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Chapter 9-review

Unit 3 test

UNIPENNATE muscles have fascicles that wrap around a bone or twistedAppearance Spiral
An AGONIST is a muscle that most of the force required for movement True
The FIRST CLASS LEVER has a fulcrum situated farther the frompoint of applied force with the load in the middle False; SECOND CLASS: load in middle
SKELETAL muscle has intercalated disc False; CARDIAC
Distensibility Ability to stretch without causing damage
Elasticity Ability to return to original length after being stretched
Contractibility Cell contracts (fused tetanus) muscle fiber shortens
Excitability Being able to respond to stimuli (motor neuronexcitedmuscle fiber, act is stimulus
What influences the appearance & function of skeletal muscle? Arrangement of the pattern of fascicles
What type of muscle works together with the agonist Synergism
Most levers in the human body are Third-class levers
Standing on tiptoes is an example of a Second-class lever
What is the proper position of the erector spine muscles situated from medially to laterally relative to the axis of the vertebral column Spinalis, longissimus liliocostalis
Which muscle is the agonist for sitting up? Rectus abdominis
The superior aspect of the pubic bones is the originof: Rectus abdominis
Where does infraspinatus insert? Greater tubercle of the humerus
The deltoid is responsible for Abducting the arm
Which of the following is not a muscle of the rotator cuff Teres major
What is the action of flexor carpi ulnas Flexing the hand
Which group is a synergist( assists) to the Adductor group Gracilis
When climbing stairs, which muscle or muscle group extends the thigh Quadriceps femoris
When climbing stairs, which muscle or muscle group flexes the leg? Hamstrings
What is the most superficial muscle in the neck that goes on eachside when you smile? Platysma
What muscle is deep to the splenius capitus Splenius cervicis
What muscles assist with inspiration? Scalenes
What muscles contract with the diaphragm when you inhale? External intercostals
What muscles contract when youExhale Internal intercostals
What does the flexor policies longus do Flexes the thumb
What are the muscles of the rotator cuff There's minor, supraspinatus, infraspináis, subscapularis
What are muscles of the quadriceps
What are the muscles of the hamstrings
What muscle is deep to the adductor longus not shown in lab? Adductor Magnus
What muscles come together to make the iliopsoas Iliacus & psoas major
Fracture occurs when: A bone is cracked or broken
Bursitis occurs when: A bursa is inflamed from trauma or overuse
Dislocation occurs when: The bones in a joint are forcibly pulled apart
Strain occurs when: A muscle is over-stretched it is also known as a pulled muscle
Hernia occurs when: A deeper abdominal structure or organ protruded through a weakening in the abdominal wall
Sprain occurs when: A ligament is stretched or torn
Inguinal hernias occur: In lower abdomen near inguinal canal
Hiatal hernias are also known as diaphragmatic hernias & occur when: A portion of the stomachprotudes above thediaphram which increases acid reflux
Umbilical hernias are common in babies a occur when: The abdominal wall near the naval is weakened
Agonist (prime mover) Provides most of the force for action
Mastication includes: Master & temporalis
Transversus abdomens Deepest does not cause truck movement but assists in compressing the abdominal cavity
External oblique Most superficial flexes the trunk
Internal oblique Flexes i&rotates the trunk
Rictus Abdomens Flexes the truck (sitting up) does not rotates thetrunk
When cutting through abdomen what order willpass through? Skin, hypodermic, subcutaneous fat,external oblique aponeurosis, internal oblique, transversus abdomens, peritoneum
Function of sarcoplasmic reticulum is to store & release calcium ions True
Myofilaments shorten to produce muscle contractions according to the sliding filament mechanism False; sarcomere
Na/K pump 3 Na+ out & 2K+ in
Type lx fibers produce the fastest strongest twitches of any musclefiber type True type 1 is slowest
Cindys leg musclesdisplayed a state of hypertonic since her arm as in cast False; hypotonia
Isotonic concentration contraction: Muscle shortens when flexing
Isotonic eccentric contraction: Muscle lengthens when extending
Isometric contraction: Muscle length stays the same
What do skeletal muscle tissue & cardiac muscle tissue have incommon? Both consist of straited muscle
What is the basic function of all muscleTissues Generate muscle tension
The plasma membrane of a muscle cell i's known as the Sarcolemma
Where are receptors for acetylcholine located Motor end plate
What does the depolarization of the transversetubules (t-tubules) promote? Release of calcium from the sarcoplamic reticulum
A pathway of ATP production that resulta in the formation of lactic acid is: Glycolytic catabolism
A muscle cell experiencing resting membranepotential is: Polarized
What value best represents resting membrane potential of skeletal muscle cells? - 90mV
The synapse of a motor neuron with a muscle fiber is known as the Neuromuscular junction
The fastest muscle contraction would be producedby a: Type llx fiber
The slowest muscle contraction would be Produced by a Type I fiber
Smooth muscle & skeletal muscleboth posses Myosin & actin filaments
Botulism toxin prevents release of ACh. What happens to muscle? The muscle will be unable to contract known asparalysis
Created by: user-1789969
Popular Science sets




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