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Chapter 9
Term | Definition |
ROOT: valvul/o | valve valvulotomy, valvulitis |
ROOT: atri/o | atrium (upper chamber) atrium, atrial fibrillation |
ROOT: sept/o | septum (plural: septa) atrial septal defect, septoplasty |
ROOT: ventricul/o | ventricle (lower chamber) ventriculotomy |
ROOT: cardilo | heart cardiology, cardiac arrest, myocarditis |
ROOT: coron/o | heart coronary artery, coronary thrombosis |
ROOTS: angl/o, vas/o, vascuno | vessel angioplasty, angiogram, vasodilator, vasculitis |
ROOT: dort/o | aorta aortitis, aortolith |
ROOT: arteri/o | artery arteriosclerosis, endarterectomy |
ROOT: ather/o | fatty plaque atherosclerosis |
ROOTS: phleb/o, ven/o | vein phlebotomy, venospasm |
an-JAl-nah PEK-tor-is | angina pectoris angina pectoris to choke chest oppressive pain in the chest caused by irregular blood flow to the heart |
ah-RITH-mee-ah | arrhythmla a / rhythm /ia no / rhythm / condition irregular heartbeat |
dis-RITH-mee-ah | dysrhythmia dys / rhythm / ia bad / rhythm / condition irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia is more common) |
PAL-pih-TAY-shun | palpitation from Latin, for "to flutter“ rapid or irregular beating of the heart |
PEK-toh-RAL-jee-ah | pectoralgia pector / algia chest / pain chest pain |
AY-or-TAL-lah | aortalgia aort / algia aorta / pain pain in the aorta |
DAI-ah-foh-REE-sis | diaphoresis dia / phoresis through / carry profuse sweating |
HEM-oh-RIJ | hemorrhage hemo / rrhage blood / burst forth loss of blood |
fleh-BAL-jee-ah | phlebalgia phleb / algia vein / pain pain in a vein |
EN-doh-KARD-ee-um | endocardium endo / card / ium inside / heart / tissue tissue lining the inside of the heart |
EP-ih-KARD-ee-um | epicardium epi / card / ium upon / heart / tissue tissue lining the outside of the heart |
MAI-oh-KARD-ee-um | myocardium myo / card / ium muscle / heart / tissue heart muscle tissue |
PER-Ih-KARD-ee-um | pericardium peri / card / ium around / heart / tissue tissue around the heart |
BRAYD-ih-KARD-ee-ah | bradycardia brady / card / ia slow / heart / condition slow heartbeat |
KAR-dee-oh-MEG-ah-lee | cardiomegaly cardio / megaly heart / enlargement enlarged heart |
SAl-ah-NOH-sis | cyanosis cyan / osis blue / condition bluish appearance to the skin-a sign that the tissue isn't recelving enough oxygen |
MUR-mur | murmur from Latin, for "to grumble" or "hum" abnormal heart sound |
TAK-ih-KARD-ee-ah | tachycardia tachy / card / ia fast / heart / condition rapid heartbeat |
VEE-nah CAY-vah | vena cava vena cava vein hollow large-diameter vein that gathers blood from the body and retums it to the heart |
in-FEER-ee-or VEE-nah CAY-vah | Inferior vena cava inferior vena cava lower vein hollow portion of the vena cava that gathers blood from the lower portion of the body |
sOO-PEER-ee-or VEE-nah CAY-vah | superior vena cava superior vena cava upper vein hollow portion of the vena cava that gathers blood from the upper portion of the body (head and arms) |
AN-jee-oh-JIN-eh-sis | angiogenesis angio / genesis vessel / creation development of blood vessels |
AN-jee-oh-LITH | angiolith angio / lith vessel /stone stone forming in the wall of a blood vessel |
AN-jee-oh-poy-EE-sis | anglopolesis angio / poiesis vessel / formation formation of blood vessels |
AN-jee-oh-skleh-ROH-sis | angiosclerosis angio / scler / osis vessel / hard / condition hardening of a blood vessel |
AY-ort-ek-TAY-zhah | aortectasia aort / ectasia aorta / dilation dilation of the aorta |
ay-OR-tik steh-NOH-sis | aortic stenosis aort / ic sten /osis aorta pertaining to narrow / condition |
AY-OR-toh-LITH | aortolith aorto / lith aorta / stone stone deposit in the wal of the aorta |
ar-TER-ee-oh-LITH | arteriolith arterio / lith artery / stone stone in the artery |
ar-TER-ee-oh-REK-sis | arteriorrhexis arterio / rrhexis artery / rupture rupture of an artery |
ar-TER-ee-oh-skleh-ROH-sis | arteriosclerosis arterio / scler / osis artery / hard / condition hardening of an artery |
ATH-eh-roh-JEN-eh-sis | atherogenesis athero / genesis fatty plaque / creation formation of fatty plaque on the wall of an artery |
ATH-eh-ROH-skleh-ROH-sis | atherosclerosis athero / scler / osis fatty plaque / hard / condition hardening of an artery due to buildup of fatty plaque |
EM-boh-lizm | embollsm embol /ism embolus / condition blockage in a blood vessel caused by an embolus |
EM-boh-lus | embolus em / bolus in / throw mass of matter present in the blood |
is-KEE-mee-ah | ischemia isch / emia hold back / blood condition blockage of blood flow to an organ |
oh-KLOO-zhun | occlusion from Latin, for "to close off“ closing or blockage of a passage |
FLEH-boh-skleh-ROH-sis | phlebosclerosis phlebo / scler / osis vein / hard / condition hardening of a vein |
THROM-bus | thrombus from Greek, for "lump." "clot," or even "curd of milk" blood clot |
VAR-Ih-kohs VAYNS | varicose velns varicose veins swollen / twisted veins an enlarged, dilated vein toward the surface of the skin |
VAH-so-spazm | vasospasm vaso / spasm vessel / involuntary contraction Involuntary contraction of a blood vessel |
VEE-noh-skleh-ROH-sis | venosclerosis veno scler / osis vein / hard / condition hardening of a vein |
VEE-noh-spazm | venospasm veno / spasm vein / involuntary contraction involuntary contraction of a vein |
VEE-noh-STAY-sis | venostasis veno / stasis vein / standing trapping of blood in an extremity due to compression |
AN-jee-oh-GRAM | anglogram angio / gram vessel / record record of the blood vessels |
AN-jee-AWG-rah-fee | anglography angio / graphy vessel / writing procedure procedure to describe the blood vessels |
av-OR-toh-GRAM | aorto / gram aorta / record record of the aorta |
ar-TER-ee-oh-GRAM | arteriogram arterio / gram artery / record record of an artery |
VEE-noh-gram | venogram veno / gram vein / record record of a vein |
AN-jee-oh-SKOWP | angloscope angio / scope vessel / device for looking device for looking into a blood vessel |
KAR-dee-ak KATH-et-er-ih-ZAY-shun | cardiac catheterlzation cardi / ac catheter / ization heart / pertaining to catheter / procedure process of Inserting a tube (catheter) into the heart |
EK-oh-KAR-dee-oh-GRAM | echocardiogram echo / cardio / gram echo / heart / record image of the heart produced using sound waves; the same procedure as an ultrasound performed on pregnant women, but instead it is performed on a heart. |
EK-oh-KAR-dee-AWG-rah-fee | echocardiography echo / cardio / graphy echo / heart / writing procedure use of sound waves to produce an image of the heart; the same procedure as an ultrasound performed on pregnant women, but instead it is performed on a heart. |
eh-LEK-troh-KAR-dee-oh-GRAM | electrocardiogram electro / cardio / gram electricity / heart / record record of the electrical currents of the heart |
eh-LEK-troh-KAR-dee-AWG-rah-fee | electrocardiography electro / cardio / graphy electricity / heart / writing procedure procedure for recording the electrical currents of the heart |
saw-NAWG-rah-fee | sonography sono / graphy sound / writing procedure use of sound waves to produce diagnostic Images; also called ultrasound |
STRES eh-LEK-troh-KAR-dee-oh-GRAM | stress electrocardiogram stress electro / cardio / gram stress electricity / heart / record records electrical signals of the heart while the patient experiences increases of exercise stress |
TRANZ-eh-SOF-ah-JEE-alEK-oh-KAR-dee-oh-GRAM | transesophageal echocardiogram trans / esophag / eal echo / cardio / gram through / esophagus / pertaining to echo / heart / record record of the heart using sound waves performed by inserting the transducer into the esophagus |
VAS-kyoo-laren-DAWS-koh-pee | vascular endoscopy vascul / ar endo / scopy vessel / pertaining to inside / looking procedure procedure to look inside a blood vessel |
BLUD PRESH-ur | blood pressure blood pressure the force exerted by blood on the walls of blood vessels |
DAI-ah-STAWL-Ik PRESH-ur | diastolic pressure dia /stol / ic pressure through / send / pertaining to pressure exerted on blood vessels when heart is relaxed |
sis-TAWI-ik PRESH-ur | systolic pressure sys /stol / ic pressure together / send / pertaining to pressure exerted on blood vessels when heart is contracting |
KAR-dee-AWL-oh-jist | cardiologist cardio / logist heart / specialist heart specialist |
KAR-dee-AWL-oh-jee | cardiology cardio / logy hoar / study branch of medicine dealing with the heart |
KAR-dee-oh-VAS-kyoo-lar | cardiovascular cardio / vascul /ar heart / vessel /pertaining to pertaining to the heart and blood vessels |
SIR-kyoo-LAY-shun | circulation from Latin, for "to go in a circle" moving of blood from the heart through the vessels and back to the heart |
KOR-oh-NER-ee SIR-kyoo-LAY-shun | coronary circulation coron / ary circulation heart / pertaining to circulation of blood from the heart to the heart muscle the heart always feeds itself first) |
PUL-moh-neh-ree SIR-kyoo-LAY-shun | pulmonary circulation pulmon / ary circulation lung / pertaining to circulation of blood from the heart to the lungs (to oxygenate it) |
sis-TEM-Ik SIR-kyoo-LAY-shun | systemic circulation sys / stem /ic circulation together / stand / pertaining to circulation of blood from the heart to the rest of the body |
fleh-BAWL-oh-jist | phlebologist phlebo / logist vein /specialist specialist in veins |
fleh-BAWL-oh-jee | phlebology phlebo /logy vein / study stud of veins |
fleh-BAWT-oh-mist | phlebotomist phlebo / tom /ist vein / incision / specialist one who draws blood |
fleh-BAWT-oh-mee | phlebotomy phlebo / tomy vein / incision incision into a vein-the technical term for drawing blood |
KAR-dee-oh-TOK-sik | cardiotoxic cardio / toxic heart / poison poisonous to the heart |
AN-jee-oh-kar-DAI-tis | anglocarditis angio / card /itis vessel / heart / inflammation inflammation of the heart vessels |
AY-tree-al FIB-rih-LAY-shun | atrial fibrillation atrial fibrill / ation atrium / pertaining to little fibers / process quivering or spontaneous contraction of muscle fibers in the heart's atrium |
AY-tree-al SEP-tal DEE-fekt | atrial septal defect (ASD) atri / al sept / al de / fect atrium / pertaining to septum / pertaining to bad / made flaw in the septum that divides the two atria of the heart |
KAR-dee-ak ah-REST | cardiac arrest cardi / ac arrest heart / pertaining to stop cessation of functional circulation |
KAR-dee-oh-mai-AWP-ah-thee | cardiomyopathy cardio / myo / pathy heart/ muscle / disease disease of the heart muscle |
con-JES-tiv KAR-dee-oh-mai-AWP-ah-thee | congestive cardiomyopathy con / gestive cardiomyopathy together / bring heart cavity is unable to pump all the blood out of itself (congestive) and becomes stretched (dilated), which causes weak/slow pumping of blood |
DAI-lay-ted KAR-dee-oh-mal-AWP-ah-thee | dilated cardiomyopathy dilated cardio / myo / pathy expanded heart / muscle / disease another term for congestive cardiomyopathy |
HAl-per-TROH-fik KAR-dee-oh-mai-AWP-ah-thee | hypertrophic cardiomyopathy hyper / troph /ic cardiomyopathy over / developed / pertaining to heart muscle becomes enlarged and blocks blood flow |
ree-STRIK-tiv KAR-dee-oh-mal-AWP-ah-thee | restrictive cardiomyopathy re / strict / ive cardiomyopathy back / tied / pertaining to heart muscle hardens, restricting the expansion of the heart, thus limiting the amount of blood it can pump to the rest of the body |
kar-DAI-tis | carditis card / itis heart / inflammation Inflammation of the heart |
con-JEN-Ih-tal HART DEE-fekt | congenital heart defect con / genit / al heart de / fect together / birth / pertaining to heart bad / made flaw in the structure of the heart present at birth |
con-JES-tiv HART FAYL-yir | congestive heart fallure (CHF) con / gest /ive heart failure together / bring / pertaining to heart failure characterized by the heart cavity being unable to pump all the blood out of itself (congestive) |
KOR-oh-NER-ee throm-BOH-sis | coronary thrombosis coron / ary thromb / osis heart / pertaining to clot / condition obstruction of a coronary artery by a clot |
EN-doh-kar-DAl-tis | endocarditis endo / card / itis inside / heart / inflammation inflammation of the tissue lining the inside of the heart |
MAI-oh-KAR-dee-al in-FARK-shun | myocardial infarction (MI) myo / cardi / al in / farc / tion muscle / heart / pertaining to in / stuff / condition death of heart muscle tissue |
MAI-oh-KAR-dee-al is-KEE-mee-ah | myocardial ischemia myo / cardi / al isch / emia muscle / heart / pertaining to hold back / blood condition blockage of blood to the heart muscle |
MAl-oh-kar-DAI-tis | myocarditis myo / card / itis muscle / heart / inflammation inflammation of the heart muscle |
PER-ee-KAR-dee-al ee-FYOO-zhun | pericardial effusion peri / cardi / al ef /fusion around / heart / pertaining to out / pour fluid pouring out into the tissue around the heart |
PER-ee-kar-DAl-tis | pericarditis peri / card / itis around / heart / inflammation inflammation of the tissue around the heart |
VAL-voo-LAI-tis | valvulitis valvul / itis valve / inflammation inflammation of a heart valve |
ven-TRIK-yoo-lar SEP-tal DEE-fekt | ventricular septal defect (VSD) ventricul / ar sept /al de / fect ventricle / pertaining to septum / pertaining to bad / made flaw in the septum that divides the two ventricles of the heart |
AN-yoo-rizm | aneurysm an / eury / sm up / wide / condition bulge in a blood vessel |
AN-jee-oh-eh-DEE-mah | angloedema angio / edema vessel / swelling swelling of the blood vessels |
AN-jee-OH-mah | angloma angi / oma vessel / tumor blood vessel tumor |
ay-OR-tik AN-yir-IZ-um | aortic aneurvsm aort / ic an / eury / sm aorta / pertaining to up / wide / condition bulging or swelling of the aorta |
av-OR-tik ree-GIR-ih-TAY-shun | aortic regurgitation aort / ic re / gurgit / ation aorta / pertaining to back / bubble / condition flow of blood backward from the aorta into the heart, caused by a weak heart valve |
ay-or-TAIT-is | aortitis aort / itis aorta / inflammation inflammation of the aorta |
ar-TER-ee-AWP-ah-thee | arterlopathy arterio / pathy altery / disease disease of the arteries |
ART-eh-RAIT-Is | arteritis arter / itis artery / inflammation Inflammation of the arteries |
DEEP VAYN throm-BOH-sis | deep veln thrombosis deep vein thromb / osis deep vein clot / condition formation of a blood clot in a vein deep In the body, most commonly the leg |
HAl-per-TEN-shun | hypertension hyper / tens /ion over / stretch / condition high blood pressure |
HAl-poh-TEN-shun | hypotension hypo / tens / ion under / stretch / condition low blood pressure |
NOR-moh-TEN-shun | normotension normo / tens / ion normal / stretch / condition normal blood pressure |
fleh-BAIT-is | phlebitis phleb /itis vein / inflammation inflammation of the veins |
FLEB-oh-steh-NOH-sis | phlebostenosis phlebo / sten / osis vein / narrow / condition narrowing of the veins |
THROM-boh-fleh-BAl-tis | thrombophlebitis thrombo / phleb / itis clot / vein / inflammation inflammation of vein caused by a clot |
VAS-kyoo-LAl-tis | vasculitis vascul / itis vessel / inflammation inflammation of blood vessels |
ANT-ee-AN-in-al | antianginal anti / angin / al against / angina (choke) / agent drug that prevents or relieves the symptoms of angina pectoris |
ANT-ee-ah-RITH-mik | antiarrhythmic anti / a / rrhythm /ic against / no / rhythm / agent drug that opposes an irregular heartbeat |
ANT-ih-koh-AG-yoo-lant | anticoagulant anti / coagul /ant against / coagulation / agent drug that opposes the coagulation of the blood |
ANT-ih-HAl-per-TEN-siv | antihypertensive anti / hyper / tens / ive against / over / stretch / agent drug that opposes high blood pressure |
KAR-dee-oh-TAWN-ik | cardiotonic cardio / ton / ic heart / tone / agent drug that increases the strength of the heart contractions |
THROM-boh-LIT-ik | thrombolytic thrombo /lyt / ic clot / loose / agent drug that breaks down clots |
VAH-soh-kon-STRIK-tor | vasoconstrictor vaso / constrict / or vessel / narrowing / agent drug that constricts or narrows the diameter of a blood vessel |
VAH-soh-dai-LAYT-or | vasodilator vaso / dilat /or vessel / expanding / agent drug that causes the relaxation or expansion of a blood vessel |
VAH-soh-PRES-or | vasopressor vaso / press / or vessel / press / agent drug that constricts or narrows the diameter of a blood vessel |
KAR-dee-oh-mal-AWT-oh-mee | cardiomyotomy cardio / myo / tomy heart / muscle / incision Incision into the heart muscle |
KAR-dee-oh-PUL-moh-ner-ee BAl-pas | cardiopulmonary bypass cardio / pulmon / ary bypass heart / lung / pertaining to procedure that temporarily circulates and oxygenates a patient's blood during the portion of heart surgery where the heart is stopped |
KAR-dee-oh-PUL-moh-ner-eere-SUS-Ih-TAY-shun | cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) cardio / pulmon / ary re /suscit / ation heart / lung / pertaining to / again / stir up / procedure basic life support |
KAR-dee-oh-thoh-RAS-Ik SIR-Ilr-ee | cardiothoracic surgery cardio / thorac / ic surgery heart / chest / pertaining to surgery that Involves cutting through the patient's chest to get to the heart |
KAR-dee-oh-VER-zhun | cardioversion cardio / vers / ion heart/ turn / procedure returning a heart to normal rhythm |
KOR-oh-NER-ee ART-e-REK-toh-mee | coronary arterectomy coron / ary arter / ectomy heart / pertaining to artery / removal surgical removal of a coronary artery |
KOR-oh-NER-ee AR-ter-ee BAl-pas GRAFT | coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) coronary artery bypass graft borrowed piece of blood vessel used to bypass a blocked artery in the heart |
KOR-oh-NER-ee AR-ter-ee BAl-pas SIR-jir-ee | coronary artery bypass surgery coronary artery bypass surgery surgery to bypass a blocked artery in the heart |
PER-kyoo-TAY-nee-usKOR-oh-NER-eeIN-ter-VEN-shun | percutaneous coronary intervention per / cutane / ous coron / ary through / skin / pertaining to heart / pertaining to alternate treatment for a coronary artery that passes instruments up a patient's blood vessels into the heart |
PER-ee-KAR-dee-oh-sin-TEE-sis | pericardiocentesis peri / cardio / centesis around / heart / puncture puncture of the tissue around the heart |
PER-ee-KAR-dee-AWT-oh-mee | pericardiotomy peri / cardio / tomy around / heart / incision incision into the tissue around the heart |
val-VEK-toh-mee | valvectomy valv / ectomy valve / removal surgical removal of a heart valve |
val-VAWT-oh-mee | valvotomy valvo / tomy valve / incision incision into a heart valve |
VAL-vyoo-loh-PLAS-tee | valvuloplasty valvulo / plasty valve / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of a heart valve |
ven-TRIK-yoo-LAWT-oh-mee | ventriculotomv ventriculo / tomy ventricle / incision incision into a ventricle |
ah-NAS-toh-moh-sis | anastomosis ana / stom / osis up / mouth / condition creation of an opening between two normally separate structures |
AN-yoo-riz-MEK-toh-mee | aneurysmectomy an / eury / sm / ectomy up / wide / condition / removal surgical removal of an aneurysm |
AN-jee-oh-PLAS-tee | angloplasty angio / plasty vessel / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of a vessel |
AN-jee-OR-ah-fee | anglorrhaphy angio / rrhaphy vessel / suture suture of a vessel |
AY-OR-TOR-ah-fee | aortorrhaphy aorto / rrhaphy aorta / suture suture of the aorta |
AY-OR-TAWT-oh-mee | aortotomy aorto / tomy aorta / incision incision into the aorta |
ar-TER-ee-EK-toh-mee | arterlectomy arteri / ectomy artery / removal surgical removal of an artery |
ar-TER-ee-oh-PLAS-tee | arterioplasty arterio / plasty artery / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of an artery |
ar-TER-ee-OR-ah-fee | arteriorrhaphy arterio / rrhaphy artery / suture suture of an artery |
ATH-er-EK-toh-mee | atherectomy ather / ectomy fatty plaque / removal surgical removal of fatty plaque within an artery |
EM-boh-LEK-toh-mee | embolectomy embol / ectomy embolus / removal surgical removal of an embolus surgical removal of an embolus |
END-ar-ter-EK-toh-mee | endarterectomy end / arter / ectomy inside / artery / removal surgical removal of the inside of an artery |
fleb-EK-toh-mee | phlebectomy phleb / ectomy vein / removal surgical removal of a vein |
FLEB-oh-fleh-BAWS-toh-mee | phlebophlebostomy phlebo / phlebo / stomy vein / vein /opening procedure to create an opening between two veins |
VAR-Ih-KAWT-oh-mee | varicotomy varico / tomy swollen / incision surgical removal of a varicose vein |
vee-NEK-toh-mee | venectomy ven / ectomy vein / removal surgical removal of a vein |
AAA | abdominal aortic aneurysm |
A-fib | atrial fibrillation |
ASD | atrial septal defect |
BP | blood pressure |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
CO | cardiac output |
CTA | computed tomographic angiography |
DVT | deep vein thrombosis |
ECHO | echocardiogram |
EKG | electrocardiogram |
HTN | hypertension |
MI | myocardial infarction |
MRA | magnetic resonance angiography |
MVP | mitral valve prolapse |
NSR | normal sinus rhythm |
PCI | percutaneous coronary intervention |
SCA | sudden cardiac arrest |
SV | stroke volume |
TEE | transesophageal echocardiogram |
VSD | ventricular septal defect |