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Chapter 10
Term | Definition |
ROOT: adenoid/o | adenoid adenoidectomy, adenoiditis |
ROOT: tonsill/o | tonsil tonsillectomy, tonsillitis |
ROOTS: nas/o (Latin for "nose"), rhin/o (Greek for "nose") | nose nasogastric tube, nasendoscope, rhinorrhea, rhinoplasty |
ROOT: laryng/o | larynx (voice box) laryngospasm, laryngitis |
ROOT: pharyng/o | pharynx throat) pharyngitis, pharyngostenosis |
ROOT: trache/o | trachea (windpipe) tracheotomy, tracheostomy |
ROOT: sept/o | septum (plural: septa) septectomy, septoplasty |
ROOTS: sin/o, sinus/o | sinus sinusitis, sinusotomy |
ROOTS: pneum/o, pneumat/o, pneumon/o | air or lungs pneumomelanosis, pneumatology, pneumonia |
ROOT: pulmon/o | lungs pulmonologist, pulmonary |
ROOT: lob/o | lobe lobectomy, lobotomy |
ROOTS: bronch/o, bronchi/o | bronchus bronchoscope, bronchiostenosis |
ROOT: bronchiol/o | bronchiole bronchiolitis, bronchiolectasis |
ROOT: alveol/o | alveolus (air sac) alveolitis, alveolar |
ROOT: stern/o | sternum sternocostal, sternotomy |
ROOT: cost /o | rib costectomy, costophrenic |
ROOTS: thorac/o, pector/o (also pectus), steth/o | chest thoracic, pectoralgia, pectus excavatum stethoscope |
ROOT: pleur/o | pleura pleuritis, pleurectomy |
ROOT: phren/o | diaphragm phrenospasm, phrenoplegia |
ROOT: ox/o | oxygen hypoxia, hypoxemia |
WORD PARTS: spir/o, -pnea | breathing spirometry, sleep apnea |
ROOTS: capn/o (Greek for "smoke"), carb/o (Latin for "coal") | carbon dioxide hypercapnia, hypocarbia |
AP-nee-ah | apnea a / pnea not / breathing cessation of breathing |
YOOP-nee-ah | eupnea eu / pnea good / breathing good/normal breathing |
TAK-ip-NEE-ah | tachypnea tachy / pnea fast / breathing rapid breathing |
BRAD-ip-NEE-ah | bradypnea brady / pea slow / breathing slow breathing |
hal-POP-nee-ah | hypopnea hypo / pnea under / breathing shallow breathing |
hal-PERP-nee-ah | hyperpnea hyper / pnea over / breathing heavy breathing |
disp-NEE-ah | dyspnea dys / pnea bad / breathing difficulty breathing |
OR-THOP-nee-ah | orthopnea ortho / pnea straight / breathing able to breathe only in an upright position |
HAI-per-VENT-ih-LAY-shun | hyperventilation hyper / ventil / ation over / breathing / process overbreathing; the condition of having too much air flowing into and out of the lungs; leads to hypocapnia |
HAI-po-VENT-ih-LAY-shun | hypoventilation hypo / ventil / ation under / breathing / process underbreathing; the condition of having too little air flowing into and out of the lungs; leads to hypercapnia |
dis-FOH-nee-ah | dysphonia dys / phonia bad / sound / voice bad voice condition (also known as hoarseness) |
EP-ih-STAK-sis | epistaxis from the Greek word epistazo, meaning "to drip out or upon" a nosebleed |
RAl-noh-RAY-jee-ah | rhinorrhagia rhino / rrhagia nose / excessive bleeding excessive blood flow from the nose (another term for a nosebleed) |
RAl-noh-REE-ah | rhinorrhea rhino / rrhea nose / discharge runny nose |
BRONG-koh-spazm | bronchospasm broncho / spasm bronchus / involuntary contraction Involuntary contraction of the bronchus |
FREN-oh-spazm | phrenospasm phreno / spasm diaphragm / involuntary contraction involuntary contraction of the diaphragm (also known as the hiccups) |
ploo-RAL-jee-ah | pleuralgia pleur / algia pleura / pain pain in the pleura |
PLOO-roh-DIN-ee-ah | pleurodynia pleuro / dynia pleura / pain pain in the pleura |
THOH-rak-AL-jee-ah | thoracalgia thorac / algia chest / pain chest pain |
brong-koh-REE-ah | bronchorrhea broncho / rrhea bronchus / discharge discharge from the bronchi |
ek-SPEK-toh-RAY-shun | expectoration ex / pector / ation out / chest /process coughing or spitting material out of the lungs |
hee-MAWP-tih-sis | hemoptysis hemo / ptysis blood / cough coughing up blood |
SPYUT-um | sputum Latin for "spit" mucus discharged from the lungs by coughing |
AWS-kul-TAY-shun | auscultation from the Latin word ausculto, meaning “to listen” a health care professional using a stethoscope to listen to a patient's chest |
SAl-ah-NOH-sis | cyanosIs cyan / osis blue / condition a bluish color in the skin caused by Insufficlent oxygen |
PEK-toh-RIL-oh-kwee | pectorlloquy pectori / loquy chest / speak used as a means of finding masses in the lung. A health professional listening to a patient's chest asks the patient to whisper a word. Audible fluid or a mass is present. "speaks" in those places. |
PEK-tus car-ee-NAH-tum | pectus carinatum pectus carinatum chest keel a chest that protrudes like the keel of a ship |
PEK-tus eks-cuh-VAH-tum | pectus excavatum pectus ex / cavatum chest out / hollowed a chest that Is hollowed out |
per-KUSH-un | percussion from the Latin word percussio, meaning "to strike“ striking the body surface (in this context, to cause vibrations that can help locate fluid buildup in the chest) |
rih-TRAK-shun | retraction re / trac / tion back / drag process the sucking in of the skin around bones during inhalation, happens when someone is in respiratory distress |
AT-el-EK-tah-sis | atelectasis a /tel /ectasis not / complete / expansion incomplete expansion |
bron-key-EK-ta-sis | bronchlectasis bronchi / ectasis bronchus / expansion expansion of the bronchi |
KAY-see-us ne-KROH-sis | caseous necrosis caseous necr / osis cheeselike death / condition the death of tissue with a cheeselike appearance |
KAI-loh-THOH-raks | chylothorax chylo / thorax chyle / chest chyle in the chest |
EM-PAI-EE-mah | empyema em / py / ema in /pus / condition pus inside the chest |
HEE-moh-THOR-aks | hemothorax hemo / thorax blood / chest blood in the chest |
FREN-oh-PLEE-jah | phrenoplegla phreno / plegia diaphragm / paralysis paralysis of the diaphragm |
FREN-awp-TOH-sis | phrenoptosis phreno / ptosis diaphragm / drooping condition drooping of the diaphragm |
PLURal eh-FYOO-zhun | pleural effusion pleur / al ex / fusion pleura / pertaining to out / pour fluid pouring out into the pleura |
NOO-moh-HEEM-oh-THOH-raks | pneumohemothorax pneumo / hemo / thorax air / blood / chest air and blood in the chest |
NOO-moh-THOR-aks | pneumothorax pneumo / thorax air / chest air in the chest |
pul-moh-neh-ree eh-DEE-ma | pulmonary edema pulmon / ary edema lung / pertaining to swelling swelling in the lungs |
PAI-oh-THOH-raks | pyothorax pyo / thorax pus / chest pus in the chest |
TRAY-kee-oh-sten-OH-sis | tracheostenosis tracheo / stenosis trachea / narrowing narrowing of the trachea |
HAl-per-KAP-nee-ah | hypercapnia hyper / capn / ia over / carbon dioxide / condition excessive carbon dioxide |
HAl-per-KAR-bee-ah | hypercarbla hyper / carb / ia over / carbon dioxide / condition excessive carbon dioxide |
HAl-po-KAP-nee-ah | hypocapnia hypo / capn / ia under / carbon dioxide / condition insufficient carbon dioxide |
HAI-po-KAR-bee-ah | hypocarbla hypo / carb / ia under / carbon dioxide / condition insufficient carbon dioxide |
HAIP-OK-SEE-mee-ah | hypoxemia hypo / ox / emia under / oxygen / blood condition insufficient oxygen in the blood |
HAI-POKS-see-ah | hypoxla hypo / ox / ia under / oxygen / condition insufficient oxygen |
com-PYOO-ted toh-MAWF-rah-fee | computed tomography computed tomo / graphy cut / writing procedure an imaging procedure using a computer to cut |
pul-moh-neh-ree an-jee-AWG-rah-fee | pulmonary angiography pulmon / ary angio / graphy lung / pertaining to vessel / writing procedure an imaging procedure for recording pulmonary blood vessel activity |
VENT-Ih-LAY-shun-per-FYOO-zhun skan | ventilation-perfusion scan (VQ scan) ventil / ation - per / fusion breathing / process - through / pour a scan that tests whether a problem in the lungs is caused by airflow (ventilation) or blood flow (perfusion) |
bron-KOS-koh-pee | bronchoscopy broncho / scopy bronchus / looking procedure procedure to look inside the bronchi |
KAP-NAWG-rah-fee | capnography capno / graphy carbon dioxide / writing procedure procedure to record carbon dioxide levels |
kap-NOM-eh-ter | capnometer capno / meter carbon dioxide / instrument to measure instrument to measure carbon dioxide levels |
EN-doh-SKOHP | endoscope endo / scope inside / instrument to look instrument to look inside |
NAY-zoh-fa-RING-go-scohp | nasopharyngoscope naso / pharyngo / scope nose / throat / instrument to look an instrument to look at the nose and throat |
ok-SIM-eh-tree | oximetry oxi / metry oxygen / measuring process procedure to measure oxygen levels |
PAWL-ee-som-NAWG-rah-fee | polysomnography poly / somno / graphy multiple / sleep /writing procedure recording multiple aspects of sleep |
pul-moh-neh-ree funk-shun TES-ting | pulmonary function testing (PFT) pulmon / ary function testing lung / pertaining to a group of tests used to evaluate the condition and operation of the lungs |
spih-ROM-eh-tree | spirometry spiro / metry breathing / measuring process procedure to measure breathing |
THOH-rah-KOS-koh-pee | thoracoscopy thoraco / scopy chest / looking procedure examination of the chest |
LAR-in-JAIT-Is | laryngitis laryng / itis larynx / inflammation inflammation of the larynx |
lah-RING-goh-TRAY-kee-oh-brong-KAl-tis | laryngotracheobronchitis laryngo / tracheo / bronch / itis larynx / trachea / bronchus / inflammation inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi |
rai-NAl-tis | rhinitis rhin / itis nose / inflammation inflammation of the nasal passages |
sal-nus-Al-tis | sinusitis sinus / itis sinus / inflammation inflammation of the sinus |
PAN-sai-nus-Al-tis | pansinusitis pan / sinus / itis all / sinus /inflammation inflammation of all sinuses |
sleep AP-nee-ah | sleep apnea a / pnea not / breathing a condition where the patient ceases to breathe while asleep |
ton-sil-Al-tis | tonsillitis tonsill / itis tonsil / inflammation inflammation of the tonsils |
TRAY-kee-Al-tis | tracheltis trache / itis trachea / inflammation inflammation of the trachea |
TRAY-kee-oh-ma-LAY-shee-ah | tracheomalacia tracheo / malacia trachea / softening softening of the trachea |
AZ-ma | asthma from the Greek word for ‘panting" or "gasping’ a disease causing episodic narrowing and inflammation of the airway |
BRONG-kee-yo-LAIT-is | bronchiolitis bronchiol / itis bronchiole / inflammation inflammation of a bronchiole |
brong-KAIT-is | bronchitis bronch / itis bronchus / inflammation inflammation of the bronchi |
KRON-ik ob-STRUK-tiv pul-moh-neh-ree diz-EEZ | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) chron / ic ob / struct /ive pulmon / ary time / pertaining to in the way / build / pertaining to lung / pertaining to a group of lung diseases characterized by the continual blockage of lung passages |
SIS-tik fai-BROH-sis | cystic fibrosis cyst / ic fibr /osis cyst / pertaining to fiber / condition a disease causing thick mucous buildup in the lungs and pancreas, named after the changes it causes to the lungs |
DAI-a-frag-MAT-o-seel | diaphragmatocele diaphragmato / cele diaphragm / pouch / tumor / hernia hernia of the diaphragm |
EM-fi-ZEE-ma | emphysema from the Greek word emphysan, meaning "to inflate" a disease that causes the alveoli to lose elasticity; emphysema patients can inhale but have difficulty exhaling |
ob-STRUK-tiv | obstructive lung disorder ob / struct / ive lung disorder in the way / build / pertaining to a lung disorder caused by a blockage |
ploo-RAl-tis | pleuritis pleur / itis pleura / inflammation inflammation of the pleura |
PLOO-ris-ee | pleurisy pleur / isy pleura / inflammation another word for pleuritis |
noo-MAT-oh-seel | pneumatocele pneumato / cele lung / pouch / tumor / hernia hernia of the lung |
NOO-moh-KOH-nee-oh-sis | pneumoconiosis pneumo / coni / osis lung / dust / condition a lung condition caused by dust |
noo-MOHN-vah | pneumonia pneumon /ia lung / condition a lung condition |
NOO-moh-NAIT-is | pneumonitis pneumon / itis lung / inflammation inflammation of the lung |
pul-moh-neh-ree EM-boh-lizm | pulmonary embolism pulmon / ary embol / ism lung / pertaining to embolus / condition blockage in the pulmonary blood supply |
pul-moh-nee-ree NEE-oh-plazm | pulmonary neoplasm pulmon / ary neo / plasm lung / pertaining to new / formation new growth (tumor) in the lung |
reh-STRIK-tiv | restrictive lung disorder re /strict /ive lung disorder back / bind / tie / pertaining to a lung disorder caused by the limiting of air into the lungs |
BRONG-kee-oh-JEN-ik KAR-sin-OH-mah | bronchiogenic carcinoma bronchio / genic carcin / oma bronchus / beginning in cancer / tumor a cancerous tumor originating in the bronchi |
MES-oh-thee-lee-OH-mah | mesothelioma meso / theli / oma middle / nipple / tumor a cancerous tumor of the mesothelial cells lining the lungs |
ANT-Ih-TUSS-iv | antitussive anti /tuss / ive against / cough / agent a drug that prevents coughing |
BRONG-koh-DAI-lay-tor | bronchodilator broncho / dilator bronchus / expander a drug that expands the walls of the bronchi |
ek-SPEK-toh-rant | expectorant ex / pector / ant out / chest / agent a drug that encourages the expulsion of material from the lungs |
MYOO-koh-LIT-ik | mucolytic muco /lytic mucus / breakdown agent a drug that aids in the breakdown of mucus |
NEB-yoo-LAI-zer | nebulizer from the Latin word nebula, meaning “cloud” a machine that administers respiratory medication by creating a "cloud" or mist that is inhaled by the patient |
AD-eh-NOY-DEK-toh-mee | adenoldectomy adenoid / ectomy adenoid / removal removal of the adenoids |
IN-too-BAYT | Intubate in / tub / ate in / tube / process to insert a breathing tube from the mouth down into the trachea, to provide breathing support |
LAR-In-JEK-toh-mee | laryngectomy laryng / ectomy larynx / removal removal of the larynx |
lar-IN-goh-plas-tee | laryngoplasty laryngo / plasty larynx / reconstruction reconstruction of the larynx |
PAL-at-oh-PLAS-tee | palatoplasty palato / plasty palate / reconstruction reconstruction of a palate |
SEP-toh-PLAS-tee | septoplasty septo / plasty septum / reconstruction reconstruction of a septum |
ton-sil-EK-toh-mee | tonsillectomy tonsill / ectomy tonsil / removal removal of the tonsils |
TRAY-kee-AWS-toh-mee | tracheostomy tracheo / stomy trachea / opening creation of an opening in the trachea |
TRAY-kee-AWT-oh-mee | tracheotomy tracheo / tomy trachea / incision incision into the trachea |
EN-doh-TRAY-kee-al IN-too-BAY-shun | endotracheal intubation endo / trache / al in /tub / ation inside / trachea / pertaining to in / tube / process insertion of a tube inside the trachea |
BRONG-koh-PLAS-tee | bronchoplasty broncho / plasty bronchus / reconstruction reconstruction of a bronchus |
KAR-dee-oh-pul-moh-neh-ree ree-SUS-ih-TAY-shun | cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) cardio / pulmon / ary re / suscit / ation lung / heart pertaining to again / awaken / process method of artificially maintaining blood flow and airflow when breathing and pulse have stopped |
loh-BEK-toh-mee | lobectomy lob / ectomy lobe / removal removal of a lobe |
PLOO-roh-PEK-see | pleuropexy pleuro / pexy pleura / fixation reattachment of the pleura |
NOO-moh-NEK-toh-mee | pneumonectomy pneumon / ectomy lung / removal removal of a lung |
THOH-rah-sin-TEE-sis | thoracentesIs thora [co] / centesis chest / puncture puncture of the chest |
THO-rah-koh-sin-TEE-sis | thoracocentess thoraco / centesis chest / puncture puncture of the chest |
thoh-RAK-oh-PLAS-tee | thoracoplasty thoraco / plasty chest / opening creation of an opening in the chest |
THOH-rak-AWT-oh-mee | thoracotomy thoraco / tomy chest / incision incision into the chest |
ABG | arterial blood gas |
ARDS | acute respiratory distress syndrome |
Bx | biopsy |
CF | cystic fibrosis |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CT | computed tomography |
СТА | clear to auscultation |
CXR | chest x-ray |
DOE | dyspnea on exertion |
ETT | endotracheal tube |
LRTI | lower respiratory tract infection |
LTB | laryngotracheobronchitis |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
OSA | obstructive sleep apnea |
PE | pulmonary embolism |
PET | positron emission tomography |
PFT | pulmonary function test |
PSG | polysomnography |
SOB | shortness of breath |
T&A | tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy |
TB | tuberculosis |
URI/URTI | upper respiratory infection, upper respiratory tract Infection |
V/Q | ventilation-perfusion scan |