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Week 3
Term | Definition |
memory | is the means by which we retain and draw on our past experiences and use that information in the present |
encode | transform into mental representation |
store | encode in memory |
retrieve | put out or use information in stored memory |
recall | expressive knowledge; produce an item from memory |
serial recall | recall in exact order |
free recall | recall in any order |
cued/paired associates | first give a pair, then given one of the pair, recall the other |
recognition | receptive knowledge; select or identify an item at the one you are previously exposed to |
implicit | use information from memory but not consciously aware that you are doing so |
explicit | conscious recollection |
process-dissociation model | assumes that implicit and explicit memory both have a role in virtually every response, meaning that only one task is needed to measure both responses |
primary memory | holds temporary information currently in use |
secondary memory | holds information permanently or at least for a very long time |
sensory store | stores information for a brief period |
iconic store | visual sensory which stores information through icons |
short term memory | limited capacity for a longer period |
short term memory is affected by | number of syllables and delay/interference |
long term memory | large capacity for a longer period |
permastore | very long term storage of information |
sperling experiment | refined to 10 seconds before the onset and 0 seconds after the onset of display |
the levels-of-processing memory | memory is a continuous dimensions in terms of depth of encoding |
the deeper the level of processing, | the higher the probability it can be re trieved |
self-reference effect | high recall levels when asked to relate words meaning fully to themselves |
integrative model | working memory |
visuospatial sketchpad | briefly holds visual images |
phonological loop | verbal comprehension and acoustic rehearsals |
central executive | coordinates attentional activities and governs responses; gating system |
subsidiary slaves system | performs other cognitive tasks |
episodic buffer | integrates information into a unitary episode representation |
retention-delay task | stimulus is introduced, then a retention interval is im posed (filled/unfilled), then a second stimulus is introduced, the task is to determine whether it is old or new |
temporally ordered working memory load (item task) | series of item is pre sented, asterisk is shown to signal the final item, task is to determine whether the item is previously presented |
temporal order task | final slide show two previously presented items, the task is to indicate which among the two appeared more recently |
n-back task | at specified points, one is asked to repeat the stimulus that oc curred n presentations back/previously. |
temporally ordered working memory load (span task) | digit-span task; repeat the item in order or the opposite order |
temporally ordered working memory load (running span task) | series of arithmetic equations are presented, the task is to determined where the sum or difference is correct, and then arrange the results in order |
Endel Tulving | suggested 2 kinds of long-term memory |
semantic memory | stores general knowledge |
episodic memory | stores personally experience episodes |
connectionist perspective | connectionist parallel distributing processing; the key to memory is the connection among various nodes |
prime | node that activates a connecting node |
priming effect | resulting activation of a specific node |
working memory | comprises the activated portion of long-term memory and operates with some amount of parallel processing |
spreading activation | involves simultaneous activation of multiple links within the network |
mnemonist | someone who demonstrates extraordinarily keen memory ability |
synesthesia | experience of sensation in a sensory modality different from the sense that has been physically stimulated |
amnesia | severe loss of memory |
retrograde amnesia | memory loss prior to trauma |
anterograde | memory loss after the trauma |