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Chapter 17 term
terms for chapter 17
Question | Answer |
Accounts Receivable | monies owed to a practice |
Aging Report | report that shos how long a patient's acct has been outstanding |
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) | behaviors related to personal care |
Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs) | classification system designed to explain the amount & type of resources used in an outpatient encounter |
Average Length of Stay (ALOS) | predetermined number of days of approved hospital stay assigned to an individual DRG |
Balance Billing | practice of billing patients for any balance left after deductibles, coinsurance, & insurance payments have been made |
Business Associate | an entity that contracts with a practice |
Capitation | provider is paid a fixed, per capital amount for each individual to whom services are provided regardless of the actual number of nature of the services provided to each individual patient |
Co-morbidity | presence of more than one disease or disorder that occurs in an individual at the same time |
Contract write-off | when the provider agrees to accept the payer's allowed fee as payment in full for a particular service of procedure |
Cost outliers | patients whose stays are shorter or considerable longer than average |
Covered entity | healthcare plans, providers, and healthcare clearinghouses |
Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) | inpatient classification system used to set a level intended to cover operating costs for treating a typical inpatient |
Discounted fee-for-service | when a healthcare provider offers services at rates lower than UCR |
Disproportionate share | payment adjustment to compensate hospital for the higher operating cost incurred in treating a large share of low-income patients |
DRG Grouper | computer sofrware program that takes the coded information & identifies the patient's DRG category |
Fee-for-service | system of payment for healthcare services where the provider charges a specific fee for each service rendered and it paid that fee by the patients or the insurance carrier |
Geographic practice cost index (GPCI) | used by Medicare to adjust for variance in operating costs of healthcare practices located in different parts of the US |
HomeHealth Prospective Payment System (PPS) | determination of payment for these services depends on the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) |
Inpatient rehabilitation | reimbursement for these services is based on the hospital stay beginning with the admission & ending with the discharge |
Long-term care hospital | payment system for these services are based on DRGs with a predetermined ALOS |
Peer Revew Organization (PRO) | agency paid by the fed govt to evaluate & monitor the quality of care given to patients |
Principle diagnosis | the reason for admission to the acute care facility |
Reimbursement | payment to the insured for a covered expense to loss experienced by or on behalf of the insured |
Relative Value Scale | method of determining reimbursement for healthcare svc based on establishing a standard unit of value for medical & surgical procedures |
Residential healthcare facility | nursing home |
Resource utilization groups (RUGs) | system used to calculate pymt to a skilled nursing facility according to severity & level of care |
Short-stay outlier | care-level adjustment to fed pymt rate for LTCH stays that are considerably shorted that the ALOS included in the LTC-DRG |
Skilled Nursing Facility | nursing home that provides skilled nursing or rehabilitation services or both to pt who need skilled medical care that cannot be provided in a custodial level nursing home or in the pt home |
Standardized amount | figure representing the aveage cost per case for all Medicare cased during the year |
Tax Equaty & Fiscal Responsibiity Act (TEFRA) | provided for limits on Medicare Reimbursement that applied to stays in long-term acute care hospital; replaced fee-for-service with PPS |