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Med term Ch 4-12

Med term

TermRelieves joint pain
OA Osteoarthritis
EMG Electromyogram
RICE Rest, ice, compression, elevation
WBAT Weight baring as tolerated
Effusion Fluid build-up or swelling
Pyarthrosis Pus in the joint
Atrophy Underdevelopment
Myolysis Muscle inflammation
Myocele Hernia of a muscle
Dactylitis Finger inflammation
Sarcoma Cancer
Antipyretic Reduces fever
-gram Record
ACL Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Hypotaxia Reduced movement
Encephalocele Hernia of the brain
Sten/o Narrowing
Asthenia Weakness
Phot/o Light
Ataxia Absence of movement
Agnosia Lack of knowledge
Esthesi/o Feeling of sensation
Gnosi/o Knowledge
Somn/o, somn/i, hypn/o Sleep
Ganglion Bundle of nerves
Nueropathy Nerve disease
Macrocephally Big head
Lobotomy Incision of a lobe
Phasia Speech
Menines Protective mambranes
-otoxic Drug that is damaging to the ear
Lacrimal Tear duct
Acous/o, Audi/o Sound, hearing
OS (Ocular sinister) left eye
OD (Ocular dexter) right eye
Enucleation Removal of an eye
-opia, -opsia Vision condition
Blephar/o Eyelid
Phac/o, phak/o Lense
Aur/o, ot/o Ear
Ceramic/o Ear wax
Tympan/o, myring/o Ear drum
Iridokinesis Movement of the iris
Conjunctiva Invisible membrane that lines the eyelids
Cycl/o Ciliary body
Glucorticoid Steroid with glucose attached
Adrenarche Onset of adrenal secretion in puberty
Amenorrhea Lack of menstration
Thelarche Onset of breast development
Menarche Beginning of menstration
-emia Blood
Crin/o To secrete
Cortic/o Outer surface or cortex
Thromb/0 Clot
Gynecomastia Breast development in men
Acromegaly Abnormal growth of extremities
Polyuria Excessive urine production
-tropin Stimulating hormone
Pituitar/o, hypophsy/o Pituitary gland
-tropic Stimulating hormone
CBC complete blood count
INR International normalized rate or ratio
HCT hematocrit
HGB hemoglobin
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia
elliptocyte oval shaped cell
spherocyte sphere shaped cell
splenomegaly enlarged spleen
erythrocyte condition of red blood cells
erythrocytosis condition of too many erythrocytes
HUS hemolytic uremic syndrome
ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin
petechia small bruise
MVP mitral valve prolapse
TEE Transesophageal echocardiogram
PCI percutaneous coronary intervention
epicardium tissue outside of the heart
myocardium middle layer of tissue of the heart
pericardium tissue around the heart
cardiomegaly enlarged heart
sonography using ultrasound waves to view the heart
ASD atrial septal defect
Angiosclerosis hardening of an artery
pectoralgia pain in the chest
angina pectoris chest pain due to irregular flow to the heart
vasculitis inflammation of a blood vessel
vasodilator medication that expands or relaxes blood vessels.
angioplasty surgical reconstruction of a vessel
adenoid masses of tissue located high on posterior wall of the pharynx
laryng/o larynx (voice box)
pharyng/o throat
trache/o trachea (wind pipe)
hypoxia low oxygen
eupnea normal breathing
hypoxemia condition of low oxygen in the blood
spir/o, pnea breathing
apnea breathing
dyspnea difficulty breathing
hemoptysis coughing up blood
ABG atrial blood gas
CPAP continuous positive pressure
DOE dyspnea on exertion
Bx biopsy
hepat/o, hepatic/o liver
doch/o duct
dyspepsia bad digestion
cholecystalgia gull bladder pain
odontoclases breaking of a tooth
biligenesis formation of bile
sial/o saliva
cyst/o bladder
or/o, stomat/o mouth
gloss/o, lingu/o tongue
abdomin/o, celi/o, lapar/o abdomen
gastropexy surgical fixation of the stomach
enter/o intestine
ile/o ilium
stomatosis inflammation of the mouth
nephr/o kidney
pyel/o renal pelvis
lithotripsy crushing of stones
vesiculotomy creation of an opening into the bladder
urethrastenosis restriction in the urethra
cele hernia
meat/o opening
balan/o penis
orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o, test/o, testicul/o testicle
aspermia lack of sperm
oliguria low urine output
polyuria excessive urine output
nephralgia kidney pain
nocturia night time urination
hematuria blood in the urine
Created by: Ambdec4527
Popular Medical sets




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