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medical term exam

what is the name of the large process on the femur for attachment of tendons and muscle trochanter
what is the name of the strong fibrous vascular membrane that covers the surface of the bone except at the ends of the epiphyses periosteum
a narrow deep slit like opening in a bone is called fissure
the bone that forms the forhead and roof of the bony sockets that contain the eyes is called frontal
the 12 vertabrae that articulate with the 12 pairs of ribs are called the thoracic vertabrae
the medial bone of the lower arm is called the ulna
the uppermost and largest portion of the bones that make up the pelvic girdle is called the ilium
what is the name of the largest of two bones of the lower leg? tibia
bone is connected to another bone by a ___ ? ligament
what is the name of the closed sac of synovial membrane and is located close but not within a joint? bursae
this terms refers to inflammation of the joint arthritis
what is a type of muscle that is voluntary or skeletal striated
this kind of muscle is striated in appearance but acts like smooth cardiac
the point of attachment of a muscle to stationary bone is called? origin
to rotate the palm upward is called? supination
what is the muscle that elevates the mandible? temporalis
what is the crackling sound produced when end of bones rub together or against cartilage? crepitus
a type of fracture where one fragment is driven firmly into the other is called impacted
what is softening of the bone called? osteomalacia
inflammation of the bone and bone marrow secondary to infection is called? osteomyelitis
what is the name for the type of arhtritis caused by excessive uric acid build up in the body? gouty
what is the name for the surgical puncture to remove fluid from a joint space arthrocentesis
the name for surgical repair of a joint is called? arthroplasty
the procedure to remove muscle tissue for microscopic examination is called a muscle? biopsy
the anterior portion of the roof of the mouth is called the_______palate. hard
how many central incisors are in the mouth of an adult? 4
the main substance of a tooth is called? dentin
the flap that covers the trachea so that food cannot enter durin swallowing is called the? epiglottis
the upper portion of the stomache is called the ? fundus
the sphincter that controls when food leaves the stomach is called the _____sphincter? pyloric
the second part of the small intestine is called the? jejunum
this duct leads to the gallbladder cystic
this tissue projections aids in sounds and speech uvula
this lymphatic tissue produces lymphocytes which are disease fighting white blood cells tonsils
these glands produce saliva that contains important digestive enzymes. what glands are they? salivary
the act of swallowing is called? degluition
the function of the stomach is to prepare food for the ? small intestine
enzymes and____help digest food before it passes in to the jejunum bile
_______is the passage of feces from the body through the anus defecation
another important function of the liver is to maintain normal blood_____levels? glucose
ALT and SGPT are examples of results found when preforming what group of tests? LFT's
the test is also called a barium enema lower GI
this is an Xray test that shows a cross sectional image of internal organs CT scan
this test would show how an image of the liver after injection radioactive material into the blood stream Liver scan
the abnormal collection of fluid in the abdomen is called_____? ascites
________ is the unpleasant sensation in the stomach and tendency to vomit nausea
difficulty in swallowing is called dysphagia
protrusion of an organ or part through the muscle normally containing it is called hernia
this comb. form means belly or abdomen celi/o
the comb. form for colon or large intestine is col/o
the comb. form for the liver is hepat/o
this comb. form means fat or lipid lip/o
the comb. form that means humpback is kyph/o
the comb. form for bone marrow is myel/o
this comb. form pertains to the ribs cost/o
the comb. form that means pore or passage is porosis
ab- away from
-ac pertaining to
acr- extremities
ad- towards
angi- vessel blood
arthr- joint
-ary pertaining to
-ase enzyme
carcin- cancer
cardi- heart
-cele hernia
cortic- cortex
crani- skull
-cyt(e) cell
de- lack of
-dilation widening/stretching
dist- far
dorsi- back
-dynia pain
melanin gives skin it's color
colllagen tough fibrous tissue that gives skin its elasticity
keratin hard protein found in epidermis,hair fibers,and nails
onycholysis loosening of nail from it's plate
macule discolored
vesicle blister
wheal smooth elevated edematous lesion
pruritus itching
nevus mole
urticaria hives
xeroderma dry skin
tinea fungal skin infection
ossification bone formation
3 layers of skin epidermis,dermis,subcantaneous tissue
fossa shallow cavity in a bone
cranial bones: frontal,temporal,parietal,occipital
osteoitis inflammtion of the bone
flexion bending of joint
extension straightening of joint
pronation turn palm down
rotation move in circular motion
Rheumato literally means watery flow
cholecystitis inflammation of gallbladder
cholelithiasis presence or development of gallstones
syncope fainting
bells palsy unilateral usually temporary
myasthenia gravis disorder of neuromuscular function by muscle weakness especially of throat & face
MRI magnetic resonance imaging/magnetic and radio waves to create images
PET positron emission imaging/radioactive chemical is injected
EEG electroencephalogram/record of electrical activity of the brain
cornea cover's pupil
retina nerve layer in posterior of eye
astigmatism curvature of cornea or lens
hyperopia farsightedness
myopia nearsightedness
presbyopia impairment of vision due to aging
exotropia outward turning of eye
esotropia inward turning of eye
cataract clouding of lens
pinna outer ear
3 bones of ear malleus,incus,stapes
tinnitus ringing in the ear
oxytocin stimulates contractions of uterus during labor
cushings syndrome excess secretion of cortisol from adrenal cortex/abnormally pigmented skin
addisons disease decrease in production of mineralcorticoids and glucocorticoidsfrom adrenal cortex.
diabetes mellitus lack of insulin secretion or resistance of insulin
diabetes insipidus producing too little ADH from posterior pituitary rsulting in kidneys failing to reabsorb needed water and salt
polyphagia increased appetite or overeating
polydipsia excessive thirst
immune "protect"
natural immunity genetic predisposition
acquired immunity body develops or receives immunity
active body actually produces the antibodies by having the disease oor receiving a vaccination that stimulates antibody production
passive given actual antibodies produced from another source
aneurysm local widening of a blood vessel(ballooning)
thrombus blood clot attached to interior wall of blood vessel
embolus a mass such as blood clot or foreign object that circulates in the bloodstream until it becomes lodged in a vessel too small to allow it to pass
tachycardia rapid heart rate
angina pectoris episode of chest pain resulting from temporary difference between supply and demand of oxygen to the heart muscle
myocardial ischemia a deficiency of blood to the heart muscle usually caused by construction or obstruction of a coronary blood vessel and often marked by pain and cardiac dysfunction
myocardial infarction necrosis of a portion of the myocardial muscle due to obstruction in a coronary artery caused by atherosclerosis or thrombus or spasm(MI/heart attack)
coronary angiography dye injected into blood stream or heart chamber & xrays taken of heart and large blood vessels in chest
erythrocyes red blood cells contain hemoglobin
leukocytes white blood cells
thrombocytes platelets, blood cloting
hematocrit percentage of erythrocytes in a volume of blood
prothrombin time test of the ability of the blood to clot
dyspnea labored or difficult breathing
orthopnea dysonea in which a person mus sit upright in order to breathe comfortably
atelectasis incomplete expansion of alveoli
bronchiectasis chronic dilation of bronchi secondary to infection that involves lower portion of lung
epistaxis nosebleed
auscultation listening to sounds withing the bodyfor the purpose of evaluating the condition of organs
percussion tapping a body part to deermine the density of the underlying parts
bronchoscopy process of visually examing the bronchial tubes
gynecomastia excessive growth of the mammary glands in men usually during puberty
hydrocele swelling in scrotum due to fluid in the scrotal sac
cryptorchism undescended testicle
orchitis inflammation of the testes
varicocle enlarged,dilated,veins near the testicles
dysmenorrhea painful menstrual bleeding
amenorrhea absence of menses for 6 months or for longer than 3 of the patients normal cycles
oligomenorrhea abnormally light or infrequent menstrual flow
endomentriosis endometrial tissue found in abnormal locations
leiomyomas also called fibroids
oliguria scanty urine
pyuria pus in the urine
nocturia night time urination
analgesics pain killers
diuretics water pills
antipyretics medications that reduce fever
ac before meals
pc after meals
NPO nothing by mouth
antipruritic med given to block itching
antihyperlipidemic med given to decrease cholesterol
antipyretic medication with fever reducing properties
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