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Med Abbreviations


QD Every Day/Once a Day
BID Twice a day
TID Three times a day
QID Four times a day
Q4H Every four hours
AC Before meals
PC After meals
HS At bedtime/nighttime
PRN As needed
PO By mouth
IM Intramuscular
IV Intravenous
SC or SQ Subcutaneous
SL Sub-lingual
Dx Diagnosis
Hx History
Ax Assessment
Tx Treatment
Rx Prescription
O.D. Right eye
OS Left eye
OU Both eyes
PERRLA Pupils, equal, round, reactive to light and accomodating
Cap Capsule
Tab Tablet
gtt Drop
NPO Nothing by mouth
T Temperature
P Pulse
R Respirations
BP Blood pressure
SpO2/O2 Oxygen saturation levels
DNR Do not resuscitate
SOB Shortness of breath
VSS Vital signs stable
NAI No apparent injuries
LLQ Left lower quadrant
LUQ Left upper quadrant
RLQ Right lower quadrant
RUQ Right upper quadrant
DM diabetes mellitus
N/V Nausea and vomiting
UTI Urinary tract infection
STAT Right now; immediately
BM Bowel movement
CBG Capillary blood glucose
CXR Chest x-ray
C/O Complaint of. The person's expressed concern
CPAP Continuous positive airway pressure. Treatment for sleep apnea
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CVA Cerebrovascular accident - stroke
D/C Discontinue or discharge
g gram, a unit of weight
GI Gastrointestinal
GU Genitourinary
HA headache
HTN Hypertension or high blood pressure
IBD Inflammatory bowel disease. A name for two disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
IU International units
K Potassium
KCL Potassium chloride
mg milligram
mcg microgram
mL milliliter
tsp teaspoon
AMA Against medical advice
H&P History & physical
HPI History of present illness
H/O History of
NKDA No known drug allergies
PCP Primary care physician
A&O Alert & oriented
WNL Within normal limits
RF Risk factors
Sx Symptoms
NAD No acute distress
UOP Urine output
I&O Intake & output
CC Chief complaint
ROS Review of systems
DDx Differential diagnosis
MDM Medical decision making
IBW Ideal body weight
DOB Date of birth
ICU Intensive care unit
MVA Motor vehicle accident
GSW Gun shot wound
Fx Fracture
EBL Estimated blood loss
DOE Dyspnea on exertion
CV Cardiovascular
ID Infectious disease
S/P Status post
FB Foreign body
ALS/BLS Advanced/Basic life support
RR Respiratory rate
Ht/wt Height/weight
CBC Complete blood count
WBC White blood cells
RBC Red blood cells
Plt Platelets
BMP Basic metabolic panel
CMP Comprehensive metabolic panel
LFT Liver function test
H&H Hemoglobin & hematocrit
HCT Hematocrit
Na Sodium
Ca Calcium
UA Urinalysis
ABG Arterial blood gas
PT (not physical therapy) Prothrombin time
PTT Partial thromboplastin time
INR International normalized ratio
T&S Type & screen
T&C Type & cross
ABX Abdominal x-ray
US Ultrasound
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
CT Computed tomography
EKG/ECG Electrocardiogram
EEG Electroencephalogram
KUB Kidney, ureter, bladder
PFT Pulmonary function test
BB Beta blocker
CCB Calcium channel blocker
ARB Angiotensin receptor blocker
ACEi ACE inhibitor
NTG Nitroglycerin
ASA Aspirin
ABX (med) Antibiotics
PCN Penicillin
TPA Tissue plasminogen activator
APAP Acetaminophen
NS Normal saline
D5W Dextrose 5% in water
LR Lactated ringer
ETOH Alcohol
HCTZ Hydrochlorothiazide
MTX Methotrexate
OCP Oral contraceptive pill
MOM Milk of magnesia
TMP/SMX Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
PPI Proton pump inhibitor
CHF Congestive heart failure
MI Myocardial infarction
PE Pulmonary embolism
PNA Pneumonia
TIA Transient ischemic attack
ARDS Adult respiratory distress syndrome
CKD Chronic kidney disease
AKI Acute kidney injury
ARF Acute renal failure
ESRD End stage renal disease
CF Cystic fibrosis
CP Cerebral palsy
IBS Irritable bowel syndrome
UC Ulcerative colitis
PUD Peptic ulcer disease
GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease
ICP Intracranial pressure
TBI Traumatic brain injury
TGA Transient global amnesia
URI Upper respiratory infection
RAD Reactive airway disease
SBO Small bowel obstruction
DVT Deep venous thrombosis
RSV Respiratory syncytial virus
VF Ventricular fibrillation
VT Ventricular tachycardia
Afib Atrial fibrillation
PVC Premature ventricular contraction
MS Multiple sclerosis
PD Parkinson's disease
BPH Benign prostatic hyperplasia
RA (disease) Rheumatoid arthritis
OSA Obstructive sleep apnea
RA (heart) Right atrium
LA Left atrium
RV Right ventricle
LV Left ventricle
RUE Right upper extremity
LUE Left upper extremity
RLE Right lower extremity
LLE Left lower extremity
ABD Abdomen
LUL/LLL Left upper/Lower lobe
RUL/RML/RLL Right Upper/Middle/Lower Lobe
CBD Common bile duct
HC Head circumference
Bx Biopsy
ECMO Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
FNA Fine needle aspiration
I&D Incision & drainage
PT Physical therapy
OT Occupational therapy
PEEP Positive end expiratory pressure
BiPAP Bilevel positive airway pressure
CABG Coronary artery bypass graft
IVIG Intravenous immune globulin
ORIF Open reduction internal fixation
NGT Nasogastric tube
Pre-op Preoperative
Post-op Postoperative
POC Point of care
AKA Above the knee amputation
BKA Below the knee amputation
PPE Personal protective equipment
IUP Intrauterine pregnancy
Created by: hmariner1
Popular Medical sets




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