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Root Words

Common root words and combining forms for medical terminology.

abdomin/o abdomen
acou/o hear
aden/o gland
adip/o fat
alb/o white
alges/o pain
andr/o man, male
angi/o vessel
angin/o blood vessels
ankyl/o fused, stiff
anter/o front
aort/o aorta
apprendo/o appendix
arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
asthen/o weak
atel/o incomplere
ather/o fat
atri/o atrium
audi/o to hear
aur/o ear
aut/o self
bacteri/o bacteria
bi life; two
chron/o time
cirrh/o yellow-orange
cleid/o clavicle
col/o colon
colp/o vagina
condyl/o knuckle of joint
cor/o pupil
corne/o cornea
cost/o rib
crani/o cranium/skull
crin/o to secrete
cubitus elbow
cutane/o skin
cyan/o blue
cycl/o circle or cycle
cyst/o bladder
cyt/o cell
derm(at)/o skin
digit finger or toe
dipl/o two, double
dips/o thirst
disl/o flat shape, intervertebral disk
dist/o distant, away
diverticul/o diverticulum, a small blind pouch
dors/o back
duct/o lead, move
duoden/o duodenum
ech/o to bounce, sound
ede swelling
elast/o change shape
electr/o electricity
embol/o a plug
embry/o embryo
emesis vomit
emmetr/o according to measure
encephal/o brain
enrer/o small intestine
episi/o vulva
erythr/o red
esthesi sensation or perception
Febr fever
flex bend
foranem opening
fract break
gastr.o stomach
gest carry, produce, congestion
glyc/o sugar, sweet
gno know
gyn/o woman, female
hem(at)/o blood
hepat/o liver
heter/o other, different
hom/o same
hydr/o water
idi/o person, self
lact/o milk
leuk/o white
lingu/o tongue
mal/o bad, abnormal
medi/o middle
melan/o black, dark
men/o month, menstration
mening/o usually refers to the meninges
myel/o marrow or spinal cord
my/o muscle
nephr/o kidney
neur/o nerve
ocul/o eye
opthalm/o eye
oste/o bone
ot.o ear
ov/o egg
palpate to examine by touch
path/o disease
ped/o child or foot
percuss to examine by striling
phag/o to eat
pharyng/o throat
phot/o light
pleur/o rib, side
pneum(at)/o lungs, air
pod(i) foot
pseud/o false
psych/o mind
pto fall
ptyal/o saliva
pulmon/o lungs
pur,py pus
pyr/o fire, heat
quad/o; quar four
ren/o kidney
rhin/o nose
sangui(n)/o blood
scler/o hard
sebum fatty secretion of the sebaceous glands
sect/o cut
sept/o wall, divider; seven
serum clear portion of blood
sinus cavity, channel, or hollow space
som(at) mouth
spir/o coil, to breathe
stern/o sternum
stomat/o mouth
thorac/o chest
tom/o cut
tosic/p poisonous
trich/o hair
ur/o urine
uter/o uterus/womb
varic/o dilated vein
vas/o blood vessel
viscer/o internal organs
xen/o foreign(material)
xer/o dry
Created by: athomp189
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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