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The heart and the vascular system

aorta the largest artery receives blood from the left ventricle and branches to all parts of the body
aortic valve the valve at the enterance to the aorta
apex formed by the left ventricle points toward inferior and left
artery a vessel that carries blood away from the heart carryies oxygenated blood (except pulmonary & umbilical arteries)
arteriole a small vessel that carries blood from the arteries to the capillaries
atrioventricular (AV) node a small mass in the lower region of the R atrium's septum passes impulses from the SA node towards the ventricles
atrioventricular (AV) valve valves beteween the atrium and ventricle tricuspid on the right, mitral on the left
atrium the upper receiving chamber of the heart
AV bundle a band of fibers that transmits impulses from the AV node to the top of the interventricular septum has R and L bundle branches descend on both sides of the septum
blood pressure the force exerted by blood against the wall of a vessel
bundle branches the branches of AV bundle divide into R and L sides of the interventricular septum
capillary a microscopic blood vessel in which blood and tissues exchange materials
cardiovascular system the circulatory system that includes the heart and blood vessels
coronary circulation blood vessels in the heart that provide oxygen and nourishment to & remove waste from the myocardium
depolarization a change in electrical charge from a resting state in nerves or muscles
diastole the relaxtation phase of the heartbeat cycle
electrocardiography (ECG) the study of electrical activity of the heart detected by electrodes on the skin
endocardium a thin membrane that lines the chambers of the heart and covers valves
epicardium the thin outermost layer of the heart wall
functional murmur any sound produced from a normally functioning heart
heart a muscular organ with 4 chambers that contracts rhythmically to move blood in vessels throughout the body
heart rate the amount of times the heart contracts per minute (bpm)
heart sounds sounds produces as the heart functions the 2 loudest result from the alternate closing of valves S1 and S2
inferior vena cava the large inferior vein brings LO blood to R atrium from the lower body
left AV valve between the L atrium and L ventricle mitral/bicuspid
mitral valve the left AV valve
myocardium the thick middle layer of the heart wall made of cardiac muscle
pericardium the fibrous sac that surrounds the heart
pulmonary artery the vessel that carries blood from the R side of the heart to the lungs
pulmonary circuit the system of vessels responsible for carrying blood from the R side of the heart to lungs to be oxygenated and back to the L side of the heart
pulmonary veins the vessels that carry blood from the lungs to the L side of the heart
pulmonary valve a vessel at the enterance to the pulmonary artery
pulse a wave of increased pressure in vessels when the ventricles contract
Purkinje fibers the fibers of the cardiac conducting system that carry impulses through the ventricle walls
repolarization the return of the electrical charge to a resting state in nerves or muscles
right AV valve the vessel between the R atrium and R ventricle tricuspid
septum a wall dividing 2 cavities (like the chambers of the heart)
sinus rhythm a normal heart rhythm
sinoatrial (SA) node a small mass in the upper part of the R atrium that initiates the impulse for each heartbeat acts as the pacemaker
sphygomomanometer a tool that determines aterial blood pressure AKA blood pressure cuff
superior vena cava the large superior vein that brings LO blood to the R atrium from the upper body
systemic circuit the system of vessels that carry HO blood from the L side of the heart to all tissues (except the lungs) and returns LO blood to the R side of the heart
systole the contraction phase of the heartbeat cycle
valve a valve that keeps fluid flowing in a forward direction
vein a valve that carries blood back to the heart all carry LO blood (except pulmonary and umbilical)
ventricle 2 small cavities that make up the lower pumping chambers of the heart
venule a small vessel that carries blood from the capillaries to the veins
vessel a tube or duct that transports fluids
Created by: laptop
Popular Medical sets




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