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cardio/circ test rev

cardio/circulatory test review

which system carries blood & lymph thru out the body circulatory system
pertains to the whole body rather than 1 of its parts systemic
circulatory system transports O2,CO2 & NO2 false
which is not in blood bile
organs of the circulatory system heart,blood vessels,red bone marrow,spleen, lymphatic vessels & nodes
which is not true about the spleen formation of erythrocytes
constituents of blood include WBC's,RBC's,blood platelets,blood plasma
what is the ph of blood 7.35-7.45
platelets are round or oval disks
life span of RBC's is 120 days
which is not a WBC lactophils
which does not contain red bone marrow patella
mature RBC's contain no nucleus
plasma is where iron molecules are located false
blood clotting mechanism in order platelets,fibrinogen,thrombin,fibrin
type A blood can receive blood from which types A & O
a permanent blood clot begins to form when 12 to 20 seconds
what do platelets release when cells are injured thromboplastin
what is the % of hemacrit in an adult male 42 - 50%
most numerous WBC's neutrophils
what % of all individuals have RH- blood 15 %
which blood type is the universal donor O
how much does the heart weigh 250 - 350 grams
the hearts lies where mediastinum suspended by the great vessels
what is the lower border of the heart called apex
the pericardium consists of how many parts 2
blood returns to the hearts and enters what left atrium
iron-containing pigment of blood is called hemoglobin
lies between the right atrium & right ventricle tricuspid
heart contains 3 flaps also called cusps
how many pulmonary veins return O2 blood from lungs to the left atrium 4
wall that divides the right/left ventricles is called the septum
total blood volume in an adult 5000-5500 cc's
process of clotting is known as coagulation
what supplies blood to the heart coronary artery
destruction of RBC's hemolysis
process of protecting body by eating up bacteria phagocytosis
which blood type is know as the universal receipent AB
normal range of WBC's 5000-10000 cubic mm
blood clot that attachs to the wall thrombus
what causes an elevation in WBC's bacterial infection
where are neutrophils,eosinsphils & basophils formed red bone marrow
what is the normal hemoglobin count in a female 12-16 grams
what is not contained in blood bile
where does the left atrium receive oxygenated blood from pulmonary veins
clotting is prevented by the production of heparin
the heart has 2 sets of motor nerve supply inhibitor & excitatory
what carries blood towards the heart veins
what carries blood away from the heart arteries
what are the 4 blood types A,B,AB,& O
sac that covers the heart pericardium
each pulmonary vein has a separate opening to what left atrium
which group of blood vessels remove O2 & add CO2 pulmonary arteries & veins
liquid part of blood plasma
what arteries supply the myocardium w/blood right & left coronary arteries
excessive amt of fluid in the heart is pericardial effusion
apex of the heart rests where diaphragm
what is the largest artery aorta
right ventricle goes where pulmonary trunk
what is another name for the mitral valve bicuspid valve
circulation of blood thru the heart superior/inferior vena cava
circulation of blood thru the heart right atrium
circulation of blood thru the heart tricuspid valve
circulation of blood thru the heart right ventricle
circulation of blood thru the heart pulmonary semilunar valve
circulation of blood thru the heart pulmonary artery
circulation of blood thru the heart lungs
circulation of blood thru the heart pulmonary vein
circulation of blood thru the heart left atrium
circulation of blood thru the heart mitrial valve
circulation of blood thru the heart left ventricle
circulation of blood thru the heart aortic valve
circulation of blood thru the heart aorta
Created by: clmcnees
Popular Medical sets




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