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AAPC- all chapters

Important Guidelines/notes (most missed)

When pt presents for outpatient surgery and develops complication requiring admission for observation: 1st code ____ for surgery then complications. reason
Outpatient surgery: 1st code reason for surgery even if ____ d/t contraindication. cancelled
"Rule out," "Probable," "Suspected": not reported, instead code ____. symptoms
Wellness (general) Exam: if doctor finds abnormalities, code for exam with abnormal findings then code ______ findings. abnormal
Screenings for surgery clearance: code 1st the _____ for preprocedural exams, then ____ for surgery as additional, then the findings of the _____. encounter, reason, screening
If consultation is initiated by pt or family member don't report ____ code. E/M
When oral or rectal contrast given: don't report ____ code with contrast. radiology
CPT Category I: ____ codes. CPT Category III: emerging ______. main, technology
HCPCS codes: products, _____, services. supplies
CPT Category II codes: tracking codes for ____ measurement. performace
Pregnant: 5th character for _____. Ex: 046.90 (0 for unspecified), 046.92 (2nd trimester). trimester
Medicare pt: HCPCS level II code rather than _____ code, when code exists in both. CPT
B20: AIDS. If pt with HIV has an unrelated condition such as traumatic injury, the unrelated condition is _____ diagnosis. primary
J44.1: COPD with _____ exacerbation. acute
7th character extensions for fractures: A-initial, B- _____, D- Subsequent for fracture with routine healing. G- subsequent for fracture with _____ healing. K- Subsequent fracture with non union. P- subsequent fracture with malunion. S- _____. open, delayed, sequela
Sequela: first ______ of sequela coded, then sequela code. condition
MI: if STEMI converts to NSTEMI with thrombolytic therapy, it's _____ coded as STEMI. still
I&D: simple, complicated/multiple. Simple: just ____ skin surface. Complicated: multiple abcesses, ____ placement, extensive packing or extensive wound ____. below, drain, closure
Debridement: multiple wounds: add the ____ of wounds with same depth. When code says "part there of" the size doesn't have to be the ____ amount listed. size, full
Lesion excision: all excised lesions include simple ____. repair
Lesion excision: if an intermediate or extensive closure needed then closure code reported _____. separately
Lesion excision: When tissue transfer done ____ report the adjacent tissue transfer code. If adhesive strips only used ____ report repair code. only, don't
Wounds repair: multiple- add together the _____ of those in the same classification and anatomical sites grouped together in same code descriptor. lengths
Mass/tumor removal: depth of removal and ____ of mass needed for coding. size
Trigger point injections: how many ____ got injections, not how many injections. muscles
Vertebroplasty: area of injection (lumbar, etc) and how may _____ injected needed to code this. vertebra
Lung biopsy: codes not reported by ____ of biopsies done in the lobes. number
Modifier 50 and 51: _____ reported with add-on codes. never
Sinus endoscopy: includes sinusotomy and diagnostic _____. endoscopy
VATS: enoscopic ____ in chest with video. Always includes a ______ VATS. camera, diagnostic
CABG: know what ____ of graft and how many. Also how graft was _____. type, harvested
Central Venous access device: need to know if _____, non-tunneled, ____ of pt, with port or pump, or w/o port or pump. tunneled, age
Endovascular revascularization: report 1 code when more than 1 ____ of therapy is used in a vessel. type
Inferior vena cava filter: was device inserted, repositioned or _____? removed
Laproscopic procedures: no _____. excision
A surgical colonoscopy: includes a _____ or screening colonoscopy. diagnostic
Polyp (s): "S" in parenthesis means no matter how many polyps or lesions, tumors removed per same technique only ____ code reported. 1
Removal of bladder tumor: codes only reported once reguardless of how ____ removed. If 3 different size tumors- choose the code with _____ tumor removed. tumors, largest
Circumcision: codes based on age of pt and _____ type. procedure
Routine obsteric are including antepartum care, c-section delivery and postpartum care (code 59510) only report ____ because one incision and obstetrician did delivery and the care. once
ASC: ambulatory _____ center. surgery
Celiac Artery: is a ______ artery. visceral
Drug class and drug testing: 80305-80307 reported once no matter how many ____ done or results on one given day of service. tests
Modifier 91: for _____ lab tests. repeat
Inpatient neonatal and pediactric critical care: when pt improves and transferred to lower level the transferring individual doesn't report per ____ but a subsequent or time based code reported. day
If main reason for visit is to have the flu vaccine and that's all that's _____, you don't report E/M code- only report _____ and administration code. provided, vaccine
ICD-10: If reason for visit is soley chemo the chemo diagnosis code listed ____, followed by the code for the malignancy needing chemo. first
When using a code from a category that indicates “in diseases classified elsewhere,” it is necessary to code first the _____ condition (underlying condition) causing the anemia. chronic
When the reason for the admission/encounter is management of the neoplasm and the pain associated with the neoplasm is also documented, _____ code may be assigned as an additional diagnosis. pain
when a patient is admitted for the insertion of a neurostimulator for pain control, assign the appropriate pain code as the ____ listed diagnosis. first
Ulcers: code first any associated underlying condition or ____, then code for the ulcer. gangrene
Pregnancy: code from Z3A for weeks of gestation. Last ____ characters indicate weeks. Ex: Z3A.08- 8 weeks gestation. ____ weeks only. Ex: pt 38 weeks and 6 days- report 38 weeks. 2, full
Pregnancy trimesters: First- conception to 12 weeks, Second- 13-_____ weeks. Third- 28-______ weeks. 27, 40
Internal and external burns: code first the circumstances of _____. admission
ICD-10: If more than 2 events cause injuries, an external cause code should be assigned for _____ cause. each
Pressure Ulcers: 6th character for ____, these are 1-4 and 6 for unstageable. stage
HCPCS level II: created by CMS to report supplies, materials, _____ and certain procedures and services that may not be in CPT book. injections
Global package: modifier 54- _____ care only and modifier 55- post-op management only. Ex: Opthalmologist does surgery and reports 54 and then pt sees Optometrist for post-op care would report 55. Both reported _____. surgical, together
CPT "separate procedure" usually a component of a larger procedure, should only be reported separately when it is performed ____or when it's unrelated to the primary service. alone
CPT: sequencing based off of RBRVS- Resource based _____ value scale. relative
3 day rule: outpatient diagnostic services for Med A pts provided within 3 days are _____ and not billed separately. included
Modifier 25: significant and separately identifiable E/M service on the same day as a _____ or other services. procedure
Patient admitted for HIV related condition: the _____ diagnosis should always be B20- HIV disease followed by related conditions. primary
HIV in pregnancy admitted for HIV related illness: code O98.7- HIV complicating pregnancy should be ____diagnosis followed by B20. primary
Sepsis: code for the ______ systemic infection. If the type of infection is not specified, code for unspecified organism. underlying
Malignancy and Admission for treatment of anemia only: the code for _____ coded first followed by the anemia code. Malignancy
Created by: mlovest
Popular Medical sets




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