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Chapters 7+8

Patient Coaching and Nutrition and Health Promotion; Study Guide

What is the act of sticking to something? Adherence
What is considered health disease prevention? Teaching school age children about handwashing, Teens and Adult on how to prevent STIs and the risks of using cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and e-cigs. And all age groups about respiratory/cough etiquette. And coaching all patients about vaccines
What is considered health maintenance coaching? Breast and testicular self exams, skin self exams, and the ABCDE rule and oral cancer exams
How to coach to help increase compliance or adherence with the treatment plan? Instruct patients on home care and follow up as ordered by the physician. Research has shown that coaching can help patients understand information from the visit. It can ensure the patient understands how they need to proceed, and addresses any concerns
What is the health brief model? a person perception of their chance of developing disease, their perception of the severity of the disease, and whether the person will take preventative measures
What is the psychomotor domain? The 'doing' domain. Learning mew skills and procedures by watching demonstrations and assisting with something. Some barriers to learning would be tremors or paralysis and sensory limitations.
MA's adapt coaching to the patient, and what must be considered? The MA must consider barriers to learning, and cultural differences
Diseasep Prevention coaching is? Teaching about hygiene, drug and tobacco use, and vaccines
Colon Cancer screening starts at what age? The American Cancer Society recommends regular screening starting at 45. Other organizations recommend 50.
What is the Guaiac Fecal Occult Blood test? A fecal specimen exam to detect hidden blood, which may indicate gastrointestinal bleeding
Cologuard stool DNA test? used to detect blood in the stool. Computer analysis looks at the DNA on the stool, checking for cancer and precancerous cells
How to coach a patient on a MRI? Provide an overview of the test and why its being done. may require being NPO for 4-6 hours. must identify if patient is claustrophobic. Must screen for heart valves,brain anuerysm clips, pacemaker or defibrillator
What is a pap test and cervical cancer? A pap test is used to find cervical cancer. Should be done from age 21-29 every 3 years. 30-65 is every 3 years or if having a HPV test, every 5 years. Cervical Cancer is a malignent tumor on the cervix
What teaching strategies are used for affective domain? Address any barriers, instruct the patient and family member and written home instructions should be given
How to coach a 65 year old patient> communicate with dignity and respect. Use simpler language and speak clearly. Allow time for them to respond
What to do when working with a patient with impaired vision? Consider the impact of color contrast. Use bold markers for handwritten information. Provide large print directions or brochures. Use adaptive equipment. Encourage the patients to use their own magnifying aids
Know the ABCDE rule? Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter, Evolving
How to prevent STIs Abstinence, long-term mutual monogamy, reducing # of partners, use latex condoms, Avoid sharing underwear and towels, wash after intercourse, get vaccinated for HepB and HPV
What age do adults need annual Fall Risk? age 65 or older
Know the names of electronic cigarettes e-cigarettes, e-cigs, e-hookahs, mods, vape pens, tank systems, electronic nicotinie delivery systems or vapor cigarettes
How many dairy servings= 1 cup of milk cup of yogurt, soymilk, almond milk, or coconut milk. 1 1/2 oz natural cheese, 2 oz processed cheese
What is true regarding protein? 10%-35% of daily calories should come from protein. Proteins are broken down by amino acids and are considered the building blocks of life
What is true about proteins and amino acids? Amino acids are used to break proteins down into more amino acids. Amino acids can be used as a source of energy in the absense of carbohydrates
What nutrient has 9 Kcal/g? Fat
What does not contain fiber? meat, chicken, turkey, fish, and dairy products. Seafood and beverages also do not have fiber
What is Fiber? Fiber cannot be digested and does not increase blood glucose levels. It helps a person feel full and helps with weight management and constipation
What are carbs? Carbohydrates are used for energy and to regulate protein and fat metabolism. It encompasses a broad range of simple sigars, starches, and fiber
What is Insulin? a hormone produced by the beta cells in the pancreas; moves glucose into the cells so it can be used for energy
What is glycogen? Glucose stored in the liver and muscles. The body uses it in between meals and strenuous exercise
What process breaks down molecules into smaller molecules? Catabolism
What process does the body use to obtain or make energy from food eaten? Metabolism
What are Triglycerides? A type of lipid (fat) in the body made in the liver from unused calories. Stored in fat cells, used for energy, and the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients. They also contain essential fatty acids
What is cholesterol? a type of waxy fat like lipid substance used to make hormones, vitamin D, bile acids, and cell membranes. Created in the liver and found in animal based foods.
What are minerals? naturally ocurring inorganic substances
What is Vitamin C? an antioxidant that promotes healthy gums and teeth, helps absorb iron, maintains healthy tissue and promotes wound healing.
What is water? the basis for fluids in the body. Makes up more than 2/3s of the bodys weight.
What is a clear liquid diet? a diet made up of foods and beverages that are liquid at room temperature.
What is true about weight control diets? a person must find a balance between the number of calories eaten and the number of calories burned. A person trying to lose weight should commit to a healthy lifestyle change, tracks food and beverages consumed, and do phsyical exercise
What condition requires monitoring the calorie intake and portion sizes? Obesity
What is the Glycemic Index? a numeric index used to indicate how much a carbohydrate food raises the blood glucose level
What is a Low Sodium Diet? a diet usually referred by a dietition to avoid high-sodium foods
What is a Gluten Free Diet? usually prescribed for people with Celiac disease. A diet full of foods with absolutely no gluten in it. It doesn't fix the disease but it helps sooth the symptoms
What changes might a person have who is undergoing cancer treatment? appetite changes, diarrhea, constipation, fatique, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, weight gain or loss. They should eat a soft and bland diet of 6-8 small meals a day that are high in calories and protein. Drinks should be consumed in small sips during meal
What is the process of smaller molecules being used to build larger molecules called? Anabolism
What mineral helps with healthy teeth and bone? Calcium
What mineral is used for hemoglobin and found in red blood cells? Iron
What foods should pregnant women avoid? Raw fish, or fish high in mercury
What are Omega-3 fatty acids? a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish and some nuts and seeds
A cross reaction of allergies found in pollens, raw foods, and tree nuts? Pollen-Food Syndrome
Created by: Wayne.Destiny
Popular Medical sets




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