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BLI Word Parts/abv

blood, lymphatic, and immune systems word parts + abbreviations

adenoid/o adenoids
agglutin/o clumping; sticking together
angi/o vessel (blood)
arteri/o artery
cyt/o cell
erythr/o red
fung/o fungus
hem/a, hem/o, hemat/o blood
iatr/o physician; treatment
immun/o immunity; protection
kary/o nucleus
leuk/o white
log/o study
ly/o break down; dissolve; loosen
lymph/o, lymphat/o lymph
lymphaden/o lymph node
lymphangi/o lymphatic vessel
morph/o shape; form
myel/o bone marrow; spinal cord
nucle/o nucleus
path/o disease
phag/o eat; swallow; engulf
phleb/o vein
ser/o serum; serous
splen/o spleen
thromb/o clot
thym/o thymus
tonsill/o tonsils
tox/o poison
ven/i, ven/o vein
vir/o virus
macro- large
mega- large
pro- before; forward
-ation process; condition
-blast developing cell
-crit to separate
-cyte cell
-e no meaning
-emic pertaining to blood condition
-fusion to pour; to come together
-gen substance that produces
-globulin protein
-in, -ine chemical; chemical composition; substance
-lytic pertaining to breakdown or destruction
-megaly enlargement
-phag eat; swallow
-peresis removal
-phoresis transmission; carrying
-plasm formation; structure
-plastic pertaining to formation
-poiesis formation
-rrhage rupture; bursting forth
-sis state; condition
-stasis stoppage of flow
-suppression to stop
cu mm cubic millimeters
diff differential
Dx diagnosis
eos eosinophil
g/dL grams per deciliter
HCT, hct hematocrit (the proportion of the volume of blood that contains RBCs)
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
Ig(A/D/E/G/M) immunoglobulin A, D, E, G, M
lab laboratory
lymphs lymphocytes
million/uL million per microliter
mono monocytes
NK cells natural killer cells
PLT, plt platelet; platelet or thrombocyte (clotting cell) count
RBC red blood cell or erythrocyte; red blood cell or erythrocyte count
segs (polys) segmented, mature white blood cells (neutrophils)
STAT immediately
Strep A group A Streptococcus bacterium
WBC white blood cell or leukocyte; white blood cell or leukocyte count
WBC differential measure of the percentage of different types of white blood cells present in the blood
Created by: SiriP
Popular Medical sets




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