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AAPC CPC chapter 6


CPT code set published in 1966 and established as system for physicians in _____ 1983
Category 1 CPT: ____ digit number code. Most commonly used. 5
CPT: AMA updates the code sets _____ annually
CPT: category II: tracking codes designed to ____ administrative burdens because they facilitate data collection about quality care. minimize
CPT: Category II: near the back of CPT book after ____. They are in _____ to eval and management services or clinical services (category I) meds, addition
CPT Categroy II: alphanumeric with letter ____ in last position. F
Category III (cpt) temporary codes for emerging ______, services and procedures. technology
CPT category III: alpha numeric with a ____ in last position and can be reported ____ unlike category II codes. T, alone
CPT: if category III fully represents a case, it is to be used instead of unlisted category ____ I
; semicolon and Indented procedure: not have to list the common portion for ____ code that shared the same common portion of code descriptors. every
Common portion is the portion of the descriptor up until the _____ semicolon
Semicolon ; is divided into 2 parts, the description ____ semicolon and the description after before
When reporting indented codes it's _____ necessary to report the main code not
+ add on codes: list in Appendix D and never reported _____. Codes that specific add on code is reported in addition to are usually in _____ listed below add on code. alone, parenthesis
When procedure reported with add on code is performed bilaterally, the add on code is reported _____ twice
CPT: modifier _____ is not appended to add on codes. 50
All CPT add on codes are _____ from the multiple procedure concept (modifier 51 concept in Appendix A) exempt
CPT add on codes are never listed as ____ service, never listed as only CPT code, never reported with modifier 50, never reported with modifier ____ primary, 51
o A bullet symbol to the left of a code indicates _____ procedures and services added. new
Triangle symbol: description of the code has been ____ revised
Opposing horizontal triangles: new and revised _____ other than precedure descriptors. text
Forbidden symbol (circle with line through it): codes that are exempt from the use of modifier ___ 51
/\/ Lightning bolt symbol: codes for _____ pending FDA approval vaccines
CPT: some vaccines assigned to category 1 code in anticipation of future _____ approval FDA
Once vaccines FDA approved a revision notation will be provided on AMA CPT category 1 vaccine codes _____ website
# Pound symbol: codes that have been resequenced and are out of ____ order. numerical
* the star symbol: codes which can be reported when using synchronous _____ using both audio and video telecommunications. Modifier ____ is appended. telemedicine, 93
Audio icon (speaker): which codes can be reported when telemedicine services are used using _____ only. audio
Audio icon: when telemedicine performed by audio only modifier ___ is appended 93
Each: each _____ instance, Each lesion, each incision etc. separate
Each additional: each instance, above and beyond the _____ code, up to the amount given is reported with this code. first
Included when performed: a procedure, when performed, is not reported _____ because it is considered included in the base procedure. "when performed" separately
Part thereof: typically in add on codes. Part of the ______ listed up to the number or % listed. amount
Separate procedure: when performed alone, however when reported with another procedure or service on the same pt during the same encounter and is _____, it may be considered inclusive to that procedure and Not reported separately. related
Single or Multiple: the code is reported only _____ whether it refers to single procedures or lesions or multiple once
Units: number of times a _____ CPT code is reported single
Up to (time): any time ____ to the time specified. Will often have add on codes to report additional time and parenthetical instructions indicating _____ to report time. up, how
Up to and Including: any amount leading up to the amount _____. Reported with 1 code. given
CPT category I section numbers: divided into ____ main sections. Alphabetical order but E/M is 1st since most used. 6
CPT category I sections: E/M, Anesthesiology, _____, Radiology, Pathology, ______ surgery, medicine
Section guidlines define which codes can be used _____ and necessary info. together
CPT alphabetic index: to locate code or range. After then go to _____ section for specifications. numeric
CPT Index Alphabetized with main terms organized by: condition, _____, anatomic site, synonyms, eponyms and _____. procedure, abbreviations
CPT: subterms further claify the _____ term main
NCCI (national correct coding initiative): correct coding methodologies and control _____ coding assignments that result in inappropriate reimbursement. improper
NCCI (PTP) procedure to procedure: edits used to determine codes considered by CMS to be _____ codes for procedures and services deemed necessary to accomplish a major procedure. bundled
NCCI (PTP) : not repoted separtately and is included in _____ procedural codes. (it's bundled) major
Reporting bundled codes for procedures in _____ to the major code is "unbundling" and if repeated enough times could be considered an act of Fraud addition
CPT: correct coding file format includes a correct _____(CCM) indicator (carrier only). This indicator determines whether CCM causes the code pair to _____ the edit. modifier, bypass
CPT CCM indicator will be either 0, 1 or _____ 9
CCM indicators: 0- a CCM is ____ allowed and will not bypass the edits. 1-a CCM is allowed and ____ bypass edits. 9- the cause of modifiers is not ______. not, will, specified
CCM indicator 9-for all code pairs that have a _____ date that is the same as the effective date. So that no blank spaces would be in the indicator _____. deletion, field
PTP edit rationale: includes ____ for edit. Can be useful when determining whether it is appropriate to report a modifier to _____ the edit. reason, override
Sequencing CPT codes: are in the _____ section. numeric
RBRBS- Resource based _____ value Scale. Helps with physician fee schedules, ______ and code sequencing. relative, benchmarking
Physician Fee schedule look up tool on the _____ website. CMS
Physician Fee Schedule: _____ dollar amount coded 1st highest
Searching NCCI edits in _____ provides NCCI edits codify
RBRVS: reimbursing physicians. Each code has RVU (relative value unit) assigned which when _____ by a conversion factor and a geographic region adjustment allowance, creates the reimbursement for the service. multiplied
RVU's configured using 3 units: Physician work (time, skill, treatment etc), Practice _____ (cost of ancillary personal, supplies and office overhead), and Professional liability/malpractice insurance. exspense
CMS annually publishes physicain fee schedule info on _____ and the formula for calculating the payment amounts. Website
Physician fee schedule amounts vary depending on facility vs ____ facility non
CF- conversion _____ is fixed dollar amount used to translate the RVU's into fees. Factor
Health plans other than Medicare may choose ____ to use the CMS calculations for provider reimbursement. not
The RBRVS: The Physician's Guide answered questions about RBRBS system and allows quick ____ to info about payment rules for sugical packages and code RVU's. access
Steps for coding multiple procedure codes (CPT): 1. Select ____ procedure codes. 2. check the codes against NCCI and table for ______ to eliminate bundled codes. If the codes can be reported together modifier 59 appended. 3. RVU's all, bundled
CPT Procedure coding: use of modifier for bundled codes, append appropriate modifier to column ____ code. 2
Check with individual payer to see if they follow NCCI guidelines for _____. bundling
Codes exempt from modifier ____ are indentified with the universal forbidden symbol. 51
CCM indicator 0 means a CCM is not _____ and will not bypass the edits. allowed
Place of service codes (CPT) for professional claims: 2 digit _____ codes on these that denote the setting in which the service was provided. numeric
Place of service codes: if incorrect, may result in ____ of claim. Office visit P0S11, ER visit P0S23, _____ care P0S20 denial, Urgent
CPT category II codes: 4 numerical digits with letter ____ in last. These codes have no RVU value, because they mainly describe components in E/M services or results from _____ and other procedures. F, tests
CPT category II codes: Modifiers 1P, 2P, 3P and 8P are _____ appended to category 2 codes. only
Category II codes (cpt) modifiers 1P, 2P and 3P are ____ modifiers, an action in category II code wasn't provided because of medical, patient or system reason. exlusion
Category II code (cpt) modifier 8P: reporting modifier, used when an action in the measure is not _____and the reason not documented. performed
CPT category III codes: 4 numerical digits followed by letter ___. Temporary codes for data _____ in the FDA approval process for new and emerging technology services and procedures. T, collection
CPT Category III codes: updated ___ a year on AMA website on Jan 1st and July 1st then implemented 6 mo afterwards. twice
If category III (cpt) code available it must be listed instead of a category ____ unlisted code 1
Category III (cpt) when FDA approved it becomes Category 1, if not ______ in 5 years the code is either renewed for another 5 years or ______ approved, removed
Category III codes (cpt): no RVU assigned, reimbursement may be _____ through health plans. available
Category II codes released ____ times a year 3
Appendix A (cpt) modifiers level 1: all the modifiers applicable to CPT codes: Anesthesia physical status modifiers, Level 1 modifiers approved for _____ surgery center (ASC) hospital outpatient use and Level _____ modifiers ambulatory, 2
Appendix B (cpt): summary of ____, deletions and revisions. Contains actual changes and additions to the cpt codes from previous year to current. additions
Appendix C (cpt): clinical examples _____ from cpt book removed
Appendix D (cpt): summary of cpt add on codes . Codes not reported as ____ or stand alone code. With the + symbol. single
Appendix E (cpt): codes from modifier ___. Codes that are exempt from the use of modifier 51, forbidden symbol. 51
Appendix F (cpt): codes exempt from modifier ____. Identified by convention of parenthetical instruction. 63
CPT: do not report modifier 63 "In _____ with" conjunction
Appendix's removed from CPT book: G, ____, I H
Appendix J (cpt): Electrodiagnostic medicine. Assigns each sensory, ____ and mixed nerve with its appropriate nerve conduction study code. motor
Appendix K (cpt): product pending FDA approval, same ____ products in Category I, lightening bolt symbol. vaccines
Appendix L (cpt): vascular families that emerge from the aorta,vena cava, _____ artery or portal vein, using brackets to identify the order of vessels (catheterizations). pulmonary
Appendix L (cpt): 1st, 2nd and 3rd order and _____ 3rd order branches. The largest 1st order branch emerges from _____. 2nd order branch emerges from 1st order and so on. beyond, aorta
Appendix M (cpt): Renumbered codes- citations crosswalk. Crosswalked, _____ and renumbered cpt codes, descriptors and assistance references for deleted codes. deleted
Appendix N (cpt): ______ codes, not appearing in numeric sequence. Allows existing codes to be re-located to an apporopriate location. resequenced
Appendix O (cpt): multianalyte assays with Algorithmic Analyses (MAAA) procedures. Typically unique to a single clinical _____ or manufacturer. laboratory
Appendix P (cpt): synchronous ____ service, appended by modifiers 95. Star symbol. telemedicine
Appendix Q (cpt): Severe acute _____ syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccines. Which vaccine code for cornavirus and administration code is reported. respiratory
Appendix R (cpt): digital medicine services taxonomy. To promote increased awareness of approaches to pt care. Taxonomy and ____ for services that can be provided through digital services. definitions
Appendix S (cpt): Artificial intelligence. Classified AI applications for medical services and procedures into one of 3 categories: _____, argumentive and autonomous. assitive
Appendix T (cpt): may be used for syncrhonous real-time _____ only telemedicine. audio
AMA maintains and publishes CPT codes. 3 categories of cpt codes: I, II, III. 3 methods to list ____ terms: condition, synonyms and abbreviations. main
CPT codes used to configure RVU's, malpractice insurance costs, _____ work, quality pt performance measures. physician
Category III codes (cpt): new and _____ codes emerging
Global package as defined by cpt: payment for surgery procedures includes a standard package of pre-op, _____ and post-op services. inoperative
Global package: the pre-op and post-op periods will ____ based on classifications as major or minor surgery. differ
Global package: may be in any service _____. Visits to pt in intensive or critical care by the ____ also included. location, surgeon
Some circumstances ____ considered part of the Global Package not
Some health plans write variances within their policies instead of _____ Global package concept. CMS
Global Package Non Medicare: has leniency to determine if Global period is ______ to surgery and procedures. applicable
If health plan determins a global package it will establish ____-op periods of 0, 10 or 90 days to surgical CPT codes. post
Surgery as defined by Medicare: what services are included and not in global package and classified ____ and minor surgery. Also, the pre-op and post-op ____ allowed. major, days
Pre-op period included in global fee for major surgery is _____ day, and post-op is 90 days 1
Minor surgery included in global fee for pre op period is the day of ____ with Post-op period of either 0 or ___ days depending on procedure. surgery, 10
Endoscopic procedures: (except ones requiring incision) there is ____ post-op period for global package. no
Global period days are on _____ website CMS
Each CPT code also has a global period status _____ as per CMS payment policies. Surgical codes have global surgery indicator for classification for minor and ____ surgery as determined by RVU calculations indicator, major
MMM: ______ codes maternity
XXX: global concept does ____ apply not
YYY: unlisted codes subject to individual _____ pricing
ZZZ: add- ons, are related to another service and are _____ included in the global period of the primary service. always
Gobal package: pre-op visits on day before or day of a _____ procedure and pre-ops performed on the day of a minor procedure. major
Global package: intraoperative services that's considered ____ and necessary part of a surgical procedure. usual
Global package: complications following surgery required of the surgeon during the post-op period which do ____ require additional trips to O.R. not
Global package: post-op visits (follow up visits) within post-op period related to ____ from surgery recovery
Global package: post surgical ____ management by the surgeon pain
Global package: miscellaneous services. Items like dressing ____, local incisional care, removal of operative pack, staples, _____, drains etc. changes, cast
Global package- not included: initial consultation or eval of the _____ to determine need for surgery. Visits unrelated to the diagnosis for wich surgery was ______, unless visits occured due to complications of surgery. problem, performed
Global package- not included: Treatment for the underlying condition or an added course of treatment that isn't part of the _____ recovery from surgery. normal
Global package-not included: diagnostic tests and procedures including diagnostic ______ procedure. Treatement for post-op ______ requiring a return trip to the O.R. radiology, complication
Global package- not included: clearly distinct surgical procedures during the post-op period that aren't re-operations or _____ for complications. treatment
Global package-not included: less exstensive procedure _____ and a more exstensive procedure is required, the 2nd procedure is payable separately. Certain services performed in doctor's _____. fails, office
Global package- not included: immunosuppressant therapy management for ______ transplants. Critical care services _____ to the surgery. organ, unrelated
Global package-not included: will not pay separately for an E/M service on the ____ day as minor surgery or endoscopy unless a significant, separately identifiable _____ is performed. same, service
Modifiers appended to E/M to report payable services in gloabal package: 24, 25, _____ 57
HCPCS level II: created by CMS to report supplies, materials, _____ and certain procedures and services that may not be in CPT book. injections
When CPT code and HCPCS level II code exist for ______ service, check with payer to determine which code to use. same
HCPCS level II: codes begin with a single letter followed by ____ digits. Grouped by ____ of service or supply. 4, type
Permanent National Codes: blue cross blue sheild, Health _____ association and CMS maintain these. Updated _____ a year on Jan 1st Insurance, once
Miscellaneous codes: when no code describes the item/service. Must be clearly described and _____ info included. pricing
Temporary National Codes: allows insurers to establish codes needed _____ the annual update. Implemented within 90 days. before
C codes: may qualify for OPPS (outpatient prospective payment system) and only on Medicare claims submitted by hospital _____ departments. Temporary outpatient
G codes: procedures that would be coded in CPT but _____ CPT code for them. Temporary no
H codes: ______ health services such as drug treatment services. Temporary mental
K codes: Durable ______ Equipment. S codes: BCBSA and HIAA to report drugs, services, supplies that have no national _____ but are needed for claims processing, policies and programs. Temporary medical, codes
Q codes: services that would not be given a CPT code such as drugs, _____and other medical equipment, services and are not identified as National codes but are needed for claims. Temporary biologicals
T codes: items with no permanent national codes. Not used by ______ but can be used by private insurers, temporary. Medicare
Code modifier: additional ____ about the service, level II. Alphanumeric or _____ letters info, 2
B codes: enteral and ______ therapy. M codes: _____ services parenteral, medical
J codes: drugs admin other than ____ method and injectable chemo drugs. oral
L codes: _____ procedures, services and prostetic procedures. P codes: pathology and _____ services othotic, lab
R codes: diagnostic _____ services. U codes: _____ diagnostic panel radiology, coronavirus
V codes: vision services and _____, also includes speech language pathology services hearing
Table of drugs: based on method of ____ or admin or specific to chemo delivery
Medicare B: will cover certain prescription drugs under specific circumstances. CMS _____ local carriers and 4 DMEMAC's to establish reimbursement amounts for covered drugs. Generally Reimbursement amount is ____% of the drugs average wholesale price requires, 85
IA- intra _____. IT: intrathecal, subdural space of ____ cord. INH: inhaled arterial, spinal
Medicare Carriers Manual References (MCM) : CMS regulations and rulings about coverage for procedures, services and supplies. Includes Coverage _____ Manual (CIMS) references. Issues
Medicare Statutes: statutory coverage issues exclusions from coverage and Medicare as _____ payer. secondary
HCPCS level II modifiers: 2 levels, _____ level I and Level II CPT
Level I modifiers of CPT codes are 2 digits appended to the procedures for _____ circumstances. special
Physical status of a patient who's recieving anesthesia is reported using 2 character alpha numeric modifier appended to _____ digit CPT anesthesia code. Numeric portion of modifier is health ____ of the pt 5, status
Normal healthy patient- P1, _____ systemic disease- P2, Severe- P3, Severe disease that's a constant threat to life- P4, Pt not expected to survive the operation- _______ and declared brain dead who's donating organs- P6 mild, P5
Level II modifiers are 2 _____ characters followed by a digit alpha
Modifiers appended to ambulance services HCPCS level II codes: 1st character is ____of ambulance, 2nd character for the destination. Ex: RH- ambulance from pts residence to hosp origin
HCPCS level II _____ modifiers (single character) are listed. Ex: G- hospital based dialysis facility ambulance
A codes:, level II ____ services, medical and surgical supplies, administrative, misc., and _____ supllies, procedures and services transport, investigative
Ambulance services (air and ground) are divided into different levels of service based on medically necessary treatment provided ____ transport. during
Ambulance services: for gound, BLS, ALS level 1 (ALS1), Specialty care transport (SCT) _____ ALS intercept (PI) paramedic
Ambulance services: for air, fixed wing air ambulance (FW), _____ wing air ambulance (RW) rotary
B codes: Level II codes for supplies and equipment for ____ and parenteral therapy. Enteral- digestive tract, Parenteral- intravenously enteral
E codes. DME: Must meet the following: can withstand ____ use, used to serve medical purpose, not ____ useful to a person in the absence of an illness or injury, appropriate for use within the _____. generally, home
J codes: specific dosage units. When admin dosage exceeds "dosage units" in code description the additional _____ must be reported. units
R codes: transportation of equipment from a facility to a home or nursing home to perform _____ tests diagnostic
HCPCS, level II codes can be updated _____. quarterly
HCPCS, When reporting codes with more than 1 modifier enter the _____ modifier immediately after the code, also referred to as "pricing modifier." Next, report info ____ to clarify certain aspects of procedure or service funtional, modifiers
Coders should contact their _____to obtain a list of modifiers cause each payer has different reporting requirements. carrier
CPT modifiers: ___ digit numbers. 2
HCPCS level II modifiers: 2 alphabetic characters and 1 ____. Requires adding specificity to CPT procedure codes performed for ____, fingers, toes and cornary arteries. number, eyelids
Diagnosis pointer field: on medical claim form, relates to the line item to the diagnosis on the ____ claim base
Created by: mlovest
Popular Medical sets




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