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Medical Terminology


suffixes that mean pertaining to a specialty ac, al, ic, ical, iatric, iatry
suffixes that indicate a specialist er, ist, iatrician, logist
suffixes for the study of start with 'log'
-ectomy surgical removal
cardi/o heart
crin/o to secrete
dermat/o skin
esthesi/o feeling or sensation
gastr/o stomach
inter/o intestines
ger, geront/o elderly
gynec/o woman
immun/o immune
ne/o new
nat/o birth
neur/o nerve
obstetr/o midwife
onc/o tumor
ophthalm/o eye
orth/o straight
ped/o child
ot/o ear
laryng/o larynx
path/o disease
ped/o child
psych/o mind
radi/o radiation or radius
rheumat/o rheumatism, tissue damage usually in joints
rhin/o nose
ur/o urinary tract
-oma tumor
endo- inside
an- no, not or without
-centesis surgical puncture to aspirate or remove fluid
-lysis loosening, freeing or destroying
-pexy surgical fixation, fastening in a fixed position
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhaphy suture . ie. angiorrhaphy( suture of a blood vessel)
-scopy with a scope
-stomy formation of an opening
-tomy making an incision
-tome cutting instrument
-tripsy surgical crushing , Lithotripsy( crushing of lith or stones)
-ectomy excision , surgical removal or cutting out
aden/o gland
angi/o vessel
append/o, appendic/o appendix
bi/o life, ie biology
blephar/o eyelid
cerebr/o , encephal/o brain
chir/o hand
col/o colon
cutane/o , derm/a, dermat/o skin
faci/o face
hepat/o liver
mamm/o, mast/o breast
muscul/o, my/o muscle
myel/o bone marrow or spinal cord
oste/o bone
pulm/o , pulmon/o, pneum/o, pneumon/o lung
tonsill/o tonsil
trache/o trachea
vas/o vessel, ie cardio-vas-cular
-algia pain
-dynia pain
-cele herniation
-ectasia, -ectasis dilation, Angiectasis, Neurectasia
-edma swelling
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood
-ia, -iasis a condition, Psoriasis
-itis inflammation
-lith stone or calculus
-malacia soft or softening, Osteomalacia
-mania execessive,
-megaly enlargement
-oid resembling something else, Mucoid
-oma tumor
-osis condition, Neurosis
-pathy disease
-penia deficiency , Calcipenia
-phobia fear of
-ptosis prolapse, sagging, Ptosis (drooping eye lid)
-rrhage , -rrhagia excessive bleeding or hemorrhaging
-rrhea flow or discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-spasm twitching or cramping
-stasis stopping or controlling
carcin/o cancer
-opia vision, Diplopia
-eum, -ium membrane, peritoneum, endocardium
adip/o, lip/o fat tissue
amyl/o starch
glyc/o sugar
hemat/o blood
lact/o milk
lith/o stone
muc/o mucus
pyr/o fire
prote/o, protein/o protein
phelb/o vein
Mono- uni- One
Bi- di- Two
Tri- Three
Quad- quadri- tetra- Four
Centi- One Hundreth
Milli- One thousandth
Diplo- Double
Hemi- Semi- Half or partly
Nulli- None
Pan- All , Pandemic
Primi- First
Super- Ultra- Excessive
Ab- Away from
Ad- Towards or bring towards
Ante- pre- Before or in front of , prerenal
Circum- peri- Around
Contra- Against or opposed
Dia- Through
Ecto- Ex- Exo- Extra- Outside of , without, away from
En- End- Endo Inside
Epi- On or above, epicardium
Sub- Infra- Under or beneath
Inter- In between
Intra- With in
Ipsi- Same side
Meso- mid- Middle
Para- Beside, near
Per- Through or by, perspire
Alb/o- albin/O- leuk/o- for color White. Albino
Chlor/O- for color Green
Cyan/o- for color Blue
Erythr/o- for color Red
Melan/o- for color Black
Xanth/o- for color Yellow
- trophic -trophy Dealing with nutrition or growth
-phagia - phagy ; phag/o Eat or swallow
-phasia ; phas/o Speech
Scler/o ; -sclerosis Hard or hardening; arteriosclerosis
Gen/o; -genic -genesis Beginning origin , producing or forming
Graph is what The instrument
Gram is the Record or recording
Graphy is the what The process of recording
Encephal/o Brain , because “en” means in or inside and cephal/o means head
Py/o Pus
Pyr/o Fever or fire
Aer/o Air
Blast/o Embryonic form or In the early form of development, osteoblasts
Cephal/o Head
Cry/o Cold , cryotherapy
Dips/o, -dipsia Thirst, polydipsia
Hist/o Tissue , histology histocompatibility
Myc/o Fungus
Necr/o Dead
Phon/o Voice
Therm/o Heat
Narc/o Stupor, narcotics
Leps/o. - lepsy Seizure
Crypt/o Hidden
Malac/o ; -malacia Soft or softening
Megal/o; - megaly Large, enlarged or enlargement
Ech/o son/o Sound
Fluor/o Reflecting light
Tom/o To cut
Define radiopaque Substance that will not permit the passage of x-ray
Define radiolucent Substance that allow passage of x-ray
Algesi/o Sensitivity to pain, analgesia
Plast/o Repair
Radiopaque vs radiolucent Radiopaque blocks x-rays and is lighter in color and radiolucent let’s x-rays pass through and is darker in color
-plasia Formation of tissue or just development of
Hyperplasia Increase of number of cells
Hypertrophy Increase in tissue size
Plane that creates left and right sides Sagittal plane
Plane that creates front and back Frontal plane or Coronal plane
Plane that creates top and bottom Transverse plan
Recumbent Lying down , lateral recumbent is lying on the side
Acr/o Extremities, Acrocyanosis is a condition when extremities turn blue Acral means pertaining to the extremities
Dactyl/o The digits toes and or fingers
Lapar/o Abdominal wall , laparoscopic
Onych/o The nails
Som/o, Somat/o Body
Omphal/o Umbilicus, used interchangeably with umbilic/o
Dacry/o or lacrim/o Tear
Hidr/o Sweat or perspiration
-Poiesis Production
Sial/o Saliva
Cyst/o Bladder, sac or cyst
-Osis Increased or abnormal ; carcinomatosis a cancerous tumor that is of increasing numbers or numbers are spreading
Rachi/o Spine also spin/o Rachiodynia means pain in spine
Spondyl/o Vertebrae also vertebr/o Spondylitis means inflammation of the vertebrae
Meta- Change or next in a series; metacarpal
-asthenia Weakness ; myasthenia gravis- muscle weakness
Paresis definition Motor weakness
Plegia definition Paralysis ; paraplegia lower extremities
-porosis Thinning of the bone , osteoporosis
Arthr/o Articulation or joint ; spondylarthritis- spondyl/o+arthr/o +itis ; vertebrae +joint+inflamation
Ankyl/o Stiffening; ankylosis is stiffening of the joints
Cheil/o Lips
Dent/I : Dent/o: odont/o Teeth
Gingiv/o Gums
Gloss/o: lingu/o Tongue
Stomat/o: or/o Mouth
Intestin/o; Enter/o Intestines
ILe/o ILeum
Cec/o Cecum
Proct/o Anus or rectum
Chol/e : bil/i Bile
Cirrh/o Orange yellow
-orexia Appetite
-pepsia Digestion
Cholecyst/o Gallbladder : chol/e- bile and cyst/o- sac or bladder
Choledoch/o Common bile duct
Pancreat/o Pancreas
Olig/o Few or scanty: oliguria
Pyel/o Renal pelvis: pyelitis means inflammation of the renal pelvis
Hyster/o Uterus
Salping/o Uterine tube
Oophor/o Ovary; also ovar/o
Metr/o Uterine tissue
Colp/o Vagina
Par/o To bear offs
-para Giving live birth, multiple neonates from one birth is considered 1 para or unipara not multiple
Xer/o Dry
Pil/o ; Trich/o Hair
Pseud/o False
-lexia Words or phrases
Myx/o Mucus
Lei/o Smooth, as in smooth muscle tissue: leiomyoma would be a tumor to the smooth muscle
-chezia : -chezia To deficate or waste elimination; hematochezia = blood in stool
Rhabdo/. As in Rhabdomyolysis— Rhabdo/ is rod shaped or striated, like in muscle tissues; myo is muscle— condition where muscle tissue breaks down and releases proteins into the blood
Ptysis Spitting or spitting up
Ather/o Yellow fatty plaque; not to be confused with Arteri/o which is vessel
-Oles : as in bronchioles Little or small
Embol/o Embolus; Emboli
Coni/o Dust, usually R/T the lungs: pneumoconiosis
Term form less than 100 ml urine produced Anuria
Term for less than 500 ml urine produced Oliguria
Radicul/o Nerve root: Radiculopathy; usually coming off the spine
Created by: scones and joe
Popular Medical sets




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