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Chapter 8

ROOT: coagul/o coagulation anticoagulant, coagulopathy Coagulo refers to the blood's ability to form clots
ROOTS: hem/o, hemat/o blood hemolysis, hematology
ROOT: cyt/o cell erythrocyte, thrombocytosis
ROOT: thromb/o clot thrombocyte, thrombosis
ROOT: leuk/o white leukocytes, leukemia
ROOTS: phleb/o, ven/o vein phlebotomy, venospasm
ROOT: lymph/o lymph lymphadenitis, lymphoma
ROOT: myel/o bone marrow, spine myelitis, myelodysplasia
ROOT: splen/o spleen splenomegaly, splenectomy
ROOT: thym/o thymus thymoma, thymectomy
SUFFIx: -emia blood condition anemia, leukemia
ROOT: tonsill/o tonsils tonsillitis, tonsillectomy
ROOT: immun/o immune system immunology, immunoglobulin
SUFFIX: -penia deficiency cytopenia
ah-NEE-mee-ah anemla an / emia no / blood condition reduction of red blood cells noticed by the patient as weakness and fatigue
ek-ih-MOH-sis ecchymosis from Greek, for "to pour out" large bruise
HEE-mah-TOH-mah hematoma hemat / oma blood / tumor mass of blood within an organ, cavity, or tissue
HEE-moh-FIL-ee-ah hemophilia hemo / phil / ia blood / love / condition condition in which the blood doesn't clot, thus causing excessive bleeding
HEM-oh-RIJ hemorrhage hemo / rrhage blood / burst forth excessive blood loss
puh-TEE-kee-yah petechia from Latin, for "freckle" or "spot" small bruise
REE-pir-FYOO-zhun IN-jir-ee reperfusion injury re / per /fusion injury again / through / pour injury to tissue that occurs after blood flow is restored
LIM-FAD-eh-NAWP-ah-thee lymphadenopathy lymph / adeno / pathy lymph / gland / disease any disease of a lymph gland (node); used to refer to noticeably swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck
LIM-fih-DEE-mah lymphedema lymph / edema lymph / swelling swelling caused by abnormal accumulation of lymph, usually in the extremities
splee-NAL-jee-ah splenalgia splen / algia spleen / pain pain in the spleen
SPLEE-noh-DIN-ee-ah splenodynia spleno / dynia spleen / pain pain in the spleen
AN-AI-soh-SAI-toh-sis anisocytosis an /iso / cvt / osis not / equal / cell / condition condition characterized by a great inequality in the size of red blood cells
ee-LIP-toh-SAIT elliptocyte ellipto / cyte oval-shaped / cell oval red blood cells
ee-LIP-toh-sal-TOH-sis elliptocytosis ellipto / cyt / osis oval-shaped / cell / condition condition characterized by an increase in the number of oval-shaped red blood cells
EM-boh-lizm embolism embol /ism embolus / condition blockage in a blood vessel caused by an embolus
EM-boh-lus embolus em / bolus in / throw mass of matter present in the blood
eh-RITH-roh-SAIT erythrocyte erythro / cyte red / cell red blood cell
eh-RITH-roh-sai-TOH-sis ervthrocytosis erythro / cyt / osis red / cell / condition abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells
hee-MAT-oh-pol-EE-sis hematopolesis hemato / poiesis blood / formation formation of blood cells
hee-MAWL-ih-sis hemolysis hemo /lysis blood / breakdown breakdown of blood cells
LOO-koh-sait leukocyte leuko / cyte white / cell white blood cell
LOO-koh-sai-TOH-sis leukocytosis leuko / cyt / osis white / cell / condition
LOO-koh-PEE-nee-ah leukopenia leuko / penia white / deficiency deficiency in white blood cells
MAK-roh-sai-TOH-sis macrocytosis macro / cyt / osis large / cell / condition condition characterized by large red blood cells
MAI-kroh-sai-TOH-sis microcytosis micro / cyt / osis small / cell / condition condition characterized by small red blood cells
MAl-eh-loh-pol-EE-sis myelopolesis myelo / poiesis bone marrow / formation formation of bone marrow
NOO-troh-PEE-nee-ah neutropenia neutro / penia neutrophil / deficiency deficiency in neutrophil
NOR-moh-sait normocyte normo / cyte normal / cell normal-sized red blood cell
AWL-Ih-goh-sih-THEE-mee-ah oligocythemia oligo / cyt / hemia few / cell / blood condition deficiency in the number of red blood cells
PAN-SAIT-oh-PEE-nee-ah pancytopenla pan / cyto / penia all / cell /deficiency deficiency in all cellular components of the blood
FAG-oh-sai-TOH-sis phagocytosis phago / cyt / osis eat / cell / condition process in which phagocytes (a type of white blood cell) destroy (or eat) foreign microorganisms or cell debris
POl-kih-loh-sal-TOH-sis polkilocytosis poikilo / cyt / osis various / cell / condition condition characterized by red blood cells in a variety of shapes
PAWL-ee-sih-THEE-mee-ah polycythemia poly / cyt / hemia many / cell / blood condition excess of red blood cells
reh-TIK-yoo-loh-SAIT reticulocyte reticulo / cyte net / cell immature red blood cell; the root comes from its netlike appearance
SFEE-roh-SAIT spherocyte sphero / cyte sphere / cell red blood cell that assumes a spherical shape
THROM-boh-sait thrombocyte thrombo / cyte clot / cell cell that helps blood clot, also known as a platelet
THROM-boh-SAIT-oh-PEE-nee-ah thrombocytopenia thrombo / cyto / penia clot / cell / deficiency deficiency in the number of platelets (clot cells)
THROM-boh-sai-TOH-sis thrombocytosis thrombo / cyt / osis clot / cell / condition increase in the number of platelets (clot cells)
THROM-boh-EM-boh-lizm thromboembolism thrombo /embol / ism clot / embolus / condition blockage of a vessel (embolism) caused by a clot that has broken off from where it formed
THROM-boh-JEN-ik thrombogenic thrombo / gen / ic clot / formation / pertaining to capable of producing a blood clot
throm-BOH-sis thrombosis thromb / osis clot / condition the formation of a blood clot
THROM-bus thrombus from Greek, for "lump, clot, or even “ curd of milk “ blood clot
ah-SPLEEN-ee-ah asplenia a / splen /ia no / spleen / condition absence of a spleen or of spleen function
HEP-ah-toh-SPLEE-noh-MEG-ah-lee hepatosplenomegaly hepato / spleno / megaly liver / spleen / enlargement enlargement of the liver and spleen
LIM-foh-SAIT lymphocyte lympho / cyte lymph / cell lymph cell
LIM-foh-PEE-nee-ah lymphopenia lympho / penia lymph / deficiency abnormal deficiency in lymph
splee-NEK-toh-pee splenectopy splen / ec/top / y spleen / out / place / condition displacement of the spleen; sometimes called floating spleen
splee-NAWL-ih-sis splenolysis spleno / lysis spleen / breakdown breakdown (destruction) of spleen tissue
SPLEE-noh-mah-LAY-shee-ah splenomalacia spleno / malacia spleen / softening softening of the spleen
SPLEE-noh-MEG-ah-lee splenomegaly spleno / megaly spleen / enlargement enlargement of the spleen
SPLEE-nawp-TOH-sis splenoptosis spleno / ptosis spleen / drooping condition downward displacement (drooping) of the spleen
THAI-mik HAl-per-PLAY-zhah thymic hyperplasia thym /ic hyper / plasia thymus / pertaining to over / formation overdevelopment of the thymus
hee-MAT-oh-krit hematocrit hemato / crit blood / judge (separate) test to judge or separate the blood; it is used to determine the ratio of red blood cells to total blood volume
HEE-mah-TAWL-oh-jee hematology hemato / logy blood / study study of the blood
HEE-moh-GLOH-bin hemoglobin hemo / globin blood / globe iron-containing pigment in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the cells
HAI-poh-per-FYOO-zhun hypoperfusion hypo / per / fusion under / through / pour inadequate flow of blood
IM-yoo-noh-GLAWB-yoo-lin Immunoglobulin immuno / globulin immune system / sphere protein that provides protection (immunity) against disease
IM-yoo-NAWL-oh-jist immunologist immuno /logist immune system / specialist specialist in the study of the immune system
lim-FAN-iee-oh-GRAM lymphanglogram lymph / angio / gram lymph / vessel / record record of the study of lymph vessels
lim-FAN-jee-AWG-rah-fee lymphanglography lymph / angio / graphy lymph / vessel / writing procedure procedure to study the lymph vessels
per-FYOO-zhun perfusion per /fusion through / pour circulation of blood through tissue
fleh-BAWL-oh-jee phlebology phlebo /logy vein / study of study of veins
fleh-BAWT-oh-mist phlebotomist phlebo /tom / ist vein /cut / specialist specialist in drawing blood
fleh-BAWI-oh-mee phlebotomy phlebo / tomy vein / incision incision into a vein; another name for drawing blood
SFIG-moh-man-AWM-et-er sphygmomanometer sphygmo / mano / meter strangle /thin / instrument for measuring fancy name for the device used to measure blood pressure
ANT-Ih-BAWD-ee antibody anti / body against / body substance produced by the body in response to an antigen
ANT-Ih-jen antigen anti / gen against / creator substance that causes the body to produce antibodies
IM-yoo-NAWL-oh-jee immunology immuno /logy immune system / study study of the immune svstem
AWT-oh-im-YOON diz-EEZ autoimmune disease auto / immune self / immune disease caused by the body's immune system attacking the body's own healthy tissue
coh-AG-yoo-LAWP-ah-thee coagulopathy coagulo / pathy coagulation / disease any disease that deals with problems in blood coagulation
DEEP VAYN throm-BOH-sis deep vein thrombosis deep vein thromb / osis deep vein clot / condition formation of a blood clot in a vein deep in the body, most commonly the leg
HEE-moh-GLOH-bih-NAWP-ah-thee hemoglobinopathy hemo / globino / pathy blood / globe / disease disease of the hemoglobin
HAl-per-koh-AG-yoo-lah-BIL-Ih-tee hypercoagulability hyper / coagul / ability over / coagulation / ability increased ability of the blood to coagulate
IM-yoo-noh-deh-FISH-en-see immunodeficiency immuno / deficiency immune / deficiency immune system with decreased or compromised response to disease-causing organisms
IM-yoo-noh-suh-PRESH-un Immunosuppression immuno / suppression immune / suppression reduction in the activity of the body's immune system
is-KEE-mee-ah Ischemia isch /emia hold back / blood condition blockage of blood flow to an organ
FLEB-ar-TEH-ree-ek-TAY-zhee-ah phlebarterlectasia phleb / arteri / ectasia vein / artery / dilation dilation of blood vessels
SFEER-oh-sai-TOH-sis spherocytosis sphero / cyt / osis sphere / cell / condition condition in which red blood cells assume a spherical shape
THROM-boh-fleh-BAI-tis thrombophlebitis thrombo / phleb / itis clot /vein / inflammation inflammation of vein caused by a clot
ah-NEE-mee-ah anemla an / emia no / blood condition reduced red blood cells
ah-PLAS-tik ah-NEE-mee-ah aplastic anemia a / plas / tic an / emia no / formation / pertaining to no / blood condition anemia caused by red blood cells not being formed in sufficient quantities
HEE-moh-LIT-ik ah-NEE-mee-ah hemolytic anemla hemo / lytic an/ emia blood / breakdown no / blood condition anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells
Al-ern deh-FISH-en-see ah-NEE-mee-ah Iron deficlency anemla iron deficiency an / emia iron deficiency no / blood condition anemia caused by inadequate iron intake
BIL-ee-roo-bin-EE-mee-ah bilirubinemia bili / rubin / emia bile / red / blood condition presence of bilirubin in the blood
HAI-per-BIL-ee-roo-bin-EE-mee-ah hyperbilirubinemia hyper / bili / rubin / emia over / bile / red / blood condition excessive bilirubin in the blood
HAl-per-koh-LES-ter-ol-EE-mee-ah hypercholesterolemla hyper / cholesterol / emia over / cholesterol / blood condition excessive cholesterol in the blood
HAl-per-LIP-Ih-DEE-mee-ah hyperlipidemla hyper / lipid / emia over fat / blood condition excessive fat in the blood
HAI-per-voh-LEE-mee-ah hypervolemla hyper / vol /emia over / volume / blood condition increased blood volume
SEP-tih-SEE-mee-ah septicemia septic / emia rotting / blood condition presence of disease-causing microorganisms in the blood
yoo-REE-mee-ah uremia ur /emia urine / blood condition presence of urine in the blood
HEP-ah-toh-SPLEEN-al-tis hepatosplenitis liver / spleen / inflammation Inflammation of the liver and spleen
HAl-per-SPLEN-izm hypersplenism hyper / splen / ism over / spleen / condition increased spleen activity
LIM-FAD-en-AIT-is lymphadenitis lymph / aden / itis lymph / gland / inflammation inflammation of a lymph gland (node)
lim-FAN-jee-ek-TAY-zhee-ah lymphanglectasia lymph / angi / ectasia lymph / vessel / dilation dilation of a lymph vessel, normally noticed by swelling in the extremities
LIM-FAN-JAIT-is lymphangitis lymph / ang / itis lymph / vessel / inflammation inflammation of lymph vessels
MAWN-oh-NOO-klee-OH-sis mononucleosis mono / nucle / osis опе / nucleus / condition condition characterized by an abnormally large number of mononuclear leukocytes
MAI-el-oh-dis-PLAY-zhee-ah myelodysplasla myelo /dys / plas /ia bone marrow / bad / formation / condition disease characterized by poor production of blood cells by the bone marrow
AWS-tee-oh-MAl-eh-LAl-tis osteomyelitis osteo / mye /itis bone / bone marrow / inflammation Inflammation of bone and bone marrow
splee-NAI-tis splenitis splen / itis spleen / inflammation Inflammation of the spleen
splee-NAWP-ah-thee splenopathy spleno / pathy spleen / disease any disease of the spleen
SPLEE-noh-REK-sis splenorrhexis spleno / rrhexis spleen / rupture rupture of the spleen
thai-MAWP-ah-thee thymopathy thymo / pathy thymus / disease disease of the thymus
TON-sil-Al-tis tonsillitis tonsill / itis tonsil / inflammation inflammation of a tonsil
loo-KEE-mee-ah leukemla leuk /emia white / blood condition cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by the abnormal increase in white blood cells
lim-FOH-mah lymphoma lymph / oma lymph / tumor tumor originating in lymphocytes
mai-eh-LOH-mah myeloma myel / oma bone marrow / tumor cancerous tumor of the bone marrow, when the tumors are present in several bones, it is called multiple myeloma
thai-MOH-mah thymoma thym / oma thymus / tumor tumor of the thymus
IM-yoo-noh-COM-proh-MAIZD Immunocompromised immuno / compromised immune / compromised having an immune system incapable of responding normally and completely to a pathogen or disease
ANT-ih-coh-AG-yoo-lant anticoagulant anti / coagul /ant against / coagulation / agent drug that prevents the coagulation of blood
HEE-moh-STAT-ik hemostatic hemo / static blood / standing drug that stops the flow of blood
THROM-boh-LIT-ik thrombolytic thrombo / lytic clot / breakdown agent drug that breaks down blood clots
LAP-ar-oh-spleen-EK-toh-mee laparosplenectomy laparo / splen / ectomy abdomen / spleen / removal surgical removal of the spleen through the abdomen
lim-FAD-en-EK-toh-mee lymphadenectomy lymph / aden / ectomy lymph / gland / removal surgical removal of a lymph gland (node)
lim-FAD-eh-NAWT-oh-mee lymphadenotomy lymph / adeno / tomy lymph / gland / incision incision into a lymph gland (node)
NEF-roh-SPLEE-noh-PEK-see nephrosplenopexy nephro / spleno / pexy kidney / spleen / fixation surgical fixation of the spleen and a kidney
SPLEE-NEK-toh-mee splenectomy splen / ectomy spleen / removal surgical removal of the spleen
thai-MEK-toh-mee thymectomy thym / ectomy thymus / removal surgical removal of the thymus
TON-sil-EK-toh-mee tonsillectomy tonsill / ectomy tonsil / removal surgical removal of a tonsil
AH-feh-REE-sis apheresis from Greek, for "separation" general term for a process, similar to dialysis that draws out a patient's blood, removes something from it. then returns the rest of the blood to the patients body
SAIT-ah-feh-REE-sis cytapheresis cyt / apheresis cell / separation apheresis to remove cellular material
PLAZ-mah-fer-EE-sis plasmapheresis plasm / apheresis plasma / separation apheresis to remove plasma
PLAYT-let-fer-EE-sis plateletpheresis platelet / pheresis platelet / separation apheresis to remove platelets (for the purpose of donating them to patients in need of platelets
tranz-FYOO-zhun transfusion trans / fusion across / pour infusion into a patient of blood from another source
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia
AML acute myeloid leukemia
BMT bone marrow transplant
СВС complete blood count
CML chronic myeloid leukemia
DIC disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
EBV Epstein-Barr virus
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Hct hematocrit
Hgb hemoglobin
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HSM hepatosplenomegaly
HUS hemolytic uremic syndrome
INR international normalized ratio
ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
IV intravenous
IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin
LAD lymphadenopathy
NCAT no cervical adenopathy or tenderness
PLT platelet count
PT prothrombin time
PTT partial thromboplastin time
RBC red blood count; red blood cell
TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
WBC white blood count; white blood cell
Created by: Kimshi
Popular Medical sets




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