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SSC MOA program 2024 - focus points Chapter 10

-blast embryonic; immature cell
encephal/o brain
kines/o movement
kinesi/o movement
-kinesia movement
myel/o spinal cord; bone marrow
-paresis weakness
-praxia action
radicul/o nerve root
-sthenia strength
afferent nerve Carries messages TOWARD the brain and spinal cord. (sensory nerve)
Alzheimer disease - symptoms gradual and progressive mental deterioration, personality changes, impairment of daily functioning.
aneurysm Weakening of an arterial wall, which may lead to hemorrhage and cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
aphasia Inability to speak. Language function is impaired due to injury to the cerebral cortex.
ataxia Without coordination.
autonomic nervous system Nerves that control involuntary body functions of muscles, glands, and internal organs.
blood-brain barrier Protective separation between blood and brain cells. Makes it difficult for some substances (ie: anticancer drugs) to penetrate capillary walls and enter the brain.
bradykinesia slow movement.
cauda equina Collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord.
causalgia Intense burning pain, often resulting from injury to a peripheral nerve.
cerebellum Posterior part of the brain that coordinates muscle movements and maintains balance.
cerebral concussion Type of traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head. Rest is important to allow brain to heal. (nothing that stimulates the eyes, including computers)
dementia Mental decline and deterioration.
dendrite Microscopic branching fiber of a nerve cell (neuron) that is the first part to receive the nervous impule.
dopamine Neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Difficient in patients with Parkinson disease.
efferent nerve Carries messages AWAY from the brain and spinal cord. (motor nerve)
embolus (singular) Clot of material that travels through the bloodstream and suddenly blocks a vessel.
encephalitis Inflammation of the brain.
epilepsy - symptoms recurrent seizures, abnormal nervous impulses.
gait Manner of walking
glioblastoma Malignant brain tumour of immature glial cells.
gyrus [plural: gyri] -- Sheet of nerve cells that produces a rounded ridge on the surface of the cerebral cortex. (convolution)
hemiparesis Slight paralysis of the right or left half of the body.
hypothalamus Region of the brain lying below the thalamus, but above the pituitary gland. Stimulates pituitary gland to secrete and release hormones.
medulla oblongata Lower part of the brain, closest to the spinal cord. Controls breathing, heartbeat, and size of blood vessels.
multiple sclerosis Chronic neurologic disorder marked by destruction of the myelin sheath on axons in the CNS and its replacement by plaques of sclerotic (hard) tissue. Symptoms: paresthesias, muscle weakness, unsteady gait, paralysis.
myelin sheath Fatty, white covering over the axon of a nerve cell.
myoneural Pertaining to muscle and nerve.
neuralgia Nerve pain.
neurotransmitter chemical messenger released at the end of a nerve cell. ie: dopamine, seratonin, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, GABA, epinephrine, histamine, oxytocin, etc.
paraplegia Paralysis of the lower part of the body and both legs.
peripheral nervous system Nerves outside the brain and spinal cord.
plexus network of nerves outside of the central nervous system. includes brachial, cervical, and lumbosacral plexuses.
polyneuritis Inflammation of many nerves
spina bifida - symptoms Spinal cord and meninges may herniate through the vertebral gap.
synapse Space through which a nervous impulse travels between nerve cells or between nerve and muscle or glandular cells.
syncope Fainting. Temporary loss of consciousness.
thalamus Main relay centre of the brain. Optic nerve fibers pass through the thalamus on their way to the cerebral cortex.
vagus nerve Tenth cranial nerve with branches to the chest and abominal regions.
multiple sclerosis (symptoms) paresthesias (abnormal nervous sensations), muscle weakness, unsteady gait, paralysis.
Created by: anotherstudent
Popular Medical sets




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