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nervous vocab

anxi/o anxious; uneasy
cephal/o head
cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o cerebrum
contus/o to bruise
crani/o skull
dur/o dura mater
encephal/o brain
esthes/o ; estesi/o nervous sensation
gli/o glue
hydr/o water
hypn/o sleep
isch/o back; to hold back
lamin/o lamina (thin plate or layer; arch)
lex/o word
medull/o medulla oblongata
mening/o ; meningi/o meninges
neur/o nerves
phas/o speech
phob/o fear
phren/o mind
pol/o extreme
poli/o gray matter
pont/o pons
psych/o mind
radicul/o nerve root
schiz/o split
somat/o body
synaps/o ; synapt/o point of contact; to join
syncop/o to cut off; to cut; faint
tax/o coordination; order
tempor/o the temples
thalam/o thalamus
thec/o sheath (meninges)
traumat/o trauma; injury; wound
troph/o development; nourishment
ventricul/o ventricle
bi- two; both
con- together; with
dys- painful; difficult
en- in; within
epi- on; over; upon
hemi- half
intra- within; into
mono- one; single
par- ; para- near; beside; alongside; beyond; abnormal
poly- many; much
post- after; behind
quadri- four
sub- below; under
-al, -ar, -eal, -ial, -ic, -tic pertaining to
-algesia pain; sensitivity
-algia pain
-asthenia weakness
-cele hernia; swelling; protrusion
-e (noun suffix with no meaning)
-emic pertaining to blood condition
-esthesia feeling; sensation
-ia condition
-ion process; state; condition
-lepsy seizure
-leptic to seize; take hold of
-lysis breakdown; separation; loosening
-lytic pertaining to breakdown or destruction
-orexia appetite
-osis abnormal condition
-paresis weakness
-phasia speech
-plegia paralysis
-rrhagic pertaining to bursting forth (of blood)
-rrhaphy suture
-sclerosis hardening; thickening
-taxia muscle coordination
-tropic turning
-um, -us structure; thing; tissue
EDH epidural hematoma
PD parkinson's disease; panic disorder
EEG electroencephalogram diagnostic
PE physical examination
END electroneurodiagnostic
PET positron emission tomography
FH family history
PMH past medical history
GAD generalized anxiety disorder
PNS peripheral nervous system
GB guillain-barre
PTSD post traumatic stress disorder
HA headache
R right; respiration
HEENT head, eye, ear, nose, throat
RLE right lower extremity
H&P history and physical
R/O rule out
HPI history of present illness
ROS review of systems
ICP intracranial pressure
s without
ID, IDD intellectual disability; intellectual development disorder
SAD seasonal affective disorder
LP lumbar puncture
SH social history
NCV nerve conduction velocity
SNS somatic nervous system
OCD obsessive compulsive disorder
T temperature
OH occupational history
TBI traumatic brain injury
OP outpatient
TIA transient ischemic disease
P pulse
WNL within normal limits
SDH subdural hematoma
SCI spinal cord injury
MG myasthenia
Created by: rr3ynolds
Popular Medical sets




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