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Chapter 8

Anisocystosis Condition characterized by a great inequality in size of red blood cells
Elliptocyte Oval red blood cells
Embolism Blockage in a blood vessel caused by an embolus
Embolus Mass of matter present in the blood
Erythrocyte Red blood cell
Erythrocystosis Abnormal increase in number of red blood cells
Hematopiesis Formation of blood cells
Hemolysis Breakdown of blood cells
Leukocyte White blood cells
Leukocytosis Increase in the number of white blood cells
Leukopenia Deficiency in white blood cells
Macrocytosis Condition characterized by large red blood cells
Microcytosis Condition characterized by small red blood cells
Myelopiesis Formation of bone marrow
Neutropenia Deficiency in neutrophil
Normocyte Normal sized red blood cell
Oligocythemia Deficiency in the number of red blood cells
Pancytopenia Deficiency in number of red blood cells
Phagocytosis Process in which white blood cells eat foreign microorganisms or cell debris
Poikilocystosis Condition characterized by red blood cells in variety of sapes
Polycythemia Excess of red blood cells
Reticulocyte Immature red blood cell
Spherocyte Red blood cell that assumes a spherical shape
Thrombocyte Cell that helps blood clot (platelets)
Thrombocytopenia Deficiency in number of platelets
Thrombocytosis Increase in number of platelets
Thromoembolism Blockage of a vessel caused by a clot that has broken off from were it formed
Thrombogenic Capable of producing a blood clot
Thrombosis Formation of a blood clot
Thrombus Blood clot
Asplenia Absence of a spleen or of spleen function
Hepatosplenomegaly Enlargement of liver and spleen
Lymphocyte Lymph cell
Lymphopenia Abnormal deficiency in lymph
Splenectopy Displacement of the spleen (floating spleen)
Splenolysis Breakdown of spleen tissue
Splenomalacia Softening of the spleen
Splenomegaly Enlargement of the spleen
Splenoptosis Downward displacement of the spleen
Thymic Hyperplasia Overdevelopment of the thymus
Professional Terms
Hematocrit Test to judge or seperate the blood; used to determine the ratio of red blood cells to total blood volume
Hematology Iron-containing pigment in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the cells
Hypoperfusion Inadequate flow of blood
Immunoglobulin Protein that provide protection against disease
Immunologist Specialist in the study of the immune system
Lymphangiogram Record of the study of lymph vessels
Lymphangiography Procedure to study the lymph vessels
Perfusion Circulation of blood through tissue
Phlebology Study of veins
Phlebotomy Incision into a vein (drawing blood)
Sphygmomanometer Fancy name for the device used to measure blood pressure
Public Health
Antibody Substance produced by the body i response to an antigen
Antigen Substance that causes the body to produce antibodies
Immunology Study of the immune system
Created by: JenHope
Popular Medical sets




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