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Chapter 9
Term | Definition |
Heart | |
Angiocarditis | Inflammation of the heart vessels |
Atrial Fibrillation | Quivering or spontaneous contraction of muscle fibers in the hearts atrium |
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) | Flaw in the septum that divides the two atria of the heart |
Cardiac Arrest | Cessation of functional circulation |
Cardiomyopathy | Disease of the heart muscle |
Congestive Cardiomyopathy | Heart cavity is unable to pump all the blood out of itself and becomes stretched, which causes weak/slow pumping of the bood |
Dilated Cardiomyopathy | Another term for congestive myopathy |
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy | Heart muscle becomes enlarged and blocks blood flow |
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy | Heart muscle hardens, restricting the expansion of the heart, thus limiting the amount of blood it can pump to the rest of the body |
Carditis | Inflammation of the heart |
Congenital Heart Defect | Flaw in the structure of the heart at birth |
Congestive Heart Failure | Heart failure characterized by the heart cavity being unable to pump all the blood out of itself |
Coronary Thrombosis | Obstruction of a coronary artery by a clot |
Endocarditis | Inflammation of the tissue lining the inside of the heart |
Myocardial Infarction | Death of heart muscle tissue |
Myocardial Ischemia | Blockage of blood to the heart muscle |
Myocarditis | Inflammation of the heart muscle |
Pericardial Effusion | Fluid pouring out into the tissue around the heart |
Pericarditis | Inflammation of the tissue around the heart |
Valvulitis | Inflammation of the heart valve |
Ventricular Septal Defect | Flaw in the septum that divides the two ventricle of the heart |
Circulation | |
Aneurysm | Bulge in a blood vessel |
Angioma | Blood vessel tumor |
Aortic Aneurysm | Bulging or swelling of the aorta |
Aortic Regurgitation | Flow of blood backward from the aorta into the heart; caused by weak heart valve |
Aortitis | Inflammation of aorta |
Arteriopathy | Disease of arteries |
Arteritis | Inflammation of the arteries |
Deep Vin Thrombosis | Formation of a blood clot in a vein deep in the body, most commonly the leg |
Hypertension | High blood pressure |
Hypotension | Low blood pressure |
Normoension | Normal blood pressure |
Phlebitis | Inflammation of veins |
Phlebostenosis | Narrowing of veins |
Thrombophlebitis | Inflammation of vein caused by a clot |
Vasculitis | inflammation of blood vessels |