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Skeletal System

Acr/o Extremities
Brachi/o Arm
Chondr/o Cartilage
Crani/o Skull
Kyph/o Humpback
Orth/o Straight
Ped/o Feet; child
Pyret/o Fever
Sacr/o Sacrum
Tars/o Ankle
A-; An- Not; without
Inter- Between
Meta- Change; beyond
Non- Not
Sub- Below; under
Supra- Above
-al, -ic Pertaining to
-ation process; condition
-ectomy Surgical removal; excision
-penia Deficiency
-plasty Surgical repair
-scope Instrument used to view
ATT PHYS Attending physician
CRIF Closed reduction and internal fixation
CT Computed tomography
DJD Degenerative joint disease
PRN As needed
RA Rheumatoid arthritis
Axial Skeleton Skull; Thoracic cage; Vertebral column
Appendicular Skeleton Shoulder girdle; Upper extremities (arms and hands); pelvic girdle; lower extremities (Legs and feet)
Compact Bone AKA Cortical bone; Dense, hard, and strong; lies under periosteum; Contains medullary cavity (Which houses yellow bone marrow)
Spongy Bone AKA Trabecular/Cancellous bone; porous and dense; mostly in epiphyses of long bone; where red bone marrow is
Bone Process A process is a bulging bony outgrowth of a larger bone.
Bone Depression A dip in the bone structure
Skull Composed of the cranial (8 Bones) and facial bones (14 Bones)
Fontanels Soft spaces (soft spots), present at birth, that allow for the enlargement of the skull as brain growth occurs
Vertebrae Divided into 5 sections: 1) cervical, 2) thoracic, 3) lumbar, 4) sacral, and 5) coccyx
Intervertebral Disks Pads of cartilage tissue that separate the vertebrae
Pectoral/Shoulder Girdle Is made up of: 2 clavicles (collarbones) and 2 scapulas (shoulder bones)
Pelvic Girdle Made up of 2 coxae (coxal, or hip bones)
Patella Kneecaps
Fibula Small bone next to Tibia
Joints Areas where two or more bones join together
Compound/Open Fracture Open (compound): The broken bone breaks the skin.
Closed/Complete Fracture Broken bone does not pierce the skin Stable (closed): The ends of the broken bones line up.
Bursitis infection of bursa (a fluid-filled sac that cushions certain joints and tendons
Arthritis inflammation of a joint.
Amphiarthroses slightly movable; ie- ribs and thoracic vertebrae
Synarthroses immovable; ie sutures
Synovial joints contain fluid filled sacs
Diarthroses freely movable; ie- elbow
Created by: Megan Nguyen
Popular Medical sets




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