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muscular system

the functions movement, protection of internal organs, produces heat
muscles tissue that aids in movement
tendons strong bands of tissue connecting muscle to bone
skeletal muscle voluntary muscle attached to bone; also called Striated muscle
smooth muscle involuntary muscle surrounding internal organs; also called visceral muscle
cardiac muscle involuntary muscle found only in the heart; also called myocardial muscle
Automaticity ability to contract without a nerve impulse
Contractility ability to shorten
Elasticity ability to return to normal position after being stretched
Excitability ability to receive and respond to nerve impulse by contracting
Extensibility ability to be stretched
Origin attachment site that does NOT move
Insertion attachment site that DOES move
Strain injuries that involves the stretching or tearing of a muscle and/or tendon EX: lifting something heavy and hurting your back (connects muscle to bone)
Sprain an injury involving the stretching or tearing of a ligament EX: twisting your ankle when running
Adhesion injured tissue sticks together as it heals
Atrophy shrinkage of the muscle
Contracture tightening of skin and muscle tissue due to lack of use
Hypotonia loss of muscle tone (limp)
Muscular Dystrophy progressive weakness and deterioration of skeletal muscle
Tetany state of sustained muscle spasm
Spasm involuntary muscle contraction
Rigor (rigidity) muscle stiffness
Tremor involuntary repetitive shaking
Antispasmodic is a pharmaceutical drug or other agent that suppresses muscle spasms.
Abduction away from midline of body
Adduction toward the midline of body
Inversion turning inward of the sole of the foot
Eversion turning outward of the sole of the foot
Hyperextension bending a joint or limb beyond normal extension of range of motion
Dorsiflexion movement of the sole of the foot upward (flexed toward lower leg)
Plantar Flexion movement of the sole of the foot away from the body
Elevation raising of a body part
Depression lowering of a body part
Flexion decreasing the angle of a joint, movement of 2 body surfaces toward each other
Extension the straightening of a limb after it had been flexed
Rotation movement of a body part around its longitudinal axis - that is lengthwise
Pronation rotational movement of the forearms in which the palm moves to face downward
Supination rotational movement of the forearms in which the palm moves to face upward
Circumduction rotational movement as if “drawing a circle”
frontalis forehead
trapezius neck/upper back
deltoid shoulder
pectoralis major breast
triceps brachii back of arm
biceps brachii front of arm
Latissimus dorsi lower back
gluteus medius hips/waist
gluteus maximus butt
sartorius inner thigh
bicep femoris back of thigh
rectus femoris front of thigh
gastrocnemius calves
achilles tendon ankle
Created by: rr3ynolds
Popular Medical sets




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