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Cardiovas System

Cardiac Notes

How much does the Heart weight in a Women + Men 225g Women + 310g in Men
What is the structure of the Heart Pericardium/Myocardium/Endocardium
How many chambers does the Heart have 4 - 2 atriums + 2 ventricles
Name the 4 types of valves the Heart has Tricuspid/Pulmonary/Mitral/Aortic
How is blood supplied to the Heart Coronary arteries
What artery is known as the “Widow Maker” Left anterior descending artery - LAD
How long is the cardiac cycle 0.8seconds
What are the 3 stages of the Cardiac cycle Atrial Systole - Ventricular Systole - Complete Cardiac Diastole
What is Cardiac Output The amount of Blood ejected from Ventricles every minute Calculated by Stroke Vol + HR eg. 70ml + 88 = 158L/per min
What is Stroke Volume The amount of Blood expelled by each contraction - 70ml
What percentage of the Ventricles fill by the opening of the Valves 70%
What is Preload The amount of Blood in the Ventricles immediately before contraction
What is Afterload Is the amount of pressure the Heart must work against to eject Blood during Systole
What vessels make up the circulatory system Veins/Arteries/Capillaries
What is the function of the Vessels of the Circulatory system Transportation
Which Vessels carry Blood away from the Heart Arteries
Which Vessels have Valves Veins
What is Pulmonary Circulation Movement of Deoxyygenated Blood from Heart to Lungs + then to Systemic Circulation
What is Systemic Circulation Movement of Oxygenated Blood from Left Ventricle into Vessels + then tissues + then back into Right Atrium
What is the name of the cell that contains Haemoglobin Erythrocyte
What is the life span of an Erythrocyte 120 days
What is the function on an Erythrocyte Transport o2 from Lungs to tissues + Co2 from Tissues to Lungs
What type of Tissue is Blood Connective
What is the function of Leukocytes Infection Fighters
What is the function of Thrombocytes Protection/ Clotting
What is Blood Pressure The pressure of Blood on the vessel walls when the Heart beats
What is Pulse Pressure The difference between Systolic + Diastolic Eg. 120/80 = 40
What is Systolic When the Ventricles contract
What is Diastolic When the Ventricles relax
What is M.A.P Mean Arterial Pressure - The force the Heart generates each time is contracts
How is M.A.P calculated DBP + 1/3 of Pulse Pressure
What are the blood pressure sounds known as Korotkoff Sounds
How many BP assessment sites are there 5 - Brachil/Radial/Popiteal/Dorsalis Pedis/Posterior Tibial
What are the Normal ranges of BP for an Adult 120 - 129 mmhg Systolic + 80 - 84mmhg Diastolic
What are the Normal ranges of BP for a Child 0-1mth = >60systolic 1-12mth = 80systolic 1-10yrs = 90 + (2x age)systolic
What is Systemic Hypertension 140/90
What is the minimum M.A.P required to perfuse the organs 60mmgh
What is an ECG Electrocardiography - used to check Hearts rhythm + electrical activity
What is known as the Primary Pacemaker SA node - 60 - 100BPM
What is the Bachmans Bundle Conductive tissue between RA + LA
What are the Internodal Pathways Connective tissues between SA+AV nodes
The AV node is the backup pacemaker - what are the BPM 40 - 60 BPM
What is the Bundle of His Post AV conductive tissues
What are the Perkinjie Fibres Another backup pace maker - 20-40BPM
What does the Bundle of His split into Left Bundle Branch + Right Bundle Branch
What speed does ECG paper print at 25mm/sec
What size is a small sq on ECG 1mm/0.04sec
What size is a large sq on ECG 5mm/0.2sec
Time on an ECG is Horizontal
Voltage on an ECG is Vertical
The “P’ wave represents Atrial Depolarisation
The “QRS” complex represents Ventricular Depolarisation + Atrial Repolarisation
The “T” wave represents Ventricular Repolarisation
A normal “PR” interval is 0.12 - 0.20sec/3-5 small sq
A normal “QRS” complex is <0.12sec/<3 small sq
Ischaemia is Impaired Blood Flow
What is the term used to describe Death of Tissue due to an interruption of Blood supply Infarct/Infarction
What is an Atheroma Build up of fatty deposits in the Intimal Layer of the blood vessel that makes a fibrous cap + Bulges the Lumen = reduces blood flow to distal organs
What is Atherosclerosis Thickening/Hardening of artery walls due to build up of Plaque - Fibrous cap can rupture = Thrombus
What is a Thrombus Formation of a Clot
What is an Embolism Any mass that travels in Blood vessels = Blockage
Where is a Saddle Embolism Located at the bification of the main pulmonary arteries
An Aneurysm is A Bulge on the artery wall
Describe an Aortic Dissection Tunica Intima is ruptured - Blood pushed in between Media + Intima = False Lumen - this narrows the true Lumen = Distal Ischaemia
What is Coronary Heart Disease Blockage or Disruption of Blood flow to Coronary arteries
Stable Angina is narrowing of vessels that supply blood to Heart during excercise
Unstable Angina is narrowing of vessels that supply blood to Heart with no cause
NSTEMI means Blockage in Coronary artery - Partial thickness of wall is damaged = Subendocardial Ischaemia
STEMI means Blockage in larger Coronary artery - Full thickness of wall is damaged = Transmural Ischaemia
What are arrhythmias Issues with Electrical Conduction of the Heart
SVT is / Shocking? Supra Ventricular TachyCardia - Fast + Narrow QRS - No Shock
VT/PVT is / Shocking? Ventricular TachyCardia/Pulseless Ventricular TachyCardia - Fast + Broad QRS - No Shock if Pulse Present - Shock if No Pulse
VF is / Shocking? Ventricular Fibrillation - Chaotic+ irregular - Shock
Asystole is / Shocking? No electrical activity - No Shock
In relation to Heart Rhythms - SB is / Shocking? Sinus Bradycardia - Slow + regular+ <60BPM - No Shock
In relation to Heart Rhythms - AF is / Shocking? Atrial Fibrillation - No P waves + Irregular QRS - No Shock
NSR is / Shocking? Normal Sinus Rhythm - Regular + Organised - No Shock
In relation to Heart Rhythms - ST is / Shocking? Sinus tachycardia - Fast + regular + >100BPM - No Shock
In relation to Heart Rhythms - PEA is / Shocking? Pulseless Electrical Activity - No Shock
Created by: Meganp7290
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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