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Skeletal System All

All Vocabulary for Skeletal System

axial skeleton skull, vertebral column, bony thorax
appendicular skeleton bones of the limbs and girdles
functions of the bone support, protection, movement, storage, blood cell formation
things stored by the bones fat, calcium, phosphorous
compact bone dense, smooth looking bone
spongy bone bone composed of small, needlelike pieces; lots of space
diaphysis shaft of a long bone
epiphyses ends of long bone
periosteum connective tissue membrane surrounding diaphysis
epiphyseal plate hyaline cartilage in young, growing bone
ossification process of bone formation
Parathyroid hormone hormone responsible for regulating calcium levels
two factors responsible for for bone remodeling calcium levels; pull of gravity and muscles
reduction realignment of broken bone ends
first step of bone fracture repair hematoma is formed
second step of bone fracture repair break is splinted by fibrocartilage
third step of bone fracture repair bony callus is formed
fourth step of bone fracture repair bone remodeling occurs
hyoid bone only bone that does not directly come in contact with other bones
mandible only bone with a movable joint in the face
articular cartilage covers ends of long bones; decreases friction
closed fracture bone fracture that does not break through the skin
suture immovable joint in the cranium
sagittal suture connects two parietal bones together
foramen magnum large opening in occipital bone that allows spinal cord to attach to brain
lacrimal bone allows tears to travel down
zygomatic bone cheek bone
7 number of bones that make up the cervical vertebrae
12 number of bones that make up the thoracic vertebrae
5 number of bones that make up the lumbar vertebrae
invertebral discs pads of flexible fibrocartilage that cushion between vertebrae
vertebral foramen canal through which spinal cord passes
atlas C1 bone; allows one to nod
axis C2 bone; allows one to pivot neck
coccyx tailbone
bones that make up the sternum manubrium, body, xiphoid process
true ribs first 7 pairs of ribs; attach directly to sternum
false ribs last 5 pairs of ribs; attach indirectly to sternum
floating ribs last two pairs of ribs; do not attach to sternum
shoulder girdle clavicle and scapula
carpal bones bones of the wrist
metacarpals bones of the palm
pelvic girdle two coxal bones (aka hip bones)
femur thigh bone
patellar surface smooth area where patella rests to form knee cap
tibia shinbone
calcaneus heelbone
talus ankle
metatarsals sole of the foot
functions of joints hold bones together; give mobility
synarthroses immovable joint
amphiarthroses slightly movable joints
diarthroses freely movable joints
functional classification of joints synarthroses; amphiarthroses; diarthroses
synovial joints bone ends separated by joint cavity w/synovial fluid; i.e knee
features of synovial joints articular cartilage; fibrous articular capsule; joint cavity; reinforcing ligaments
gliding joint short slipping or gliding movements; i.e. carpals
hinge joint angular movement allowed in one plane; i.e. elbow
pivot joint rotating bone turns around an axis; i.e. connection between radius/ulna and humerus
ball and socket joint spherical head of one bone fits into a round socket in another; i.e. shoulder
types of synovial joints plane, hinge, pivot, ball-and-socket (condyloid and saddle)
condyloid joint proximal phalanx with the metacarpal
saddle joint thumb metacarpal and carpal joint
flexion decreasing the angle between the joint
extension increasing the angle between a joint
adduction bringing the arms or legs back to the midline
abduction taking the arms or legs away from the midline
circumduction arm or legs circles around
rotation arms or legs twisting motion
supination palms up
pronation palms down
inversion soles of feet toward the inside
eversion soles of feet pointed outward
elevation raising the shoulders
depression lowering the shoulders
osteoarthritis deterioration of the articular cartilage
rheumatoid arthritis synovial membrane becomes inflamed
gout excessive build up of uric acid.
Created by: brookebiery
Popular Biology sets




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