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Research Methods 3

How many conditions required in any experiment at least 2
One way design 1 IV, 1 main effect, no interactions, at least 2 conditions
Two way design 2 IVs, 2 main effects, 1 interaction, at least 2 conditions
Between subjects designs IV manipulated across groups
Randomized groups participants randomly assigned to each condition
Matched participants matched using subject variable to make groups equal
Within subjects designs every participant assigned to all levels
Factorial designs at least 2 IVs, at least 2 levels each (2X2)
Main effect effect of only one variable, ignores other variables (=number IVs)
Interaction the effect of one variable depends on another variable
Inferential statistics used to determine if difference is large enough to be due to something other than EV
p-value probability effect caused by EV
alpha value p-value, .05, probability effect caused by EV
Type I error wrongly reject null
Type II error wrongly fail to reject null
Worse type of error Type I error
Effect size strength of relationship btw variables
Variance accounted for proportion accounted for by a different variable
Cohen's D equation difference in group means/EV
Criticism of NHST P doesn't provide effect size
Confidence interval range of likely values for population mean (M+/-2.5)
Effect size equation systematic variance/total variance
Pearson's R measures effect size using systematic difference
Cohen's D measures effect size using difference of means
When is the t-test used? two-group experiment
Directional hypothesis predicts how means will differ
Nondirectional hypothesis predicts that means will be different
t-test difference of means/EV; positive or negative
t>critical value statistically significant difference
t<critical value statistically insignificant difference
Criticism of multiple t-tests increases type 1 error by 5%
When is ANOVA used? more than two groups
F ratio systematic variance/error variance; positive (uses square root of T)
Idiographic research individuals
Nomothetic research groups
Interparticipant variance differences between participants
Intraparticipant variance differences in individual over time/situation
ABAB design singe-subject baseline design
ABACAC/ABC design multiple interventions
When is multiple baseline design used? When returning to baseline not possible
Created by: karadub03
Popular Psychology sets




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