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MED104 CH13


colp/o vagin/o vagina
perine/o perineum
episi/o vulv/o vulva
gynec/o gyn/o woman
lact/o milk
mast/o mamm/o breast
cervic/o cervix
oophor/o ovari/o ovary
hyster/o metr/o uter/o uterus
pel/i pelvis
men/o menstruation
salping/o fallopian tube
amni/o amnion
-cyesis pregnancy
chori/o chorion/o chorion
toc/o labor
fet/o fetus
part/o nat/o birth
amenorrhea no menstruation
colpostenosis narrowing in the vaginal opening
dysmenorrhea painful menstruation
dyspareunia painful sexual intercourse
gynecomastia development of breast tissue in males
hysteralgia pain in the uterus
hysterodynia pain in the uterus
leukorrhea white vaginal discharge
mastalgia breast pain
mastoptosis downward displacement of the breast
menorrhagia excessive menstrual flow
menorrhalgia painful menstruation
metromenorrhagia excessive menstrual bleeding at irregular intervals
metrorrhagia menstrual bleeding at irregular times
oligomenorrhea infrequent or light menstrual periods
ovaralgia ovarialgia pain of the ovaries
perineocele hernia in the perineal region
polymenorrhea menstrual periods occurring with greater than normal frequency
vaginodynia vaginal pain
vulvodynia pain in the vulva
amniorrhea discharge of amniotic fluid
amniorrhexis rupture of the amniotic sac
Braxton Hicks contraction sporadic contractions of the uterine muscles of women not in labor
contraction shortening or tightening of a muscle
amastia absence of breast
cervical dysplasia bad formation of cervical cells
colpoptosis downward displacement of the vagina
episiostenosis narrowing of the vulvar opening
hematosalpinx blockage in a fallopian tube caused by blood
hydrosalpinx blockage in a fallopian tube caused by water
hypermastia excessively large breasts
hypomastia excessively small breasts
hysteroptosis downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina
macromastia abnormally large breasts
micromastia abnormally small breasts
oophorocystosis ovarian cysts
pyosalpinx blockage in a fallopian tube caused by pus
uterine prolapse downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina
colposcope instrument used to examine the vagina
colposcopy procedure for examining the vagina
hysteroscope instrument for examining the uterus
hysteroscopy procedure for examining the uterus
pap smear test used to detect cancer cells, most commonly in the cervix
vaginoscope instrument used to examine the vagina
endometrium inner layer of uterine tissue
gynecologist specialist in medical issues specific to women
gynecology study of medical issues specific to women
menarche beginning or first menstruation
myometrium middle layer of uterine muscle tissue
perimetrium tissue on the outside of the uterus, outer layer of the uterus
speculum device for examining a body cavity, most commonly the vagina
bradytocia slow labor
cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) condition where the inability of the mother's pelvis to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal
congenital anomaly irregular condition that is present at the time of birth
dystocia difficult labor
eutocia normal labor
gravida another term for pregnant
hysterocele hernia of the uterus
hysterorrhexis rupture of the uterus
lactogenic causing the formation of milk
lactorrhea discharge of milk
macrosomia baby with a large body
microcephalus baby with a small head
oligohydramnios not enough amniotic fluid
polyhydramnios excessive amniotic fluid
amniocentesis surgical puncture of the amnion
amnioscope instrument for examining the amnion
amnioscopy procedure for examining the amnion
cardiotocograph instrument for recording the baby's heart rate during contractions
fetometry procedure for measuring the fetus
pelvicephalometry procedure for measuring the head size of the baby and the pelvis size of the mother
pelvimetry procedure for measuring the pelvis
tocodynagraph instrument for recording the strength of labor contractions
tocography procedure for recording the strength of labor contractions
conception the process of conceiving a child
fertilization process of an egg and sperm joining to conceive a child
gestation process of carrying a child from conception until birth
implantation process of a fertilized egg attaching or adhering to the uterus
ovulation process of an egg being released from an ovary
concratception process that prevents or hinders the conception of a child
teratogenic causing the formation of birth defects
teratology branch of medicine dealing with the study of birth defects and their causes
antepartum time before birth
intrapartum time during birth
lactation production of milk
natal pertaining to birth
neonatal pertaining to new birth; first 28 days
neonatologist specialist in the neonatal period
neonatology study of the neonatal period
obstetrician specialist in pregnancy, labor, and delivery of newborns
obestetrics branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labor, and delivery of newborns
perinatal time around birth, from 28 weeks of pregnancy to 28 days after
perinatology branch of medicine dealing with the perinatal period
postnatal pertaining to after birth
postpartum pertaining to after birth
prenatal pertaining to before birth
cervicography procedure for imaging the cervix
hysterosalpingogram record of the uterus and fallopian tubes
mammogram record of a breast exam
sonohysterography procedure using sound waves to examine the uterus
transvaginal sonography imaging procedure using sound waves emitted from a device inserted in the vagina
hysterography procedure for imaging the uterus
pelvic sonograph instrument for imaging the pelvis using sound waves
cervicitis inflammation of the cervix
cervicocolpitis inflammation of the cervix and vagina
cervicovaginitis inflammation of the cervix and vagina
colpitis inflammation of the vagina
colpocystitis inflammation of the vagina and urinary bladder
cystocele hernia of the urinary bladder into the vagina
endocervicitis inflammation of the inside of the cervix
endometriosis condition in which endometrium cells appear and grow outside the uterus
endometritis inflammation of the endometrium
mastitis inflammation of the breast
menopause cessation of menstruation
metrocolpocele hernia of the uterus and prolapse into the vagina
metrophlebitis inflammation of the blood vessels of the uterus
myometritis inflammation of the myometrium
oophoritis inflammation of an ovary
oophoroma ovarian tumor
ovarlorrhexis rupture of an ovary
ovaritis inflammation of an ovary
perimetritis inflammation of the perimetrium
rectocele hernia of protrusion of the rectum into the vagina
salpingitis inflammation of a fallopian tube
salpingocele hernia of a fallopian tube
salpingo-oophoritis inflammation of a fallopian tube and ovary
urethrocele hernia or prolapse of the urethra into the vagina
vaginitis inflammation of the vagina
vaginomycosis fungal condition of the vagina
vaginosis condition of the vagina
vesicovaginal fistula abnormal opening between the urinary bladder and the vagina
vulvitis inflammation of the vulva
vulvovaginitis inflammation of the vulva and vagina
abortion termination of pregnancy
abruptio placentae separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus
chorioamnionitis inflammation of the chorion and amnion
chorionitis inflammation of the chorion
eclampsia severe, life-threatening complication of pregnancy characterized by seizures
ectopic pregnancy implantation of a fertilized egg in a place other than a uterus
hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy-related vomiting
hysterorrhexis rupture of the uterus
ovarlocyesis ectopic pregnancy in an ovary
placenta previa condition in which the placenta is attached to the uterus near the cervix
pseudocyesis false pregnancy
preeclampsia condition where high blood pressure and high protein are in the urine
salpingocyesis ectopic pregnancy in a fallopian tube
spontaneous abortion naturally occurring termination of a pregnancy; miscarriage
adenocarcinoma of the breast glandular tumor in the breast
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia abnormal growth of cervical cells
chorioangioma blood vessel tumor of the chorion
choriocarcinoma cancerous tumor of the chorion
dermoid cyst ovarian cyst containing skin and sometimes hair, teeth, bone, or cartilage
teratoma another term for a dermoid cyst
cervicectomy removal of the cervix
colpopexy fixation of the vagina
colpoplasty reconstruction of the vagina
episiorrhaphy suture of the vulva
hysterectomy removal of the uterus
hysteropexy fixation of the uterus
hysterosalpingectomy removal of the uterus and fallopian tubes
mammoplasty reconstruction of a breast
mastectomy removal of a breast
mastopexy fixation of a breast
myomectomy removal of a tumor in the muscle (of the uterine wall)
oophorectomy removal of an ovary
oophorocystectomy removal of an ovarian cyst
oophorotomy incision into an ovary
ovarian cystectomy removal of an ovarian cyst
ovariocentesis puncture of an ovary
ovariostomy creation of an opening into an ovary
perioneorrhaphy suture of the perineum
perioneotomy incision into the perineum
salpingectomy removal of a fallopian tube
perineoplasty reconstruction of the perineum
salpingo-oophorectomy removal of a fallopian tube and ovary
salpingopexy fixation of a fallopian tube
vaginoperineoplasty reconstruction of the vagina and perineum
vaginoperineorrhaphy suture of the vagina and perineum
vaginoperineotomy incision into the vagina and perineum
vaginoplasty reconstruction of the vagina
abortifacient drug or device that causes the termination of pregnancy
amniotomy incision into the amnion
cesarean section delivery of a baby through an incision made in the uterus
episiotomy incision into the vulva
hysterotomy incision into the uterus
induced abortion intentional termination of pregnancy
in vitro fertilization fertilization of an egg done in a test tube
oxytocin agent that stimulated uterine contractions and accelerated labor
tocolytic agent that stops or delays premature labor and contractions
CIPP chronic idiopathic pelvic pain
Cx cervix
GYN gynecology
HPV human papillomavirus
HRT hormone replacement therapy
HSG hysterosalpingogram
LEEP loop electrosurgical excision procedure
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
PMS premenstrual syndrome
SHG sonohysterography
STD/STI sexually transmitted disease/infection
TAH/BSO total abdominal hysterectomy/bilateral slapingo-oophorectomy
TSS toxic shock syndrome
TVS transvaginal sonography
VH vaginal hysterectomy
CPD cephalopelvic disproportion
CS/C-section cesarean section
DOB date of birth
EDD expected date of delivery
FAS fetal alcohol syndrom
FOB father of the baby
G gravida
IVF in vitro fertilization
LGA large for gestational age
LMP last menstrual period
P births
RDS respiratory distress syndrome
SGA small for gestational age
Created by: hmarie94
Popular Medical sets




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