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English Vocabulary
Term | Definition | Arabic |
Pounding | Act of hitting something | دق، هرس |
Temple | the flat area on each side of your head in front of the top of your ear | صدغ |
Reassure | to comfort someone and stop them from worrying: | يطمئن شخصًا، يطمّن شخصًا |
Frantically | In a panicked way | باهتياج، بشكل مجنون |
Hastily | Too quickly | بتسرُّع |
Ornately | with decoration adorned | بشكل مزخرَف، بشكل منمَّق، بشكل مزوَّق |
Expense | Cost | تكلفة، كلفة |
Articulate | able to express ideas and feelings clearly in words | واضح، جليّ |
Shrilly | in a way that is loud, high, and unpleasant or painful to listen to | بصوت حادّ - بإصرار مزعج |
hairline fracture | (of cracks or lines) very narrow | حد شعر الرأس |
Embolden | Give courage to | يُشجّع، يُحمّس، يَحُث |
Cocky | confident in an annoying way | متعجرف، مغرور، معتدّ بنفسه |
Certainty | a fact that you are completely sure about | تيقن، يقين، ثقة |
Creed | a set of beliefs, especially religious beliefs, that influence your life | عقيدة، معتقَد |
Abolition | the fact of ending a law or system | إلغاء، فسخ، إبطال |
Cult | a religious group, often living together, | طائفة دينية |
transcendent | greater, better, more important, or going past or above all others | سامي، متسامي |
Renounce | Give up | يتخلّى عن شيء |
Controversy | Public debate | مسألة جدلية |
Contest | to compete for something or to try to win it | صراع، نزاع |
Coworker | someone who works with you and has a similar position | زميل عمل |
Gentrification | Make a person more polite | تهذيب |
Crave | to want something very much | يَتوق إلى / يَحِنّ إلى |
Discernment | the ability to judge people and things well | فطنة، تمييز، قوة تمييز |
inadequate | not sufficient for the purpose; not enough | غير كافٍ |
Embankment | a wall or bank of earth or stone built to prevent a river flooding an area | السد |