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chapter 5
nervous system
Term | Definition |
cerebr/o, encephal/o | brain |
cerebell/o | cerebellum |
lob/o | lobe |
cephal/o | head |
crani/o | head, skull |
mening/o, meningi/o | meninges (membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord) |
dur/o | dura (tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord) |
neur/o | nerve |
gangli/o | nerve bundle |
myel/o | spinal cord, bone marrow |
esthesi/o | feeling, sensation |
phas/o | speech |
phren/o, psych/o | mind |
somn/o, somn/i, hypn/o | sleep |
gnosi/o | know |
-mania | excessive desire |
-phobia | excessive fear or sensitivity |
-paresis | slight or partial paralysis |
ton/o | muscle tone, tension, pressure |
tax/o | arrangement, order, coordination |
-plegia | paralysis |
-asthenia | weakness |
a/ phas/ ia | not speaking condition |
a/ taxia | no coordination |
cata/ ton/ ia | down muscle tone |
delirium | brief loss of mental function |
de/ ment/ ia | down mind condition |
dys/ kinesia | bad movement |
dys/ lex/ ia | bad reading condition |
dys/ ton/ ia | bad muscle tone condition |
myo/ clonus | muscle turmoil |
myo/ spasm | muscle involuntary contraction |
neur/ asthenia | nerve weakness |
somn/ ambul/ ism | sleep walk condition |
syncope | fainting; losing consciousness due to temporal loss of blood flow to the brain |
cephal/ algia | head pain |
cephalo/ dynia | head pain |
encephal/ algia | brain pain |
neur/ algia | nerve pain |
neuro/ dynia | nerve pain |
hemi/ paresis | half partial paralysis |
hemi/ plegia | half paralysis |
mono/ plegia | one paralysis |
paralysis | complete loss of sensation and motor function |
paresis | partial paralysis characterized by varying degrees of sensation and motor function |
caus/ algia | burn pain |
dys/ esthesia | bad sensation |
hyper/ esthesia | over sensation |
par/ esthesia | beside sensation |
pseud/ esthesia | false sensation |
syn/ esthesia | together sensation |
acro/ phobia | fear of heights |
agora/ phobia | fear of outdoor spaces |
hydro/ phobia | fear of water |
klepto/ mania | desire to steal |
photo/ phobia | excessive sensitivity to light |
pyro/ mania | desire to set fire |
echo/ encephalo/ graphy | echo/ brain/ writing procedure |
electro/ encephalo/ graphy | electricity/ brain/ writing procedure |
lumb/ ar / puncture | inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine |
cerebral angiography | procedure used to examine blood vessels in he brain |
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) | procedure used to examine blood vessels |
myelo/ gram | spinal cord/ record |
positron emission tomography (PET) scan | an imaging procedure that uses radiation to produce cross sections of the brain |
transcranial Doppler sonography | an imaging technique that produces an image of the brain using sound waves sent through the skull |
cerebellitits | inflammation of the cerebellum |
cerebral atrophy | wasting away of brain tissue |
duritis | inflammation of the dura |
encephalicele | hernia of the brain |
hematoma | a tumorlike mass made up of blood |
cranial hematoma | a hematoma beneath the skull |
epidural hematoma | a hematoma located on top of the dura |
intracerebral hematoma | a hematoma located inside the brain |
subdural hematoma | a hematoma located beneath the dura |
macrocephaly | abnormally large head |
microcephaly | abnormally small head |
meningocele | a hernia of the meninges |
myelocele | a hernia of the spinal cord |
myelomalacia | abnormal softening of the spinal cord |
glyco | sugar |
nystagmus | involuntary back and forth eye movement |
prosop | face |
gnos | knowledge |
af | toward |
ef | away |
ferent | carry |
ictal | seizure |
inter | between |
clonus | muscle spasm of twitching |
isch | hold back |
ient isch | go hold back |
eury | wide |
sm | condition |
astro | star |
glio | glue |
gangli | ganglion |
polio | gray |
orex | appetite |
bu | ox |
lim | hunger |
phor | carry |
aut | self |
schizo | divide |
phren | mind |
convuls | convulsion |
depress | depression |
anxio | anxiety |
lytic | breakdown agent |
pharmaco | drug |
thrombo | clot |
end | inside |
arter | artery |
ant | agent |
trop | turn |
therapy | treatment |
endo | inside |
ADHD | attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
MS | multiple sclerosis |
EEG | electroencephalogram |