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med term chapter 3

cost- rib
-gram record
acro- extremities
-rhexis break, burst
carcin- cancer
-penia decrease
gen- original, production
burso- sac
retr(o) backward, behind
trip- rub, friction
strept- twist
-desis binding
mani- madness
glosso- tongue
-trophy development
supra- above
-ptosis falling
dyn- pain
mast- breast
-rrhapy suture
dent- teeth
cephal- head
auto- self
epi- upon, above
hydro- water
-esthesia sensation
-plegia paralysis
brady- slow
-graphy record, image
para- beside, near
-tonia tone, tension
dys- painful, difficult
-dynia pain
-lysis loosening, destruction
circum- around
tax/o coordination, order
my/o muscle
plant/o sole of foot
son/o sound
orth/o straight, normal
vers/o turn, turning
rhabd/o rod shaped
lei/o smooth
kinesi/o movement
articul/o joint
breakdown of muscle tissue myolysis
process of recording sound sonogram
incision into the fibrous band around muscle fasciotomy
protrusion of a muscle through a tear myocele
duct/o to lead, carry
fasci/o fascia, fibrous band
sarc/o flesh, connective tissue
tens/o stretched, strained
-asthenia weakness
-ceps heads (attachments)
-paresis weakness
-plegic pertaining to paralysis
hx history
DMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Dx diagnosis
Bx biopsy
NMI nuclear medicine imaging
amb ambulate, walk
hs half strength; bedtime
ROM range of motion
WNL within normal limits
DTR deep tendon reflex
hypertrophy excessive development
dystaxic lack of coordination
bilateral both sides
passive ROM ROM that is achieved when an outside force (such as a therapist or a CPM machine) exclusively causes movement of a joint
nursing staff assists the patient to complete the ROM exercise assisted range of motion
permanently contracted state of a muscle contractures
other name for skeletal muscle
skeletal muscle fibers are held together with fascia
other name for smooth muscle visceral
where muscle attaches to a bone that does not move when the muscle contracts origin
a band of fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone tendon
ability of a skeletal muscle to contract contractility
The ability of a skeletal muscle to receive and respond to a nerve impulse is known as ____. excitability
involuntary movement of smooth muscles peristalsis
ability of a muscle to contract without the involvement of nerves automaticity
point of attachment of a muscle to a bone that moves during muscular contraction insertion
ability of a skeletal muscle to be stretched extensibility
ability of skeletal muscle to return to original resting length elasticity
band of fibrous tissue that connects a bone to another bone ligament
movement of a body part away from the midline abduction
movement of a body part toward the midline adduction
turning inward of the sole of the foot inversion
turning outward of the sole of the foot eversion
elevation raising of a body part
lowering of a body part depression
movement of two body surfaces toward each other, as in the act of bending flexion
straightening of a limb after it has been flexed extension
act of bending a joint or limb beyond normal extension or range of motion hyperextension
movement of the sole of the foot upward (flexed toward the lower leg) dorsiflexion
Motion of the plantar surface (sole of the foot) away from the midline of the body. plantar flexion
movement of a body part around its longitudinal axis (lengthwise) rotation
rotational movement medially, or toward the midline of the body medial (internal) rotation
rotational movement laterally, or away from midline lateral (external) rotation
rotational motion of the forearm in which the palm moves to face upward supination
rotational motion of the forearm in which the palm moves to face downward pronation
rotation of an arm or leg as if drawing a circle circumduction
forehead muscle frontalis
muscle in the upper back and neck Trapezius
external shoulder muscle deltoid
chest muscle pectoralis major
posterior upper arm muscle triceps brachii
anterior upper arm muscle biceps brachii
mid back and lower spine muscle latissimus dorsi
muscles in the ribs to cubic bones abdominal
mediac muscle of the buttocks; outer surface of pelvis gluteus medius
outer muscle of buttocks gluteus maximus
anterior thigh muscle (crosses thigh obliquely) Sartorius
posterior thigh muscle biceps femoris (hamstring)
anterior thigh muscle rectus femoris (quadricep)
prominent muscle in posterior calf gastrocnemius
anterior lower leg muscle tibialis anterior
ATT PHYS attending physician
CV cardiovascular
DJD degenerative joint disease
GI gastrointestinal
LBP lower back pain
LS lumbosacral
L5-S1 lumbar vertebra 5 to sacral vertebra 1
PO by mouth
PRN as needed
Q4H every 4 hours
RA rheumatoid arthritis
RF rheumatoid factor
pain in a tendon tenalgia
inflammation of a muscle myositis
muscle pain myalgia, myodynia
loss of muscle tone hypotonia
muscle stiffness rigidity
softening of a muscle myomalacia
stretching or tearing of a ligament sprain
loss of muscle mass due to aging sarcopenia
stretching or tearing of a muscle strain
convulsive muscular contraction spasm
Created by: niya.777
Popular Medical sets




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