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nervous system

sensory input any electrical impulse sent from the eyes, ears, nose, tongue or skin to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
integration information from the sensory organs is interpreted motor output: the response generated from the interpretation of sensory input.
Voluntary movement skeletal muscle
Involuntary movement cardiac & smooth muscle
CNS function Coordinates all activities of the body by receiving and transmitting messages throughout the body
Right side controls the left side of body, music/art (creativity) ,intuition, emotions, face recognition, subjectivity
Left side controls the right side of body, numbers/math/scientific skills, language, logic/reasoning, objectivity
PNS function Receives and transmits messages to and from all parts of the body
PNS all nerves outside the brain and spinal cord
CNS brain and spinal cord
occipital lobe eyesight/vision
temporal lobe smell and hearing, language, factual and visual memory frontal lobe - controls movement, personality and emotion, problem solving, and speech
parietal lobe receives and interprets sensory impulses to touch, pain, pressure, and temp
cerebrum judgment, memory, association & critical thinking, highest levels of thought (lobes of the brain)
diencephalon posterior part of the forebrain with three endocrine glands
thalamus sensory “traffic director”
hypothalamus controls HR, BP, body temp, hormones, hunger, thirst, digestion
pineal circadian rhythm
Brain stem includes pons, midbrain, medulla oblongata
Spinal cord function transmits nerve impulses between the brain, limbs, and lower part of the body
What protects the spinal cord CSF and spinal column
what is white matter made of nerve fibers
what is gray matter made of cell bodies
nerves function Receives and transmits messages to and from all parts of the body
Neuron basic cell of the nervous system (nerve cell)
Afferent sensory nerves(example: touching a hot object is sensed by the brain as hot to the touch)
Efferent motor nerves(example: your hands pull away from the hot cup once touched)
somatic have physical signs and symptoms(fatigue, dizziness, pain)
Aneurysm localized dilation of a blood vessel, usually occurring in an artery
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (AMS) muscular weakness and atrophy with involuntary contractions and excessive reflexes; caused by the degeneration of motor neurons in spinal cord & brain
Syncope fainting, temporary LOC due to inadequate blood flow to the brain.
Cerebral Palsy affects a person's ability to move and maintain balance and posture; caused by brain damage or abnormal brain development that happens before birth or early in life
Guillain Barre polyneuritis; progressive muscle weakness that could lead to paralysis
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) chronic, slow progressive disease of CNS marked by demyelination of glial patches called plaques
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) mini stroke; brief stoppage of blood flow to brain. warning sign of a CVA(stroke)
Stroke(CVA) death of brain tissue to loss of blood flow; arterial blockage(ischemic stroke) or arterial rupture(hemorrhagic stroke)
Bell’s Palsy unilateral paralysis of the nerves that control the facial muscles
Migraine intense headache that produces pain to one area of the head
Concussion(TBI) is caused by a violent blow or shaking to the head
Paralysis temporary or permanent loss of voluntary movement
Paraplegia loss of voluntary movement in the lower half of the body including both legs, often result of spinal cord injury
Quadriplegia paralysis of all four limbs
Hemiplegia paralysis on one side of the body
Paresthesia sensation of numbness, prickling or tingling, usually in the upper or lower extremities; caused by irritation of, or injury to sensory nerves or nerve roots
Spina Bifida ”split spine”; congenital defect; part of the membrane covering the spinal cord protrudes through a gap in the spine
Hydrocephalus accumulation of excess CSF inside the ventricles of the brain; results in cephalomegaly; brain damage
Shingles painful rash along peripheral nerve tracts, caused by varicella zoster virus(VZV)
Coma state of extended unconsciousness caused by medical event such as TBI, CVA, diabetes, or infection
Seizure disruption of electrical activity in the brain that produces physical and mental changes; convulsions, sensory disturbance, LOC
Aura subjective sensation often occurring just before a migraine or seizure, flashing lights, numbness, tingling or peculiar odors
Epilepsy neural cells become disrupted, causing seizures, limb twitching, and LOC
Grand Mal Seizure also known as tonic-clonic seizures) severe and violent muscle movements
Petit Mal Seizure (absence epilepsy) sudden, temporary loss of consciousness, lasting only a few seconds; seizures are very mild, no convulsion movements
Focal Seizure (also known as a partial seizure) limb jerking, facial twitching, hallucinations, blushing of skin
Dementia group of symptoms that interfere with memory and affect daily life
Amnesia disturbance in the memory marked by a total or partial inability to recall past experiences
Delirium mental confusion and agitation; hallucinations and illusions possible
Meningitis inflammation of the meninges of the brain or spinal cord
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) degenerative changes in the brain structure that lead to dementia; progressive memory loss, impaired cognition, and personality changes, gait changes
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) chronic, degenerative CNS disorder; characterized by fine muscle tremors, mask like facial expression, and a shuffling gait
Tetanus (lockjaw) infection caused by bacteria found in the environment that affects nerve conduction(not spread person to person), can be prevented with vaccine
Panic Disorder sudden recurring attacks of intense anxiety and fear
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) condition resulting from an extremely traumatic experience
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) irrational thoughts and fears causing one to perform repetitive actions(excessive washing, heart palpitations, chest pain, tremors, nausea)
Phobia exaggerated fear of a specific object or situation that causes anxiety and panic
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) characterized by excessive worry that is not restricted to specific situations or objects( heart palpitations, chest pain, tremors, sweating, nausea, headaches)
Developmental Disorders characterized by disruption of normal childhood development
Dyslexia learning disorder that makes it difficult to recognize and comprehend written language
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) mental disorder where person is easily distracted, hyperactive, and has a lack of impulse control
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) disability with difficult communicating with others, inability to maintain eye contact, repetitive behavior, preoccupation with objects
Intellectual Disorder (ID) below average intelligence that causes one to be unable to develop skills necessary for daily living on their own
Bipolar (Manic Depressive Disorder) Alternating periods of depression (emotional low) and mania (emotional high)
Depression Persistent feelings of sadness, worthlessness and lack of interest
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) form of depression that occurs during fall and winter as a result of less exposure to the sun
Psychotic Disorders group of mental conditions characterized by loss of touch with reality, hallucinations, delusions
Postpartum Psychosis rare condition that develops a week after childbirth
Eating Disorders unhealthy focus on food and weight
Anorexia Nervosa significantly underweight, eats little food/few calories, starves themself
Bulimia Nervosa consists of binging and purging
Physician Anesthesiologist doctor who administers general anesthesia
Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist uses specialized diagnostic equipment to monitor a patient’s nervous system
Neurosurgeon A physician who specializes in treating diseases and conditions of the nervous system
Created by: rr3ynolds
Popular Medical sets




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