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8th Science - Evolution & Genetics - Reece24

What organisms appeared on Earth between the years of 450 to 400 million years ago? first vascular land plants
List the organisms from oldest to youngest. first fishes, first amphibians, first birds, first flowering plants
How did scientists decide how to create dividing lines between eras? mass extinctions
What evidence have scientists used to determine the history of organisms on Earth? rock layers and fossils
How does comparative anatomy support biological classification? shared physical traits are classified together and show possible common ancestry
What best describes human, whale, dog, and bat bone structures? they are homologous structures and used to support shared ancestry
What might be used as evidence that two species evolved from a common ancestor? their embryos develop in a similar way
What is the best evidence of a series of fossils shows the evolution of an organism? the fossils show a gradual change over time
What process is MOST responsible for the extinction of many plant and animal species on Earth? environmental changes
What provides the best evidence that different organisms would NOT be closely related? they have different anatomy
The wings of birds and the arms of humans have similar bone structures but different functions. What might scientists conclude based on this evidence? birds and humans evolved from a common ancestor
What best describes what occurs in natural selection? organisms that have favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce
What would best allow a species to survive after an environmental change, like the Peppered Moth? genetic variation
In the winter, the fur of an arctic fox is white. In the summer, the fur turns to a reddish-brown. What most likely causes the fur of the fox to change color? the fox's genotype
The population of plants growing on an island consisted of two varieties. One had thorns and one did not. Which of the two species would be most likely to survive with many hungry herbivores in the environment? plants with thorns
There is a light-colored moth and a dark-colored moth. After the Industrial Revolution, which color of moth(s) had the favorable trait in this environment? the dark moth
What adaptation do sharks (fish) and penguins (birds) share? both are shaped for swimming
What is NOT TRUE about genetic variation or new beneficial traits in a population? all mutations are harmful or even deadly to a population
What allowed to population of finches on the Galapagos Islands to survive after the environment changed? the adaptation of beak size
What would an antibiotic resistance in bacteria caused by a mutation be? adaptation
In order to be naturally selected, an organism needs to be the most fit. What best describes what makes an organism the fittest? they are most likely to survive and reproduce
A strawberry farmer finds after a hard freeze, some of his strawberry plants are still alive. What explains why these strawberries were able to survive? they have a different genotype that cause them to be more resistant to the cold temperatures
Created by: masonteach
Popular Science sets




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