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CE Past Board Terms
Question | Answer |
Sudden drop of Shear Strength | LIQUEFACTION |
Reciprocal of Deflection | RIGIDITY OF STRUCTURE |
Develop when center of mass and center of rigidity of structure does not coincide | TORSIONAL SHEAR STRESS |
Refers to lateral displacement of one level relative to other | STOREY DRIFT |
Resultant of resistance to the applied lateral force | CENTER OF RIGIDITY |
- Point where where the applied seismic forces acts - Point where the vertical force acts | CENTER OF MASS |
Flexibility of structure | RECIPROCAL OF STIFFNESS |
Floor which is less than 70% stiff as floor above it & 80% stiff as average | SOFT STOREY |
Can be measured by seismometer | GROUND DISPLACEMENT |
Deals with forces at rest | STATIC |
Distance of center mass and center of rigidity | ECCENTRICITY |
Determines whether a body will be at rest or motion | RESULTANT |
Energy by virtue or velocity | KINETIC |
- Refers to the ability of a material to deform in the plastic range without breaking - Property that enables the material to under large permanent strains before failure | DUCTILITY |
Causes the material to deform for a long period of time until a sudden fracture occurs | CREEP |
Refers to ability of material to absorb energy in the elastic range - Material undergoes changes in its structure resulting in increased resistance to further deformation | RESILIENCE |
Refers to ability of material to absorb energy in the plastic range | TOUGHNESS |
Refers to the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically | STRAIN HARDENING |
Refers to the tendency of solid materials to return to their original shape after being forces are applied on them | ELASTICITY |
Slope of the straight line portion of the stress-strain curve | YOUNG'S MODULUS |
Stress directly proportional to strain | HOOKE'S LAW |
Ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain | POISSON'S RATIO |
- Procedure that involves turning the angle twice and making the line of sight each time at the point. If two lines result, an average is established to create the line. | DOUBLE CENTERING |
What is the lane width for National Road? | 3.35m |
Informs road users to abide certain traffic rule requirements on road condition | SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS SIGNS |
Signs that inform road users to traffic laws & regulations which if disregarded will constitute an offense. | REGULATORY SIGNS |
Signs which provide means of displaying essential traffic information on wide multi-lane roads | OVERHEAD SIGNS |
Inform & advice road users of direction, distances, routes, the location or services & points of interest | INFORMATIVE SIGNS/ GUIDE SIGNS |
Warn or advice of temporary hazardous condition that could endanger road users or the men & equipment engaged on roadwork. | ROADWORK SIGNS |
Warn road users of condition on or adjacent to the road that maybe unexpected or hazardous. | WARNING SIGNS |
Guide drivers through a change in horizontal alignment of the road | CHEVRON SIGNS |
The EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE is the standard shape of ____ | WARNING SIGN AND GIVE WAY |
What is the conventional sign shape for regulatory sign? | CIRCLE |
Standard sign shape for STOP sign | OCTAGON |
Contained within the bucket when following the outline of the bucket sides | PLATE LINE CAPACITY |
Volume on the level of lowest edge of bucket | WATER LINE CAPACITY |
Maximum volume w/o spillage based on angle of repose of material in bucket | HEAPED CAPACITY |
It is the bucket capacity when load is struck off | STRUCK CAPACITY |
Maximum number of vehicles, which have a reasonable expectations of passing over a given section of a lane or a roadway in one direction or in both directions during one hour under prevailing road & traffic conditions | ROAD CAPACITY |
Defined as the number of vehicles per unit distance occupying a section of roadway at a given instant time | ROAD DENSITY |
Ideal capacity of a road is _______vph | 2000 vph |
___% of tide is guaranteed safe for the ships, based on INTERNATIONAL WATER WAY CONGRESS | 98% |
The datum line for design of port facilities in accordance with chart which being used by Philippine Ports Authority | MLLW - Main Lower Low Water |
CE Board April 2023 The shear strength of soil increases with _______ | INCREASE IN NORMAL STRESS |
Triaxial shear stress acts on what axis? | ALL PLANE AXIS EXCEPT X and Y axis |
In what plane does the additional stress (deviator stress) can affect the shear stress? | HORIZONTAL |
What test is not performed in the laboratory? | VANE TEST |
Soil greater than 75mm is classified as __________ | COBBLES |
In 1.3cNc + 𝛾Df Nq + 0.4𝛾BNy, Nc, Nq, Ny are function of | ANGLE OF FRICTION |
- Molecules of liquids get attracted to ___________ - For example, when an insect such as mosquitoes that is denser than water is able to float or run along the water surface | SURFACE TENSION |
Where is the METACENTER for stable equilibrium? | ABOVE CENTER OF GRAVITY |
The shear strength of a cohesionless soil is proportional to the tangent of ___________ | ANGLE OF SHEARING RESISTANCE |
When the metacenter of a floating body is lower than the center of gravity, then the body will be in ___________ | UNSTABLE EQUILIBRIUM |
The metacentric height is the distance between the _______ | CENTER OF GRAVITY OF THE FLOATING BODY AND THE METACENTER |
The following describes the ______ - Caused by soft clay - Decreases the pile capacity - Caused due to relative settlement of soil | NEGATIVE SKIN FRICTION ON PILES |
It does not vary on any other planet | SPECIFIC WEIGHT OF LIQUID |
In civil engineering, soil is __________ | UNCEMENTED AGGREGATE |
The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called ________ | SPECIFIC WEIGHT |
Situation with a potential cause to harm in terms in injury, ill health, damage to property, damage to environment or combination. | HAZARD |
It is a human action that deviates from a commonly accepted safe procedure or standard operations that could permit an occurrence of an accident | RISK |
It is the color of loading and unloading zone marking | RED |
Type of thermoplastic lane marking designed to aid and provide motorist with visual, audio and motion warning on the road | RUMBLE STRIP |
The timing of signals in relationship to one another so that vehicles traveling at a determined speed can pass through the greens of successive signals. | SIGNAL COORDINATION |
- Basic unit of travel behavior - It is also involve movement from single origin to a single destination and are usually described in terms of their origins, destinations, purposes, time of occurrence, travel modes and routes. | TRIP |
It represents the component of vehicle weight which acts parallel to an inclined surface | GRADE RESISTANCE |
A cohesive soil deposit is considered soft if the unconfined compression strength in KPa is between _______ | 24 TO 48 |
Section 302.2.2 NSCP. Steepness of the cut shall not exceed _______ | 1:2 |
It is nothing more than a column driven into the soil to support a structure by transferring building loads to a deeper and stronger layer of soil or rock | PILES |
1 atm = ____mmHg. Specific gravity of mercury ______ | 760 mmHg // 13.56 |
If water used to measure the atmospheric pressure, how high would it be? | 10.33 m |
What will happen to the bearing capacity of soil if the ground water table in a soil formation rises due to flooding? | IT GETS WEAKER |
____ is the reaction time to be used for the road safety design. | 2.5 sec |
Refers to the measure of a material's ability to withstand cyclic (repeated) stresses. | FATIGUE RESISTANCE |
it is a manner of moving a straight-edge back and forth with saw-like motion across the top of the forms | SCREEDING |
It is the horizontal force directed outward. This force has the capability of pushing the vehicle off the road in which the car will overturn in outward direction. | CENTRIFUGAL FORCE (CF) |
Every construction shall have a suitable ________, which must be in accordance with these rules, and other orders and issuances issued by the DOLE | CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM |
Who is given authority to review reports and inspection, accident investigations and implementation of the program? | HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE |
An act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards and Providing Penalties for Violations thereof | R.A NO 11058 |
Refers to any person trained and duly certified to administer first aid by the Philippine Red Cross or any organization authorized by the Secretary of Labor and Employment | CERTIFIED FIRST AIDER |
Refers to a qualified first-aider, nurse, dentist or physician engaged by the employer to provide occupational health services in the establishment, project, site or workplace | OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PERSONNEL |
Refers to any employee or officer of the company trained by DOLE or DOLE-Accredited Training Organization and tasked by the employer to implement an OSH program, and ensure that it is in accordance with the provisions of OSH standards. | SAFETY OFFICER |
Refers to the industry-determined specifications of proficiency required for effective work performance | COMPETENCY STANDARDS |
Refers to a situation caused by a condition or practice in any place of employment that could reasonably be expected to lead to death or serious physical harm | IMMINENT DANGER |
It is a collective effort that focuses both on the different jobs in a company, and a group of people tasked to identify them. | JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS |
The discipline dealing with the prevention of work related injuries and diseases as well as the protection and promotion of the health of workers. | OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH |
Pavement markings are applied /removed by _____ | DPWH |
The process of injecting any agent into soil or rock to increase its strength or stability, protect foundations or reduce ground water | GROUTING |
Localized upward buckling and shattering of the slabs at transverse joint or cracks. | BLOWUPS |
Cracking appears as a series of interconnecting cracks caused by fatigue failure of the asphalt concrete surface which is often due repeated traffic loading | ALLIGATOR CRACKING |
Cracks approx. at right angles to the pavement centerline. These may be caused by shrinkage or differential thermal stress of the asphalt concrete or maybe reflective cracks. | TRANSVERSE CRACKING |
The following are the overall track ______ - Subgrade - Ballast - Ties - Rails - Rails Fastening | STRUCTURE OF RAILROAD |
The following are the standard practice of __________ - Instrument is level - Sight Target - Sight direct and reverse | MEASURING VERTICAL OR ZENITH ANGLES |
The following are the characteristics of __________ - Point Upstream - At the right angles to the slope - On the ground closes itself | CONTOUR |
A measure of material ability to resist indentation or penetration | HARDNESS |
An increase in soil density of a cohesive soil resulting from the expulsion of water from the solid voids spaces | CONSOLIDATION |
Tides when the waters reach their greatest height and the low waters at the least height after a full moon and new moon | SPRING TIDES |
-Berth structure projecting out from the shoreline. -Runs perpendicular (or at an angle) to the shore and projects out into the water. -It is also used as a walkway for passenger. | PIER |
A place on coast for security and comfort of vessels. Small bay or other sheltered part of an area of water | HARBOR |
Includes HARBOR and adjacent town or city suitable for (a) LOADING GOODS (b) EMBARKING PASSENGERS | PORT OR SEAPORT |
A continuous structure built parallel to along the margin of the sea or alongside riverbanks, canals or waterways. Suitable for RECEIVE AND DISCHARGE CARGO | WHARF OR QUAY |
It is done on slabs that are to be left exposed or to receive thin finishes, such as resilient flooring, carpet, tile, or paint | TROWELING |
Process of measuring concrete ingredients either by volume or by mass and introducing them into the mixture. | BATCHING |
Result of insufficient asphalt binder in the mix of stripping of asphalt from particles of aggregate. | RAVELING |
The main purpose is to elevate the road to a certain level such that it makes the resultant force normal to the road surface for a certain speed. | SUPER ELEVATION (e) |
Type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Modern types of these show the dependency relationships between activities and the current schedule status | GANTT CHART |
What are the capacity requirement for all scaffoldings? | AT LEAST 4 TIMES ITS OWN WEIGHT |
The following are characteristics of ____________ -High Shear Strength - Prone to settlement due to vibrating load - Easy to compact | COHESIONLESS SOIL |
The material composition is the same but its mechanical properties are different in every direction | ORTHOTROPIC MATERIAL |
At any time, the discharge at every section of the stream remains the same | CONTINUOUS FLOW |
When the path of individual fluid particles does not cross or intersect | LAMINAR FLOW |
When its path lines are irregular curves and continuously cross each other | TURBULENT FLOW |
The CONTINUITY EQUATION is based on what principle? | CONSERVATION OF MASS |
What do you call the maximum amount of stress a material can handle? | ULTIMATE STRENGTH |
What do you call the strength of a material at failure? | RUPTURE STRENGTH |
An interest rate which specifies the actual rate of interest on the principal for one year as __________ | EFFECTIVE RATE |
These are the products or services that are desired by human and will be purchased if money is available after the required necessities have been obtained | LUXURIES |
Highest surface part of a wave | CREST |
Lowest surface part of a wave | TROUGH |
Vertical distance between the crest and trough | WAVE HEIGHT |
Horizontal distance between two adjacent crests or troughs | WAVE LENGTHS |
These are long sights that can be taken with greater accuracy than using the stadia method | MERITS |
Difference between the most probable value of the quantity and its observed value | RESIDUAL ERROR |
The ff are used for _____ > Straining device > Thermometer > Stakes | BASE LINE MEASUREMENTS |
The maximum grade permitted on curves for Phil. National roads | 6% |
These are the additional costs of producing one more unit of a product. | MARGINAL COST |
It refers to the period of time in years that results in the minimum equivalent annual cost. | ECONOMIC LIFE |