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Chapter 9+10

Surgical Supplies and Procedures; Study Guide

The instrument tip has a groove or hook to under sutures? Suture Scissors
The recommended method to clean sharp instruments? Clean all instruments one at a time. Open all hinges and scrub serrations and ratchets with a soft scrub brush. Rinse all instruments with hot water. Follow facility policy for how to dry.
How should instruments be handled after surgery is complete? Place disposable equipment and supplies in a biohazrd waste container or sharps container. Used nondisposable instruments must be sanitized, disinfected, and resterilized for future use.
What are the smallest suture strand diameters? 6-0; 5-0; 4-0; 3-0; 2-0; 0
Surgical instruments generally are classified according to use. What is not a classification for instruments: Cutting, Probing & Dilating, Grasping, or Restabilizing? restablizing
What solution is used to preserve excised tissue for specimens? 10% Formalin
Does research indicate that cholorhexidine topical(Hibidens), trispetin, gluconate products (Triseptic Hibidens) and providone-iodine(Betadine) are safe and effection antiseptics? T or F True
Does research show the use of an alcohol-based hand rub is not as effective as an extensive surgical scrub done before sterile gloves are applied to limit bacterial contamination of the hands during a surgical procedure? Y or N No, a alcohol based hand rub is as effective as surgical scrub
What is used as a diluent for medications? Sterile Water, both multi-dose and single use
This instrument has valves that can be spread to facilitate viewing? Specula
This instrument has a fine tip for retrieval of foreign objects? Splinter Forceps
These instruments have very sharp hooks? Shroeder Uterine Vulsellum Forceps, toweol clamps
The jaws of this instrument are shorter and look stronger than hemostat jaws? needle holder
Which are the longest hemostat forceps? Kelly Forceps
What is surgical asepsis? the complete destruction of all microorganisms
What is the autoclave process? steam is contained within a chamber and is under 15psi. When steam enters the autoclave it both heats and wets the object. When the chamber has cooled, the steam condenses and explodes the microorganisms.
What are Allis Tissue Forceps and Toothed Tissue Forceps? Allis tissue forceps are available in different lengths and jaw widths. it is used to grab tissue, muscle, or skin. Toothed tissue forceps are made in 4-18 inch lengths. It has a pincher grip, and is used to grasp tissue, muscle, or skin around the wound
Which are the strongest non absorbable sutures? Polyester Fibers; Dacron and Prolene
Instrument that removes polyps, secretions, and bits of placental tissue? Uterine Curette
Which forceps are used to grasp tissue and are used in suturing? Hemostatic forceps
The recommended temperature for sterilization in an autoclave is? 121 C to 123 C/ 250 F to 255 F
Reducing the number of microorganisms to a safe level is called? Sanitization
Venipunctures or injections must be preformed using which protocol? Surgical Asepsis Techniques
Which instrument would be damaged by the high temperature and steam under pressure of autoclaves and must be disinifected after each procedure? Endoscope
LEEP excisional procedure is considered which of the surgeries? Electrosurgery
Which of the following aseptic procedures is preformed on blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes after each use? Disinfection
Which of the follow may cause imcomplete autoclave sterilization? improper sanitization, packaging, packaging material, loading and timing and temperature
What is informed consent for surgery? The patient must understand what procedure will be performed, why it should be done, the potential risks and benefits, any alternative treatments, risks and benefits of alternative treatments, and they must be of sound mind
Endoscopes that are rigid? Laparoscope and Hysteroscope
Post operative conditions that should be reported to the office immediately? redness around the operative site, blood from the wound, fever, swelling. and increasing/severe pain
Passes through the body organ or cavity? Perforated wound
A wound where the skin is broken, exposing the underlying tissue is? An open wound
A wound that is usually the result of some type of blunt trauma to the body? Closed wound
A wound with jagged irregular edges? Lacerated Wound
Wound that is superficial and is made by a scraping of the skin? Abrasion
In which phase of wound healing is collagen? Phase IV; remodeling
Which phase of wound healing focuses on destroying bacteria and removing debris? Phase II; Imflammatory`
Which phase of wound healing is referred to as proliferation? Phase III
Bandage materials that are superior for covering round narrow surfaces such as fingers or toes? Seamless tubular gauze bandage with/without elastic
What type of bandage is perferred over plain roller gauze? wrinkled-crepe type
Bandage that needs consistent spacing and tension to ensure even pressure? plain elastic cloth bandages
Each instrument should always be locked before it is emmersed in the chemical discontaminent so the entire surface can be cleansed? T or F False
What kind of suture material is nonabsorbent and strong and has a high degree of elasticity? Nylon
Proper preparation of the surgical site removes all organisms from the area. T nor F False
What is used to lock an instrument into position? Ratchets
No harm is done if a sterile field gets wet. T or F False
When using sterilizing bags, insert the grasping end of the instrument first. T or F False
Should a patient be told to notify the provider immediately if they develop a fever, swelling or increasing pain? Y or N Yes
Created by: Wayne.Destiny
Popular Medical sets




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