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med term chapter 3
Term | Definition |
cost- | rib |
-gram | record |
acro- | extremities |
-rhexis | break, burst |
carcin- | cancer |
-penia | decrease |
gen- | original, production |
burso- | sac |
retr(o) | backward, behind |
trip- | rub, friction |
strept- | twist |
-desis | binding |
mani- | madness |
glosso- | tongue |
-trophy | development |
supra- | above |
-ptosis | falling |
dyn- | pain |
mast- | breast |
-rrhapy | suture |
dent- | teeth |
cephal- | head |
auto- | self |
epi- | upon, above |
hydro- | water |
-esthesia | sensation |
-plegia | paralysis |
brady- | slow |
-graphy | record, image |
para- | beside, near |
-tonia | tone, tension |
dys- | painful, difficult |
-dynia | pain |
-lysis | loosening, destruction |
circum- | around |
tax/o | coordination, order |
my/o | muscle |
plant/o | sole of foot |
son/o | sound |
orth/o | straight, normal |
vers/o | turn, turning |
rhabd/o | rod shaped |
lei/o | smooth |
kinesi/o | movement |
articul/o | joint |
breakdown of muscle tissue | myolysis |
process of recording sound | sonogram |
incision into the fibrous band around muscle | fasciotomy |
protrusion of a muscle through a tear | myocele |
duct/o | to lead, carry |
fasci/o | fascia, fibrous band |
sarc/o | flesh, connective tissue |
tens/o | stretched, strained |
-asthenia | weakness |
-ceps | heads (attachments) |
-paresis | weakness |
-plegic | pertaining to paralysis |
hx | history |
DMD | Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
Dx | diagnosis |
Bx | biopsy |
NMI | nuclear medicine imaging |
amb | ambulate, walk |
hs | half strength; bedtime |
ROM | range of motion |
WNL | within normal limits |
DTR | deep tendon reflex |
hypertrophy | excessive development |
dystaxic | lack of coordination |
bilateral | both sides |
passive ROM | ROM that is achieved when an outside force (such as a therapist or a CPM machine) exclusively causes movement of a joint |
nursing staff assists the patient to complete the ROM exercise | assisted range of motion |
permanently contracted state of a muscle | contractures |
other name for skeletal muscle | |
skeletal muscle fibers are held together with | fascia |
other name for smooth muscle | visceral |
where muscle attaches to a bone that does not move when the muscle contracts | origin |
a band of fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone | tendon |
ability of a skeletal muscle to contract | contractility |
The ability of a skeletal muscle to receive and respond to a nerve impulse is known as ____. | excitability |
involuntary movement of smooth muscles | peristalsis |
ability of a muscle to contract without the involvement of nerves | automaticity |
point of attachment of a muscle to a bone that moves during muscular contraction | insertion |
ability of a skeletal muscle to be stretched | extensibility |
ability of skeletal muscle to return to original resting length | elasticity |
band of fibrous tissue that connects a bone to another bone | ligament |
movement of a body part away from the midline | abduction |
movement of a body part toward the midline | adduction |
turning inward of the sole of the foot | inversion |
turning outward of the sole of the foot | eversion |
elevation | raising of a body part |
lowering of a body part | depression |
movement of two body surfaces toward each other, as in the act of bending | flexion |
straightening of a limb after it has been flexed | extension |
act of bending a joint or limb beyond normal extension or range of motion | hyperextension |
movement of the sole of the foot upward (flexed toward the lower leg) | dorsiflexion |
Motion of the plantar surface (sole of the foot) away from the midline of the body. | plantar flexion |
movement of a body part around its longitudinal axis (lengthwise) | rotation |
rotational movement medially, or toward the midline of the body | medial (internal) rotation |
rotational movement laterally, or away from midline | lateral (external) rotation |
rotational motion of the forearm in which the palm moves to face upward | supination |
rotational motion of the forearm in which the palm moves to face downward | pronation |
rotation of an arm or leg as if drawing a circle | circumduction |
forehead muscle | frontalis |
muscle in the upper back and neck | Trapezius |
external shoulder muscle | deltoid |
chest muscle | pectoralis major |
posterior upper arm muscle | triceps brachii |
anterior upper arm muscle | biceps brachii |
mid back and lower spine muscle | latissimus dorsi |
muscles in the ribs to cubic bones | abdominal |
mediac muscle of the buttocks; outer surface of pelvis | gluteus medius |
outer muscle of buttocks | gluteus maximus |
anterior thigh muscle (crosses thigh obliquely) | Sartorius |
posterior thigh muscle | biceps femoris (hamstring) |
anterior thigh muscle | rectus femoris (quadricep) |
prominent muscle in posterior calf | gastrocnemius |
anterior lower leg muscle | tibialis anterior |
ATT PHYS | attending physician |
CV | cardiovascular |
DJD | degenerative joint disease |
GI | gastrointestinal |
LBP | lower back pain |
LS | lumbosacral |
L5-S1 | lumbar vertebra 5 to sacral vertebra 1 |
PO | by mouth |
PRN | as needed |
Q4H | every 4 hours |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis |
RF | rheumatoid factor |
pain in a tendon | tenalgia |
inflammation of a muscle | myositis |
muscle pain | myalgia, myodynia |
loss of muscle tone | hypotonia |
muscle stiffness | rigidity |
softening of a muscle | myomalacia |
stretching or tearing of a ligament | sprain |
loss of muscle mass due to aging | sarcopenia |
stretching or tearing of a muscle | strain |
convulsive muscular contraction | spasm |