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Integumentary System

Med Term

The largest organ in the body is The skin
The 3 layers of the skin Epidermis, Dermis, and Subcutaneous
Thin outer layer Epidermis
The epidermis does what Waterproof, protects the deeper layers
Where is the epidermis thickest soles and palms
What is the base layer of the Epidermis called Basement Membrane
The basement membrane is where ______ ________ cells are produced and pushed upward new epidermal
Layer below the Epidermis Dermis
The dermis consists of fibrous connective tissue
The fibrous connective tissue of the Dermis contains Elastin and collagen
Provides elasticity Elastin
Provides strength Collagen
once collagen is gone it is gone and replaced with scar tissue
what skin layer is Blood supply located The dermis
The layer beneath the dermis subcutaneous layer
Fat is located in what skin layer Subcutaneous
What does the subcutaneous layer do for deeper structures insulates
Accessory structures of the skin are Sudoriferous glands, Sebaceous glands, hair, and nails
what type of gland is a sudoriferous glands Sweat
what type of gland is a sebaceous glands oil
What gland secretes moisture causing evaporation on skin lowering body temperature Sudoriferous
what gland is found at the base of hair follicles through the body Sebaceous
Sebaceous glands secretes oils (Sebum)
Skin protects from bacteria, microorganisms, UV rays, extreme tempuratures
pigment (melanin) producing cells are melanocytes
skin does not allow penetration except for abrasions, lacerations, punctures
Some forms of punctures are cat/dog bites, thorns, wood, and treated wood
what is Increased blood profusion causing edema, and erythema Inflammatory response to infection
targeted circulation profusion
swelling edema
redness erythema
When fighting infection there will be an increase of leukocytes (WBC's) and Phagocytes (eaters)
The skin ____ _______ with specialized sensory receptors regulates temperature
Sensory receptors perceive cold, heat, pressure and pain
sensory receptors that respond to light touch messiner's corpuscles
Sensory receptors that respond to deep pressure Pacinian corpuscles
pain receptors send messages to _____ causing the ______ _______ ______ CNS, protective reflective response
RSD and CRPS are pain syndromes
Blood Vessels ______ to give off less heat in cold to constrict, conserve for deeper organs
Blood vessels _______ to give off more heat in hot and will give off dilate, flushed appearance
Hair protects the head, nose, ears, eyebrows and eyelashes
Hair shaft is external
The follicle contains the root
Hair is made up of protein - keratin
what gives hair its color (decreases as you age) Melanin
Nails protect fingers and toes
Nail root grows over the nail bed
Adip/o fat
resembling fat Adipoid
Lip/o fat
tumor of fat lipoma
cutane/o skin
pertaining to skin cutaneous
Derm/o skin
surgical repair of the skin dermoplasty
dermat/o skin
specialist in the study of the skin dermatologist
cyt/o cell
study of cells cytology
eti/o cause
study of cells etiology
hidr/o sweat
abnormal condition of sweating hidrosis
hydr/o water
water therapy hydrotherapy
idi/o unknown, peculiar
pertaining to an unknown disease idiopathic
kerat/o keratinized tissue, cornea
cutting into or incision of the cornea keratomy
myc/o fungus
abnormal condition of fungus mycosis
necr/o dead
abnormal condition of dead (tissue) necrosis
path/o disease
specialist in the study of disease pathologist
pil/o hair
absence of hair depilous
rhytid/o wrinkle
surgical removal of wrinkles rhytidectomy
scler/o hardening, sclera
abnormal condition of hardening sclerosis
seb/o sebum
flow or discharge of sebum seborrhea
son/o sound
record of sound sonogram
albin/o white
condition of whiteness albinism
leuk/o white
white flow or discharge leukorrhea
chromat/o color
pertaining to color chromatic
cirrh/o yellow
abnormal condition of yellowness cirrhosis
xanth/o yellow
yellow skin xanthoderma
cyan/o blue
abnormal condition of blueness cyanosis
erythem/o red
pertaining to redness erythematous
erythr/o red
Red (blood) cell erythrocyte
mean/o black
black tumor melanoma
Biopsy Abbreviation Bx, bx
Decubitus ulcer (pressure ulcer) Abbreviation Decub
dermatology derm
Family History FH
History Hx
Incision and Drainage I&D
Intradermal (Injection) ID
Intravenous IV
Over-the-counter OTC
physical examination PE
subcutaneous SubQ, Sub-Q
symptom(s) Sx
treatment Tx
scraping away of skin or mucus membrane Abrasion
Type of thermal injury to the skin caused by a variety of heat sources, classified according to severity (1st,2nd,3rd) Burn
potentially serious bacterial skin infection marked by pain, redness, edema, warmth, and fever Cellulistis
fluid or solid-containing pouch in or under the skin cyst
area of injury and tissue death caused by unrelieved pressure that impedes circulation in the skin and underlying tissues(aka pressure ulcer or bed sore) Decubitus ulcer
discoloration of the skin, bruise ecchymosis, contusion
inflammatory skin condition marked by red, hot, dry, scaly, cracked, and itchy skin or blisters Eczema
small, crack like break in the skin Fissure
surgical cut in the flesh Incision
cut or tear in the flesh Laceration
chronic, inflammatory skin disorder marked by the development of silvery-white scaly plaques or patches with sharply defined borders and reddened skin beneath. Psoriasis
lesion of the skin or mucous membranes marked by inflammation, necrosis, and sloughing or damaged tissues ulcer
chronic skin disease that results in patchy loss of skin pigment (may affect hair color) vitiligo
In the dermis ____ are located Capillaries
Hair follicles are in the Dermis
Nerves are in what skin layer Dermis
Sweat,oil glands, and sensory receptors are in the ____ Dermis layer
Deeper blood vessels and nerves are in the _____ subcutaneous layer
Lower part of hair folicles ar e in what skin layer Subcutaneous
elastin and collagen is located in what layer of the skin The subcutaneous
Created by: OTAbaddies
Popular Medical sets




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