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STEP 2 Medicine

Pulmonary/Respiratory Rx notes

What is the 1st LOT for severe COVID-19 patients on supplemental oxygen? Dexamethasone combined with Tocilizumab
What condition is treated with Dexamethasone + Tocilizumab? COVID-19
What is the best TX for GAS pharyngitis? Penicillin
What test shall be done prior to treating GAS-pharyngitis with antibiotics? Rapid Strep Antigen test
What pathogen is the MCC of COPD exacerbations? S pneumoniae
What is the pathology of acute silicosis? Inhalation of crystalline silica dust --> fibrosis of airways
What are the CXR imaging findings of silicosis? Bilateral centrilobular nodular opacities, focal ground glass opacities, and patchy areas of consolidation
What is a common cause of benign pulmonary nodules? Hamartomas
How are lung Hamartomas distinguished? Heterogenous appearance that includes fat, cartilage, bone and connective tissue
What vessel-associated condition is commonly seen with COVID-19 complication? Venous thromboembolism
What DOC (type) for VTE therapy? LMWH or unfractionated heparin
What is the MC DX in pt with pleuritic chest pain in setting of SOB? Pneumothorax
What are physical exam signs pointing to Pneumothorax? ↓ chest excursion and breaths sounds along with hyperresonance
What are common risk factors for developing a Pneumothorax? Subpleural blebs, smoking, asthenic body habitus, and situations with ↑↑↑ transpulmonary pressure
What type of actions are commonly seen to cause a ↑↑↑ in transpulmonary pressure? Diving and military flying
What is a common PCP in HIV patient complication? Pneumothorax
What is the most likely DX of an HIV patient with sudden onset of chest pain and normal Troponin levels? Pneumothorax
What is viral rhinosinusitis? Virally induced inflammation of the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses
What is the primary pharmacotherapy of symptomatic acute rhinosinusitis? Intranasal saline, antipyretics, analgesics and intranasal glucocorticoids
What is an important or key CXR finding of Pleural effusion? Blunting of the costophrenic angle
What is the best INITIAL study to test/evaluate a pleural effusion? Ultrasound
What is Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis? Cystic lung disease commonly seen in male smokers
How is PLCH commonly presented? Spontaneous pneumothorax and chronic progressive SOB
What are the CT-scan findings associated with PLCH? Upper-lobe cysts and nodules w/out lower lobe or basilar involvement
What is the MCC of CAP? Pneumococcus infection, especially by Strep Pneumonia
Which tests are used to confirm Strep-induced CAP? Cultures of blood or sputum and antigen testing in urine
Interrupted breathing during sleep and classified as central or obstructive. Most likely DX? Sleep Apnea
When is Home Sleep testing an appropriate option to DX OSA? Uncomplicated pts. with a high pretest probability for moderate to severe OSA
What is the best option for testing in DX OSA in pt with comorbidities? In-lab polysomnography
What Blood-gas imbalance is seen in early sepsis? Respiratory alkalosis
What are some common causes of acute respiratory alkalosis? Sepsis, pain, hypoxemia, and anxiety (panic)
What is the best treatment option for chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis? Clotrimazole
Which antifungal is commonly used in treatment of mucocutaneous candidiasis? Clotrimazole
What does ABPA stand for? Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis
When should ABPA be suspected in a patient? Poorly controlled asthma with IgE>> 1,000, absolute eosinophil >500, and sensitization evidence to Aspergillus fumigatus, + central bronchiectasis
What is the imaging findings of ABPA? Central bronchiectasis
What are significant findings of RA + pleural effusion? Low glucose, Low pH (acidosis), ↑↑ LDH, and ↓ complement levels
What are some indications or clues pointing to young pt with Pulmonary Arterial HTN? - Enlarged pulmonary artery on CT, - Prominent precordium - ↑↑ JVP - Significant bilateral leg edema All with 6 months of exertional dyspnea
What is the NBSM in pt with PAH? Echocardiogram
What is evaluated with an echocardiogram in PAH pt? Left heart disease, RV dilation, and RA dilation
What is the initial step in management of Asthma exacerbation? Bronchodilators (albuterol), with Ipratropium and conjunction w/ systemic corticosteroids
How would a pt with acute asthma exacerbation be present clinically? Significant respiratory distress with a HX of asthma and normal imaging results
What is the gold standard test to DX Pulmonary Arterial HTN? Right heart catheterization
What are S/S of PAH? Dilated RV on U/S, ↓DLCO, normal spirometry, and Hx of progressive fatigue and exertional dyspnea, + leg edema
How is OSA characterized? Repetitive upper airway narrowing or occlusion during sleep
What is the best and the initial treatment option for OSA? Nasal C-PAP
What type of lung cancer is associated w/ LEMS? Small Cell Lung Carcinoma
What is the best TX for LEMS? Adress the underlying malignancy
What are the classic CT findings of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)? Fibrosis, honeycombing, and traction bronchiectasis
What are common anti-fibrotic drugs used to TX IPF? Pirfenidone and Mintedanib
A pt on Pirfenidone or Mintedanib, maybe DX with what condition? Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
What is the associated profile of restrictive lung disease? Everything ↓↓, except for a normal/↑ FEV1: FVC ratio
Which lobe is most commonly affected by cysts in Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia? Lower lobe predominantly
What are some common pulmonary cystic diseases? 1. Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia 2. Lymphangioleomyomatosis (LAM) 3. Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis 4. Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome
What is seen on BX of LIP? Non-necrotizing granulomas
What autoimmune condition is often associated with LIP? Sjogren syndrome
Which pulmonary cystic disease affects both, upper and lower lobes? Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM)
What are common associations of LAM? - TB, HMB (+), VEGF>800 - Renal angiomyolipoma - Spontaneous pneumothorax
Which lobe is predominantly affected by Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis? Upper lobe
What are (+) stains or markers in Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis? CD1a and S-100 (+)
What is the most significant histologic finding on EM of Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis? Birbeck nodules
Which lung lobes are mostly affected by cysts of Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome? Lower lobe and base
Which pulmonary cystic condition is associated with Folliculin gene mutation and Fibrofolliculomas? Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome
What is the most reliable imaging option for the paranasal sinuses in case of sinusitis? CT
What is the treatment option for most Coccidioidomycosis patients? Supportive care only
What are two of the main risk factors for COPD? Long-term exposure to cigarette smoke and environmental dust
↓↓↓ FEV1: FVC ratio. Obstructive vs Restrictive Obstructive
What is the appropriate pharmacotherapy for eosinophilic asthma refractory to corticosteroids? Mepolizumab
MOA of Mepolizumab Monoclonal antibody that targets the eosinophils
What are S/S of Pulmonary contusion? Sever hypoxia, ↑ HR, and unilateral ↓ breath sounds
What is recommended USPST guideline for 60 yo male with a 32 pack-year smoking HX? Low-dose CT of the chest for lung cancer screening
What is the minimum time range to consider smoking not a current elevated risk for lung cancer? Quit smoking over 15 years at least
What does USPST stand for? United States Preventive Services Task Force
What is the 1st LOT for ESBL Klebsiella? Carbapenems
What are common Carbapenems? Ertapenem, Imipenem, and Meropenem
What is Checkpoint Inhibitor Pneumonitis? Common adverse effect associated with immunotherapy
What anti-cancer drugs are associated with Checkpoint Inhibitor Pneumonitis? Pembrolizumab, Ipilimumab, and Nivolumab
What is another way to refer to Checkpoint Inhibitor pneumonitis? Immune-related adverse event
What is the MOA of Theophylline? Inhibits phosphodiesterase --> ↓cAMP hydrolysis --> bronchodilation
Theophylline directly inhibits the actions of: Adenosine
What are adverse effects associated with Theophylline? N/V, cardiac arrhythmias, and seizures
What are the 3 main causes of Transudate? Cirrhosis, Nephrotic syndrome, and CHF
What are some causes for an exudate? Bacterial infection, pancreatitis, Malignancy, PE, CVD
What is the etiology of an exudate? ↑pleural vascular permeability
What is the exudate Light criteria in terms of protein and serum ratio? Pleural protein> serum protein > 0.5
What is the pleural LDH/Serum LDH ratio for an exudate according to Light criteria? > 0.6
What diagnostic findings for Berylliosis? (+) serum and bronchoalveolar lavage beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test
What are jobs commonly associated with Beryllium exposure? Electronic manufacturing, machine building, aerospace work, shipyard work, and mining
What are two common risk factors for development of COPD? Exposure to tobacco smoke and α1-antitrypsin deficiency
What is the MC associated arrhythmia seen with COPD? Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia (MAT)
What are the drugs associated in treating acute COPD exacerbations? ß-agonists, muscarinic antagonists, and systemic corticosteroids +/- adjunctive treatments
How is ARDS clinically presented? Rapid-onset hypoxic respiratory failure after trauma
Which criteria is used to DX ARDS? Berlin criteria
What are the imaging findings of ARDS? Diffuse infiltrates on CXR
What is the management of ARDS? Focused on LUNG-PROTECTIVE ventilation with high PEEP for alveolar recruitment, + low plateau pressure to prevent barotrauma, and low tidal volumes per ideal body weight to prevent alveolar overdistension
What is the purpose of Low Tidal Volumes per ideal body weight in TX of ARDS? Prevent alveolar overdistension
What is the intended purpose of using high PEEP in ARDS management? Alveolar recruitment
How is 99% of histoplasmosis cases presented? Asymptomatic
Histoplasmosis is: Yeast with budding mycelial forms and spores on respiratory photomicrograph
What is seen in CXR of Histoplasmosis pt? Nodular opacities
How many steps are noted for progressive treatment of Asthma? 6 steps
What is "step 1" treatment of intermittent asthma? Short-acting ß2-agonists (albuterol)
What are the common symptoms associated with intermittent asthma? ≤ 2 days/weeks Nighttime awakenings ≤ 2x/month No interference with DOL FEV1/FVC >85%
What are symptoms of Mild persistent asthma? > 2 days/week but not daily Nighttime awakenings 3-4x/month Minor limitations ADLs FEV1/FVC normal
What are the symptoms associated with Moderate persistent asthma? Daily Nighttime awakenings >1x week, not nightly Some limitations of ADLs FEV1/FVC reduced 5%
What are the symptoms of Severe persistent asthma? Throughout the day Nighttime awakenings 7x/week Severe limitations ADLs FEV1/FVC reduce >5%
How is mild persistent asthma treated? Low-dose inhaled glucocorticoid
What are the TX options for Moderate persistent asthma? 1. Low-dose inhaled glucocorticoid + Long-acting ß2-agonist, or, 2. Medium-dose inhaled steroid
What is the TX option for Severe persistent asthma? Medium-dose inhaled steroid + LABA
What is the step 5 treatment regimen for asthma? High-dose inhaled glucocorticoid + LABA + Omalizumab (if pt has severe allergies)
What is the step 6 treatment therapy for asthma? High-dose inhaled glucocorticoid + LABA + oral systemic glucocorticoid, and add Omalizumab if pt has severe allergies
Created by: rakomi
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