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Directional Terms

Med Term Root Words

angi(o) Angi means blood vessel. Angi(o) is its combining form. For example, angiography is a technique for producing images of the insides of blood vessels.
arteri(o) Arteri means artery. Arteri(o) is its combining form. For example, arteriosclerosis is a hardening of the arteries.
arthr(o) Arthr means joint. Arthr(o) is its combining form. For example, arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints.
audi(o) Audi means sound or to hear. Audi(o) is its combining form. For example, an audiologist is a doctor who specializes in hearing
bio Bio means life. For example, a biologist studies life and living things.
bronch(i)(o) Bronchi means the air passages of the lungs. Bronch(i)(o) is its combining form. For example, bronchitis is an inflammation of the air passages of the lungs.
carcin(o) Carcin means an abnormal growth or tumor. It can also mean an open sore on or in the body, called an ulcer. Carcin(o) is its combining form. For example, a carcinoma is a type of cancer, or disease resulting from abnormal cells multiplying uncontrollably
cardi(o) Cardi means heart. Cardi(o) is its combining form. For example, cardiomyopathy is a disease or deterioration of the muscle tissue of the heart.
crine Crine means secrete or release. For example, endocrinology is the study of how organs in the body secrete or release chemicals throughout the body.
cyt(o) Cyt means cell. Cyt(o) is its combining form. For example, cytology is the study of cells. Cells are the most basic units of life.
derm(a)(t)(o) Derm means skin. Derm(a)(t)(o) is its combining form. For example, dermatologists are medical doctors who specialize in the health of the skin.
Electr Electr means electricity. For example, electrocardiography is the measurement of electrical impulses in the heart.
encephal(o) Encephal means brain. Encephal(o) is its combining form. For example, encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain.
gastr(o) Gastr means stomach. Gastr(o) is its combining form. For example, a gastric bypass is a type of weight-loss surgery in which the stomach is divided into smaller sections.
glyc(o) Glyc means sugar, also known as glucose. Glyc(o) is its combining form. For example, hypoglycemia refers to low levels of glucose in the blood.
hemat(o) Hemat means blood. Hemat(o) is its combining form. For example, hematology is the study of blood and blood disorders
hepat(o) Hepat means the liver. Hepat(o) is its combining form. For example, hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver.
hist(o) Hist means tissue. Tissues are collections of cells. Hist(o) is its combining form. For example, histology is the study of tissues.
lymph(o) Lymph means a colorless fluid containing white blood cells that drains into the bloodstream. Lymph(o) is its combining form. For example, lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes and lymph cells.
my(o) My means muscle. My(o) is its combining form. For example, myopathy is a disease of the muscle tissue
neur(o) Neur means nervous system, which is the entire nerve apparatus of the body. Neur(o) is its combining form. For example, neurology is the study of the nervous system.
onc(o) Onc means tumor. Onc(o) is its combining form. For example, oncologists study tumors and cancer.
opthalm(o) Ophthalm means eye. Opthalm(o) is its combining form. For example, ophthalmologist refers to a medical professional who studies eyes and sight.
oste(o) Oste means bone. Oste(o) is its combining form. For example, osteoporosis is the thinning and loss of bone over time.
path(o) Path means disease. Path(o) is its combining form. For example, pathology is the study of disease.
pharmac(o) Pharmac means drug or medication. Pharmac(o) is its combining form. For example, pharmacology is the study of drugs and medication.
phleb(o) Phleb means veins. Phleb(o) is its combining form. For example, phlebotomists are healthcare professionals who draw blood from veins.
physi(o) Physi means nature, origin, or function. Physi(o) is its combining form. For example, physiology is the study of the function of living organisms.
pulmon(o) Pulmon means lungs. Pulmon(o) is its combining form. For example, pulmonary embolism is a blockage in an artery leading to the lung.
thoraci(c) Thoraci means chest. Thoraci(c) is its combining form. For example, thoracic means relating to the chest.
Created by: Vaishnavi.
Popular Medical sets




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