduction by the parathyroid |
HAI-poh-THAI-roid-IZM | hypothyroidism hypo / thyroid / ism under / thyroid / condition underproduction by the thyroid |
THAI-roid-Al-tis | thyroiditis thyroid / itis thyroid / inflammation inflammation of the thyroid |
THAI-roh-TOK-sih-KOH-sis | thyrotoxicosis thyro / toxic / osis thyroid / poison / condition condition caused by the exposure of body tissue to excessive levels of thyroid hormone (an extreme version of this is known as "thyroid storm") |
AD-en-oh-KAR-sin-OH-mah | adenocarcinoma adeno / carcin / oma gland / cancer / tumor cancerous tumor of a gland |
AD-en-OH-mah | adenoma aden / oma gland / tumor glandular tumor |
ad-REE-nal AD-en-OH-mah | adrenal adenoma adrenal aden / oma adrenal gland / tumor tumor of the adrenal gland |
ah-DREE-noh-KORT-ih-kalKAR-sin-OH-mah | adrenocortical carcinoma adreno / cortic / al carcin / oma adrenal / cortex / pertaining to cancer / tumor cancerous tumor originating in the cortex of the adrenal gland |
IN-suh-lih-NOH-mah | Insulinoma insulin / oma insulin / tumor tumor that secretes insulin (found in the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas) |
PAR-ah-THAI-roid-OH-mah | parathyroidoma para / thyroid / oma beside / thyroid / tumor tumor of the parathyroid |
pih-TOO-ih-TEH-ree AD-en-OH-mah | pitultary adenoma pituitary aden / oma pituitary gland / tumor tumor on the pituitary gland |
thai-MOH-mah | thymoma thym / oma thymus / tumor tumor of the thymus |
kun-TIN-yoo-us SUB-koo-TAY-nee-us IN-suh-lin In-FYOO-zhun | continuous subcutaneous Insulin Infusion continuous sub / cutaneous insulin in / fus /ion continuous beneath / skin insulin in / pour / process continuous injection of insulin into the blood from a pump inserted under the skin |
thai-ROID-oh-TOK-sin | thyroidotoxin thyroido / toxin thyroid / poison substance poisonous to the thyroid gland |
AD-en-EK-toh-mee | adenectomy aden / ectomy gland / removal removal of a gland |
KEET-oh-JIN-ik DAI-et | ketogenic diet keto /genic diet ketone body / creating diet that aids in the production of ketones in the body |
thai-MEK-toh-mee | thymectomy thym / ectomy thymus / removal removal of the thymus |
ah-DREE-nal-EK-toh-mee | adrenalectomy adrenal / ectomy adrenal / removal removal of the adrenal gland |
LAP-ah-roh-SKAWP-ikah-DREE-nal-EK-toh-mee | laparoscopic adrenalectomy laparo / scop / ic adrenal / ectomy abdomen / looking / pertaining to adrenal / removal removal of an adrenal gland by means of a laparoscope |
PAN-kree-ah-TEK-toh-mee | pancreatectomy pancreat / ectomy pancreas / removal removal of the pancreas |
PAN-kree-ah-toh-lith-EK-toh-mee | pancreatolithectomy pancreato / lith / ectomy pancreas /stone / removal removal of a stone in the pancreas |
hal-POF-Ih-SEK-toh-mee | hypophysectomy hypophys / ectomy pituitary / removal removal of the pituitary gland |
PAR-ah-THAI-roid-EK-toh-mee | parathyroldectomy para / thyroid / ectomy beside / thyroid / removal removal of the parathyroid |
THAI-roid-EK-toh-mee | thyroldectomy thyroid / ectomy thyroid / removal removal of the thyroid |
THAI-roid-AWT-oh-mee | thyroidotomy thyroido / tomy thyroid / incision incision into the thyroid |
THAI-roh-PAR-ah-THAI-roid-EK-toh-mee | thyroparathyroldectomy thyro / para / thyroid / ectomy thyroid / beside / thyroid / removal removal of the thyroid and parathyroid glands |
ACTH | adrenocorticotropic hormone |
BS | blood sugar |
CGM | continuous glucose monitor |
DI | diabetes insipidus |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholanglopancreatography |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
GDM | gestational diabetes mellitus |
GH | growth hormone |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
HgA1C | hemoglobin A1C test (used by patients with diabetes to monitor blood sugar levels) |
HRT | hormone replacement therapy |
TFT | thyroid function test |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone (also known as thyrotropin) |
T3 | triiodothyronine (one of two primary hormones produced by the thyroid) |
T4 | thyroxine (one of two primary hormones produced by the thyroid) |