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gen/o creation, cause pathogenic
hydr/o water hydrophobia, dehydration
morph/o change morphology
myc/o MAI-koh fungus dermatomycosis
necr/o death necrosis
orth/o straight orthodontist
path/o suffering, disease pathology
phag/o eat aphagia
plas/o formation hyperplasia
py/o pus pyorrhea, pyemia
scler/o hard scleroderma
sten/o narrowing stenosis
troph/o nourishment, development trophology, hypertrophy
xen/o foreign xenograft
-ac, -al, -ar, -ary -eal, -ic, -tic, -ous ALL mean pertaining to
-ia condition pheumonia
-ism condition autism
-ium tissue, structure pericardium
-y condition, procedure hypertrophy
-icle, -ole, -ule, -ula ALL mean small
-iatrics -iatry medical science
-iatrist specialist in medicine of -
-ist specialist
-logist specialist in the study of -
-logy study of -
-algia -dynia pain
-cele hernia
-iasis presence of
-emia blood condition
-itis inflammation
-lysis loosen, break down
-malacia abnormal softening
-megaly enlargement
-oid resembling
-oma tumor
-osis condition
-pathy disease
-penia deficiency
-ptosis drooping
-rrhage -rrhagia excessive flow
-rrhea flow
-rrhexis rupture
-spasm involuntary contraction
-centesis puncture
-gram written record
-graph instrument used to produce a record
-graphy process of recording
-meter instrument used to measure
-metry process of measuring
-scope instrument used to look
-scopy process of looking
-desis binding, fixation
-ectomy removal
-pexy surgical fixation
-plasty reconstruction
-rrhaphy suture
-stomy creation of an opening
-tomy incision
a- an- not
anti- contra- against
de- down, away from
ante- pre- before
pro- before, on behalf of
brady- slow
tachy- fast
post- after
re- again
ab- away
ad- toward
circum- peri- around
dia- trans- through
e- ec- ex- out
ecto- exo- extra- outside
en- intra- endo- in, inside
epi- upon
sub- beneath
inter- between
bi- two
hemi- semi- half
hyper- over
hypo- under
macro- large
micro- small
mono- uni- one
oligo- few
pan- all
ploy- multi- many
con- syn- sym- with, together
dys- bad
eu- good
acute occurs recently, or sharp severe symptoms
chronic a problem that occurs for a while
abrupt occurs suddenly
febrile has a fever
afebrile does not have a fever
malaise not feeling well
progressive worsening of symptoms
exacerbation worsening of a condition
symptom what the patient feels
noncontributory patient’s symptom is not related to the current problem
lethargic a decrease in level of consciousness
genetic/hereditary it runs in the family
alert patient can answer questions; responsive, interactive
auscultation to listen (usually with a stethoscope)
oriented patient knows who they are, where they are, and what time it is (current date and time)
percussion to hit or strike and then listen for the sound; the returned sound indicates the condition of the body
palpation to feel something; how something feels can indicate its condition, be it normal or abnormal
unremarkable normal
marked it stands out
impression another word for assessment
diagnosis using the subjective and objective data to determine the patient’s condition
differential diagnosis based on the subjective and objective data, the health care professional cannot yet determine the diagnosis
benign not cancerous
malignant cancerous
degeneration getting worse
etiology the cause
idiopathic no known cause
remission no longer having the symptoms of a disease; usually used when referring to cancer
recurrent to have again
morbidity risk of being sick or diseased
mortality risk for dying
prognosis chance of getting better or worse
localized one area
systemic/generalized over a large area or body system
occult hidden
pathogen organism that causes the disease
lesion diseased tissue
sequelae result of disease or injury
pending waiting for
caudal tail of head
suspine lying on back
prone lying on belly
Anatomical position a person standing face forward, arms at the side with palms forward.
dermatalgia dermatodynia painful
pruritus an itch
urticaria hives
seborrhea discharge of oil
xerosis condition of dryness
macerate to soften the skin
hyperhidrosis excessive sweating
anhidrosis lack of sweating
xanthoderma condition of yellow skin
rhytidermia wrinkled skin
onychophagia eating or biting the nails
hypomelanosis diminished melanin in the skin
cicatrix latin for scar
keloid overgrown scar tissue
verruca wart
onychia a nail condition
onychocryptosis ingrown nail
onycholysis loss of a nail
onychomalacia abnormal softening of a nail
onychopathy nail disease
paronychia condition of tissue around a nail
psoriasis itchy, red, or scaly skin
scleronychia thickening and hardening of the nails
actinic keratosis horny skin condition due to sun exposure
tinea ringworm
dactyl/o finger
chondr/o cartliage
tax/o arrangement, order, coordination
ankyl/o stiff, bent
genu varum bow-legged
genu varum knock-kneed
crepitus joint makes a crackling sound when bent
graphospasm writer's cramp
kyphosis abnormal forward curvature of the upper spine
lordosis abnormal forward curvature of the lower spine
scoliosis lateral curvature of the spine
spondyloarthropathy joint disease of the vertebrae
subluxation partial dislocation of a joint
cervical vertebrae C1-C7
thoracic vertebrae T1-T12
lumbar vertebrae L1-L5
sacral vertebrae S1-S5
AK actinic keratosis
Bx biopsy
C&S culture and sensitivity
Derm dermatology
ID intradermal
SC, SQ subcutaneous
OA osteoarthritis
RA rheumatoid arthritis
FROM full range of motion
ROM range of motion
DTR deep tendon reflex
EMG electromyogram
NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
ORIF open reduction internal fixation
PT physical therapy
RICE rest, ice, compression, elevation
WB weight bearing
WBAT weight bearing as tolerated
cerebell/o cerebellum
gnosi/o knowledge
agoraphobia fear of outdoor spaces
kleptomania desire to steal
pyromania desire to set fires
agnosia inability to comprehend
prosopagnosia inability to recognize faces
neurasthenia nerve weakness
cerebr/o encephal/o brain
cerebell/o cerebellum
cephal/o head
gangli/o nerve bundle
myel/o spinal cord or bone marrow
phas/o speech
somn/o, somn/i, hypn/o sleep
gnosi/o knowledge
prognosis chances for things getting better or worse
delirium brief loss of mental function
myoclonus muscle twitching
syncope fainting; losing consciousness due to temporary loss of blood flow to the brain
paresthesia abnormal sensation (tingling)
causalgia burning pain
cerebrospinal fluid performed via lumbar puncture
lumbar puncture (LP) removal of cerebrospinal fluid from the lumbar area
transcranial Doppler sonography produces image of the brain using sound waves sent through the skull
myelogram x-ray of the spinal cord
preictal before the seizure
interictal during the seizure
postictal after the seizure
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) condition due to the blood vessels of the brain
hemorrhagic stroke stroke due to rupture of blood vessel resulting in blood spilling out into the brain
ischemic stroke stroke where blood loss is caused by a blockage
transient ischemic attack (TIA) temporary loss of blood flow to the brain (i.e. “mini stroke”)
cerebral aneurysm abnormal widening of a blood vessel in the brain
Glioblastoma brain tumor from glioblast cells
hydrocephaly excess cerebrospinal fluid in the brain
encephalomyeloneuropathy disease of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
encephalopyosis a pus-filled abscess in the brain
myelodysplasia defective formation of the spinal cord
schizophrenia mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered speech
antipsychotic opposes psychoses
anxiolytic decreases anxiety
analgesic relieves pain
craniotomy incision into a skull bone
neurolysis destruction of nerve tissue
neurorrhaphy suturing of a nerve
CNS central nervous system
CSF – cerebrospinal fluid
PNS – peripheral nervous system
MS multiple sclerosis
TIA transient ischemic attack
EEG – electroencephalogram electroencephalogram
EMG electromyogram
ICP intracranial pressure
LOC level of consciousness
MRA magnetic resonance angiography
PET positron emission tomography
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
OCD obsessive compulsive disorder
ALS amytrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
CP cerebral palsy
CVA cerebrovascular accident
the brain receives sensory information (sight, sound, smell), processes it, and integrates it into one experience.
the eye protected by the bones and skull
ocul/o, ophthalm/o, opt/o eye
lacrim/o dacry/o tear
dacryorrhea excess tear production
-opia -opsia vision
akinetopsia inability to see moving objects
hyperopia far-sighted
blephar/o eyelid
corne/o kerat/o cornea
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva
scler/o sclera (white of the eye).
Choroid layer lens, iris, and ciliary muscles
Retina deepest layer of the eye contains cells that turn into electric signals (to brain)
vitre/o vitreous humor
vitreous liquid fluid that fills the posterior cavity of the eye
cycl/o ciliary body
ir/o irid/o iris
phac/o phak/o lens
the ear(s) ears turn sound into electrical signals help maintain balance.
aur/o ot/o ear
acous/o audi/o hearing
-acusis hearing condition
divisions of the ear outer (pinna and ear canal), middle (hollow space, 3 tiny bones), and inner(bony outer shell, filled w/fluid surrounding membrane).
cerumin/o earwax
salping/o ear canal
tympan/o, myring/o ear drum
vestibul/o entry way
cochle/o cochlea
akinetopsia inability to see moving objects
scotopia adjustment of the eye to seeing in the darkness
amblyopia decreased vision (i.e. lazy eye)
ambiopia, diplopia double vision
blepharoplegia paralysis of the eyelid
xerophthalmia dry eyes
astigmatism vision problem caused by fact that light rays are not focused on a single point in the back of the eye
miosis abnormal contraction of the pupil
mydriasis abnormal dilation of the pupil
scotoma dark spot in the visual field
presbycusis hearing loss in old age
otorrhea discharge from the ear
tinnitus ringing in the ear
vertigo sensation of moving through space (while stationary)
binocular pertaining to both eyes
iridokinesis movement of the iris
blepharedema swelling of the eyelids
blepharoptosis drooping of the eyelid
blepharopyrrhea discharge of pus from the eyelid
ectropion outward turning of the eyelid, away from the eye
entropion inward turning of the eyelid, toward the eye
dacryolith hard formation (stone) in the tear system
exophthalmos protrusion of the eyes out of the eye sockets
nystagmus involuntary back-and-forth movement of the eyes
strabismus eyes deviate while looking at the same object
pterygium winglike growth of conjunctival tissue extending to the cornea
aural pertaining to the ear
otosteal pertaining to the bones of the ear
salpingopharyngeal pertaining to the eustachian tubes and the throat
tympanic perforation tear or hole in the eardrum (tympanic membrane)
divisions of the eye outer structures(eyelid, tear duct, conjunctiva), outer layer (sclera, cornea), middle(lens, iris, ciliary muscle),inner (retina, optic nerve)
dacryostenosis narrowing of the tear duct
trichiasis condition in which the eye lashes grow into the eye
sclerectasia overexpansion of the cornea
corneal abrasion scratch on the cornea
cyclokeratitis inflammation of the ciliary body and cornea
cerumen impaction buildup of earwax blocking ear canal
aerotitis inflammation of the ear caused by air
conductive hearing loss hearing loss caused by sound not getting to the middle/inner ear (due to blockages)
sensorineural hearing loss hearing loss due to sound not being transmitted from inner ear to the brain
mydriatic drug that causes the abnormal dilation of the pupil
intravitreal antibiotics antibiotics administered directly into the vitreous gel fluid
phacoemulsification fragmentation of an existing lens in order to remove and replace it
ceruminolytic drug that aids in the breakdown of ear wax
ear lavage rinsing/washing of the external ear canal
ototoxic drug that damages the ear; causes deafness
HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
OD right eye
OS left eye
OU both eyes
PERRLA pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
IOP intraocular pressure
VA visual activity
VF visual field
ARMD age-related macular degeneration
IOL intraocular lens
LASIK laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
AD right ear
AS left ear
AU both ears
EENT eye, ears, nose, throat
ENT ear, nose, throat
TM tympanic membrane
AOM acute otitis media
OM otitis media
the endocrine system function maintain homeostasis
aden/o gland
adren/o adrenal gland
pituitar/o hypophsy/o pituitary gland
crin/o secrete
adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates the outer part of the adrenal gland
thyroid-stimulating hormone stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete the thyroid hormones, T3 and T4
luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone stimulate the gonads
insulin decreases blood sugar
glucagon increases blood sugar
mineralocorticoids maintain mineral balance
testosterone and estrogen mainly secreted by the gonads, but some secretion does occur from the adrenal cortex
euglycemia normal blood sugar
hyperglycemia higher than normal blood sugar
hypoglycemia lower than normal blood sugar
ketonuria a condition of ketones in the urine a sign of the body using fat as a primary source of energy
-tropin stimulating hormone
adrenal virilism development of male secondary sex characteristics (deep voice, facial hair) due to over-secretion of the adrenal gland
adrenarche onset of adrenal secretion (at puberty)
hirsutism excessive growth of facial and body hair in women
amenorrhea lack of menstruation
gynecomastia breast development in males
thelarche onset of breast development
menarche beginning of menstruation (first menstruation)
polydipsia excessive thirst
polyphagia excessive eating
polyuria excessive urine production
galactorrhea discharge of milk
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) corticotropin causes the adrenal cortex to release hormones
gonadotropin hormone that stimulates the gonads
thyrotropin hormone that stimulates the thyroid
gluconeogenesis formation of glucose from a noncarbohydrate source
glycemic index ranking of food based on the way it affects sugar levels in the blood
dysmetabolic syndrome faulty metabolism
adrenocortical insufficiency adrenal cortex underproduces its hormone(s)
adrenocorticohyperplasia overdevelopment of the cortex of the adrenal gland
congenital adrenal hyperplasia adrenal gland is overdeveloped; disease is related to a genetic condition
pancreatic pseudocyst abnormally expanded area in the pancreas resembling a cyst
pancreatolith stone in the pancreas
pancreatolithiasis condition which causes formation of stones in the pancreas
laparoscopic adrenalectomy removal of the adrenal gland via laparascopic surgery pancreatectomy – removal of the pancreas
continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion continuous injection of insulin into the blood from a pump inserted under the skin
thyroidotoxin substance poisonous to the thyroid gland
GH growth hormone
TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone (aka, thyrotropin)
T3 triiodothyronine (one of two primary hormones produced by the thyroid)
T4 thyroxine (one of two primary hormones produced by the thyroid)
BS blood sugar
CGM continuous glucose monitor
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
FBS fasting blood sugar
GTT glucose tolerance test
HgA1C hemoglobin A1C test (gives a history of blood sugar levels)
TFT thyroid function test
DI diabetes insipidus
DM diabetes melllitus
GDM gestational diabetes mellitus
HRT hormone replacement therapy
blood and lymphatic system provide valuable services and resources to the body
blood provides energy, carries signals, and removes signals
lymphatic system repairs injuries fights infections
types of cells found in the blood erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), thrombocytes (platelets)
proteins dissolved in the blood Immunoglobulins
thromb/o clot
phleb/o, ven/o vein
lymphatic system collects fluid from the body tissues, collected fluid flows into lymphatic vessels, and empties into veins
-penia deficiency
ecchymosis large bruise
hemophilia condition where blood does not clot, causing excessive bleeding
hemorrhage excessive blood loss
petechia small bruise
lymphadenopathy disease of the lymph gland (node); lymph nodes are visibly swollen; especially seen in the neck
lymphedema swelling caused by abnormal accumulation of lymph, usually in the extremities
shape of cells elliptocyte - red blood cell shaped as an ellipse (oval) spherocyte - circular-shaped red blood cell
lymphedema swelling is due to occluded lymphatic vessels
lymphangiogram record of the study of lymph vessels
erythrocytosis condition of too many erythrocytes
oligocythemia condition of too few erythrocytes (RBCs)
anisocytosis great inequality in the size of RBCs
normocyte normal-sized RBC
poikilocytosis condition of many shaped RBCs
embolism blockage in a blood vessel caused by an embolus
embolus mass of matter in the blood
thromboembolism condition of having a clot that traveled to another location
leukocytosis condition of a large number of white blood cells
leukopenia condition of too few white blood cells
phagocytosis process in which phagocytes (type of WBC) destroy foreign microorganisms or cell debris
hematopoiesis formation of blood cells
hemolysis premature destruction of RBCs
myelopoiesis formation of red bone marrow
reticulocyte immature RBC
asplenia no spleen or no spleen function
hepatosplenomegaly enlarged spleen and liver
splenectopy displaced spleen; i.e. floating spleen
splenolysis breakdown of splenic tissue
thymic hyperplasia overdevelopment of the thymus
perfusion circulation of blood through tissue
hematocrit determines the ratio of RBCs to the total blood volume
sphygmomanometer a device that measures blood pressure.
Too few RBCs anemia
Too few WBCs leukopenia; result is a reduced immune system (immune deficiency)
Too many WBCs leukemia (cancer)
Not clotting coagulopathy
Bacterial infection of the blood septicemia
Too much fat in the blood hyperlipidemia
Excess bilirubin in blood causes skin to appear yellow
Inflammation of the bone and bone marrow osteomyelitis
deep vein thrombosis formation of a clot within a deep vein; usually the leg
hypercoagulability condition in which blood has increased ability to clot
immunocompromised immune system incapable of responding normally and completely
autoimmune disease condition in which the body’s immune system attacks itself
phlebarteriectasia dilation of blood vessels (arteries and veins)
bilirubinemia condition of bilirubin (a byproduct of RBC breakdown) in the blood
splenorrhexis rupture of the spleen
myelodysplasia disease of poor production of blood cells by the bone marrow
red blood cell problems fix the cause if severe, transfusion
white blood cell problems chemotherapy for leukemia if severe, transfusion
platelets prevent clots, break clots, if severe, transfusion
treatment for lymphatic system disorders surgery to remove organs or lymph nodes.
thrombolytic breaks down an existing clot
lymphadenectomy removal of a lymph node
lymphadenotomy incision into a lymph node
apheresis process that draws out a person’s blood, removes something from it, and returns the blood back to the person
cytapheresis apheresis to remove cellular material
plasmapheresis apheresis to remove plasma
plateletpheresis apheresis to remove platelets
CBC complete blood cell count
HCT hematocrit (proportion of erythrocytes to other blood components (plasma and buffy coat))
Hgb hemoglobin
RBC red blood count
WBC white blood count
PLT platelet count
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate (indication of inflammation, but very general test)
INR international normalized ratio (indication of clotting ability; often used when a patient is on anticoagulant therapy)
PT prothrombin time (indication of clotting ability; often used when a patient is on anticoagulant therapy)
PTT partial thromboplastin time (used with PT to evaluate clotting abnormalities, if any)
ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia
AML acute myeloid leukemia
CML chronic myeloid leukemia
DIC disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
HUS hemolytic uremic syndrome (premature destruction of erythrocytes; erythrocytes damage kidney; may result in kidney failure)
ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (condition of easy bruising)
TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (rare blood disorder; formation of clots in small vessels of the body)
IV intravenous
IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin
BMT bone marrow transplant
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (disease that occurs as a result of being infected with HIV)
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
EBV Epstein-Barr virus (can lead to mononucleosis)
HSM hepatosplenomegaly
LAD lymphadenopathy
Created by: lilsan1800
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