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med term chapter 5

ovar- egg
-centesis surgical puncture
oto- ear
bili- bile
squam- scale, scaly
mening- membrane
cec- blind passage
macul- spot
-pexy suspension
onco- tumor
or- mouth
sub- under, below
spiro- coil
lacrim- tear
viscero organ
lact- milk
onych- nail, claw
thorac- chest
pyle-, pyloro gate, opening
vesic- bladder
sphenic- wedge
myel- marrow, spinal cord
anti- against
myco- fungus
hallux- big toe
thrombocyte clotting cell
Hemoglobin A protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen.
hemolysis destruction of red blood cells
phagocytosis Cell eating
albumin helps body maintain proper fluid balance
basophil Contains histamine; integral part of hypersensitivity reactions
Erythrocytes red blood cells
gamma globulin composed of proteins that act as antibodies
lymphocyte detects and destroys foreign cells
prothrombin converted to thrombin in the clotting process
Binds antigens on microbes
Neutralizes viruses
aplastic anemia failure of blood cell production in the bone marrow
hemolytic anemia excessive destruction of RBCs
hemophilia absence of clotting protein in the blood
iron-deficient anemia deficiency of iron
leukemia cancer of white blood cells
multiple myeloma cancer of the bone marrow that results in uncontrolled growth of plasma cells
pernicious anemia deficiency of vitamin B12
polycythemia excess of red blood cells
sickle cell anemia a genetic disorder that causes abnormal hemoglobin, resulting in some red blood cells assuming an abnormal sickle shape
thalassemia deficient synthesis of hemoglobin
autoimmune immune reaction directed against a person's own tissue
hosocomial an infection that appears after someone has been in the hospital
idiopathic unknown cause
hypersensitivity allergy
congenital present at birth
epidemic A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease.
neoplastic pertaining to a new growth
terminal condition with no result that will result in death
convalescence gradual recovery after an illness
-emic pertaining to blood condition
-phage eat, swallow
meta- change
-poiesis formation
phleb/o vein
tox/o poison
lymphangi/o lymphatic vessel
iatr/o physician, treatment
thromb/o clot
kary/o nucleus
hematoplasm blood formation
morphology study of form
hemorrhage Excessive or profuse bleeding
hemostasis stoppage of bleeding
thrombosis abnormal condition of a blood clot
megakaryocyte a large bone marrow cell from which platelets are derived
Thrombocytopenia deficiency of clotting cells
metamorphosis change of form
serology study of serum
neoplasm new growth
hematocrit the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the total volume of blood
thrombolytic dissolves or causes a thrombus to break up
BSE breast self-examination
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
PCN penicillin
SH social history
NS nonsmoker
MI myocardial infarction
HA headache
VA visual activity
CV cardiovascular
N/V nausea and vomiting
GU genitourinary
V/S vital signs
T temperature
R respiration
P pulse
Hct Hematocrit (% of RBC volume)
Hgb hemoglobin
T3 triiodothyronine
T4 thyroxine
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
R/O rule out
dyspepsia difficult digestion; indigestion
syncope "Passing out", loss of consciousness or fainting
agglutin/o clumping; sticking together
-crit to separate
-pheresis removal
-rrhage bursting forth
aquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) suppression of the immune response caused by exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which destroys the body's infection-fighting T cells
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
mononucleosis infectious disease marked by increased numbers of mononuclear leukocytes and enlarged cervical lymph nodes
Hodgkin's lymphoma A malignancy of the lymphatic system that is distinguished from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by the presence of large, cancerous lymphocytes.
ischemic a condition or disease caused by a temporary deficiency in blood flow to an organ or tissue
-apheresis separation of blood into component parts and removal of a select portion from the blood
blood chemistry profile a series of tests in which the individual chemical elements of the blood are analyzed
coagulation test any of a variety of tests that measure the ability of a patient's blood to clot properly
immunoelectrophoresis test that separates immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG, IgE, IgA, IgD)
red blood cell morphology microscopic examination of a stained blood smear to determine the shape of individual red cells
serology test test that helps diagnose an infection by seeking a common antigen/antibody reaction through the use of a known antigen or antibody
antineoplastic agent that works against tumor growth
corticosteroid hormone-like drug used as an anti-inflammatory and/or immunosuppressant
cytoxic drug medication that kills or damages cells
bands immature white blood cells (granulocytes)
eos eosinophils
segs (polys) segmented, mature white blood cells (neutrophils)
NK natural killer cells
Created by: niya.777
Popular Medical sets




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