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Drug cards

What are the indications for adenosine? 1st line medication for stable narrow complex SVT, regular and monomorphic wide complex tachycardia thought to be of reentry of SVT.
What is the adult dose for adenosine? 1st: 6mg RIVP followed by rapid fluid flush 2nd: 12mg RIVP followed by rapid fluid flush
What is the pedi dose for adenosine? 1st: 0.1mg/kg RIVP followed by rapid fluid flush 2nd: 0.2mg/kg RIVP followed by rapid fluid flush
What is the other name for adenosine? Adenocard
What are the contraindications for adenosine? A fib, a flutter, TdP, poisoned induced tachycardia, 2/3 degree AVB
What are the indications for Albuterol? Bronchospasm, allergies/anaphylaxis, hyperkalemia
What is the adult dose of Albuterol? 2.5mg/3ml via SVN. Repeat every 15-20 mins as needed.
What is the pedi dose for albuterol? 1.25-2.5mg/1.5-3mL via SVN. Repeat every 15-20 mins as needed.
Contraindications for albuterol Hypersensitivity
What is the MOA for amioderone? Slows potassium efflux which delays repolarization
Indications for amioderone Vfib, pVtach, vtach with a pulse, wide complex tachycardia not responding to other treatments.
Adult dose for amioderone (pVtach, vfib, cardiac arrest unresponsive to cpr, shock or epi) 1st: 300 mg IVP/IOP 2nd: 150mg IV/IO push
Adult dose of amioderone ( life threatening arrhythmia) 1st: rapid infusion of 150mg over 10 mins (15mg/min) 2nd: may repeat same dose every 10 mins as needed.
Slow infusion rate for amioderone 360mg IV over 6 hours
Maintenance infusion of amioderone 540 mg over 18 hours
What are the indications for aspirin? New onset chest pain from suspected cardiac origin
What are the contraindications of aspirin Allergy, bronchospasm, angioedema
What is the MOA for aspirin Prevents platelet aggregation
What is the adult dose of ASA? 81-324mg PO (chewable)
What is the pedi dose for ASA Contraindicated!!
What are the indications of atropine? 1st line medication for symptomatic bradycardia, organophosphate poisoning
Adverse effects of atropine Blurred vision, dry mouth, dilated pupils, confusion.
What is atropine’s drug class? Parasympatholytic
Adult dose of atropine (bradycardia) 1mg IVP every 3-5 mins as needed. Max 3mg
Adult dose for atropine (organophosphate poisoning) 2-4mg IVP
Pedi dose of atropine (organophosphate poisoning) 0.02-0.05mg/kg IVP/IO
What is calcium chloride’s drug class? Element, mineral, electrolyte
Indications for calcium chloride Hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, treatment of adverse effects caused by calcium channel blocker overdose, hypotension secondary to the administration of diltiazem.
Adult dose of calcium chloride 0.5-1gram slow IV over 3-5 mins
Pedi dose of calcium chloride 20mg/kg slow IV/IOP
Calcium chloride dose (for treatment of hypotension following administration of Diltiazem) 500mg
What is the MOA for Captopril Prevents production of angiotensin 2 by inhibiting ACE
Indications of Captopril Severe CHF with hypotension in conjunction with nitrates and CPAP
Contraindications of Captopril Pregnancy, angioedema, allergic to ace inhibitors
Dose for captopril 25mg PO
Pharmacodynamics of Dexamethasone Synthetic glucocorticoids, anti inflammatory, suppress immune response
Indications of dexamethasone Bronchial asthma, COPD, anaphylaxis
Adult dose of dexamethasone 10mg IV/IO/PO
Pedi dose for dexamethasone 0.5mg/kg max 10mg IV/IO/PO
Indications for dextrose Correction of hypoglycemia
Contraindication of dextrose Known hyperglycemia
Dextrose adverse effects Tissue necrosis, may worsen pre existing hyperglycemia
Adult dose for dextrose 25grams IV/IO
Pedi dose for dextrose (birth -2mo) 5-10ml/kg d10
Pedi dose for dextrose (2mo-2years) 2-4ml/kg d25
Pedi dose for dextrose (2years+) 1-2mg/kg d50
Diazepam pharmacodynamics Binds with GABA receptors causing influx of chloride
Indications of diazepam Sustained seizures, anxiety, sedation
Adult dose of diazepam 2.5-10mg in 2.5mg increments slow IV/IO/IM
Pedi dose of diazepam 0.1mg/kg in 2.5mg increments slow IV/IO/IM. Max 5mg
Pharmacodynamics of benadryl H1 and h2 histamine blocker
Benadryl indications Allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, extrapyramidal reactions, sedation
Adult dose for Benadryl 25-50mg
Pedi dose for benadryl 1-2mg/kg slow IV/IO/IM. Max 50mg
The other name for Benadryl Diphenhydramine
Indications of diltiazem First line medication for A fib & A flutter with RVR (above 150). Second line medication for SVT that is refractory to adenosine.
Contraindications for diltiazem Hypotension, CHF, cardiogenic shock, wide complex tachycardia, WPW, hypersensitivity
Adult dose of diltiazem 1st: 0.25mg/kg max 20mg 2nd: 0.35mg/kg max 25mg
Indications for dobutamine Cardiac pump problems with hypotension (CHF)
Dobutamine contraindications Hypovolemia until fluid replacement has been administered. Do not mix with sodium bicarb
Adult and pedi dose of dobutamine 2-20 mcg/kg/min
Dopamine MOA Alpha and beta Adrenergic agonist. + chronotropic, +inotropic, +dromotropic
Indications for dopamine CHF, hypotension with signs of shock, 2nd line medication for symptomatic bradycardia (after atropine for adults)
Dopamine contraindications Hypovolemic pts until fluid volume replacement has occurred. Do not mix with sodium bicarb. Known Hx of pheochromocytoma.
Adult and pedi dose of dopamine 2-20 mcg/kg/min. Titrate to pt response. Do not open wide open!!
what is the drug class for Enalapril ACE Inhibitor
Enalapril MOA prevents the production of angiotensin 2
indications for Enalapril severe CHF with HTN in conjunction with nitrates and CPAP
contraindications for Enalapril pregnancy, angioedema, allergic to ACE inhibitors
adult dose for Enalapril initial 2.5mg PO. titrate to 20mg PO
indications for Epi 1:1,000 severe bronchospasm, allergies/anaphylaxis
adult and pedi dose for Epi 1:1,000 0.01mg/kg IM. max 0.3-0.5mg
indications for Epi 1:10,000 cardiac arrest, symptomatic bradycardia (pedi), normovolemic hypotension, severe anaphylaxis impending cardiac arrest
adult dose for Epi 1:10,000 (cardiac arrest) 1mg IVP/IOP every 3-5 mins
adult dose for Epi 1:10,000 (bradycardia) 2-10mcg/min IV/IO infusion
adult dose for Epi 1:10,000 (normovolemic hypotension and severe anaphylaxis) 0.1-0.5mcg/kg/min *mix 1mg into a 1 liter bag of fluid*
pedi dose for Epi 1:10,000 (bradycardia/cardiac arrest) 0.01mg/kg or 1mL/kg
pedi dose for Epi 1:10,000 (hypo perfusion/severe anaphylaxis) 0.1-1mcg/kg/min infusion *mix 1mg into a 1 liter bag of fluid*
indications for Etomidate sedation/SFI/RSI
adverse effects for Etomidate laryngospasm, resp. depression, suppress cortisol, head injured pts
adult dose for Etomidate 0.2-0.4mg/kg (limit one dose)
pedi dose for Etomidate 0.2-0.4mg/kg (limit one dose) max 20mg
indications for Fentanyl mod-severe pain
contraindications for Fentanyl hypersensitivity and uncorrected hypotension (<90)
adult and pedi dose for Fentanyl 1mcg/kg max 100mcg IV/IO/IM/IN. *Max 1mL per nostril* repeat as needed every 5-10 mins.
pharmacodynamics of Flumazenil Benzodiazepine antagonist.
indications for Flumazenil benzodiazepine overdose
adult dose for flumazenil 0.2mg IV/IO every 15 seconds up to 3mg total dose
pedi dose for flumazenil 0.01mg/kg every 15 seconds up to 0.05mg/kg total dose
Furosemide blocks the absorption of sodium, chloride, and water from the kidney tubules causing increased urine output. Loop diuretic
indication for Furosemide acute pulmonary edema in pts with >90 to 100 mmHg and hypertensive emergencies.
contraindications for Furosemide hypovolemia, hypotension, hypokalemia or other suspected electrolyte abnormalities
adult dose for furosemide 0.5-1mg/kg over 1-2 mins.
adult dose for furosemide (new onset pulmonary edema with suspected hypovolemia) 0.5mg/kg slow IV
indications for Glucagon hypoglycemia where IV/IO placement is not obtainable. bradycardia a beta blocker or calcium channel blocker overdose.
contraindications for Glucagon hypersensitivity and bradycardia from other etiology
adult dose for Glucagon (hypoglycemia) 1mg IM/IN
adult dose for Glucagon (suspected beta blocker OD) 3-10mg IV slow over 3-5 mins followed by infusion of 3-5mg/hr
pedi dose for Glucagon (hypoglycemia) <20kg: 0.5mg IM/IN. >20kg 1mg IM/IN
pedi dose for Glucagon (suspected beta blocker OD) 0.05-0.15mg/kg IV/IO. followed by 0.05-0.1mg/kg/hr IV/IO infusion
pharmacodynamics for Haloperidol blocks dopamine receptors associated with mood and behavior
indications for Haloperidol psychosis. chemical restraint for violent, agitated, and aggressive behavior who presents as a danger to self and others.
contraindications for Haloperidol Parkinson's disease, acute CNS injury, hypersensitivity
adult dose for Haloperidol <69y/o: 5mg IM max 20mg/day. >69y/o: 2.5mg IM max 10mg/day
pedi dose for Haloperidol <6y/o: contraindicated. 6-12y/o: 0.05mg/kg IM max 2.5mg 13-18y/o: 2.5-5mg IM
pharmacodynamics for Hydroxocobalamin binds with cyanide to form non toxic cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) preventing its toxic effects.
indication for Hydroxocobalamin suspected cyanide poisoning
contraindication for Hydroxocobalamin hypersensitivity
adult dose for Hydroxocobalamin 5 grams IV/IO over 15 mins *may repeat a 2nd dose (5 gram) for a max cumulative dose of 10 grams*
pedi dose for Hydroxocobalamin 70mg/kg IV/IO max 5 grams
pharmacodynamics of Ipratropium anticholinergic selectively blocks muscuranic receptors
other name for Ipratropium Atrovent
indications for Ipratropium bronchospasm associated with obstructive lung diseases (COPD, asthma)
adverse effects for Atrovent blurred vision, dry mouth, dilated pupils, cough, confusion
adult dose for Atrovent 500mcg/2.5mL
pedi dose for atrovent 250-500mcg/1.25-2.5mL
pharmacodynamics for Ketamine dissociative anesthetic
indications for Ketamine Sedation/SFI/RSI, analgesia
contraindications for Ketamine hypersensitivity and HTN
Adult dose and pedi dose for Ketamine (pain management) 0.2mg/kg IV/IO max 20 mg 0.5mg/kg IM/IN (if IV/IO is unavailable)
Adult dose and pedi dose for Ketamine (sedation) 1-2mg/kg
What is Labetalol? a beta blocker
indications for Labetalol 2nd line medication for SVT after adenosine Afib, A flutter with RVR reduce myocardial ischemia in AMI pts with elevated HR antihypertensive
contraindications for Labetalol STEMI pts with: signs of heart failure, low cardiac output, high risk of cardiogenic shock. hypotension bradycardia
adult dose for Labetalol 10mg IV/IOP over 1-2 mins *may repeat every 10 mins to max 150mg*
indications for Levalbuterol bronchospasm, allergies/anaphylaxis, hyperkalemia
adult dose for Levalbuterol 0.63mg/3mL
indications for Lidocaine alternative to Amioderone in cardiac arrest from VF/pVT stable monomorphic VT with a preserved LVF
contraindications for Lidocaine patients who have already received IV calcium channel blocker
adult dose for Lidocaine (cardiac arrest from VF/pVT) 1-1.5mg/kg IV/IO
adult dose for Lidocaine (perfusing arrhythmia ) 1-1.5mg/kg IV/IO
maintenance infusion for Lidocaine (adult) 1-4mg/min
pedi dose for Lidocaine (cardiac arrest VF/pVT) 1mg/kg IV/IO
maintenance dose for Lidocaine (pedi) 20-50mcg/kg/min
pharmacodynamics of Lorazepam benzodiazepine
indication of Lorazepam sustained seizures, sedation, anxiety, chemical restraint
adult dose for Lorazepam 4mg IV/IO administered at a rate of 2mg/min. max 8mg
pedi dose for Lorazepam 0.05-0.1mg/kg IV/IO over 2-5 mins. max 4mg
pharmacodynamics for Mag sulfate Bronchodilator
indications for Mag sulfate bronchial asthma, TdP, Eclampsia
contraindications for Mag Sulfate high degree heart block, shock, dialysis, hypocalcemia, Vfib/pVtach
Mag sulfate adult dose (bronchodilation) 1-2 grams over 10 mins IV/IO
Mag sulfate adult dose ( TdP with a pulse) 1-2 grams over 5-60 mins (infusion) Maintenance: 0.5-1 gram/hr
Mag sulfate adult dose (TdP cardiac arrest) 1-2 grams IV/IO
Mag sulfate adult dose (eclampsia) 4 grams over 4 mins IV/IO maintenance: 1-2 grams/hr
Mag sulfate pedi dose (bronchodilation) 25-50mg /kg. max 2 grams over 15-30 mins
Mag sulfate pedi dose (TdP w/ pulse) 25-50mg/kg over 10-20 mins IV/IO
Mag sulfate pedi dose (TdP cardiac arrest) 25-50mg/kg IV/IO bolus max 2 grams
indications for Methylene Blue methemoglobinemia (methb), nitrate OD/poisoning
contraindications for Methylene Blue hypersensitivity
adult and pedi dose of Methylene Blue 1mg/kg IV/IO over 5-30 mins
midazolam pharmacodynamics benzodiazepine
indications for midazolam active seizures, RSI, chemical restraint, Anxiety, sedation
midazolam brand name Versed
adult dose of midazolam (active seizures) 0.1mg/kg in 2 mg increments. max 5mg 5mg IM/IN
adult dose for midazolam (RSI) 0.1-0.3mg/kg max 10 mg
Midazolam pedi dose (active seizure) 0.1mg/kg in 2mg increments IV/IO max 5mg
Midazolam pedi dose (RSI) 0.1-0.3mg/kg max 10mg
Indications for morphine Mod-severe pain
Contraindications for morphine Hypersensitivity, uncorrected hypotension (<90)
Morphine adult dose 2-10mg or 0.1mg/kg Max 20mg IV IO IM SQ PO
Morphine pedi dose 0.1mg/kg IV IO slow or IM up to 10mg
Narcan indications Suspected opiate OD w/ respiratory depression
Adverse effects of Narcan Opiate withdrawal, N/V/D, fever, chills
Adult dose for Narcan 0.4-0.2mg IV/IO/IM/IN
Pedi dose for Narcan 0.1mg/kg up to 2mg IV/IO/IM/IN
Nitroglycerin MOA Potent vasodilator that opens coronary vessels to improve blood flow to the myocardium. Decreases the overall workload of the heart and after load
Nitroglycerin indications Symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischemia, CHF
Nitroglycerin contraindications Hypotension, severe bradycardia, tachycardia, use of sexual enhancements in the last 48 hours, increased ICP.
Nitroglycerin adult dose 0.4mg SL (pill or spray) repeat 3x every 5 mins for a max of 1.2mg
Special considerations for nitro Tablets lose effectiveness after exposure to air or sunlight. Do not shake aerosol spray because it affects the metered dose.
Norepinephrine indications Normovolemic hypotension, septic shock, cardiogenic shock
Norepinephrine contraindications Hypovolemia until volume replacement has occurred.
Norepinephrine adult dose 0.1-0.5mcg/kg/min IV/IO infusion
Norepinephrine pedi dose 0.1-2mcg/kg/min IV/IO infusion
Indications for Ondansetron (zofran) Prevention and control of nausea and/or vomiting
Adult dose for Ondansetron (zofran) 4-8 mg IV slow, IM, PO
Ondansetron pedi dose 0.1mg/kg IV slow, IM, PO Max 8mg
Procainamide MOA Blocks sodium channels in cardiac cells which causes depolarization to slow and a decrease in automaticity
Procainamide indications VT with a pulse, pre excitation rhythms (WPW)
Procainamide contraindications Should not be givin with calcium channel blockers
Procainamide adult dose (recurrent VF/VT) 20mg/min. Max 17mg/kg
Procainamide adult dose (urgent situations) Up to 50mg/min. May be administered to a total dose of 17mg/kg.
Procainamide adult dose ( maintenance infusion) 1-4mg/min
Procainamide pedi dose (SVT, A flutter, VT w/ pulse) 15 mg/kg IV/IO over 30-60 mins
Indications for racemic epi Croup
Adult and pedi dose for Racemic Epi 0.25-0.75mL of a 2.25% solution diluted in 3mL of NS
Rocuronium indication RSI
Rocuronium adult dose 0.6-1.2mg/kg
Pedi dose of Rocuronium 0.6-1.2mg/kg
Pharmacodynamics of Solu-medrol Synthetic glucocorticoid, anti-inflammatory
Solu-medrol indications Bronchial asthma, COPD, anaphylaxis
Solu-medrol adult dose 125-250mg IV/IO
Solu-medrol pedi dose 2mg/kg IV/IO Max 60mg
Indication for succinylcholine RSI
Succinylcholine contraindications Hyperkalemia (burns, crush injury), increased ICP, severe trauma, neuromuscular disease
Succinylcholine adult dose 1-1.5mg/kg IV/IO
Succinylcholine pedi dose 1-1.5mg/kg
Terbutaline indications bronchial asthma, reversible airway obstruction associated with bronchitis or emphysema, preterm labor
Terbutaline contraindications hypersensitivity and patients under 12 years old
adult dose for Terbutaline 0.25mg IM
indications for Thiamine coma of unknown origin, Wernicke's encephalopathy, delirium tremens
contraindications for Thiamine hypersensitivity
adult dose for Thiamine 100mg IV/IO/IM
pharmacodynamics of Vecuronium non depolarizing neuromuscular blocker. binds to AcH receptors at the neuromuscular junction
Vecuronium indications RSI
Vecuronium contraindications hypersensitivity
adult dose for Vecuronium 0.1-0.2mg/kg IV/IO
pedi dose for Vecuronium 0.1-0.3mg/kg IV/IO
Verapamil indication 2nd line medication for Afib and A flutter with RVR. may be used as an alternative medication (after adenosine) for narrow QRS complex tachycardia with a preserved LV function
Verapamil contraindications hypotension, CHF/ cardiogenic shock, wide complex tachycardia, WPW, hypersensitivity
Verapamil adult dose 1st: 2.5-5mg IV/IO bolus over 2-3 mins 2nd: 5-10 mg over 2-3 mins
Etomidate indications sedation/SFI/RSI
Etomidate contraindications hypersensitivity
Etomidate adult and pedi dose 0.2-0.4mg/kg (limit to 1 dose) *pedi max dose: 20mg*
pharmacodynamics for Ibuprofen anti inflammatory and antipyretic through inhibition of prostaglandins
ibuprofen indications mild-mod pain, fever, inflammation
ibuprofen contraindications bronchospasm, angioedema, hypersensitivity
ibuprofen adult dose 200-800mg PO every 6-8 hours *daily max 3200mg*
ibuprofen pedi dose 5-10mg/kg PO every 6-8 hours *daily max: 30mg/kg*
Toradol pharmacodynamics anti inflammatory and antipyretic through inflammation of prostaglandins
indications for Toradol mild-mod pain, fever, inflammation, renal calculi**
contraindications for Toradol hypersensitivity, bronchospasm, angioedema
adult dose for Toradol 15-30mg IV 60mg IM
pedi dose for Toradol not recommended
Toradol AKA Ketorolac
Tranexamic Acid indications significant hemorrhage (external or internal) after external hemorrhage has been controlled.
Tranexamic Acid (TXA) contraindications SP 3 hours past injury, hypersensitivity, suspected thromboembolism.
TXA adult dose 1 gram over 10 mins. mix in 50 mL bag of NS followed by 1 gram over 8 hours (500mL bag)
TXA pedi dose not recommended
Created by: Ashleydw1
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