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Surgical Terms

med term - surgical Terms and tools, treatments, symptoms, and pathology vocab

-centesis a surgical puncture to aspirate or remove fluid
aspirate to remove a fluid by vacuum suction
-ectomy a surgical procedure involving an excision, or cutting out
excision a surgical procedure of removal or cutting out
-lysis the process of loosening, freeing, or destroying
-pexy the surgical fixation (fastening in a fixed position)
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhaphy suture (uniting a wound with stitches)
-stasis stopping, controlling
-therapy treatment
pharmac(o), pharmaceut(i) drugs or medicine
therapeut(o) treatment
algesi(o) sensitivity to pain
chem(o) chemical
cry(o) cold
narc(o) stupor
therm(o) heat
-algia pain
-dynia pain
-ectasia, -ectasis dilatation, or the stretching of a body structure
-edema swelling
-itis inflammation
-emesis to vomit, or vomiting
esthesi(o) feeling or sensation
-malacia soft, softening
-megaly enlargement
-oid resembling
-penia deficiency
-rrhage, -rrhagia excessive bleeding or hemorrhage
-rrhea flow or discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-spasm involuntary contraction, twitching, or cramp
pathology the study of disease and the way it affects the functions of the body
disease a condition that affects the normal functioning of the body; in some cases known as a disorder
symptom the effects of a disease that a person feels, such as aches and pains
communicable disease a disease that is contagious
non-communicable disease a disease that is not contagious
pathologist a doctor who studies diseases and causes of death
geneticist someone who studies how traits and genes are passed down
oncologist a doctor who specializes in treating cancer
psychiatrist a doctor who specializes in treating emotional and behavioral issues
immunologist a doctor who studies how well the body can fight against diseases and infections
surgery the treatment or investigation of disease through cutting or manipulation of the body
surgeon a physician who specializes in surgery
-scope a surgical instrument used for viewing and in diagnostic procedures
-ectomy a surgical procedure involving an excision, or cutting out
-tome instrument used for cutting
-stomy forming an opening or joining two previously unconnected organs
-tomy incision, or cutting into tissue
-tripsy intentional surgical crushing of a part of the body
Created by: Vaishnavi.
Popular Medical sets




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