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Medical Terminology

Flash Cards for Medical Terminology

S.O.A.P Subjective: What the the Pts main complaint is and experiencing Observation: What tests both show from physical and lab results is happening to the Pt. Assessment: What the provider analysis sees from the tests done Plan: Best way to help the Pt.
C.T Computerized Tomography: Is a series of X-ray images taken from different angles around your body; using computer systems to create sectional images of the bones, blood vessels and soft tissues throughout your body
P.O Per Os (By Mouth): Latin term used to describe how medication is supposed to be ingested or given. Standard acronym used in both a hospital setting and non-hospital setting
N.P.O Nil Per Os (Nothing by mouth): Latin Term used to describe how a Pt should have nothing ingested by mouth. Acronym mostly used in hospital setting, usually before surgery or abdominal scans.
P.R.N Pro Re Nata (Per Pt Request/ As needed): Latin term used to describe when or how often medication should be used or given to a Pt.
Pt. Abbreviation used to shorten the word "patient" mostly used in reports by medical staff.
Abd. Abbreviation used for Abdomen or Abdominal area of the body.
GI. Abbreviation used for the Gastro Intestinal tract: Stomach, Lower and Upper Intestines.
Fx. Abbreviation for fracture of bone.
STAT. Abbreviation for tests, imaging, or any other medical procedure to be done as soon as possible. Usually due to Pt being in critical condition
Gilberts Syndrome A benign hereditary liver deficiency used to describe the livers inability to properly break up bilirubin. Discovered by a french Gastroenterologist Augustin Nicolas Gilbert in 1901
Crohn's Disease A inflammatory disease of the lower intestines first described by Burill Crohn in 1906
Alzheimer's Disease A degenerative disease of the frontal cortex of the brain discovered by Alois Alzheimer a psychiatrist and neuroanatomist in 1906
Parkinson's Disease A progressive neurological disorder discovered by James Parkinson in 1817, Originally called " Shaking Palsy"
Wilms Tumor The most common type of pediatric abdominal cancer, found in children under the age of 5 and described by Dr. Max Whilms in 1899
Cardiac (Cardi-heart)(ac-Pertaining to)-(Of or pertaining to the heart) (Kar-di-ac)
Erythroderma (Erythro - red) (derma-skin) (Erythro-derma) A skin condition that makes the skin red.
Albino Someone who is suffering from Albinism
Abscess (Ab-Go) (Scess-Away) Usually localized and filled with pus or liquid
Ulcer (Ulcer-Sore) A type of wound that can form within and outside of the body.
Mono-/Uni- Meaning: One Ex: Mononucleosis/Unicellular
Bi- Meaning: Two Ex: Bilateral (Both sides)
Tri- Meaning: Three Ex: Tricuspid (Three Triangular segments between the R-Atrium and Ventricle)
Ab- Meaning: Away Ex: Abduction (Away from the body)
Ad- Meaning: Towards Ex: Adduction (Towards the body)
Ecto-/ Exo- Meaning: Out Ex: Ectopic Pregnancy/ Exoskeleton
Endo- Meaning: In Ex: Endometrium (Inner mucous lining of the uterus)
Epi- Meaning: Upon/Over/Rule Ex: Epidemic (A widespread disease upon people or population)
Anterior/Ventral Meaning: Front Ex: The knees face the anterior side of the body.
Posterior/Dorsal Meaning: Back Ex: The scapula's are located on the posterior side of the body
Superior Meaning: Top Ex: Superior Vena Cava (Brings Oxygen-poor blood from the top of the body back to the heart )
Inferior Meaning: Bottom Ex: Inferior Vena Cava (Brings unoxygenated blood from the bottom of the body back to the heart)
Lateral Meaning: Toward/ Side or Sides Ex: The arms are lateral to the chest
Distal Meaning: Away from the center of the body Ex: The distal end of the arm is the Ulna and Radius
Proximal Meaning: Toward the center of the body Ex: The Proximal end of the arm is the Humerus
Ambi- Meaning: Both Ex: Ambidestrous (Right-handed on both sides)
Dys- Meaning: Difficult Ex: Dyslexia (Difficult Speech)
Eu- Meaning: Normal Ex: Eupnonea (Normal breathing)
Homo- Meaning: Same Ex: Homogenous (The same throughout)
Iso- Meaning: Equal/Similar Ex: Isotonic (Similar throughout)
Mal- Meaning: Bad Ex: Malignant (Malignant Tumor)
Algia Meaning: Pain Ex: Fibromyalgia (Muscle Pain)
Emia- Meaning: Blood (Condition of Blood) Ex: Anemia (Lack of blood)
Itis- Meaning: Inflammation Ex: Inflammation of the appendix
Lysis- Meaning: Destruction Ex: Hemolysis (Destruction of blood cells)
Oid- Meaning: Resembling/Like Ex: Nucleoid
Opathy- Meaning: Disease or Disorder Ex: Neuropathy (Neurological disease)
-Pnea Meaning: Breathing Ex: Dyspnea (Difficulty or Labored breathing)
-Centesis Meaning: Puncture (to remove fluid) Ex: Thoracentesis (Removal of fluid from the chest)
-Ectomy Meaning: Surgical removal of/ Cutting procedure of Ex: Appendectomy (Surgical removal of the appendix)
-Ostomy Meaning: Creation of an opening (Usually surgically) Ex: Urostomy (Surgical opening to remove the bladder or insertion of device to remove urine like a urostomy bag or JP drain)
-tomy Meaning: Creation of an incision (Usually surgically) Ex: Myotomy (Muscle Incision)
-rrhaphy Meaning: Suture Ex: Herniorrhaphy (Hernia repair using sutures)
-pexy Meaning: Surgical Fixation Ex: Retinopexy (Surgical Retinal repair)
-plasty Meaning: Reconstruction Ex: Rhinoplasty (Nose Reconstruction)
-tripsy Meaning: Crushing Ex: Lithotripsy (Procedure to crush Kidney Stones)
Head/Skull Prefix: Crani/o Root: "Of the Skull" ( Derived from Greek Kranion) Suffix: - Terminology: Craniology, Craniectomy, Craniometer Combined definition: Combining form
Meninges Prefix: -Mening/e Root: Meninx (Greek for root) Suffix: Mening/o Terminology: Duramater: Outer Layer of Skull, Arachnoid: Middle Layer, Pia Mater: Inner Most Layer Combined definition: Three Layers to the Skull
Cerebral Aneurysm Prefix: None Root: Cerebr- (Cerebellum) & eurysm- (Widening) Suffix: al- (Pertaining to), an- (No; Not; Without) Terminology: Cerebral Aneurysm Combined definition: A widening of a artery in the Cerebellum
Cerebral Embolism Prefix: None Root: Cerebr/o (Cerebellum) & Embol/o (Embolus) Suffix: Ism- (Process; Condition), al- (Pertaining to) Terminology: Cerebr/al/Embol/ism Combined definition:
Ischemic Stroke Prefix: None Root: Ischemi/a (Reduced blood flow) Suffix: -ic (Pertaining to) Terminology: Ischem/ic/ stroke Combined definition: A stroke due to reduced blood flow to the brain (caused by a lack of oxygen and nutrients)
Cerebral Thrombosis Prefix: None Root: Cerebr/o (Cerebellum) & Thromb/o (Clot) Suffix: -al (pertaining to), -osis (Condition; Usually abnormal) Terminology: Cerebr/al/ Thromb/osis Combined definition: A blood clot that has formed in the venous sinuses
Ganglioma Prefix: None Root: Ganglia (Groups of nerves or brain cells that are closely related Suffix: -oma (Tumor; Mass; Fluid Collection) Terminology: Gangli/oma Combined definition: Tumor of the ganglia
Meningioma Prefix: None Root: Meningi (three layers of the skull) Suffix: -oma (Tumor; Mass; Fluid Collection) Terminology: Meningi/oma Combined definition: Tumor of the Meninges
Glioblastoma Prefix: Glio- (glue - referring to cells in the brain that serve as support structures for neurons) Root: Blast (sprout) Suffix: -oma (Tumor; Mass; Fluid Collection) Terminology: Glio/blast/oma Combined definition: A tumor from Glioblast cells
Meningitis Prefix: None Root: Meningi (three layers of the skull) Suffix: -itis (inflammation) Terminology: Mening/itis Combined definition: Inflammation of the meninges and brain
Neuropathy Prefix: None Root: Neuro- (nerve) Suffix: -pathy (disease) Terminology: Neuro/pathy Combined definition: Disease of the nervous system
Myelitis Prefix :None Root: Myel/o- (spinal cord) Suffix: -itis (inflammation) Terminology: Myel/itis Combined definition: Inflammation of the spinal cord
Psychopathy Prefix: None Root: Psycho- (mind) Suffix: -pathy (disease) Terminology: Psycho/pathy Combined definition: A mental illness
Astigmatism Prefix: A- (no) Root: Stigmat- (point) Suffix: -ism (process; condition) Terminology: A/stigmat/ism Combined definition: A condition due to a curve in the lens of the eye, making it so light can't be focused on a single point and focused.
Xeropthalmia Prefix: Xero - (dry) Root: Opthalm- (eye) Suffix: -ia (condition) Terminology: Xero/opthalm/ia Combined definition: Dry eye
Anemia Prefix: None Root: An- (no) Suffix: emia- (blood condition) Terminology: an-emia Combined definition: "No blood condition"; A reduction of redblood cells (erythrocytes) within patients, causing weakness and fatigue.
Lymphadenopathy Prefix: Lymph- (Lymph Node) Root: -adeno- (Gland) Suffix: pathy- (Disease) Terminology: Lymph/adeno/pathy Combined definition: Any disease of a lymph gland (node); used to refer to noticeably swollen lymph node. Commonly in the neck.
Deep Vein Thrombosis Prefix: Deep Vein Root: Thromb/o - (clot) Suffix: -osis (condition) Terminology: Deep Vein Thromb/osis Combined definition: A blood clot that forms deep in a vein in the body, most commonly in the legs
Phelbarteriectasia Prefix:phleb- (vein) Root: arteri- (artery) Suffix: -ectasia (dilation) Terminology: phelb/arteri/ectasia Combined definition: Dialation of blood vessels
Bilirubinemia Prefix: bili- (bile) Root: rubin- (red) Suffix: -emia (blood condition) Terminology: bili/rubin/emia Combined definition: A presence of Bilirubin ( a
Laparosplenectomy Prefix: laparo- (abdomen) Root: splen- (spleen) Suffix: -ectomy (removal) Terminology: Laparo/splen/ectomy Combined definition: Surgical removal of the spleen through the abdominal wall
Electrocardiogram Prefix: electro- (electricity) Root: cardio- (heart) Suffix: -gram (record) Terminology: Electro/cardio/gram Combined definition: A record of the electrical currents of the heart
Diastolic pressure Prefix: dia- (through) Root: stol- (send) Suffix: -ic (pertaining to) Terminology: dia/stol/ic Combined definition: Pressure reading from the when the heart relaxes. (Bottom number of BP measurement)
Systolic pressure Prefix: Sys- (together) Root: stol- (send) Suffix: ic- (pertaining to) Terminology: Sys/tol/ic Combined definition: Pressure reading from when the heart contracts, sending blood throughout the body (Top Number of BP measurement)
Vasodilator Prefix: Vaso- (vessel) Root: dilat- (expanding) Suffix: -or (agent) Terminology: Vaso/dilat/or Combined definition: A drug that causes either the relaxation or expansion of blood vessels (Ex. Nitroglycerin)
Cardioversion Prefix: Cardio- (heart) Root: vers- (turn) Suffix: ion- (procedure) Terminology: Cardio/vers/ion Combined definition: To return the heart to a normal rhythm
Varicose Veins Prefix None Root: Varicose (swollen/twisted) Suffix: Veins (veins) Terminology: Varicose Veins Combined definition: Enlarged, dialted vein toward the surface of the skin.
Phelbotomist Prefix: Phlebo- (vein) Root: tom- (incision) Suffix: -ist (specialist) Terminology:Phelbotomist Combined definition: Specialist who draws blood
Angioplasty Prefix: None Root: Angio- (vessel) Suffix: -plasty (reconstruction) Terminology: Angio/plasty Combined definition: Reconstruction of a vessel
Arteriorrhexis Prefix: None Root: Arterio- (artery) Suffix: -rrhexis (rupture) Terminology: Arterio/rrhexis Combined definition: Rupture of an artery
Hyperventilation Prefix: Hyper (over) Root: ventil (breathing) Suffix: -ation (process) Terminology: Hyper/ventil/ation Combined definition: A breathing condition caused by an excess of air flow in and out of the lungs, leads to hypercapnia /possible syncope
Rhinorrhagia Prefix: None Root: Rhino - (Nose) Suffix: -rrhagia (Excessive bleeding) Terminology: Rhino/rrhagia Combined definition: Excessive Nose bleed
Phrenospasm Prefix: None Root: Phreno- (diaphragm) Suffix: -spasm (involuntary contraction) Terminology: Phreno/spasm Combined definition: Better known as "hiccups"
Pneumothorax Prefix: None Root: Pneumo- (air) Suffix: thorax (chest) Terminology: Pneumo/thorax Combined definition: Air in the chest.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Prefix: Chron- (time) Root: Pulmon (lung) Suffix: -ary (pertaining to) Terminology: Chron/ic ob/struct/ive pulmon/ary Disease Combined definition: A group of diseases that continually block lung passages
Mesothemlioma Prefix: Meso- (middle) Root: theli- (nipple) Suffix: -oma (tumor) Terminology: Meso/theli/oma Combined definition: A cancerous cell of the mesothelial cells lining the lungs, Mesothelium refers a cell lining several hollow cavities in the body
Dysentery Prefix: Dys- (bad) Root: enter- (intestine) Suffix: -y (condition) Terminology: dys/enter/y Combined definition: another term from diarrhea, usually caused by drinking unclean water.
Endoscopy Prefix: None Root: Endo- (inside) Suffix: -scopy (looking procedure) Terminology: Endo/scopy Combined definition: A procedure of looking inside of an organ
Bariatrics Prefix: Bar- (heavy) Root: -iatr (doctor Suffix: -ics (pertaining to) Terminology: Bar/iatr/ics Combined definition: A branch of medicine specialized to those who are obese
Sialoanglectasis Prefix: sialo- (saliva) Root: angi- (vessel) Suffix: -ectasis (expansion) Terminology: Sianlo/angl/ectasis Combined definition: Overexpansion of the salivary vessels
Gastroenterologist Prefix: Gastro- (stomach) Root: -entero (intestines) Suffix: -logy (study) Terminology: Gastro/entero/logist Combined definition: A specialist in the study of stomach and intestines
Epigastric Prefix: Epi- (upon) Root: gastr- (stomach) Suffix: -ic (pertaining to) Terminology: Epi/gastr/ic Combined definition: Upper center of the abdomen
Hypochondriac Prefix: Hypo- (beneath) Root: chondr- (cartilage) Suffix: -iac (pertaining to) Terminology: hypo/chondr/iac Combined definition: Upper Side portion of the abdomen
Hypogastric Prefix: Hypo- (beneath) Root: gastr- (stomach) Suffix: -ic (pertaining to) Terminology: Hypo/gastr/ic Combined definition: Lower center portion of the abdomen
Created by: AGonsalves40
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