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Unit 1 Discussion

Unit 1 Discussion: D

CCU Coronary Care Unit
ECU Emergency Care Unit
ER Emergency Room
ICU Intensive Care
OR Operating Room
Dx Diagnosis
CC Chief Complaint
Rx Prescription
Tx Treament
PE Physical Exam
PCP Primary Care Provider
Parkinson’s degenerative disease affecting movement, including speech
Raynaud vasospasms (decrease blood supply to affected regions)
Tourettes neuropsychiatric disorder; childhood onset
West Nile virus transmitted by mosquitos: mild to severe symptoms
Chohn’s Inflammatory bowel disease
Anatomical position That of the body standing upright, with the feet at shoulder width and parallel, toes forward. The upper limbs are held out to each side, and the palms of the hands face forward.
Distal A position in a limb that is farther from the point of attachment or the trunk of the body
Inferior A position below or lower than another part of the body proper
Lateral Describes the side or direction toward the side of the body
Posterior Describes the back or direction toward the back of the body
Carpo Wrist
Cranial Head
Osteo Bone
Brachi Arm
Cervo Neck
Costo Rib
Lumbo Lower back
Femur/o Thigh bone
Tibi/o Shin bone
Tars/o Ankle bone
Burs/o Bursa
Arthr/o Joint
Ton/o Tension
Hypotonia Decrease in muscle tone
Effusion Fluid around the joint
Thelarche Beginning of breast development
Menarche Beginning or first menstruation
Adenalgia Pain in a gland
Hypoglycemic Pertaining to low blood sugar
Pancreatalgia Pain in the pancreas
Polydipsia Excessive thirst
Polyphagia Excessive eating
Polyuria Excessive urination
Goiter swollen thyroid glands
Hyperglycemia High blood sugar
Uremia Presence of urinary waste in blood
Adrenaline Hormone secreted by the adrenal gland
Euthyroid Normal functioning thyroid
Glycopenia Deficiency of sugar
Endocrine To secrete internally
Stomatosis Inflammation of the mouth
Dentist Tooth specialist
Odontalgia Tooth pain
Gingivitis Inflammation of the gums
Glossopathy Disease of the tongue
Esophageal pertaining to the esophagus
Gastritis Inflammation of the stomach
Gastropexy Surgical fixation of the stomach
Dysentery Infection of the small intestine
Duodenectomy Removal of the duodenum
Jejunotomy Incision into the jejunum
Ileotomy Incision into the ileum
Ileitis Inflammation of the ileum
Colitis Colon inflammation
Colonoscopy To view the inside of the colon
Colposcope Device to view the inside of the vagina
Vaginitis Inflammation of the vagina
Mastopexy Surgical fixation of the breast
Mammogram X-ray image of the breast
Lactation Production of milk
Lactorrhea Discharge of milk
Cervicodynia cervical pain
cervicitis inflammation of the cervix
hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus
uterus organ that carries the developing fetus
pelvimetry measurement of the pelvis
Salpingectomy removal of a fallopian tube
Salpringoscope device to view the inside of the fallopian tube
Pseudocyesis false pregnancy
Chorionitis Inflammation of the chorion
Dystocia Difficult labor
Tocograph Recording of labor
Neonatal Pertaining to the newborn
Mastalgia Pain in the breast
Amenorrhea Lack of menstruation
Menorrhagia Excessive menstrual flow
Dysmenorrhea Painful menstruation
Created by: Agwilliams95
Popular Medical sets




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