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Chapter 13
Term | Definition |
ROOTS: colp/o, vagin/o | vagina colposcope, vaginitis The word vagina comes from Latin and means the "sheath" or "scabbard of a sword” |
ROOTS: episi/o, vulv/o | vulva episiotomy, vulvodynia Vulva is the term for the external genital organs of a female. |
ROOT: perine/o | perineum perineoplasty. perineorrhaphy Perineum is the term for the region between the genital organs and the anus. |
ROOTS: gynec/o, gyn/o | woman gynecology, gynecologist This root comes from Greek, for woman. |
ROOTS: masvo, mamm/o | breast mastopexy, mastectomy, mammogram |
ROOT: lact/o | milk lactation, lactorrhea The root for milk, lacto, is also the root for the English word galaxy. |
ROOT: cervic/o | cervix cervicodynia, cervicitis Cervix means "neck" but to the opening between the uterus and the vagina. the letter c makes an s sound (cervicitis-SER-vih-SAl-tis). Before a, o, or u, the letter c makes a K sound (cervicodynia-SER-vih-koh-DAl-nee-ah). |
ROOTS: hyster/o, metr/o, uter/o | uterus hysterectomy, endometrium, uterus |
ROOT: pelv/i | pelvis pelvimetry, pelvic sonography Pelvis comes from a Latin word meaning basin" or "washtub" and refers to the shape of the bones that make up the pelvis. |
ROOTS: oophor/o, ovari/o | ovaly oophorectomy, ovariocentesis Oophoro can be broken down into two words: oo, meaning "egg." and phor, meaning meaning "to carry." |
ROOT: men/o | menstruation menorrhea, menopause Meno comes from Greek, for "month." and refers to the standard 28-day recurrence of menstrual cycles. |
ROOT: salping/o | fallopian tube salpingectomy, salpingoscope Salpingo comes Latin word for“trumpet."letter g changes sounds depending vowe. e or i, letter g makes a j sound (salpingitis-SAL-pin-JAI-tis). a, o, or u, letter g g sound salpingoscope-sal-PING-goh-SKOHP). |
ROOT: amni/o | amnion amniocentesis The amnion is the innermost membrane covering the fetus |
SUFFIX: -cyesis | pregnancy pseudocyesis Although women experience pregnancy firsthand, there is a documented medical condition called Couvade syndrome, or sympathetic pregnancy |
ROOTS: chorilo, chorion/o | chorion choriocarcinoma, chorionitis The chorion is the outer membrane covering the fetus. It connects the fetus to the wall of the uterus. |
ROOT: toc/o | labor dystocia, tocograph In the United States, there are more boy babies born than girl babies. |
ROOT: fet/o | fetus fetometry Fetus is a Latin word that means "offspring."The Greek word is embryo. |
ROOTS: part/o, nat/o | birth postpartum, neonatal Both roots mean "birth." but their focus is different. Parto means accurately"to give birth” focuses on mother. Nato means literally"to be born"focuses on baby. mother gets postpartum depression a baby is cared neonatologist. |
AH-MEN-oh-REE-ah | amenorrhea a / meno / rhea no / menstruation / discharge no menstruation |
KOL-poh-sten-OH-sis | colpostenosis colpo / sten / osis vagina / narrow / condition narrowing in the vaginal opening |
DIS-MEN-oh-REE-ah | dysmenorrhea dys / meno / rrhea bad / menstruation / discharge painful menstruation |
dis-pah-ROO-nee-ah | dyspareunla dys / par /eun /ia bad / alongside / couch / condition painful sexual intercourse |
GAl-neh-koh-MAS-tee-ah | gynecomastla gyneco / mast / ia woman / breast / condition development of breast tissue in males |
HIS-teh-RAL-jah | hysteralgia hyster / algia uterus / pain pain in the uterus |
HIS-teh-roh-DIN-ee-ah | hysterodynia hystero / dynia uterus / pain pain in the uterus |
LOO-koh-REE-ah | leukorrhea leuko / rrhea white / discharge white vaginal discharge |
mas-TAL-jah | mastalgia mast / algia breast / pain breast pain |
MAS-tawp-TOH-sis | mastoptosis masto / ptosis breast / drooping condition downward displacement (drooping) of the breast |
MEN-oh-RAY-jee-ah | menorrhagia meno /rrhagia menstruation / excessive discharge excessive menstrual flow |
MEN-oh-RAL-jee-ah | menorrhalgla meno / rrh /algia uterus / discharge / pain painful menstruation |
MEH-troh-MEN-oh-RAY-jee-ah | metromenorrhagla metro / meno /rrhagia uterus / menstruation / excessive discharge excessive menstrual bleeding at irregular Intervals |
MEH-troh-RAY-Jee-ah | metrorrhagla metro / rrhagia uterus / excessive discharge menstrual bleeding at irregular times |
AWL-Ih-goh-MEN-oh-REE-ah | ollgomenorrhea oligo / meno / rrhea few / menstruation / discharge Infrequent or light menstrual periods |
OH-var-AL-Jee-ah | ovaralgla ovar / algia ovary / pain pain of the ovaries |
oh-VAR-ee-AL-jee-ah | ovarlalgla ovari / algia ovary / pain pain of the ovaries |
PER-ih-NEE-oh-SEEL | perineocele perineo / cele perineum / pouch / tumor / hernia hernia in the perineal region |
PAWL-ee-MEN-oh-REE-ah | polymenorrhea poly / meno / rrhea many / menstruation / discharge menstrual periods occurring with greater-than-normal frequency |
VAJ-ih-noh-DIN-ee-ah | vaginodynia vagino / dynia vagina / pain vaginal pain |
VUL-voh-DIN-ee-ah | vulvodynia vulvo / dynia vulva / pain pain in the vulva |
AM-nee-oh-REE-ah | amniorrhea amnio / rrhea amnion / discharge discharge of amniotic fluid |
AM-nee-oh-REK-sis | amniorrhexis amnio / rrhexis amnion / rupture rupture of the amniotic sac |
BRAKS-ton HIKS kon-TRAK-shun | Braxton Hicks contraction named after John Braxton Hicks, the doctor who first noted them, in 1872. sporadic contractions of the uterine muscles of women not in labor; also known as false labor |
kon-TRAK-shun | contraction from Latin, for "to draw together" or "shorten". shortening or tightening of a muscle; during labor, the uterine muscles contract. |
ah-MAS-tee-ah | amastia a / mast / ia no / breast / condition absence of breast |
SER-vih-kal dis-PLAY-zhee-ah | cervical dysplasia cervic / al dys / plasia cervix / pertaining to bad / formation bad formation of cervical cells |
KOL-pawp-TOH-sis | colpoptosis colpo / ptosis vagina / drooping condition downward displacement of the vagina |
ih-PIZ-ee-oh-steh-NOH-sis | episiostenosis episio / sten / osis vulva / narrow / condition narrowing of the vulvar opening |
heh-MAT-oh-SAL-pinks | hematosalpinx hemato / salpinx blood / fallopian tube blockage in a fallopian tube caused by blood |
HAI-droh-SAL-pinks | hydrosalpinx hydro / salpinx water / fallopian tube blockage in a fallopian tube caused by water (or any clear fluid) |
HAI-per-MAS-tee-ah | hypermastla hyper /mast /ia over / breast / condition excessively large breasts. This term can also refer to an abnormal number of breasts. |
HAl-poh-MAS-tee-ah | hypomastia hypo / mast / ia under / breast / condition abnormally small breasts |
HIS-teh-rawp-TOH-sis | hysteroptosis hystero / ptosis uterus / drooping condition downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina |
MAK-roh-MAS-tee-ah | macromastia macro / mast / ia big /breast / condition abnormally large breasts |
MAI-kroh-MAS-tee-ah | micromastia micro / mast /ia small / breast / condition abnormally small breasts |
oh-AWF-oh-roh-SIS-toh-sis | oophorocystosis oophoro / cyst / osis ovary /cyst / condition ovarian cysts |
PAI-oh-SAL-pinks | pyosalpinx pyo / salpinx pus / fallopian tube blockage in a fallopian tube caused by pus |
YOOT-eh-rin PROH-laps | uterine prolapse uter /ine pro /lapse uterus / pertaining to forward / fall downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina |
KOL-poh-SKOHP | colposcope colpo / scope vagina / instrument to look instrument used to examine the vagina |
kol-PAWS-koh-pee | colposcopy colpo / scopy vagina / looking procedure procedure for examining the vagina |
HIS-teh-roh-SKOHP | hysteroscope hystero / scope uterus / instrument to look instrument for examining the uterus |
HIS-teh-RAWS-koh-pee | hysteroscopy hystero / scopy uterus / looking procedure procedure for examining the uterus |
PAP SMEER | Pap smear named after the inventor of the procedure, Dr. Georgios Papanicolaou test used to detect cancer cells, most commonly in the cervix. |
VAJ-ih-noh-SKOHP | vaginoscope vagino / scope vagina / instrument to look instrument used to examine the vagina |
EN-doh-MEE-tree-um | endometrium endo / metr / ium inside / uterus / tissue inner layer of uterine tissue |
GAIN-eh-KAWL-oh-jist | gynecologist gyneco / logist woman / specialist specialist in medical issues specific to women. |
GAl-neh-KAWL-oh-jee | gynecology gyneco / logy woman / study study of medical issues specific to women |
men-AR-kee | menarche men / arche menstruation / beginning beginning or first menstruation. |
MAI-oh-MEE-tree-um | myometrium myo / metr /ium muscle / uterus / tissue middle layer of uterine muscle tissue |
PER-ih-MEE-tree-um | perimetrium peri / metr / ium around / uterus / tissue tissue on the outside of the uterus, the outer layer of the uterus. |
SPEK-yoo-lum | speculum from Latin, for "mirror" device for examining a body cavity, most commonly the vagina. |
BRAD-ih-TOH-shee-ah | bradytocia brady / toc /ia slow / birth / condition slow labor |
SEF-ah-loh-PEL-vik DIS-proh-POR-shun | cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) cephalo / pelv / ic disproportion head /pelvic / pertaining to condition characterized by the inability of the mother's pelvis to allow the baby to pass through birth canal. either a small pelvis or large baby,both |
con-JEN-ih-tal ah-NAWM-ah-lee | congenital anomaly con / genit / al anomaly with / birth / pertaining to irregularity irregular condition that is present at the time of birth. |
dis-TOH-shee-ah | dystocia dys / toc / ia bad / birth / condition difficult labor |
yoo-TOH-shee-ah | eutocia eu / toc / ia good / birth / condition normal labor |
GRAV-ih-dah | gravida gravida heavy another term for pregnant. |
HIS-teh-roh-SEEL | hysterocele hystero / cele uterus / pouch / tumor / hernia hernia of the uterus |
HIS-teh-roh-REK-sis | hysterorrhexis hystero / rrhexis uterus / rupture rupture of the uterus. |
LAK-toh-JEN-ik | lactogenic lacto / gen / ic milk / creation / pertaining to causing the formation of milk. |
LAK-toh-REE-ah | lactorrhea lacto / rrhea milk / discharge discharge of milk |
MAK-roh-SOH-mee-ah | macrosomla macro / som /ia large / body / condition baby with a large body. |
MAI-kroh-SEF-ah-lus | microcephalus micro / cephalus small / head baby with a small head. |
AWL-ig-oh-hai-DRAM-nee-ohs | oligohydramnios oligo / hydr / amnios few / water /amnion not enough amniotic fluid. |
PAWL-ee-hai-DRAM-nee-ohs | polyhydramnios poly / hydr / amnios a lot / water / amnion excessive amniotic fluid |
AM-nee-oh-sen-TEE-sis | amnlocentes!s amnio / centesis amnion / puncture surgical puncture of the amnion. |
AM-nee-oh-SKOHP | amnloscope amnio / scope amnion / instrument to look instrument for examining the amnion. |
AM-nee-AWS-koh-pee | amnloscopy amnio / scopy amnion / looking procedure procedure for examining the amnion. |
KAR-dee-oh-TOH-koh-GRAF | cardlotocograph cardio / toco / graph heart / birth / instrument to record instrument for recording the baby's heart rate during contractions; also known as a fetal heart monitor. |
fee-TAWM-eh-tree | fetometry feto / metry fetus / measuring process procedure for measuring the fetus. |
PEL-veh-SEF-ah-LAWM-eh-tree | pelvicephalometry pelvi / cephalo / metry pelvis / head / measuring process procedure for measuring the head size of the baby and the pelvis size of the mother. |
pel-VIM-eh-tree | pelvimetry pelvi / metry pelvis / measuring process procedure for measuring the pelvis. |
TOH-koh-DAI-nah-GRAF | tocodynagraph toco / dyna / graph birth / power / instrument to record instrument for recording the strength of labor contractions. |
toh-KAWG-rah-fee | tocography toco / graphy birth / writing procedure procedure for recording the strength of labor contractions. |
kon-SEP-shun | conception concept / tion conceive / process the process of conceiving a child. |
FERT-il-ih-ZAY-shun | fertilization fertiliz / ation fertile / process the process of an egg and sperm joining to conceive a child. |
jes-TAY-shun | gestation gest / ation carry / process the process of carrying a child from conception until birth. |
IM-plan-TAY-shun | implantation im / plant / ation in / plant / process the process of a fertilized egg attaching or adhering to the uterus; this enables it to begin to receive oxygen and nutrients from the mother to continue to grow. |
AWV-yoo-LAY-shun | ovulation ov / ul / ation egg / small / process the process of an egg being released from an ovary. |
KON-trah-SEP-shun | contraception contra / cept /tion against / conception / process a process that prevents or hinders the conception of a child. |
teh-RAT-oh-JEN-ik | teratogenic terato / gen / ic monster / creation / pertaining to causing the formation of birth defects. |
ter-ah-TAWL-oh-jee | teratology terato / logy monster / study branch of medicine dealing with the study of birth defects and their causes. |
AN-tee-PART-tum | antepartum ante / partum before / birth time before birth. |
IN-trah-PART-tum | Intrapartum intra / partum during / birth time during birth. |
lak-TAY-shun | lactation lact / ation milk / formation production of milk. |
NAYT-al | natal nat / al birth / pertaining to pertaining to birth. |
NEE-oh-NAYT-al | neonatal neo / nat / al new / birth / pertaining to pertaining to new birth; normally the first 28 days after birth. |
NEE-oh-nay-TAWL-oh-list | neonatologist neo / nato / logist new / birth / specialist specialist in the neonatal period. |
NEE-oh-nay-TAWL-oh-jee | neonatology neo / nato / logy new / birth / study study of the neonatal period. |
OB-steh-TRISH-an | obstetrician from Latin, for "midwife" or literally "one who stands beside” specialist in pregnancy, labor, and delivery of newborns. |
ob-STEH-triks | obstetrics from Latin, for "midwife" or literally "one who stands beside" branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labor, and delivery of newborns. |
PER-Ih-NAYT-al | perinatal peri /nat / al around / birth / pertaining to time around the birth, normally ranging from 28 weeks of pregnancy to 28 days after pregnancy. |
PER-ih-nay-TAWL-oh-jist | perinatologist peri / nato /logist around / birth / specialist specialist in the perinatal period. |
PER-ih-nay-TAWL-oh-jee | perinatology peri /nato /logy around / birth / study branch of medicine dealing with the perinatal period. |
post-NAYT-al | postnatal post / nat / al after / birth / pertaining to pertaining to after birth. |
POST-PART-tum | postpartum post / partum after / birth pertaining to after birth. |
pree-NAYT-al | prenatal pre / natal before / birth pertaining to before birth. |
SER-vih-KAWG-rah-fee | cervicography cervico / graphy cervix / writing procedure procedure for imaging the cervix. |
HIS-teh-roh-sal-PING-goh-gram | hysterosalpingogram hystero / salpingo / gram uterus / fallopian tube / record record of the uterus and fallopian tubes. |
MAM-oh-gram | mammogram mammo / gram breast / record record of a breast exam. |
SOH-noh-HIS-teh-RAWG-rah-fee | sonohysterography sono / hystero / graphy sound / uterus / writing procedure procedure using sound waves to examine the uterus. |
tranz-VAJ-in-al soh-NAWG-rah-fee | transvaginal sonography trans /vagin / al sono / graphy through / vagina / pertaining to sound / writing procedure imaging procedure using sound waves emitted from a device inserted in the vagina. |
HIS-teh-RAWG-rah-fee | hysterography hystero / graphy uterus / writing procedure procedure for imaging the uterus. |
PEL-vik SAW-noh-GRAF | pelvic sonograph pelv / ic sono / graph pelvis / pertaining to sound / instrument to record instrument for imaging the pelvis using sound waves. |
SER-vih-SAl-tis | cervicitis cervic / itis cervix / inflammation inflammation of the cervix. |
SER-vih-koh-kol-PAI-tis | cervicocolpitis cervico / colp / itis cervix /vagina / inflammation inflammation of the cervix and vagina. |
SER-vih-koh-VAJ-Ih-NAI-tis | cervicovaginitis cervico / vagin / itis cervix / vagina / inflammation inflammation of the cervix and vagina. |
kol-PAl-tis | colpitis colp / itis vagina / inflammation Inflammation of the vagina. |
KOL-poh-sis-TAI-tis | colpocystitis colpo / cyst / itis vagina / bladder / inflammation inflammation of the vagina and urinary bladder. |
SIS-toh-seel | cystocele cysto / cele bladder / pouch / tumor / hernia hernia of the urinary bladder into the vagina. |
EN-doh-SER-vih-SAI-tis | endocervicitis endo / cervic / itis inside / cervix / inflammation inflammation of the inside of the cervix. |
EN-doh-MEE-tree-OH-sis | endometriosis endo / metri / osis inside / uterus / condition condition in which endometrium cells appear and grow outside the uterus. |
EN-doh-meh-TRAIT-is | endometritis endo / metr / itis inside / uterus / inflammation inflammation of the endometrium. |
mas-TAIT-is | mastitis mast / itis breast / inflammation inflammation of the breast. |
MEN-oh-PAWZ | menopause meno / pause menstruation / stop cessation of menstruation. |
MEH-troh-KOL-poh-seel | metrocolpocele metro / colpo / cele uterus / vagina / pouch / tumor / hernia hernia of the uterus and prolapse into the vagina. |
MEH-troh-fleh-BAI-tis | metrophlebitis metro / phleb / itis uterus / vein / inflammation inflammation of the blood vessels of the uterus. |
MAl-oh-mee-TRAI-tis | myometritis myo / metr / itis muscle / uterus / inflammation inflammation of the myometrium. |
OH-awf-oh-RAl-tis | oophoritis oophor / itis ovary / inflammation inflammation of an ovary. |
oh-AWF-oh-ROH-mah | oophoroma oophor / oma ovary / tumor ovarian tumor. |
oh-VAY-ree-oh-REK-sis | ovarlorrhexis ovario / rrhexis ovary / rupture rupture of an ovary. |
OH-vah-RAl-tis | ovaritis ovar / itis ovary / inflammation inflammation of an ovary. |
PER-ih-meh-TRAIT-is | perimetritis peri / metr / itis around / uterus / inflammation inflammation of the perimetrium. |
REK-toh-seel | rectocele recto / cele rectum / pouch / tumor / hernia hernia or protrusion of the rectum into the vagina. |
SAL-pin-JAl-tis | salpingitis salping / itis tube / inflammation inflammation of a fallopian tube. |
sal-PING-goh-seel | salpingocele salpingo / cele fallopian tube / pouch / tumor / hernia hernia of a fallopian tube. |
sal-PING-oh-OH-aw-oh-RAl-tis | salpingo-oophoritis salpingo /oophor / itis fallopian tube / ovary / inflammation inflammation of a fallopian tube and ovary. |
yoo-REE-throh-seel | urethrocele urethro / cele urethra / pouch / tumor / hernia hernia or prolapse of the urethra into the vagina. |
VAJ-ih-NAIT-is | vaginitis vagin / itis vagina / inflammation inflammation of the vagina. |
VAJ-ih-noh-mai-KOH-sis | vaginomycosis vagino / myc / osis vagina / fungus / condition fungal condition of the vagina. |
VAJ-ih-NOH-sis | vaginosis vagin / osis vagina / condition condition of the vagina. |
VES-ih-koh-VAJ-ih-nal FIS-choo-lah | vesicovaginal fistula vesico / vagin / al fistula bladder / vagina / pertaining to pipe abnormal opening between the urinary bladder and the vagina. |
vUl-VAIT-is | vulvitis vulv / itis vulva / inflammation inflammation of the vulva. |
VUL-voh-VAJ-ih-NAI-tis | vulvovaginitis vulvo / vagin / itis vulva / vagina / inflammation inflammation of the vulva and vagina. |
ah-BOR-shun | abortion from Latin, for "an untimely birth or miscarriage” termination of pregnancy. |
ah-BRUP-shee-oh plah-SENT-ee | abruptio placenta abruptio placenta tear away placenta separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus. |
KOR-ee-oh-AM-nee-oh-NAIT-is | chorloamnionitis chorio / amnion / itis chorion / amnion / inflammation inflammation of the chorion and amnion. |
KOR-ee-aw-NAIT-Is | chorionitis chorion / itis chorion / inflammation Inflammation of the chorlon. |
eh-KLAMP-see-ah | eclampsla from Greek, for "to shine" or "lightning" severe, life-threatening complication of pregnancy characterized by selzures. |
ek-TOP-Ik PREG-nan-see | ectopic pregnancy ec /top / ic pregnancy outside / place / pertaining to pregnancy implantation of a fertilized egg in a place other than the uterus. |
HAI-per-EM-eh-sis GRAV-Ih-DAR-um | hyperemess gravidarum hyper / emesis gravidarum over / vomit pregnancy pregnancy-related vomiting; an extreme form of the more common morning sickness. |
HIS-teh-roh-REK-sis | hysterorrhexis hystero / rrhexis uterus / rupture rupture of the uterus. |
oh-VAY-ree-oh-sai-EE-sis | ovarlocyesis ovario / cyesis ovary / pregnancy ectopic pregnancy in an ovary. |
plah-SENT-ah PREE-vee-ah | placenta previa placenta previa placenta first condition in which the placenta is attached to the uterus near the cervix. |
PREE-eh-KLAMP-see-ah | preeclampsia pre / eclampsia before / eclampsia condition characterized by high blood pressure and high protein in the urine. |
SOO-doh-sai-EE-sis | pseudocyesis pseudo / cyesis false / pregnancy false pregnancy. |
sal-PING-oh-sal-EE-sis | salpingocyesis salpingo / cyesis fallopian tube / pregnancy ectopic pregnancy in a fallopian tube. |
spawn-TAY-nee-us ah-BOR-shun | spontaneous abortion naturally occurring termination of pregnancy; also known as a miscarriage. |
AD-en-oh-KAR-SIN-oh-mah | adenocarcinoma of the breast adeno / carcin / oma of the breast gland / cancer / tumor glandular tumor in the breast. |
SER-vih-kalIN-trah-EP-ih-THEEL-ee-alNEE-oh-PLAY-zhah | cervical Intraepithelial neoplasia cervic / al intra / epithelial neo / plasia cervix / pertaining to inside / epithelial new / formation abnormal growth of cervical cells. |
KOH-ree-oh-AN-jee-OH-mah | chorloangioma chorio / angi / oma chorion / vessel / tumor blood vessel tumor of the chorion. |
KOR-ee-oh-KAR-sin-oh-mah | choriocarcinoma chorio / carcin / oma chorion / cancer / tumor cancerous tumor of the chorion. |
DER-moyd SIST | dermoid cyst derm / oid cyst skin / resembling cyst ovarian cyst containing skin and sometimes hair, teeth, bone, or cartilage. |
TER-ah-TOH-mah | teratoma terat / oma monster / tumor another term for a dermoid cyst the name derives from the contents of the cyst. |
SER-vih-SEK-toh-mee | cervicectomy cervic / ectomy cervix / removal surgical removal of the cervix. |
KOL-poh-PEK-see | colpopexy colpo / pexy vagina / fixation surgical fixation of the vagina. |
KOL-poh-PLAS-tee | colpoplasty colpo / plasty vagina / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of the vagina. |
Ih-PEEZ-ee-OR-ah-fee | epislorrhaphy episio / rrhaphy vulva / suture suture of the vulva. |
HIS-teh-REK-toh-mee | hysterectomy hyster / ectomy uterus / removal surgical removal of the uterus. |
HIS-ter-oh-PEK-see | hysteropexy hystero / pexy uterus / fixation surgical fixation of the uterus. |
HIS-teh-roh-SAL-pin-JEK-toh-mee | hysterosalpingectomy hystero / salping / ectomy uterus / tube / removal surgical removal of the uterus and fallopian tubes |
MAM-oh-PLAS-tee | mammoplasty mammo / plasty breast / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of a breast. |
mas-TEK-toh-mee | mastectomy mast / ectomy breast / removal surgical removal of a breast. |
MAS-toh-PEK-see | mastopexy masto / pexy breast / fixation surgical fixation of a breast. |
MAI-oh-MEK-toh-mee | myomectomy my /om / ectomy muscle / tumor / removal surgical removal of a tumor in the muscle (usually refers to the muscle of the uterine wall). |
OH-aw-foh-REK-toh-mee | oophorectomy oophor / ectomy ovary / removal surgical removal of an ovary. |
oh-AWF-oh-roh-sis-TEK-toh-mee | oophorocystectomy oophoro / cyst / ectomy ovary / cyst / removal surgical removal of an ovarian cyst. |
oh-AWF-oh-RAWT-oh-mee | oophorotomy oophoro / tomy ovary / incision incision into an ovary. |
oh-VAR-ee-an sis-TEK-toh-mee | ovarian cystectomy ovari / an cyst / ectomy ovary / pertaining to cyst / removal surgical removal of an ovarian cyst. |
oh-VAY-ree-oh-sin-TEE-sis | ovariocentesis ovario / centesis ovary / puncture surgical puncture of an ovary. |
oh-VAY-ree-AWS-toh-me | ovariostomy ovario / stomy ovary / opening creation of an opening into an ovary. |
PER-ih-NEE-oh-PLAS-tee | perineoplasty perineo / plasty perineum / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of the perineum. |
PER-ih-nee-OR-ah-fee | perineorrhaphy perineo / rrhaphy perineum / suture suture of the perineum. |
PER-ih-nee-AWT-oh-mee | perineotomy perineo / tomy perineum / incision incision into the perineum. |
SAL-pin-JEK-toh-mee | salpingectomy salping / ectomy fallopian tube / removal surgical removal of a fallopian tube. |
sal-PING-goh-OH-awf-oh-REK-toh-mee | salpingo-oophorectomy salpingo /oophor / ectomy fallopian tube / ovary / removal surgical removal of a fallopian tube and ovary. |
sal-PING-goh-PEK-see | salpingopexy salpingo / реху fallopian tube / fixation surgical fixation of a fallopian tube. |
VAJ-Ih-noh-PER-Ih-NEE-oh-PLAS-tee | vaginoperineoplasty vagino / perineo / plasty vagina / perineum / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of the vagina and perineum. |
VAJ-ih-noh-PER-ih-nee-OR-ah-fee | vaginoperineorrhaphy vagino / perineo / rrhaphy vagina / perineum / suture suture of the vagina and perineum. |
VAJ-ih-noh-PER-ih-nee-AWT-oh-mee | vaginoperineotomy vagino / perineo / tomy vagina / perineum / incision incision into the vagina and perineum. |
vah-JI-noh-PLAS-tee | vaginoplasty vagino / plasty vagina / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of the vagina. |
ah-BORT-Ih-FAY-shent | abortifacient aborti / facient abortion / do drug or device that causes the termination of pregnancy. |
AM-nee-AWT-oh-mee | amniotomy amnio / tomy amnion / incision incision Into the amnion. |
sih-ZER-ee-an SEK-shun | cesarean section cesarean section delivery of a baby through an incision made in the uterus. |
ih-PEEZ-ee-AWT-oh-mee | episiotomy episio / tomy vulva / incision incision into the vulva. |
HIS-teh-RAWT-oh-mee | hysterotomy hystero / tomy uterus / incision Incislon into the uterus. |
in-DOOSD ah-BOR-shun | Induced abortion intentional termination of pregnancy. |
in VEE-troh FERT-il-Ih-ZAY-shun | in vitro fertilization in vitro fertilization in glass fertilization fertilization of an egg done in a test tube. |
OK-see-TOHS-in | oxytocin oxy / toc / in swift / birth / agent agent that stimulates uterine contractions and accelerates labor. |
toh-koh-LT-ik | tocolytic toco / lytic labor / breakdown agent agent that stops or delays premature labor and contractions. |
CIPP | chronic idiopathic pelvic pain. |
Сх | cervix. |
GYN | gynecology. |
HPV | human papillomavirus. |
HRT | hormone replacement therapy. |
HSG | hysterosalpingogram. |
LEEP | loop electrosurgical excision procedure. |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease. |
PMS | premenstrual syndrome. |
SHG | sonohysterography. |
STD/STI | sexually transmitted disease/infection. |
TAH/BSO | total abdominal hysterectomy/bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. |
TSS | toxic shock syndrome. |
TVS | transvaginal sonography. |
VH | vaginal hysterectomy. |
CPD | cephalopelvic disproportion. |
CS, C-section | cesarean section. |
DOB | date of birth. |
EDD | expected date of delivery. |
FAS | fetal alcohol syndrome. |
FOB | father of the baby (or fecal occult blood) |
G | gravida. |
IVF | in vitro fertilization. |
LGA | large for gestational age. |
LMP | last menstrual period. |
P | births (comes from the word para, which means "birth") |
RDS | respiratory distress syndrome. |
SGA | small for gestational age. |