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Medical Terminology

Finals Term Definitions

adenocarcinoma cancerous tumor of a gland
cholelithotripsy crushing of (bile) gall stone
cystorrhexis rupture of the bladder
cystoptosis downward displacement of the bladder
lymphadenitis inflammation of a lymph gland (node)
hematuria blood in urine
cholecystogram written record of the (bile) gall
thoracentesis puncture of the chest
laryngectomy removal of the larynx
pneumothorax air in the chest
cardiomyotomy incision into the heart muscle
cardiomyopathy disease of the heart muscle
embolectomy surgical removal of embolus
erythrocyte red blood cell
thyroidotomy incision into the thyroid
adrenal insufficiency condition in which the adrenal cortex underproduces necessary hormones
antibody substance produced by the body in response to an antigen
ascities retention fluid build in the peritoneum
bulla large blister
catatonia condition characterized by reduced muscle tone
diabetes mellitus metabolic disease characterized by excessive urination and hyperglycemia
diabetic ketoacidosis acidity of the blood caused by the presence of ketone bodies produced when the bodies unable to burn sugar; burns fat for energy
anticoagulant agent that prevents blood clot
dementia a loss/decline in mental function
dyslexia difficulty reading
ecchymosis large bruise Greek to pour out
enuresis involuntary urination
hematocrit test or judge to separate the blood; used to determine the ratio of red blood cells to total blood volume
hemorrhage excessive blood loss
hemostatic agent that stops the flow of blood
idiopathic no known cause
incontinence inability to control urination
macule small flat discolored area of skin (freckle)
menarche beginning of the first menstruation
nystagmus involuntary back-forth of the eyes Greek "to nod"
occlusion closing or blockage of a passage
papule small solid mass Latin "pimple"
petechia small bruise Latin "spot"
reflux backwards flow of stomach acid contents into the esophagus
sphygmomanometer instrument used to measure blood pressure
splenectopy displaced spleen "floating spleen"
thelarche beginning of breast development
thrombolytic agent that breaks down blood clots
thrombus blood clot
vesicle small blister
Created by: emcgruder
Popular Medical sets




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