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med term chapter 4

lobo- section
-emesis vomiting
contra- against, counter
-iasis condition
trans- through, across
brady- slow
-ectasis expansion
cyt- cell
odont- tooth
leuk- white
-esthesia sensation
cantho- angle at the end of the eyelid
steno- narrow, contracted
cheil- lip
-cele hernia, tumor, swelling
benign mild, not cancerous
semen seed
celio- abdomen
erythro- red
vaso- vessel
melan- black
cauda- tail
lingua- tongue
myring- eardrum
spondyl- spinal column
epi- on;over;upon
-ectomy surgical removal
sub- below
-oma tumor
auto- self
-cyte cell
per- through
-derma skin
-ose pertaining to, full of
-rrhea flow, discharge
myc/0 fungus
blephar/o eyelid
xer/o dry
rhytid/o wrinkle
hist/o tissue
scler/o hard
ungu/o nail
cauter/o heat, burn
steat/o fat
trich/o hair
lipoma fatty tumor
cyanosis bluish discoloration of the skin
dermatitis skin inflammation
scleroderma hardening of the skin
diaphoresis profuse sweating
Ecchymosis bruise
melanoma black tumor
subcutaneous under the skin
adipose fat
xeroderma dry skin
y/o years old
ER emergency room
RLE right lower extremity
tx treatment
oint ointment
Pt patient
NS nonsmoker
HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
WNL within normal limits
rhytidectomy surgical removal of wrinkles
bilateral blepharoplasty surgical repair of eyelid, eyelid lift
dermabrasion procedure to remove skin scars with abrasive material, such as sandpaper
OH occupational history
PCP primary care physician
c/o complains of
AS left ear
Bx biopsy
hx history
cyst sac containing fluid
LLQ left lower quadrant
abd abdomen
nevus mole
postop after surgery
keloid overgrowth of scar tissue
cicatrix scar
Where are mucous membranes found? epidermis, epithelial
stratified arranged in layers
squamous scaly
what layer of skin contains cells that store fat subcutaneous
greatest amount of sweat glands palms & soles of feet
muscles that cause hair to "stand on end" arrector pili
impetigo bacterial skin infection characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture
tinea fungal infection of the skin; ringworm
wart flesh-colored, raised area caused by a viral infection
psoriasis chronic skin condition producing red lesions covered with silvery scales
wheal small, round, raised area on the skin that may be accompanied by itching; usually seen in allergic reactions
first degree burn Superficial burns through only the epidermis.
second degree burn A burn marked by pain, blistering, and superficial destruction of dermis with edema and hyperemia of the tissues beneath the burn.
third degree burn a burn involving all layers of the skin; characterized by the destruction of the epidermis and dermis, with damage or destruction of subcutaneous tissue
macula a small, flat discolored spot on the skin
polyp growth extending from the surface of mucous membrane
papule a solid skin elevation with distinct borders and a diameter of less than one centimeter; pimple
nodule skin elevation larger than one centimeter
vesicle a small, raised skin lesion filled with clear fluid; blister
pustule a small, infected skin elevation that contains pus; abscess
fissure crack or groove, as in a sore
ulcer open sore or erosion of skin
cutane/o skin
diaphor/o profuse sweating
ichthy/o dry, scaly
necr/o death
py/o pus
prurit/o itching
epidermis outermost layer of skin
epithelial A body tissue that covers the surfaces of the body, inside and out
mucous membrane Membrane that secretes mucus that lubricates the surface of organs and keeps them moist.
keratin A fiber protein that is the principal component of hair, skin, and nails
melanocytes cells that produce melanin
melanin a dark brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, skin, and iris of the eye
stratified squamous epithelium protects underlying tissues in areas subjected to abrasion
basal layer deepest layer of epidermis
stratum corneum outermost layer of epidermis
stratum lucidum second layer of epidermis
stratum granulosum middle layer of the epidermis
stratum spinosum fourth layer of epidermis
stratum basale deepest layer of epidermis
nail plate/body the hard, translucent part of the nail
cuticle A narrow band of epidermal tissue attached to the surface of the nail.
nail root fastens the nail to the finger or toe by fitting into a groove in the skin
lunula The half-moon-shaped, whitish area at the base of a nail
sebaceous glands secrete sebum (oil) into the hair follicles where the hair shafts pass through the dermis
sweat glands The glands that secrete sweat, located in the dermal layer of the skin.
acne inflammatory disease of the skin involving the sebaceous glands and hair follicles
albinism a genetic condition characterized by a deficiency or the absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and irises of the eyes
alopecia Hair loss that results from genetics, normal aging, illness, or drugs used to treat certain diseases
cyanosis bluish discoloration of the skin
eczema Acute or chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by erythema, itchiness, and edema, or swelling.
gangrene necrosis, or death, of tissue due to loss of blood supply, followed by bacterial infection
basal cell carcinoma Most common and least severe type of skin cancer; often characterized by light or pearly nodules.
Kapsoi's sarcoma malignant cancer that causes erythematous or purplish patches in the lining of the mouth, nose, and throat or in other organs and tissues; a disease often seen in AIDS patients
squamous cell carcinoma malignant tumor of the squamous epithelium
petechia minute, pinpoint hemorrhage under the skin
Psoriasis chronic skin condition producing red lesions covered with silvery scales
purpura red-purple skin lesion due to blood in tissues from breaks in blood vessels
scabies contagious, parasitic infection of the skin with intense pruritus
systemic lupus erythematosus chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease of collagen in skin, joints, and internal organs
urticaria hives with localized swelling and itching
varicose Veins that have a twisting appearance due to loss of elasticity; spider veins
vitiligo localized loss of skin pigmentation characterized by milk-white patches
allergy skin test
scratch test type of allergy testing in which body is exposed to allergens through a light scratch in skin
intradermal skin test skin test in which different substances are injected into the skin to test for allergic reactions
biopsy the removal of living tissue from the body for diagnostic examination
excisional biopsy removal of an entire lesion
incisional biopsy removal of a selected portion of a lesion
exfoliative cytology biopsy procedure in which living tissue is scraped so it can be analyzed microscopically for bacteria
needle biopsy a hollow needle is used to remove a core of tissue for examination
punch biopsy removal of a small core of tissue using a hollow punch
autograft transplantation of healthy tissue from one site to another site in the same individual
cauterization destruction of tissue with a hot or cold instrument, electric current, or caustic substance
chemical peel chemical removal of the outer layers of skin to treat acne scarring and general keratoses; also called chemabrasion
cryosurgery use of cold temperatures to destroy tissue
curettage the removal of material from the surface by scraping
debridement removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue from a wound
incision and drainage surgical cut made to allow the free flow or withdrawal of fluids from a lesion, wound, or cavity
lipectomy removal of fatty tissue
liposuction the surgical removal of fat beneath the skin with the aid of suction
mohs surgery Surgical method of treating skin cancer. Thin, tumorous skin layers are successively removed and examined under a microscope. The process continues until there is no evidence of the tumor.
rhytidectomy surgical removal of wrinkles
sclerotherapy chemical injection into a varicose vein that causes inflammation and formation of fibrous tissue, which closes the vein
anesthetic drug that causes a reversible loss of sensation or pain; used to temporarily deaden pain
antibiotic drug used to fight off or prevent infection
antifungal a drug that kills or prevents the growth of fungi
antipruritic a drug that prevents or relieves itching
antiviral drug used to treat viral infections
biologic drug derived from living organisms through molecular biology techniques
corticosteroid drug used to treat skin conditions linked to autoimmune diseases, such as vasculitis, and inflammatory diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis
immunosuppressant drug used to treat certain conditions by suppressing the immune system
Created by: niya.777
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