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CE Past Board Terms


Sudden drop of Shear Strength LIQUEFACTION
Reciprocal of Deflection RIGIDITY OF STRUCTURE
Develop when center of mass and center of rigidity of structure does not coincide TORSIONAL SHEAR STRESS
Refers to lateral displacement of one level relative to other STOREY DRIFT
Resultant of resistance to the applied lateral force CENTER OF RIGIDITY
- Point where where the applied seismic forces acts - Point where the vertical force acts CENTER OF MASS
Flexibility of structure RECIPROCAL OF STIFFNESS
Floor which is less than 70% stiff as floor above it & 80% stiff as average SOFT STOREY
Can be measured by seismometer GROUND DISPLACEMENT
Deals with forces at rest STATIC
Distance of center mass and center of rigidity ECCENTRICITY
Determines whether a body will be at rest or motion RESULTANT
Energy by virtue or velocity KINETIC
- Refers to the ability of a material to deform in the plastic range without breaking - Property that enables the material to under large permanent strains before failure DUCTILITY
Causes the material to deform for a long period of time until a sudden fracture occurs CREEP
Refers to ability of material to absorb energy in the elastic range - Material undergoes changes in its structure resulting in increased resistance to further deformation RESILIENCE
Refers to ability of material to absorb energy in the plastic range TOUGHNESS
Refers to the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically STRAIN HARDENING
Refers to the tendency of solid materials to return to their original shape after being forces are applied on them ELASTICITY
Slope of the straight line portion of the stress-strain curve YOUNG'S MODULUS
Stress directly proportional to strain HOOKE'S LAW
Ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain POISSON'S RATIO
- Procedure that involves turning the angle twice and making the line of sight each time at the point. If two lines result, an average is established to create the line. DOUBLE CENTERING
What is the lane width for National Road? 3.35m
Informs road users to abide certain traffic rule requirements on road condition SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS SIGNS
Signs that inform road users to traffic laws & regulations which if disregarded will constitute an offense. REGULATORY SIGNS
Signs which provide means of displaying essential traffic information on wide multi-lane roads OVERHEAD SIGNS
Inform & advice road users of direction, distances, routes, the location or services & points of interest INFORMATIVE SIGNS/ GUIDE SIGNS
Warn or advice of temporary hazardous condition that could endanger road users or the men & equipment engaged on roadwork. ROADWORK SIGNS
Warn road users of condition on or adjacent to the road that maybe unexpected or hazardous. WARNING SIGNS
Guide drivers through a change in horizontal alignment of the road CHEVRON SIGNS
What is the conventional sign shape for regulatory sign? CIRCLE
Standard sign shape for STOP sign OCTAGON
Contained within the bucket when following the outline of the bucket sides PLATE LINE CAPACITY
Volume on the level of lowest edge of bucket WATER LINE CAPACITY
Maximum volume w/o spillage based on angle of repose of material in bucket HEAPED CAPACITY
It is the bucket capacity when load is struck off STRUCK CAPACITY
Maximum number of vehicles, which have a reasonable expectations of passing over a given section of a lane or a roadway in one direction or in both directions during one hour under prevailing road & traffic conditions ROAD CAPACITY
Defined as the number of vehicles per unit distance occupying a section of roadway at a given instant time ROAD DENSITY
Ideal capacity of a road is _______vph 2000 vph
___% of tide is guaranteed safe for the ships, based on INTERNATIONAL WATER WAY CONGRESS 98%
The datum line for design of port facilities in accordance with chart which being used by Philippine Ports Authority MLLW - Main Lower Low Water
CE Board April 2023 The shear strength of soil increases with _______ INCREASE IN NORMAL STRESS
Triaxial shear stress acts on what axis? ALL PLANE AXIS EXCEPT X and Y axis
In what plane does the additional stress (deviator stress) can affect the shear stress? HORIZONTAL
What test is not performed in the laboratory? VANE TEST
Soil greater than 75mm is classified as __________ COBBLES
In 1.3cNc + 𝛾Df Nq + 0.4𝛾BNy, Nc, Nq, Ny are function of ANGLE OF FRICTION
- Molecules of liquids get attracted to ___________ - For example, when an insect such as mosquitoes that is denser than water is able to float or run along the water surface SURFACE TENSION
Where is the METACENTER for stable equilibrium? ABOVE CENTER OF GRAVITY
The shear strength of a cohesionless soil is proportional to the tangent of ___________ ANGLE OF SHEARING RESISTANCE
When the metacenter of a floating body is lower than the center of gravity, then the body will be in ___________ UNSTABLE EQUILIBRIUM
The metacentric height is the distance between the _______ CENTER OF GRAVITY OF THE FLOATING BODY AND THE METACENTER
The following describes the ______ - Caused by soft clay - Decreases the pile capacity - Caused due to relative settlement of soil NEGATIVE SKIN FRICTION ON PILES
It does not vary on any other planet SPECIFIC WEIGHT OF LIQUID
In civil engineering, soil is __________ UNCEMENTED AGGREGATE
The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called ________ SPECIFIC WEIGHT
Situation with a potential cause to harm in terms in injury, ill health, damage to property, damage to environment or combination. HAZARD
It is a human action that deviates from a commonly accepted safe procedure or standard operations that could permit an occurrence of an accident RISK
It is the color of loading and unloading zone marking RED
Type of thermoplastic lane marking designed to aid and provide motorist with visual, audio and motion warning on the road RUMBLE STRIP
The timing of signals in relationship to one another so that vehicles traveling at a determined speed can pass through the greens of successive signals. SIGNAL COORDINATION
- Basic unit of travel behavior - It is also involve movement from single origin to a single destination and are usually described in terms of their origins, destinations, purposes, time of occurrence, travel modes and routes. TRIP
It represents the component of vehicle weight which acts parallel to an inclined surface GRADE RESISTANCE
A cohesive soil deposit is considered soft if the unconfined compression strength in KPa is between _______ 24 TO 48
Section 302.2.2 NSCP. Steepness of the cut shall not exceed _______ 1:2
It is nothing more than a column driven into the soil to support a structure by transferring building loads to a deeper and stronger layer of soil or rock PILES
1 atm = ____mmHg. Specific gravity of mercury ______ 760 mmHg // 13.56
If water used to measure the atmospheric pressure, how high would it be? 10.33 m
What will happen to the bearing capacity of soil if the ground water table in a soil formation rises due to flooding? IT GETS WEAKER
____ is the reaction time to be used for the road safety design. 2.5 sec
Refers to the measure of a material's ability to withstand cyclic (repeated) stresses. FATIGUE RESISTANCE
it is a manner of moving a straight-edge back and forth with saw-like motion across the top of the forms SCREEDING
It is the horizontal force directed outward. This force has the capability of pushing the vehicle off the road in which the car will overturn in outward direction. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE (CF)
Every construction shall have a suitable ________, which must be in accordance with these rules, and other orders and issuances issued by the DOLE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM
Who is given authority to review reports and inspection, accident investigations and implementation of the program? HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE
An act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards and Providing Penalties for Violations thereof R.A NO 11058
Refers to any person trained and duly certified to administer first aid by the Philippine Red Cross or any organization authorized by the Secretary of Labor and Employment CERTIFIED FIRST AIDER
Refers to a qualified first-aider, nurse, dentist or physician engaged by the employer to provide occupational health services in the establishment, project, site or workplace OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PERSONNEL
Refers to any employee or officer of the company trained by DOLE or DOLE-Accredited Training Organization and tasked by the employer to implement an OSH program, and ensure that it is in accordance with the provisions of OSH standards. SAFETY OFFICER
Refers to the industry-determined specifications of proficiency required for effective work performance COMPETENCY STANDARDS
Refers to a situation caused by a condition or practice in any place of employment that could reasonably be expected to lead to death or serious physical harm IMMINENT DANGER
It is a collective effort that focuses both on the different jobs in a company, and a group of people tasked to identify them. JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS
The discipline dealing with the prevention of work related injuries and diseases as well as the protection and promotion of the health of workers. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH
Pavement markings are applied /removed by _____ DPWH
The process of injecting any agent into soil or rock to increase its strength or stability, protect foundations or reduce ground water GROUTING
Localized upward buckling and shattering of the slabs at transverse joint or cracks. BLOWUPS
Cracking appears as a series of interconnecting cracks caused by fatigue failure of the asphalt concrete surface which is often due repeated traffic loading ALLIGATOR CRACKING
Cracks approx. at right angles to the pavement centerline. These may be caused by shrinkage or differential thermal stress of the asphalt concrete or maybe reflective cracks. TRANSVERSE CRACKING
The following are the overall track ______ - Subgrade - Ballast - Ties - Rails - Rails Fastening STRUCTURE OF RAILROAD
The following are the standard practice of __________ - Instrument is level - Sight Target - Sight direct and reverse MEASURING VERTICAL OR ZENITH ANGLES
The following are the characteristics of __________ - Point Upstream - At the right angles to the slope - On the ground closes itself CONTOUR
A measure of material ability to resist indentation or penetration HARDNESS
An increase in soil density of a cohesive soil resulting from the expulsion of water from the solid voids spaces CONSOLIDATION
Tides when the waters reach their greatest height and the low waters at the least height after a full moon and new moon SPRING TIDES
-Berth structure projecting out from the shoreline. -Runs perpendicular (or at an angle) to the shore and projects out into the water. -It is also used as a walkway for passenger. PIER
A place on coast for security and comfort of vessels. Small bay or other sheltered part of an area of water HARBOR
Includes HARBOR and adjacent town or city suitable for (a) LOADING GOODS (b) EMBARKING PASSENGERS PORT OR SEAPORT
A continuous structure built parallel to along the margin of the sea or alongside riverbanks, canals or waterways. Suitable for RECEIVE AND DISCHARGE CARGO WHARF OR QUAY
It is done on slabs that are to be left exposed or to receive thin finishes, such as resilient flooring, carpet, tile, or paint TROWELING
Process of measuring concrete ingredients either by volume or by mass and introducing them into the mixture. BATCHING
Result of insufficient asphalt binder in the mix of stripping of asphalt from particles of aggregate. RAVELING
The main purpose is to elevate the road to a certain level such that it makes the resultant force normal to the road surface for a certain speed. SUPER ELEVATION (e)
Type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Modern types of these show the dependency relationships between activities and the current schedule status GANTT CHART
What are the capacity requirement for all scaffoldings? AT LEAST 4 TIMES ITS OWN WEIGHT
The following are characteristics of ____________ -High Shear Strength - Prone to settlement due to vibrating load - Easy to compact COHESIONLESS SOIL
The material composition is the same but its mechanical properties are different in every direction ORTHOTROPIC MATERIAL
At any time, the discharge at every section of the stream remains the same CONTINUOUS FLOW
When the path of individual fluid particles does not cross or intersect LAMINAR FLOW
When its path lines are irregular curves and continuously cross each other TURBULENT FLOW
What do you call the maximum amount of stress a material can handle? ULTIMATE STRENGTH
What do you call the strength of a material at failure? RUPTURE STRENGTH
An interest rate which specifies the actual rate of interest on the principal for one year as __________ EFFECTIVE RATE
These are the products or services that are desired by human and will be purchased if money is available after the required necessities have been obtained LUXURIES
Highest surface part of a wave CREST
Lowest surface part of a wave TROUGH
Vertical distance between the crest and trough WAVE HEIGHT
Horizontal distance between two adjacent crests or troughs WAVE LENGTHS
These are long sights that can be taken with greater accuracy than using the stadia method MERITS
Difference between the most probable value of the quantity and its observed value RESIDUAL ERROR
The ff are used for _____ > Straining device > Thermometer > Stakes BASE LINE MEASUREMENTS
The maximum grade permitted on curves for Phil. National roads 6%
These are the additional costs of producing one more unit of a product. MARGINAL COST
It refers to the period of time in years that results in the minimum equivalent annual cost. ECONOMIC LIFE
Created by: engrds
Popular Engineering sets




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