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Module 1 PCT Test

PCT Module 1 Review for Mrs.Dennis Mod 1 Test

Define Homeostasis Equilibrium in body. Maintains optimal functioning for organisms.
Disease occurs when... Body is not able to maintain homestasis for some reason.
Infectious diseases are caused by... Bacteria entering the body...Ex urinary tract disease
What is the difference between Acute and Chronic Disease? Example... Acute: Have sudden onset and for the most part have a short recovery time...Ex Influenza...Chronic: Usually lasts longer than six months and req ongoing medication and treatment...Ex Athersclerosis and Coronorary Artery Disease...
What is a degenerative disease? Occurs when body is in aging process causing tissues to wear down...Ex Arthritis
Osteoarthritis is what... Most common form of Joint disease can be CAUSED by Obesity, excessive kneeling or squatting, or joint injury RESULTS in joint stiffnes, pain, dec ROM, ADL, make pt for rreliant on others...
Pathogen? Any organism or agent that can be produce an disease...
What is Asthma? A chronic Respritory disorder-Constriction of the Bronchi in the lungs due to infflamation. SYMP Dyspnea, Chest tightness, Weezing CAUSES Allergens, smoking, cold air, asthmatic episode TREAT medications can reverse airway obstruction (inhaler)
What does COPD stand for? Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease SYMP Freq Coughing, Hypoxia, Dyspnea, and Fatigue
Major risks w/hypertension? Obesity, Stress facotrs, smoking, alcohol, diabetes, athersclerosis, kidney dieases, high sodium diet.
What is hypertensions nickname? "The Silent Killer"
What is Coronary Artery Disease? How does it impact the heart? what are CF? Narrowing of the coronary Arteries due to plaque build up IMPACTs heart does not recieve enough O2 and nutrients during exertion CF poor diet, LOE, smoking obesity and Diabetes
What is MI? How does it impact the heart? Common signs and SYMP? Blood clot or athersclerosis preventing blood in Coronary Arteries from reaching heart. IMPACT if heart does not recieve blood and O2 heart tissue dies. SIGNS and SYMP shortness of breath, Chest pain, radiates to neckj and shoulders or arms
What is Diaphoresis? Excessive sweating, Nasea, vomitting, and Diziness...
Whaat is a stroke? 2 main types/causes of stroke? SYMP? Cerebrovascular accident when blood flow to part of brain is blocked causing brain cells to die. CAUSES due to blood clots but ruptured artery in brain can also cause it. SYMP slurred speech droopy face paralysis disorientation.
What three should you always do prior to begging the bathing process? 1. ID Pt 2. Introduce yourself 3. Explain procedure and maje sure Pt Understands
6 Safety Precautions for when bathing Pt? Assisting pt in and out of shower/ Use nonskid mats. Never leave Pt alone unless sure their safe call light should be within reach/during bed baths keep railing up off sude to ensure pt doesnt roll off/ Ensure IV sights and surgical incisions R protected
What is a partial bath? Cleansing Pt's Neck, Face, Hands, Back Armpits, Buttocks, and Perineal Area...
What is a Sitz bath? An appliance filled w warm water palced on the toliet. Pt sits in for 20-30 minutes as warm water baths and soothes perineal area USED for childbirth (after) vaginal or rectal surgery, or Hemroids.
When should oral care be offered to Pt? When Pt's awaken after meals and prior to bedtime...
Why should you check in w nurse BEFORE admin oral care? Some Pt's may have diff swallowing or could be NPO
How would you assist a Pt w an IV in changing their gown? Take arm out w out IV bag first out of gown then gently remove gown off pt and head tubing bag thorugh sleeve. New gown put IV bag and tubing though APP arm sleeve bring it to Pt chest get nurse to discuss infusion pump if issue.
What do you need to know prior to assisting pt to bathroom ? Aware of any activity restrictions before assisting them out of bed.
What is the importance of an accurate Pt Weight? Weight can determine treatments and dosages Pt who have HF and ^ in few Llb's can be significant...
What scale should be used for Pt in wheelchair? what must you remember in using scale? A chair scale... you must remember to subtract the Pt weight of the wheelchair before recording the Pts weight.
Why are boundaries important in HC? To keep Pt as priority focus on each encounter/discussing personal life w pt is innapropriate and alters your role form provider to person in need of pts care to support avoid sharing personal stories to pt even if its relevant.
List interpersonal skills that help in caring for diverse Populations for pt? 1. Friendliness 2. Empathy 3. Genuiness 4. Openness 5. Sensitivity
What are the possible complications a pt may experience while receiving Supplemental O2. Oral/Nasal area to become dry and to help attach humidifier
What are signs of Hypoxia? 1 Anxiety 2 Lack of concentration or focus 3 Hypertension 4 Cynosis 5 ^ or Decreased HR and RR
What should you notify to the nurse IMMEDIATELY if you observe what when pt is on SUpplemental O2? 1 Pulse O2 Stat lower than 90% 2 Port of )2 Tank almost empty 3 Discrepency between present O2 flow rate and meter 4 Any sudden change of Pt condition
What height should the head of the bed be raised when suctioning a Pt? at least 45 Degrees or more
How should pt be positioned when suctioning airway? Pt should be put on their side
What is a Ventilator? pumps pressured air into pt lungs through endotracheal tube or thracheostomy when pt cannot breathe on their own.
What is a capnography monitor? measures concentration of CO2 in exhaled air
What is an infusion pump? who is certified to set the monitors and asses the pt? Delivers specific amt of fluids or meds directly into pt circulatory system at a specific rate
What tyoe of pt would need a bariatric bed? Accomidate pt with increased weight and are wider
What type of pt would need an airflow bed? how does it work... Support pt on fabric layer containing small beds that are kept inn constant motion by circulating air and can prevent pressure ulcers and keep pt skin dry.
What type of pt would need pulmonary therapy bed? How does it work? a RR or Cardiac Pt and it provides vibrations and percussion to pt at risk for RR complications bed can also assist in repositioning pt helping prevent pressure ulcers
How can you tell that. a nasogastric tube is not in the correct place? If mask is placed bellow entrace if it is not it will be to the naris
Created by: Valerson
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